
Sunshine...Part 3

Sunshine…Part Three.

I don’t know how long I’m in the darkness but I’m not really all there either…the drugs…I know their drugs are keeping me under…and I sleep deep but it’s ever deeper than the sleep I remember that real sleep was.

I do remember the cold!

Cold unlike anything I can ever describe and it was not just outside of me, but seeping inside of me too.

This wasn’t drugged blackness but a hell I have never known.

Somewhere Else Entirely -59-

The time has come for all those gathered at Castle Dekarran to make their various ways home, and for Garia that means other partings... which hit her harder than she expects. With the departure of the royal party it is also time to put her own plans into effect, but a face from the past causes an unexpected surprise.

Somewhere Else Entirely

by Penny Lane

59 - Parting of the ways

Belle of the ball 4

"I can't believe I'm... Ohh forget it!"

Yes I'm sitting in a doctor's office filled with people, some of who I know from school, that seem to enjoy my predicament. Okay the boys are just looking at me funny while the girls are half smiling half sneering at me. Getting a date after all this is gonna be an exercise in pain.

Belle of the ball 3

"I can't believe I'm doing this!"

How many 15 year old boys accompany their moms shopping for new bras for him to wear since he is gonna be wearing them for a bit again. Mom is getting a bit too enthusiastic about it though. She is now picking out lacy bra and panty sets.


"Oh just look at this one Belle it will look so cute on you don't you think."


"Oh and this one would look just great under a nice dress and make you feel just sexy.

What Happened After... (a.k.a. "The Noise")

What I later found out had happened that New Year would be something one would think suicidal on the world, at least I and others who know about it would. The Chinese government thought setting off a nuke right on the New Madrid fault line would do the job nicely in the United States, shattering any metropolis in the ensuing earthquake and the riots that then followed.

Somewhere Else Entirely -58-

Taranna's death is not the only shock Garia gets when she returns to the castle as they realize she has inadvertantly exposed their plans to discovery. Confined to quarters she faces a scramble to adjust to the changed circumstances. Later, Garia uses her entire musical knowledge attempting to play a dajan, and the following morning causes problems when she visits the bereaved pair.

Somewhere Else Entirely

by Penny Lane

58 - The Best Laid Plans

What a good boy...Chapter 13

What a good boy…Chapter 13

Chapter 13

I walk to class with Gwen and Sophie and she’s so looking at me. Gwen does this side shift and then I’m walking between these two hot girls. Sophie’s looking at me as we head in from the halls to the cafeteria and Sophie’s getting us coffee’s while Gwen is getting some fresh cookies. The caf makes cookies in the morning and sells them all day but they’re best when they’re done in the morning.

Mistaken Girl chapter 6

hmmm whaa... let me sle....

Ouch that's my hair you witch!

I don't care if you think I should write..

Great I'll pack you a peanut butter and jelly sandwich for your trip. Bye!

Somewhere Else Entirely -57-

Preparations continue for Garia's disappearing act, with her stand-in proving an apt pupil. The finger of suspicion for her attempted abduction seems to point ever more firmly towards Yod, and security measures are tightened. Even so, there is a visit which must be made, to the Guildmaster of the miners, a person difficult to please. Can Garia find a way to gain his co-operation?

Somewhere Else Entirely

by Penny Lane

57 - Meetings and Arrangements

My Super Secret Life...Potentials-9 The Start.

Potential-9 The Start.

Chapter 9


I run over to where Cody is and find him aways away pinned to a tree by a tree branch blood everywhere….

“Oh shit, oh shit of fuck…Cody…hang on Cody we’ll get help…” I’m looking for something anything…I don’t have a phone…shit!

I pull off my shirt it’ll help stop the bleeding….I have to try.

“Aaaargh!” Cody screams as he pushes himself off the branch…oh…dammit! He falls to the ground and I almost puke…blood wow there’s so much blood.

Skirting the issue.

Look I have chapters for a whole bunch of other stories I need to finish. I am sure none of the readers need yet another story from me started.

I don't care if you think its cool or not I am not doing it end of story.

Yeah right that'll be the ....

You Had Me At 'Girly Lamp'

What happens when the lamp you buy isn't the one you intend to buy?

A story inspired by a sketch with the annotation "girly lamp."

A friend of mine wrote this, he normally doesn't write TG stories, but upon reading this I knew it needed to be shared. It is definitely written tongue in cheek and don't let any of the tags turn you away from this story.

It's Dorothy's fault...again.

Dorothy and I were once again chatting when a turn of phrase got my muse going.. Well this being Bigcloset and well you know...

We have the Technology.
We can rebuild him.

Ladies and Gentlemen of the press. I welcome you to our new facilty for the rebuilding of victims of accidents.

Today I am going to show you our first victim. Steve Ashton was a pilot who suffered a major crash. Over 20% of his body was burned from the fuel igniting. His arm and both legs were crushed and severed. His pelvis was also crushed at the same time.

Miss Perfect Part 1

Miss Perfect Part One
The Serial: Part One
By Stanman63
Melanie Ezell's Big Closet Ultimate Writer's Challenge
Thanks To Melanie Ezell's Big Closet Ultimate Writer's Challenge For Inspiration
SynopsisI am now the girl that I am a girl .I always wanted to be

Marked Target - Chapter 11

Marked Target
~ Chapter Eleven ~

Danielle Krieger
(c) 2011

Lawrence "Lex" McKinley lives about as average a life as one can with metahumans popping up everywhere. Well, as normal as someone who spends their free time as an MMA fighter really can. He's about to get the shock of his life--the punch he never saw coming.

In this installment: Lex enjoys a fateful reunion with someone from her past and must confront all the ramifications of it. Agent Helligan and a lawyer help iron out the details. A long awaited heart-to-heart finally occurs. Lex shows her mettle to those who would doubt her.


Hereditary Traits

Growing Pains

Growing Pains
A KittyHawk Tail
by Saless

Arachne finds herself in a new world in more ways than one. But her friend helps her to grow into her new role and get used to her strange circumstances. Then Cat leaves her, secretly, in charge of the island just as it begins to get a little more crowded...

What a good boy...Chapter 10

What a good boy…Chapter 10

Chapter 10

She’s quiet for a minute and keeps working, then she’ll stop, think then work some more.

“Well, I’ve only ever been with a guy before but I’ve been attracted to some girls too.”

Oh…that’s so…

“Like how attracted?”

She looks at me and grins. “Depending on the girl and her personality, very?”

“So you’d?”

“Yeah, I would. I think I would at least. I mean there’s not a lot she’d do to me that I haven’t done to myself and there’s that knowing as a girl what another girl likes and stuff too.”

“And guys?”

Forced To Be A Girl

Accidental Mother

Accidental Mother
By Stanman63
Thanks To JennaFL For Proofing And Nora Adrienne for editing
Synopsis: After the accident that turned Adrien Renee Calhoun into a girl, she married her best friend Ryan Foster, not expecting the Blessing of Motherhood.

Somewhere Else Entirely -54-

Life in Dekarran for Garia initially consists, as might be expected, of demonstrations, councils and conferences. She begins to adapt to the routine of daily life in the castle. One new experience is to take in the view from the top of the King's Tower... During this event a simple touch causes her to question what it is to be a woman.

Somewhere Else Entirely

by Penny Lane

54 - View from the top

Schoolgirl Mixup - Mom

I should note I didn't really want to post another chapter and may or may not continue this story as I really want to work on my other stories. However my muse seems to have other ideas.

Then again so do some people reading this story.

Hunger Pangs Part 9 of 9

Hunger Pangs - Part 9 of 9

By Daniela A. Wolfe

Archie was an orphan who never suspected that there was anything out of the ordinary about himself. After bedding a beautiful stranger, he soon finds a strange hunger has awaken within him and learns he is anything but ordinary.

Curse the Protagonist

Curse the Protagonist

"Cold. So...very....cold."

"Oh come on Jim, you could've used a less cliché dieing line."

"Dude!" John nudged his unorthodox friend, "Show a little respect, he's just been hit by a freaking lightning bolt!"

"Oh please," Kyle laughed, "Jim's the main protagonist, he won't die."

"Ummm dude." The fourth member of the group, Gary, interrupted. "The story's just started."

"What?" Kyle turned around in confusion.

"The story's just started meaning there's been no character development yet and thus there is no protagonist."

Schoolgirl Mixup

"Where do you think you’re going dressed like that young lady?" My grandmother asked me. I was poised outside of her house door dressed like most boys my age for school at the Smithsonian Private School. White short-sleeve dress shirt, school tie, blue pants that matched the darker blue blazer, dark socks in black dress shoes. I was caught poised with one foot in the air. I didn't have my new pink schoolbag either with the Hello Kitty on it.

The Journey is the Destination 33

The Journey is the Destination
Chapter 33

By poetheather

Alas... all good things come to an end and as Ranma deals with the fallout of the decisions she realizes something she had never thought before.

Author's Note: Ranma 1/2 is owned by Takahashi Rumiko and they have no connection to this what so ever. These characters are used without their permission and include a plea not to be sued as I have no money.

Nil - Nil

Nil - Nil

The Euros are on so here's a little football/soccer themed story to mark the occasion.

*the Euros is a football/soccer tournament for those that don't know

Synopsis: Ashley has been offered the chance to play soccer in America and with his old high-school buddy acting as his crumby agent what could possibly go wrong?

Notes: This is just a silly idea that I came up with as I went along. It sort of changes style at the end but hey-ho it's nice for one of my stories to actually have a happy ending for once.

There are also a few jokes aimed at American/British differences that may or may not be lost on some of you.

Hunger Pangs Part 8 of 9

Hunger Pangs - Part 8 of 9

By Daniela A. Wolfe

Archie was an orphan who never suspected that there was anything out of the ordinary about himself. After bedding a beautiful stranger, he soon finds a strange hunger has awaken within him and learns he is anything but ordinary.

Somewhere Else Entirely -53-

Garia rides up to enter the immense pile of stone which guards the confluence of the Sirrel and the Palar. She settles in and meets Gilbanar's nobles of which group she is now a member. The evening banquet and subsequent dance has predictable results but an offer of help is made. Later, Jenet makes an unexpected request.

Somewhere Else Entirely

by Penny Lane

53 - Castle Dekarran

Like Mother Like Sister 02

Chapter 2

Synopsis: Nancy, aka Darren, checks out of the hospital and begins to have some second doubts about her decision to become a middle-aged woman.

Hunger Pangs Part 7 of 9

Hunger Pangs - Part 7 of 9

By Daniela A. Wolfe

Archie was an orphan who never suspected that there was anything out of the ordinary about himself. After bedding a beautiful stranger, he soon finds a strange hunger has awaken within him and learns he is anything but ordinary.


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