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Recovering From Trauma Chapter 11 Sun LadyDragon623
Mates 67 Sun Cyclist
Gaby Book 27 ~ Smell of the Crowd ~ Chapter *30* Sun Maddy Bell
Eidolon Nexus: The Shattered Realm: Chapter 25 Sat LightBringer
The Girl with a Curl. Chapter 7 of 7 Sat Marianne G
The Rise of a New Empire Chapter 11 Sat Su Shi
Space Queen Chapter 16 Sat Su Shi
Easy As Falling Off A Bike pt 3474 Sat Angharad
The Dagger of Heaven At The End Of Time - Ch. 19 Sat SammyC
Ethertravelers 04.1: Centaur World, Part 1/3 Sat samquick
Pete's Vagina -64- Shift Sat Erin Halfelven
Clark Kent goes to Hogwarts Fri KateElizabethSuhr13
Kaden and Christy Were Close 2 Thu Jessica C
The Seamstress and Her Moth Part 8 Thu Flyingmonkey
A Cold Fey in Hell 2: chapter 29 Thu Amethyst
Altered: Chapter 29 Thu Amethyst
Southern Sunlight -6 Thu Natasa Jacobs
Demon Queened - Chapter 65 - Dinner and a Show Wed princesskay
Imp 9: An Imp-eriled Heart part 3 Wed Morpheus
What It Takes To Survive - Chapter 1 Wed cemma2035
The Faerie Blade: Chapter 42 Mon Amethyst
Kern - 7 - Scar Tissue Mon Emma Anne Tate
JAMIESTORY Sun Natasa Jacobs
Gaby Book 27 ~ Smell of the Crowd ~ Chapter *29* Sun Maddy Bell
Don't Forget The Glitter Part-1 Sat Enemyoffun
Josette's Story: The Prequel to "The Dark of the Moon" Sat Christopher Leeson
Magic Shoppe - Romp Sat magicshoppe
GunPrincessRoyale - Bk3 - Ch15 Sat simkin452
Memories Part 6 Fri LadyDragon623
The Coven Chapter 2 Fri Su Shi
Stuck in the Middle -80 Fri Natasa Jacobs
Dragon's Fire Chapter 13 Fri Su Shi
Payback's a Bitch - 3 of 3(ish) - Follow through Fri Maeryn
S T O R Y    T E A S E R S

Recovering From Trauma Chapter 11



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Beverly looks at her wife’s x-rays to see how bad the damage was. She couldn’t believe the damage to the body armor when she saw it. Whoever squeezed her wife’s leg, had some strength to them.

Wendy watches her wife as she looks at the x-ray of her leg. The nurse had given her a shot for the pain.

“Well, how bad is it?”

“I’m going to need to rebuild your femur, sweetie. Whoever you fought, broke your upper leg and the pieces are digging into the muscles and tendons.” Beverly puts the X-ray down and looks at her wife.

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This story is 105 words long.



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A Short Story
By Maryanne Peters

People used to laugh when I said that I played competitive underwater hockey. They thought I was joking, like there was no such thing. But there are hundreds of clubs in North America and regional competitions as well. There are regional teams that play off for a state title and even international teams that compete against other nations.

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This story is 65 words long.

Mates 67


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Life took a turn for the bloody busy after that evening. We were both working full time, of course, and there were our combination recreation and social sessions at music nights and at the climbing wall, but there was so much else to deal with. Australia has a very relaxed approach to marriage, in its own way, barring a few slightly irksome formalities. We could indeed marry just about anywhere, but that choice had been sneakily covered by Murdo. We could always say no, of course, but given what he was offering to us a refusal would have been more than rude.

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This story is 103 words long.

Gaby Book 27 ~ Smell of the Crowd ~ Chapter *30*


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Book 27
Smell of the Crowd

by Maddy Bell
Copyright© 2022 Madeline Bell

Life has some certainties, birth and death of course, but the rest is a mix of Minestrone and Spaghetti, some of which we have no direct influence over. We can however decide whether we want Parmesan or other seasoning, we can give Gnochi a try, doesn't mean we'll like it but at least we'll know. Gaby has reached just such a point in her life, she knows she likes Pizza, she's not averse to Spaghetti or Lasagne but is Gnochi for her? The Gnochi in this case is doing the singing with BlauHase on a more serious level, as a 'hobby' its fine but could this be a change of career? Well you don't find out without trying so that's just what our heroine is about to find out in this, the 27th book of the Gaby saga.


*Chapter 30*
And now, the Mainz Attraction

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This story is 156 words long.

Hired Girl by Joyce Melton on Kindle


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Harold needed a job so bad, he could taste it...


Too small and pretty to be hired as a boy, Harold turns to his sister who has a plan to help him find employment.

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This story is 34 words long.

A Friend in Need is a Friend in Deed -- Chp. 4 Much to do about Something

I got to know Doug so quickly in fact that it felt like I knew him my whole life. Nothing seemed out of bounds, except my dark secret. And even there Doug got to know me better than I know myself. The real me.

A Friend in Need is a Friend in Deed


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This story is 55 words long.

A Friend in Need is a Friend in Deed -- Chp. 3 Becoming an Indentured Servant

I got to know Doug so quickly in fact that it felt like I knew him my whole life. Nothing seemed out of bounds, except my dark secret. And even there Doug got to know me better than I know myself. The real me.

A Friend in Need is a Friend in Deed


Copyright © 2017 by AuP reviner

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This story is 59 words long.

Emma's Story: School Days: Chapter 3

Emma’s Story: School Days: Chapter 3
Samantha Jenkins

Zoo Trip and a prelude to a surprise...

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This story is 16 words long.

Alexa B-Side: #15 - The Big Date


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Alexa B-Side: #15 - The Big Date

“Hello, Katie? Hi, it’s Dan Quinn. How are you?” a nervous young man said into the phone.

“Hey, what’s up?” a confused Katie Fahey replies. Why is Alexa’s brother calling her she wonders?

“You know it was good talking to you the other day. I forgot how, um, nice you were.” Danny continues, trying to be as nonchalant as possible but completely failing in his own mind.

“It was good talking to you too Dan. Did you need something or did you call to talk about Alexa?” The confusion setting in deeper.

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This story is 101 words long.

Tarja 13


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Weekend in France

Weekend in France

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This story is 3 words long.

Robbie's Revelation Chapter 15

Continuation of Robbie's story, as friends, family, and maybe even fate
continue him on his path of discovering who he, or she, really is.

Robbie’s Revelation
Chapter 15

By Rebecca Jane
Copyright© 2017 Rebecca Jane
All Rights Reserved.

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This story is 37 words long.

Journeys West - Chapter 2 - The Saga is Set in Motion


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This is a story that is set in the Old West and in the present day. It starts out slowly, but it speaks to the fact that transgenderism is not something new but has existed for a long time.

- Marina Kelly and Monica Rose
Proof-read by Qmodo

Chapter 2 - The Saga is Set in Motion

Trying to figure out what was going on was going to give her a headache. She had not thought that she believed in ghosts, but that might be the only way to explain where the girl had gone. There was no way she could have run away without being seen.

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This story is 106 words long.

Walking in Becky's Shoes - Chapter 12 final


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Walking in Becky’s Shoes – Chapter 12
Final Chapter
By Julie Dawn Cole
So mum has already made her decision that is positive for me and might make things easier in the coming months. As far as she is concerned I’m accepted as Becky Hennessey, the sister of Rebecca and her second daughter when I’m in girl mode and Ashton Cole in boy mode. She wanted me to adopt her family name rather than cause confusion with my sister Rebecca Elizabeth Cole.

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This story is 83 words long.

Blue Nails Chapter 1

----------=BigCloset Retro Classic!=----------

Mark would do anything for his girlfriend
Sarah, but he never realized that the
running prank that Sarah and her sister
would pull on him by painting his nails
blue when he fell asleep would
lead to a whole new way of life!


Blue Nails

by Emmie Dee

Copyright © 2000, 2010 by Emmie Dee
All Rights Reserved.

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This story is 60 words long.

Stephanie, part 13

“So, tell us about your new app!” Colin- the show’s host- asks the four of us as we sit on the studio’s sofa in our expensive clothes.

“Well,” Becca replies, “it’s basically a ‘hub’ for all things Out of Heaven-related! On it you can find links to all our videos, our personal blogs and Instagram pages.”

“There are also features that are exclusive to the app,” Kayla explains. “Special behind-the-scenes footage from our tours and our recording sessions, exclusive competitions you can enter, games…”

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This story is 87 words long.

The Curse 2: The Cursening, Chapter 1: In Which We Begin

The Curse 2: The Cursening

Chapter 1: In Which We Begin

So, if you read my stories (and I assume there are at least two of you out there who do), you've probably read The Curse of Womanhood, which was a pretty big deal for 10 minutes at a time back when I was posting it. Now, if you read my stories on TG Storytime (where I do most of my posting), you'll know there's a sequel to The Curse of Womanhood that's been around awhile over there.

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This story is 85 words long.

Easy As Falling Off a Bike pt 3113


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The Daily Dormouse.
(aka Bike, est. 2007)
Part 3113
by Angharad

Copyright© 2017 Angharad


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This story is 11 words long.

Princess and the Plague: Erika's next Chapter 12


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Princess and the Plague:
Erika's next Chapter

by Anistasia Allread

Erika went through her closet for the third time. “Mom, I really don’t have anything to wear.”

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This story is 28 words long.

Gaby Book 14 ~ The Girl ~ Chapter *19* Come Again?


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 get the complete book here! {Or here (US)}
*Chapter 19*

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This story is 9 words long.

The Final Frontier

The Final Frontier

Part 1

I sat on the worn, wooden, park bench staring up into the sky. A gentle breeze brought scents from fresh-cut grass and roses from the field and garden nearby.

"It's you, isn't it? You're Sam Shepherd." Shaken from my thoughts, I nodded the affirmative at the little boy whose mother stood protectively nearby. "You’re flying up there tomorrow?" The boy pointed towards the sun.

"Yes. Maybe one day you'll be an astronaut as well?"

"Not me. I'm going to change the world!"

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This story is 87 words long.

All the World's a Stage Chapter 41


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All the World's a Stage

A novel by Bronwen Welsh

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This story is 10 words long.



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unnamed_21 (1).jpg Reassignment

By Joannebarbarella

The story takes place in an alternate timeline


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This story is 11 words long.

Designer Children Chapter 30

Ashley/Madison's ward is revealed. Meanwhile, Christmas comes to Twin Falls and with it, the entire Patterson/Feinstein family, including Emma and Sophia. With the combination of the shiny plastic that Christmas morning will bring and the constant desire to untether her imagination with her cousins, surrender to the serum may be inevitable.

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This story is 53 words long.

Easy As Falling Off a Bike pt 3112


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The Daily Dormouse.
(aka Bike, est. 2007)
Part 3112
by Angharad

Copyright© 2017 Angharad


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This story is 11 words long.

I Will Always Be There For You

----------=BigCloset Retro Classic!=----------

Two lonely people find each other,
and discover that true love lasts longer
than they ever knew it could.

I Will Always
Be There For You

by Wendy Jean

Copyright © 2012 by Wendy Jean
All Rights Reserved.

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This story is 41 words long.

Magic of the Kingdom Book 2: Chapter 1

MotK 2.png

A month has passed, and Sarah's been enjoying life as Silvermist in the park, but can she handle life as a celebrity TV actress? She still gets nervous meeting "real" celebrities! And how will HRT affect her ability to play the role?

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This story is 42 words long.

Learning To Speak To The Wind Part 1

Learning To Speak To The Wind
Part 1
Warm Hearted

Edited By

Even though my friends and coworkers tried to talk me out of it, I was attempting to mark off a major item on my bucket list. I was on a four-day hike of the Appalachian Mountain Trail. The weather was perfect. Being early fall in North Carolina it was a little brisk but the nights were still comfortable on the lower elevations of the hike I was taking.

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This story is 81 words long.

Sunday Morning Pantyhose Part 20


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Sunday Morning Pantyhose XX
Tracy Davis

This is a true story of how my Mom feminized me as a teenager. She had caught me wearing her pantyhose the summer before seventh grade. I got the surprise of my life the first Sunday of junior high, when she started encouraging me to wear them, and then it was all downhill from there. -- Tracy

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This story is 64 words long.

Mercy Chapter 17

Mercy Chapter 17

Author's note. As I must for each chapter, it seems, I must apologize for the delay, and how short it is. Comments and kudos appreciated.

As difficult as it was to get comfortable with a cast, eventually Faith fell asleep. When she woke, Mrs. Carson was there.

“Hey sweetie, how you feeling?” Mrs. Carson said, smiling.

“Okay, I guess.” Faith answered.

“Good. Now, how much should I chew you out for peeking into another student’s mind, especially without their permission?”

“What? Oh ... “

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This story is 85 words long.

Hero Prince(ss) Chapter 2


This is a story of a time that could've been a long time ago, but not of this world. It is a tale of a prince and a hero. A tale of a hero who fought with all his might and lost so much, yet also gained so much. A tale that will make you laugh (hopefully), cry (maybe) or unsure if you should laugh or cry. Though it must be said, that this is not a typical fairytale.

How could you have known that someone you worshipped as a hero actually hated being a hero?

Hero Prince(ss) Chapter 2
When the hero is not what you'd expect.

By Shiina Ai

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This story is 111 words long.



I like to walk to work on the days that aren’t too hot or humid. Virginia Beach weather can be very unpredictable with the exception that from May through October, everyone knows it will be both hot and humid. Today was one of those rare exceptions to the September weather pattern. It was seventy-five degrees and the humidity had dropped low enough to not guarantee the need for a shower by the time I got into work.

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This story is 79 words long.

Left at Eden - Chapter 15

Left at Eden

Rebecca had pulled Candy out of the lab area and gathered her team, “I know you’re all worried about the new Furren, but we have a mission to get back to, if you think you’re ready?”

“The new shipboard lab is ready, with more than enough samples to keep me busy for a month at least,” Wendy nodded. She was excited, like a kid in a candy store. Even the school’s state-of-the-art lab had nothing on what the Science guild had given her and Brie to work with “As a bonus I can help Brie with her analyses as well.”

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This story is 103 words long.

A world without me : Chapter 5 : Realization


A world without me

Jake finally figures out what Linda had been doing to his body, and comes up with a solution that he thinks will make everything okay again.


Copyright© 2016-2017 Anna Hurley (BrokenFox)
All Rights Reserved.


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This story is 39 words long.

Witchy Woman

Witchy Woman

Written by Nuuan

Patrick shook his head as looked at the cards in his hand, he felt like the cards were against him and he couldn’t get a break tonight. To his left his friend Stan tossed his cards into the middle of the table.

“It’s getting late, Gonna try to get home before the wife decides to make me sleep on the couch,” Stan chuckled.

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This story is 70 words long.


More DopplerPress

Peace Bringer 3&4 by Maggie Finson from DopplerPress


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Just in time for Halloween! The saga is complete!


In a war between demons and the undead, must you choose the lesser evil?

Peace Bringer
Parts 1&2
by Maggie Finson
Buy on Kindle

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This story is 33 words long.

The Station's Late Nite Princess


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The Station's
Late Nite


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This story is 5 words long.

Brainjacked! by Melanie Brown on Kindle

Some experiments are supposed to fail..


The "Too Successful" Experiment

by Melanie Brown

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This story is 14 words long.

Tales from the Irish by Drea DiMaggio on Kindle


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Four stories, three bonnie lasses, connected through time and spirit -- by blood, and something more.

Tales from the Irish
by Drea DiMaggio
Now on Kindle

Join Drea DiMaggio as she explores faith, faithfulness, and love in this collection of some of her best works.

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This story is 45 words long.
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