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The last crossdresser in the world

The sound of a car driving away, caused by a smile on Jack's face.
e waited another 10 minutes to be safe. The treasure chest was hidden behind the drawer.
A plaid skirt, a low-cut blouse, tights, panties, a bra and mary-jane shoes.
A beautiful set, created over a year.
It fits Jack perfectly. Everything fits well. He looks like a regular girl.
Excitement when he sneaks out of the house dressed like that. I've never forgotten it.
The thrill of being caught or laughed at.
Now it's all over. He can only change secretly at home.

The Many Faces of Adira Potter 10

Letters from Heaven

Letters from Heaven

By Jennifer Sue

The doctor checked Jimmy during his morning rounds. “Doc, I’d like to thank you for all you’ve done for me. Please tell the staff thanks for me too,” the brave boy spoke in a breathy gasping voice. Then he turned and smiled at his ever attentive mother. “Mom, I’ve fought this cancer but I know I can’t beat it. This will be my last morning and I want to die on my own terms. I don’t want to be hooked up to machines. All that will do is make my pain and yours continue. Doc, I’d like you to witness mom signing DNR paperwork for me, now, before it’s too late. Also Mom, I want to donate my body to the medical university where student doctors can see what the cancer has done to my body. It might help in finding a cure for others. Mom, those are my last wishes, please sign the donation paperwork.”

In tears Sally at first refused but seeing that Jimmy was so serious, she sadly acquiesced, signing the paperwork so that when his heart stopped, his epic war would be over and no attempts to revive him would be made and his body given for research. The grieving mother had no choice but to agree to her dying son’s adamant demands.

“Thanks, mom,” he smiled wanly. Exhausted by the exertion, Jimmy closed his eyes for a nap. Sally knew she had to stay strong for her dying son and stifled her anguish to sit by his bed holding his hand.

Cosplay Adventure – Part 3

I desperately wanted to tell Sarah what had happened but didn’t want to do it by text, so it would have to wait till I got home. As it was, Jenny was texting me about it, asking what I did, how he tasted and more importantly, how big his penis was.

Well, I didn’t measure it but I knew it was bigger than mine, but I’ve always known mine wasn’t that big, it sorted of fitted with my overall size. John’s was bigger. I did wonder how he really felt about it, but seeing that he asked me out on the way back to work, I guess he was OK with it.

The Return of Nevermore part 6

The Return of Nevermore part 6

In the Legacy Universe, there are very few villains who are as feared as Baron Nevermore. Now Nevermore has returned with a group of powerful allies, and the heroes will have to work together if they are to stand any chance of saving the world from this evil.

Requiem for a hero.

“Crying in a spacesuit is… ill advised…”

“Fuck you.”

I suppose that was the start of a eulogy, incongruous as it was.

He was right though. At least we weren’t in microgravity so the tears traced a sluggish path down my cheeks and into the collar of my coolsuit instead of becoming little floating globules of nastiness.

The sun burned down upon us, casting every pebble and microcrater into sharp relief as the regolith crunched under our feet. The sky was the black of space, even the stars washed out by the fierce furnace which lit our way.

Cosplay Adventure – Part 2

The next day after a shower I put my makeup on and found a pair of leggings that Jane had left behind. I went downstairs and Sarah was in the kitchen eating some cereal. She looked at me and said, “Ok, I need to teach you daytime makeup.” She had a point.

Cosplay Adventure -- Part 1

It was just another Monday at the office, and I’d popped out for a cigarette. Sarah was there, she works on a different floor to me, but we’re smoking buddies, so I went over to chat. Sarah is drop dead gorgeous, and she told me about the new cosplay she was making. Like me she’s a geek, although I’ve only ever worn fancy dress for parties.

Her and Jane, her housemate, had been making Sucker Punch costumes for the London Comic Con. I couldn’t get tickets to go with them, although without a costume I may have looked out of place walking around with them.

Marley for the Win Part 2

Marley For the Win Part 2

Lisa and Ann both stepped back and looked at Marley then looked at each other. They had never really thought about it but with his longer hair it wouldn’t be that big of a stretch for him to look like a girl. He was 13, but his body hadn’t really changed from puberty, even his voice hadn’t changed.

“It’s the clothes,” his sister said, “That black jersey isn’t going to work, we’re going to have to change it.” Lisa nodded and crossed her arms, then looked into the back of the van.

“I guess it’s still in there,” Lisa said.


The ripping snarl of a jaguar in full hunt shredded the concealment of darkness.

Below me the three men paused for a moment, their erections beginning to wilt from fear.

“What the fuck was that?” One of them half-yelled as he tried to pull his pants back up.

“That was the sound of your doom!”

I can’t help it, as I see them begin to scramble for escape I laugh, a sound of shattering glass.
“I warned you, all of you…”

By now the three men are scrambling past me and I let them go… sport for later…

For acting like a Boy

Dennis thought by messing up his dress clothes, he'd get to stay home and play with friends... He insisted that he was not sweet and nice... Mom didn't get too angry so he thought he won... Unfortunately, every time he acted up she crushed his bad boy spirit a little more. Until he began to like what he saw.

The Chrysalis Project Book 5: Steel Dove Book 2

Trying to live 4

"Are you serious!? Thats crazy are you gonna tell her?" Annabelle said surprised "No Im not gonna fucking tell her wheres the spontanity in that?" She shook her head "Bubba the last thing you need is to be more damn spontanious, when are you going?" More than anything I wanted to say right the fuck now this second but I couldnt. There was too many loose ends that needed tightening before I could go.

Crush Alternate U

Ever watch something you can see perfectly start moving so fast it disappears? Yeah, well propellers on airplanes and machinery does that. What is speed? Is our world balanced on speed, vibrations, harmonics, gravity and many other equations? I told John my story and he didn't believe me so I'm sharing it with you. Of course you won't believe me either.

Mercy Chapter 8

Mercy Chapter 8

Faith said, “Talia, please go get help.”

“On it.” Talia said, and started inching away.

Trying to keep the man from noticing Talia, Faith launched herself into the air, and confronted him.

“Are you the one responsible for this chaos? Did you send that poor creature to kill me?”

“That poor creature is a hell hound. And he wasn’t going to kill you, just hurt you - a lot.”


“Because you have something that belongs to me, and I want it.”

Julina of Blackstone - 063 - The Journey May Be Over ...

Just because she is off Trumpa doesn't mean Julina's day is over

Julina of Blackstone
Her Chronicles, Book 2

by Julia Phillips

063 – The Journey May Be Over ...

The Crush: A Timely Change

A Timely Change.jpgThe Crush: A Timely Change
Timber Grove: Story #25
by TGTrinity

Randall finally gets the chance to meet a person that means the world to him, only their visit leaves him heartbroken. It will take a little time, and maybe some magic, to mend Randall's broken heart and maybe allow him the happiness he has longed for.

Author's Note: This is an entry in "The Crush Mini-Contest" and I thought I'd try and make a touching story out of the oddest pairing I could think of. I hope that y'all enjoy it!


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