A Model for CC's Pt.4

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Chapter 4

Once in the relative privacy behind the curtain Stephanie addressed Victor in a hushed voice. “Now the best thing you can do for you and me is to just play along. Trust me, my stepmommy can make things so much worse.” She lisped badly as a warning, clearly afraid. She really wanted to help Victor, but telling him to be obedient was the best advice she could give. She simply didn’t know any better anymore.

“Yeah yeah, whatever just help into this outfit so we can get this over with will you?” Victor asked half annoyed. All he wanted was to be out here, hopefully with Mindy’s number and the 20k so he could fix the mess he had made. He didn’t really see Stephanie’s advice as helpful at all, he simply had other things on his mind.

First up was a cream coloured corset, reinforced with steel boning. It covered all the way from the top of his hips till over his nipples, obviously meant to be a corset and bra in one. The hard pre-shaped cups of the corset were decorated with a pink satin layer which glistened lightly, the outer edges running down to the middle of the corset ending in a point, creating a perfect heart shape where the cups formed the two rounded parts on top. The back was laced with a broad pink satin ribbon.

At first the corset didn’t feel all too bad, but as Stephanie laced it up higher and higher it was really starting to have a very constricting feeling. Uncomfortable restricting even as it got laced up until the very top. As bad as the girdle had been for that portfolio, this corset was way worse, even though Stephanie didn’t have the power to lace it very tightly. “Ah, loosen that a little will you? It’s uncomfortably tight.” Victor complained loudly as Stephanie was in the process of tying the ribbon off in a bow.

It had been loud enough for Linda to hear though and a few seconds later she joined Victor and Stephanie behind the curtain. “Just what ought to be the problem here? Oh I see, Stephanie how many times do I need to tell you, you are too weak to lace up a corset yourself. Here let me help.” Linda said untying the bow at the top and placing a knee against Victor’s back, pulling the ribbons extremely tight to the point where Victor feared she would snap him in half. What had been a starting belly before now got restricted to a rather slender waist. It was so tight that some of his fat got pushed up and down creating the illusion of breasts filling the cups and a bit of a bubble butt.

“I… I can’t breath, untie it.” Victor gasped in a breathless voice.

“Oh quit your whining princess, I know corsets and I know that it might be hard to breath or feel like you can’t. just take shallow breaths and you’ll be okay. Or are you trying to tell me that you can’t even take as much as prissy Victorian age ladies could?” Linda asked mockingly, tying off the excess ribbon in a big floppy bow between his shoulder blades, one he couldn’t reach himself with the stiff corset.

“Now Stephanie I think Victor here will need a lot of help with the rest of his outfit. He’ll be busy focusing on getting his breathing under control. Just think of it as playing with your dolls, this doll needs dressing up.” Linda mocked, further rubbing salt in the wounds before moving back off stage.

“See I told you, now please just go along and she shouldn’t bother us anymore.” Stephanie said with bad lisp as she got to work rolling a pair of sheer pink stockings with cream lace tops and a cream back seam up Victors legs, connecting them to that cream garters hanging off of the corset and clipping them in place with the pink heart shaped tabs.

Victor still remembered the strange erotic feeling of thin nylons from last time. This time however the intensity of the feeling had shot way up. They felt so much better, electrifying even on his now smooth waxed legs.

The last part of his lingerie was a pair of panties. They were made out of cream coloured satin with a pink lace heart stitched to the front where his cage sat behind. All edges were trimmed in pink lace as well and finally a pink lace border decorated the outer edges of the big heart shaped cut out where his exposed butthole was in the centre of. It was much easier for Stephanie to focus now that Victor was forced to focus on his breathing, having no room to protest or to struggled against what Stephanie was doing.

With the set of underwear completed it was now time for the outerwear and Stephanie instantly started with the main part that would make this outfit. It looked strange, kind of like a tube which was flared out at the underside. Victor couldn’t make much of it other than that it was some kind of skirt considering Stephanie started sliding it up his legs.

As she slid it further and further up his legs Victor was realising that this skirt would limit his mobility even more. Eventually it reached right up until the part of his waist that had been made the narrowest by the corset, settling there tightly against his body. it remained skin tight right until the bottom which sat at his ankles. The skirt was made out of a pink satin material, matching the soft pink in his lingerie. It was a material with barely any stretch to it, forcing and keeping his legs tightly together. The bottom trim of the skirt was a small circle around his ankles which only allowed him to move one foot right in front of the other in a fashion that would require concentration to walk in even if he stood flat.

While the inner layer of his skirt severely restricted any movement down to the ankles, the outer layer started flaring out big time starting at his mid-calf. The flared-out part was supported by a mass of cream coloured netting, making it flare out wider than his shoulders. Right at the back of the skirt where the flared out part started there was a big cream satin bow. Another feature of this skirt, one that Victor hadn’t seen just yet was the cream coloured heart shaped zipper framing his bottom. It could be used to take out the big heart shaped piece of fabric sitting in the middle out which would frame his stocking tops, the garters and his pantied bottom perfectly, granting direct access to his exposed butthole.

The blouse was made out of a cream coloured satin fabric looking quite normal at first sight until Stephanie started to put it on him. Strangely enough the blouse buttoned in the back and for some reason the sleeves were stuck to the main body of the blouse up until his elbows only allowing movement in his under arms and hands. The collar of the blouse fastened until right underneath his chin and was awfully stiff to the point of acting like a posture collar, preventing him from moving his head much at all. The collar was decorated by a big pink floppy bow sitting at the front right above a heart shaped cut out revealing his chest and the slight cleavage created by the corset.

Finishing the outfit a thin cream coloured belt with a pink heart shaped buckle was fastened around his waist and a pair of cream coloured five inch stiletto heels were slipped on his feet, the heel and sole were coloured a solid soft pink matching the rest of his outfit.

All dressed up there was little Victor could do. He would be stuck in this outfit until he got help getting out. His arms, his legs and even his head were pretty much immobilised. He wanted to scream that this outfit was too much, but he needed to conserve his breath. This outfit was too much though. It felt more like bondage than an actual outfit, bondage that was at the same time one of the girliest monstrosities he had ever seen. There was just no redeeming quality to this outfit whatsoever, at least not as far as Victor was concerned.

Victor was only barely fully dressed when Stephanie moved out of the way and cried out with her severe lisp. “Victor is fully dressed mommy!” She felt somewhat bad for doing this as she really pitied Victor, but there was no escaping it. If she waited any longer her stepmother would get suspicious and that would end bad for the both of them.

Without any warning signs the curtain right in front of him opened and the flashes of Mindy’s camera greeted him, catching his shocked deer in the headlights look perfectly. If anything Victor wanted to run, but in these very high heels that would be impossible, just standing was a chore in them. Even if he had somehow mastered those heels the skirt barely allowed any movement whatsoever so running was completely out of the question. Hell with this skirt even a pair of sneakers wouldn’t allow him to run;

Instead he just stood there, knees and ankles pressed together, elbows tucked at his sides, forearms sticking out to the side and looking straight ahead. It was the most comfortable pose this outfit allowed and one he could barely deviate from with all the restrictions. No one was holding him back and yet he was trapped. “Get me out of this thing!” He gasped loudly before having to focus on his breathing once more.

“Out? Oh no princess, I’m afraid we can’t do that. You’re only just in that outfit and we need enough pictures of all angles so that we have plenty to select from for the website. In fact why don’t you put a big smile on that face, like this is your favourite outfit cause we can’t put you up on the site all shocked. The better you cooperate the sooner you can get out of that outfit. You know the consequences of quitting. Besides if you do, nobody is going to help you out of this outfit so if you really want to quit then feel free to walk out.” Linda said with an amused smirk, knowing very well that he couldn’t.

Victor was shocked, but he couldn’t argue further, he simply didn’t have the breath with this overly tight corset. Besides right now he wasn’t only restrained by the terms of his contract which could land him in jail, he was also just physically restrained with no way to walk out even if he wanted. Hell by the time he got used to the heels and the tiny steps this dress would allow at most it would probably take all day to even get to the door. He didn’t even know if it was possible to make it down the steps at the side of the stage in this. Even if he managed there was no way he was going out in public dressed like this and there was no way he could get out of it himself. Left with no other option he forced a big smile on his face, hating that he had to give in to that stupid demand.

“Perfect, now turn to the side then turn around completely so we can get those angles as well.” Linda ordered at the foot of the stage. As far as instructions went this would be the easiest outfit to pose in he would wear all day, simply because only one pose was possible.

“I can’t!” Victor gasp shortly as far as his breath allowed it. Linda could clearly see some movement, but it was equally clear that he was very uneasy on his tall heels, not daring to move out of fear of falling. Not that she could blame him, falling would pretty much mean falling flat on his face as setting his hands would be a lost cause.

“Hmmm I see, looks like our princess would need a strong handsome prince to help her out and keep her from falling. Well sorry princess, but there are no handsome princes here. Don’t worry though, I’ll help you out.” Linda mocked loving it that he couldn’t really retort although she could see he was dying to curse at her.

With one swift motion Linda got up on stage and moved straight towards the helpless Victor. In his very high heels he was nearly as tall as she was. Nevertheless Linda remained very imposing. She moved up beside him and wrapped a strong arm around his corseted waist, turning him sideways making sure he wouldn’t fall.

Stepping back Linda allowed Mindy to snap the necessary pictures before stepping back up to him so she could turn him around. Victor was mortified, being so easily position by this hot yet hated woman. His choices basically were trying to follow her guidance as well as he could or fall.

After taking a few shots of his back Linda went to fetch a prop, a simple table which she placed in front of Victor and easily bend him over it. His terrible balance along with the lack of using his arms and the fact that he couldn’t bend his upper body due to the corset left him laying across the table on his stomach while his bottom remained high in the air yet unstable as his legs were forced to remain together. He was even more helpless than before as he couldn’t start to push himself up.

The embarrassment only got bigger as Linda then proceeded to unzip the heart at his bottom taking the piece of fabric out and framing his stocking tops and panties perfectly, the panties who in turn framed his butthole. The use of this feature was very obvious and yet Linda pulled out a dildo to make things even clearer without hesitation she pressed the tip against his exposed virgin butthole making Victor flinch.

“What the hell!” He cried out, but his flinching forced him to rely even heavier on the support of his body laying across the table. The only way to stay stable he realised to his horror was to have two hands holding his hips. He realised full well that if Linda wanted she could take his cherry right then and there. Surely that wasn’t in the contract right? Not that he could do much about it now.

“Relax princess, I’m not going to force this thing up that virgin butt of yours, it’s only there for illustration purposes, nothing more, nothing less.” Linda mocked keeping the dildo pressed against his butthole without exerting pressure on it as promised. Nevertheless this remained the most embarrassing moment of Victors life by far, especially with the camera flashes that kept going off.

Back at the end of the stage Mindy was having a very hard time of her own. This outfit was just precious and seeing the pose Linda had forced him in, leaving very little to the imagination was making her tuck rather uncomfortable. She licked her lips imagining she was behind him, only she wouldn’t be using that dildo.

Countless of pictures from all angles were taken, demonstrating just how perfectly helpless and easy to use this outfit made Victor. With him not having another option but to lay across the table until someone helped him up even his mouth was rather accessible it just needed a ring gag and it was ready to use. Having plenty of pictures Mindy gave the go sign that she was ready shooting this outfit and that they could move on to the next.

Smirking broadly Linda pulled the helpless Victor back up and closed the curtain once more. She took away the table and moved off stage, leaving Stephanie to undress and redress Victor. “That was the first outfit for today Princess, now just go with the flow and this shoot will be over in no time.” Linda said motivating Victor go through with this. Now that she had already made him model the worst outfit she hoped he wouldn’t rebel as much against the others.

Victor just groaned in response, waiting patiently for Stephanie to help him out of this horror of an outfit. His embarrassment remained at an all time high with how Linda hadn’t bothered to zip the heart shaped patch back into the skirt, keeping his butthole completely exposed throughout the long undressing process. Which ended with a sigh of relief once that horrible corset finally got untied and dropped to the floor leaving him with deep red indentations all over his torso.

“Please just be quiet while I get you into your next outfit. There’s a corset in it again, but if you don’t attract attention I can leave it more bearable.” Stephanie whispered nervously with her bad lisp as she took the corset from the next outfit after having neatly folded the previous outfit.

It took all Victor’s willpower not to lash out now that he could breath freely again. He knew it was in his own interest though. Sure he had regained his freedom to the point where he could rush to the employee lounge and grab his clothes, but at this point he had been through enough not to see this one through. He wouldn’t risk being unable to pay the damage claim and ending up in prison because he broke his contract. So if he wanted to see this through then Stephanie was right, he should just keep quiet for his own good, he didn’t want a repeat of Linda’s corset tightening after all. With a slight grumble he gave Stephanie a look to just get on with it.

Stephanie was relieved, there wasn’t much she could do to help, but at least she had just avoided further trouble for the both of them. The corset of this outfit was made of black satin underneath a layer of dark purple lace. Just like the last one it reached from the top of his hips till the hard pre shaped cups covering his nipples. When Stephanie laced it up with the bright hot pink satin ribbon it was still tight, but comfortable compared to how tight the last one had been.

At the bottom of the corset a pair of black satin garter straps hung over Victor’s thighs, ending in a purple skull shaped tab. With the corset in place a pair of opaque nylon stocking got rolled up his legs. They were stripped in black and dark purple with hot pink lace tops, quickly fastened to the tabs making it look like the skulls were biting down on the stocking tops.

The panties just like the corset were made up out of black statin. The top and leg holes were hemmed in dark purple lace and so was the hole in the centre where Stephanie pulled Victor’s cage through, the pink cage fitting in perfectly with the remainder of the outfit. Above the hole the words “Small Clitty Goth” were embroidered. These panties also had a hole lining up perfectly with Victor’s butthole, only this one was surrounded by a skull which had been embroidered on, the hole sitting in the mouth of the skull.

This was followed by a black net petticoat reaching till just above the stocking tops, then a dark purple one, then a hot pink one and a black one again. Layer after layer got added until the final hot pink petticoat stood out nearly horizontally.

Following the petticoats the dress followed. It was made up of black satin, hugging Victor’s body tightly. It had no sleeves and was buttoned up in the back. All buttons were hot pink bones except for the upper one which was shaped like a hot pink skull. The upper body part of the dress was covered in dark purple lace, much like the corset. The skirt on the other hand was solid black ending in a dark purple trim with hot pink satin bows adorning it all around.

To finish adorning Victor’s feet Stephanie helped him in a pair or black opaque nylon ankle socks with a wide hot pink lace frills trim and a pair shiny dark purple Mary-Jane style shoes with a three-inch platform sole and very high block heels.

As finishing touches the outfit had a pair of fingerless black lace gloves with a bright hot pink satin bow tying them off at the wrists. While the long nails made his hands look delicate these gloves only enhanced that, making them look dainty to the max. A dark purple satin choker collar trimmed in black lace with a hot pink skull dangling off the middle hid his Adam’s apple.

While objectively this outfit was better than the previous one being less pink and not as restrictive as far as movement went, it was hard to be less embarrassed. A big part might be black, but that didn’t take away from this outfit still being an over the top girly monstrosity. Even the slightest movement would make the awfully full skirt rise enough to flash his panties which were designed to draw further attention to the parts panties were generally designed to hide.

Victor’s makeup wasn’t quite as goth as the outfit, but the pink framed by his black curls fit the picture perfectly anyways. He might have always had a weak spot for the darker clothing styles like metal chicks and goth girls, but this was simply a complete and utter mockery. He couldn’t help but feel like a complete joke wearing it.

He was no where near ready to exposed like this in front of Mindy yet when Stephanie called out that they were ready he didn’t have much of a choice. The heels might be more stable than the last ones having a bigger surface to support him, and no overly tight skirt to restrict his leg movement helped as well. Yet with this being his first time in heels he didn’t dare to take a step afraid that he might fall over. He could probably risk small steps, but that wouldn’t get her anywhere near cover in time anyways. Besides with the contract he was screwed either way. At least he could breath decently which was a huge relief after his last outfit.

Shortly after Stephanie had called out the number Sabbath Bloody Sabbath from Black Sabbath started playing just as the curtains opened and the spotlight shone right on him. Victor was mortified, pushing the front of his nearly horizontal skirt down in an effort not to show his panties. This had always been his favourite song, the one that had started his love for metal music. One he always went back to when he was feeling down for a moment. After today however listening to that song would never be the same, it would remain strongly connected to this all-time embarrassing low.

Linda wore a big smirk seeing the look on Victor’s heavily made up face. it was the exact look she aimed for and wanted when she had added this outfit to the shooting queue. Victor couldn’t possibly know it but this song choice was nowhere near a coincidence either. Linda knew perfectly well that this would have a big impact. It was a little at first glance unimportant fact the PI had collected. It was the perfect fact to help Linda in her goal of casting the biggest possible sissy shadow over Victor’s former life.

She still had big plans for him, plans she would inform him on later as it would possibly ruin the shoot if she said it now, but making it near impossible for him to return to his old life fit into that plan perfectly. This little stunt would probably destroy his love for this song and metal as a whole. Sure he might still like the music, but she doubted he would ever get to enjoy it again without thinking back to this shame.

Mindy on the other hand had burst out laughing, she was so glad she had taken this job. Linda’s outfits were simply the and the outfit certainly played into the goth look, even her five-year-old niece probably wouldn’t invite him to a tea party because he didn’t look tough enough to sit with her dolls. She on the other hand would love to spend some very intimate time with him. Unable to hold back she let out a loud wolf whistle, loud enough to be heard over the music. “Great look! Although I doubt the goth crowd would be happy to have you!” She cried out laughing.

To that Linda let the music slowly fade to the background as it was too hard to talk over it. “Hmmm I think you might want to reconsider that statement. Victor take the hem of that skirt between your thumbs and index fingers and raise if for us.” Linda snapped shortly towards him.

Victor couldn’t help but shake his head. He knew what would become visible and after Mindy’s laughter he knew it would only make things worse. Once again able to breath more freely he could protest more freely as well. Although his protests for now had turned more to half begging. All the embarrassment was just so mentally draining. “No please, this outfit is bad enough already, just snap those pictures so we can get it over with.” Victor said almost shaking on his legs from embarrassment, the initial shock too big to stay tough.

“Well newsflash princess, it is a big part of the outfit so we’ll need pics of that part as well so raise that skirt like I asked and be quick about it.” Linda said sternly not about to give Victor an inch, knowing that she had him pretty much defeated as far as this shoot went. It wasn’t any long-term result yet, but she was quite certain that if she kept the pressure up and didn’t give an inch Victor would soon give up trying to protest for the remainder of the shoot.

“Linda you should really consider asking a real man next time, I mean one who isn’t afraid to model some pieces of clothing. I mean of all the things to be scared off cloth is like the least threatening.” Mindy added, desperately wanting to see more of that outfit.

The pressure of both Linda and Mindy was eventually enough to make him give in and raise his skirt as requested. Mindy was simply unable to take pictures as she couldn’t contain her laughter reading the words on the front of those panties. “You see Mindy, I think every so called big tiddy goth girls, you know that name the internet or mainly some horny guys popularised giving the real goth girls a lot of unwanted attention would like to have a small clitty goth as a side kick. With their outfit they are the perfect diversion for that unwanted attention, hell they are made to deal with those horny guys as you’ll see soon when Victor shows off the back.” Linda proudly announced.

Mindy’s cock was straining painfully, gladly she had used some extra strength tape to tuck her cock back as otherwise it would have popped out from between her legs already. She might still like her cock a lot, but she didn’t like the bulge it created and so she tucked. “I could see how that’d work, that’s genius.” Mindy complimented Linda. She could most definitely envision using one of those small clitty goths to relieve her arousal and with her most of the population who popularised that stereo type of the big tiddy goth girl.

Victor could only stand by and be embarrassed. Luckily they soon got down to business as Mindy started snapping pictures of this outfit in various poses Linda had to help him get in. The most dreaded poses were the ones where Linda demonstrated the extra function of his panties with a dildo once more or when they forced him to mock his love for metal further by making those classic devils horns with his hands while posing.

Compared to the big reveal of his outfit the rest of the shoot was somewhat okay he guessed. It made him follow along with the poses without much protest, finally leading to a bit of relieve as the curtain closed once more. Exhausted Victor just stood there as Stephanie helped him out of his current outfit to prepare him for the next.

The next outfit Stephanie had for him looked predominantly pink again. Not that it mattered that much. Although he hated pink as a colour Linda had proven one thing, even black could be made to look horribly girly. All he wanted now was to just get it over with and so he silently let Stephanie do her work, out of one outfit into the next.

He just tried to think about the good things, those 20k he would get. Taking his life back in his hands salvaging as much as he possibly could, surely with a few months rent his landlord would change his mind about kicking him out. His girlfriend was probably lost for him, but there was Mindy. He still couldn’t seem to wrap his head around if she liked him or not. He certainly like her style and looks, she was gorgeous, but he wasn’t quite certain whether or not he could be with her as she would be a firm reminder of today, just like his old favourite song.

First of all another corset was fastened around his waist. He groaned a little as Stephanie tightened it as tight as she could, pulling in his waist and hiding that his stomach wasn’t quite flat. Apart from that groan he didn’t make another sound though, afraid that Linda would step in again and pull him in half. This corset was made up out of soft pink covered with a front of darker pink lace made in a rose pattern. Just like the previous ones it pushed some chest flab up into the premoulded cups creating an illusion of small breasts. The garter straps dangling down on his thighs ended in a dark pink rose to cover up the tab.

To the tabs Stephanie then attached a pair of sheer soft pink coloured stockings she rolled up his legs. They had a darker pink sole and back seam ending in a similarly dark pink lace stocking top, the lace just like on the corset had a rose shaped pattern.

Just like with is previous outfits the panties were made to be humiliating as well as providing easy access. They were made out of a solid soft pink satin, darker pink lace trimming the edges. In the middle of the front panel sat a hole where Stephanie pulled the cage part of his chastity through. It was positioned right underneath a golden embroidered crown. The back had a similar opening giving access to his butthole, but that opening was circled by layer upon layer of dark pink lace petals. The illusion of a blossoming rose was formed, his rosebud sitting at the centre, ripe for the taking.

The dress that followed was in the same soft solid pink satin as the lingerie. It had a skirt with built in petticoats reaching down all the way to the floor and then some, the edge was adorned with dark pink bows at the most outward part of each fold in the dress, all around him. Victor would need some pretty tall heels to make the edge hover just above the floor. The built-in petticoats made the skirt stand out about two feet, just bellow his pulled in waist making his waist look positively tiny. The top part of the dress had a darker pink rose patterned lace in the shape of a heart stitched on. The tip of the heart sat right in the middle of where the skirt ran over in the bodice, above a darker pink satin band creating the bottom edge of the bodice, tying around the dress like a belt to end in a big floppy bow sitting right above his butt. The tops sat right underneath the white satin band that ran from one upper arm over the chest to the next upper arm leaving his shoulders completely bare.

Victor wondered what the use of this lingerie even was with a skirt like this, but he quickly got his answer as Stephanie pushed the front of his skirt open right in the middle where the tip of that heart pointed to, to guide his feet into a pair lacquered dark pink stiletto heels giving him the perfect height to make the skirt hover half an inch above the floor.

Apparently, this skirt wasn’t a full skirt all around. It had a split running from top to bottom hidden perfectly between two folds to be unnoticeable in normal circumstances while being easy to push apart to reveal the entire bottom half of his lingerie including his crowned cage. Another such split sat at the back right in the middle of where the bow sat.

Finishing off the outfit Stephanie guided a pair of soft pink satin gloves up Victors arms. At first he didn’t think much of it, just another piece of this humiliating outfit, but pretty soon he figured out that these weren’t just gloves. They were stiff, very stiff, instead of the gloves shaping to him, he had to position his arms to the shape of the gloved. The satin had been laced with steel boning making it more like a brace than a glove. It reached up till the middle of his upper arm, forcing his elbow in a 90-degree angle. His lower arms horizontal with the floor. The boning in his wrists angled down rather sharply creating the illusion that his hands just limply dangled off his lower arm. Even the fingers had stiff boning in them, rendering them useless. The only finger not restricted where the thumb and index finger allowing for a delicate pinch.

Finally Stephanie reached all the way up and set a delicate gold tiara upon Victor’s head, crowning him as a real princess. With those gloves he would also need to count on others to treat him as a princess, handing him whatever he needed. All they allowed were for him to perform a curtesy. It was also perfect to allow others to open up either the front or back of his dress while he’d remain unable to stop them in anyway.

Just like with the last two outfits Stephanie gave the signal that Victor was ready and the curtains opened. Victor just stood there, his arms neatly tucked at his sides, wrists seemingly limp. It was terrifying, but not any worse than the previous outfits had been, already being on the third outfit Victor didn’t even try to protest. He just forced that stupid smile Linda insisted on on his face so this could be over as fast as possible.

Mindy had other ideas however, instead of starting to shoot she couldn’t help but gush. “Oh my god that dress looks amazing Linda, it finally looks like princess here has taken to the role of being a real princess. You were absolutely right, I love this outfit. Something about those Disney princesses always manages to appeal to my inner child. God I love it so much.” She squealed overly excited.

“This wasn’t initially going to make it into the shoot, but it does look great even if I do say so myself. You were right, it would have been nearly a crime not to let our princess channel her inner princess. This outfit is perfect for him. Why don’t you go and have a closer look? Discover the outfit and it’s fun details for yourself?” Linda suggested, something she didn’t have to say twice as Mindy practically jumped up on the stage. Returning on her steps she walked over to Linda, handed her camera to her and went back on the stage.

“It has always been one of my dreams to pose with a real princess, but my parents never took me to any of those theme parks. Could you please be so kind as to snap some pictures of us? You know as a nice memento? I’ll give you a nice discount in return.” Mindy asked walking over to Victor overly excited much to Victors dismay. In any other way he would have loved posing with Mindy, but not here and definitely not in any of the outfits in this store.

Nevertheless Victor tried to maintain a smile. He didn’t know whether this would get any respect for Mindy or not. Hell he could barely manage to maintain his self-respect, but he didn’t want to ruin this for her, he was stuck doing this anyway so he might as well just let a gorgeous woman have a good time and maybe she could respect him potentially giving him a chance.

“Victor, why don’t you curtsey for Mindy? I’m sure she’d love that.” Linda said ready with the camera, further directing his embarrassment. At least you couldn’t see his shame under all this makeup. Awkwardly he pinches the fabric at the top of his skirt, it being as far down as he could reach then managed to lift it up slightly as he bowed, performing a curtsy.

Linda snapped several pictures as Mindy laughed, clapped her hands and then excitedly gave Victor a hug around his small waist, planting a kiss on his cheek. “This is awesome!” She squealed. It wasn’t all bad for Victor either, the kiss the embrace and the chance to smell Mindy’s sweet perfume was rather nice although embarrassing since he was pretty much just a princess doll in her eyes.

Stepping back Mindy took his hands in hers like they were about to start a dance. A smile broke out on her face as she realised the gloves were too stiff to really move much. Giving them a swift Jerk, she pulled Victor forward. The sudden movement catching him completely off guard and making him stumble forward in his tall unstable heels, landing straight into Mindy’s surprisingly strong arms. He towered over her and yet she easily supported him, wrapping one hand behind his back and using the other one to hold onto one of his hands. The fact that he towered over her was more due to his tall heels than anything else though. If he stood flat like she did they would probably be about the same height.

Just like that Mindy started leading in a slow dance, just a few paces for fun without music, but paces Victor was forced to clumsily follow or fall on his heels, Mindy being pretty much the only thing that kept him from falling. It was very embarrassing, especially since he had always been the one to lead instead of following. Mindy was clearly very comfortable taking the lead and taking charge however making Victor suspect she might be a lesbian and thus ruining his chances.

As they danced Mindy’s hand slid towards his bottom, smirking broadly as she felt it slip in the split in his skirt, thus discovering the feature. She simply couldn’t help but rest her hand on his pantied bottom, giving it a squeeze. Victor would have loved to do the same thing, to feel up Mindy’s nice spandex clad bottom. His hand not held by Mindy just awkwardly stuck out at his side due to the glove though, preventing him from doing so entirely.

When they came to a stop Mindy quickly stabilised Victor and moved in behind him to check out that slit she had discovered. Pushing the skirt apart a big smile popped on her face seeing that very inviting rose. Fuck it was hot, so hot that she was scared her tuck wouldn’t hold. She was turned on beyond believe and desperately wanted to tap that. She knew that would be a bridge too far though. At least right now. Modelling was quite far for Victor already. Oh she really hoped Linda had bigger plans for him than just this shoot. If so she would love to borrow him someday, take him out on a date to have some real fun.

Mindy struck a pose hugging Victor from behind, discovering the slit in the front of his dress she uncovered the front of his panties laughing loudly. “Would you look at that, princess and his little princess posing for the shoot.” After that she struck some regular poses with him, just normal ones standing at his side before finishing off by opening up the front of his dress and sinking to her knees to place a kiss on his caged cock. She realised fully well that she was causing him a lot of discomfort as he was clearly into her, his cock straining painfully against the unforgiving cage while he desperately wished for the cage to just disappear so he could feel her lips on his cock.

“Alright, that was enough for achieving my childhood dream I suppose. Thank you for allowing me this moment Linda, and thank you for being the perfect pretty princess Victor. Now let’s get back to work because we still have a lot of work to do.” Mindy said placing a final kiss on Victors cheek and jumping off the stage to retrieve her camera which now held a ton of pictures with her and princess Victor.

Victor had no clue as to how to feel about it. The kiss to his cheek and especially his caged cock had been flustering. He was glad he had made Mindy happy, but he hated everything else about the situation. God he hoped this would pay of nicely towards building something with Mindy as well.

Over the next few minutes Mindy captured every little detail of the princess outfit on photo, in various poses just like she had done with the previous outfit. Then it was back to behind the curtain where Stephanie awaited him with yet another outfit. Over the course of the day Victor tried on various skirts, shorts, pants, dresses, tops, blouses, lingerie sets, shoes and other accessories. They gradually grew more normal, at least compared to these first three outfits, all remaining so embarrassing that no one in their right mind would ever consider wearing them out in the open.

The gradually more normal outfits didn’t miss their effect though. They completely destroyed any insensitive Victor had to protest, making him follow along obediently. After all having put up with those first outfits he could hardly complain about he was put in next. Making a fuss was just not worth it, and definitely not worth losing the money he had more than earned now.

Near the end of the shoot Victor was left both mentally and physically exhausted. They had been shooting for 8 hours straight, one girly outfit after the next. Stephanie, Mindy and Linda had all eaten some snacks in between outfits at lunch, but Victor hadn’t been allowed anything but water. Linda claimed it was to prevent him getting a bloated belly and ruining the shoot. She had taunted him, calling him a big boy who would survive skipping lunch and having a late dinner. A taunt that had been extra painful as he was just modelling a rather juvenile little girl’s dress.

It left him very hungry and feeling weak on top of his already weak mental resolve, the perfect foundation for Linda to continue closing the trap around her poor victim who was already way tighter ensnared than he even realised. Oh it would be priceless when she finally did break it to him.

(If you liked this story and would like to read way more along with a ton of other stories then please check out my page on SubscribeStar: https://subscribestar.adult/fibaro I have ran into trouble with Patreon, but since SubscribeStar doesn’t accept PayPall you can still follow me there, just make sure you connect your discord account to your Patreon account if you do so you don’t miss out on my content. https://www.patreon.com/Fibaro )

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