Kim was at my shoulder as I caught up with Charlie, and all the younger girl said was that she needed to get out of the building. I helped her down the steps, spotting Paul and Paula standing with the blonde copper under one of the trees to the left of the entrance. Charlie saw where I was looking and nodded, and we got to the next tree just as she broke down completely. Kim and I wrapping her up as she sobbed. All I could do was hold her, soaking up her tears in my jacket, as Paula puffed away on a cigarette as if her life depended on it. A few minutes after our exit, Diane and Blake arrived, and as I looked over Charlie’s shoulder the woman’s face started to twist. Blake took her hand, then her waist, whispering something that brought a couple of sharp nods of agreement from her, and then they started towards us. A few seconds later, they were followed by the two other victims, the Nell Paul had spoken of, together with a woman called Jasmine. That second Nell held out a hand to Diane, clasping her other over the shake.
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