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Parallel Lives Chapter 33

No, Nathan wasn’t crazy. To say he was WOULD be crazy. He was a very well adjusted man.

He was just frantically scouring the internet for any evidence of magic being real.

The part of him that still wanted to be rational was thinking “of course magic isn’t real, that’s ridiculous, you’re being ridiculous”. And he was being ridiculous, magic was not something that existed in the real world, and it certainly wasn’t something that sensible, level-headed adults believed in.

The Chosen - Chapter 4

I had never enjoyed shopping more. My feet ached and we’d about doubled the mortgage on the house, but I had so much new stuff. We did just about manage to empty the back of the car in one trip when we arrived home, but only with both Mum and me carrying as many bags as would fit in each hand.

“What the hell is this?” Dad grumbled from his seat. The water on his table was untouched and there were a couple of extra beer cans beside the one I’d left him. Well, if he wanted to start Sunday with a hangover, that was his lookout.

Layabout. Part 3 of 4

Chapter 3

Abigail appraised my movements and told me to take shorter steps with my feet trying to follow a straight line. Then I had to lose my slouch that the weight of the breasts were forcing on me. We worked on all of these until I walked correctly, with my head high and my shoulders back. That was a whole new feeling.

Royal Performer - Chapter 8

Royal Performer

Royal Performer - Chapter 2

Princess Alexandria Alessi’s life has turned upside down in the blink of an eye. Only a few days ago, she was enjoying a clandestine summer shopping with her best friend at the local mall. Coming home, she was alarmed to discover her mom was there, and her secret of being transgender was suddenly no longer secret! Within a few short hours, her life became like a movie as she discovered that her long-lost father was the Crown Prince of Osané, a small, secluded island nation. Alexandria was immediately thrust into the spotlight in a whirlwind weekend that led to a Monday press conference to announce her royal lineage.

Royal Performer is the second Tiffany Shar's 'Suddenly Royal' series.

The Novitiate by Angela Rasch from DopplerPress


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Tim is patiently waiting for his high school days to draw to a close. He can’t wait to go away to college, far from a dad who is disappointed with his son’s tiny frame. Tim is also unhappy with his body, for a much more shielded reason. Music provides the catalyst for lasting change.


A Perfect Life

Amazon - Part 09: Dancing Queen


Back in Los Angeles again, and close surveillance begins of our heroine; family revelations begin, and there are the evils of -- DISCO.


Amazon - Part 9: Dancing Queen

By Itinerant
Edited By Amelia R.

Biographer's Note: This is Nicole's story. It covers those events and people she finds notable in her life and chooses to share. If you have problems with it, take it up with her. I'm just a glorified stenographer.

A New Style of Education - Part 14



Seventeen-year-old Brian Anderson hated having to move from California to a rinky-dink mid-western farm town. There was no way they could make him stay, or could they?

Bimbo Bread (revised)


A contemptable crumb causes a crisis for his cute companion who creates a more compatable compatriot using carbohydrate consumables. ... with a little help from The Wizard.
(This is a revised version of my story found at Fictionmania and Crystal's - with a pic to prove that there really is a Bimbo Bread.)

Answer the phone?


A little switch to teach one understanding can cause major life changes. What was supposed to be for one night becomes a lifetime.

Slightly revised and expanded on Feb. 14, 2006
Please let me hear your comments, either likes, disilkes or what ever they might be.

Sissies Revenge


Sissies' Revenge
We've all read the story of the wife who forces the husband to be her maid and is openly cuckolded. But what it the husband had just a little more backbone then your average sissy and was just a little more confident in his feminine role then the average sissy and just a little more intelligent as well? Ron was living a crossdresser's dream, then he got caught and it became a nightmare. See how he copes with his wife's decission to take him all the way to womanhood.

Rated R non graphic sex scenes.

The REAL Story of Little Red Riding Hood


Have you ever wondered:
- how Little Red Riding Hood mistook a wolf for her grandmother?
- what the Woodsman was doing hanging around Grandma's cottage?
- why the Wolf was REALLY wearing Grandma's clothes?
Read on and find out!

Gaby -Book 4- Once Upon A Time In America -Chapter 17- Spin City

Gaby -Book 4- Once Upon A Time In America -Chapter 16- Sandy's Sleepover

Gaby -Book 4- Once Upon A Time In America -Chapter 15- Return to Walters

Gaby -Book 4- Once Upon A Time In America -Chapter 14- Onward Christian Soldiers

Suit Your Self - Preview Chapter


Gordon bought the suitcase, never suspecting it held a life-changing device from a very strange future.

A preview chapter from the novelette "Suit Your Self" by Lainie Lee



Having a wife who wears clothes too small for you, is very frustrating for a crossdresser. What if you had a wish granted that would allow your body to fit any sized clothes, forming your body to fit? Is it a crossdressers dream? What if, when part of your body wearing the clothes of another, became a near duplicate of the owner of those clothes. Would it still be as great? Add the fact that reality would change to make it normal for that to happen, still interested? Well read on.


More DopplerPress

Bobbi McGee by Chris Leeson on Kindle


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Rob Wescott was unlucky when it came to love. That harmless statue that his ex sent him and he left by his bed turned out to be not so harmless when he woke the next day.

Rob, now Bobbi had to make a new life for herself. But would she continue to be unlucky in love?

Bobbi McGee

by Christopher Leeson

Masks 2 - Template The Intrepid: A Learning Experience - Kindle Edition


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A school for superpowered children seemed like a good idea and definitely a change from fighting mad geniuses and superhuman brutes. But who knew that helping set up a school for super-powered teenagers would be so challenging? Not to mention dangerous and exciting...

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