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Battle Scars Part 5

Lucifer smiled as he cleaned his swords and his magical staff which he very rarely used ,looking at the weapons which have claimed numerous lives. Its told he had imbued the staff with the souls of thousands of people he had killed turning it into a very powerful weapon .He had the staff created after his battle with Nathan to make sure he doesn't loose again. But he still took pleasure in beating his enemies to death using his bare fists. It had been years since he married Natalie and they have these weekly routine of sparring together.

Layabout. Part 4 of 4

Chapter 4

As we moved into the summer season, the main sales at the Village were swimwear and we weren’t needed so much. We spent that time with the drama group. The first show we did was a stage version, greatly edited, of ‘Some Like it Hot’ as a farce. It went down well, and then we worked on another show where we played a married couple. That was the one where we were seen by an agent from London.

Masks 13 - Vic, The Other Half, on Kindle NOW!


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"Oh, you know you love it!" said his Mother, cheerfully. "Anyway, the doctor says you need to stay here longer than originally planned. The good news is, it's because they think you have powers!"

Maks 13 - Vic

Masks 13: The Other Half

Rodford Edmiston
Buy on Kindle NOW!

Easy As Falling Off A Bike pt 174

"What's your problem, haven't you ever seen a naked woman before?" she asked.

"Erm, not really," I blushed like a flash bulb and didn't know where to look, but wished the ground would swallow me up.

Easy As Falling Off A Bike.
by Angharad
part 14.5 dozen.

"Which side are you going to sleep?" asked Stella.

Brianna's Big Brother - Chapter 4 (Changes)

Carl's attention was only drawn away from his little sister for a moment, but it was long enough for her to be attacked. How will Carl choose to react, and what will be the repercussions of that choice?

Brianna's Big Brother - Chapter 4
Copyright 2008 by Heather Rose Brown

Young Love, Chapter 6

"Well, this is what I call home," stated Carol ... Lizzie Jane fell in love with it right away. "It is your home, too -- for you and Philip." teased Carol.
"Don't even mention that rich, stuck-up brat," Lizzie Jane answered sharply.
"Oh, now -- a brat is a naughty little boy," smiled Carol.
"That is exactly what he is!"

Young Love
A Lizzie Jane Adventure
Chapter 6
By Billie Sue Pilgrim

Rules Are Rules: 28. Suspension And Confusion

"Do you want to start again?" I asked.

"No, no. Let's just... Okay. Here's what we'll do. I'm going to tell you what I see and hope it makes sense to you, because it doesn't make any sense to me. Okay?"

Rules Are Rules

28. Suspension And Confusion

copyright © 2006, 2007 Kaleigh Way — All Rights Reserved

Healing Cousin George - Part 17 - Family Bonding – Part 1

“Is it illegal for cousins to become involved?” I blushed and felt the tinge of embarrassment shoot down my spine as I took another draw on the cigarette.
“You mean you and George?”
“Eh, well… maybe.” I stammered.
“You're only half cousin’s aren’t you? Well Yeah and no. It’s not illegal. Unusual, but not illegal. You thinking about making a play for George?”

Healing Cousin George

Part 17 - Family Bonding — Part 1

by Karin Roberts

TWINS by Marie Part 19 - Emma.4

Emma put her sewing down on the table with an annoyed look. “Come here,” she said gently and we slid together, Emma all healthy and wearing a corset and long skirts. “It’s good to be a proper lady again,” he thought.

TWINS by Marie

Part 19 - Emma.4

by Marie C.

Becoming Antonia Part 21.

I looked up just as I sat down on my bike to start for home and saw the guy that Jimmy had turned in earlier heading toward me in his truck, at a high rate of speed. I gunned the bike and took off like a scalded dog. I was just in time, to have him miss me and hit the guard shack I was parked right next to.

Becoming Antonia Part 21.

By; Toni, with help from Zomba

Camp Kumoni : 24

Erika found herself back in the cabin with the others, trying to figure out all of the ways possible that they could get even with the boys from Oak.

“How hard can this possibly be?” Samantha asked the other girls.

“About As Easy as Falling Off a Bike.” Dani winked.

Camp Kumoni
By Anistasia Allread

Being Christina Chase | Chapter 43: The Dinner Party

        As the sun crept up over the horizon, Steph and Lisa stood in front of the still-closed salon. Lisa, who had lost eleven pounds since February, was dressed in a pair of green and while cotton sweatpants that hadn't fit her since high school. She had steadily been losing around five pounds per month until May, when she'd gained five of them back. That fact was making her anxious and irritable, which was not lost on Steph, who was also wearing her old school colors.

Professor Prick 5 - My First Real Date

“Good, come with me,” I said, and led him into the alley. My mind was racing what was I doing but I was excited at the same time. We stepped into the shadow and I turned my back to the wall and slipped my hand behind his neck and the other still holding my bag on to his waist and eased him towards me. Our lips met and opened with eager tongues finding each other and exploring our mouths as the passion increased.


By Karin Roberts

Easy As Falling Off A Bike pt 173

We continued drinking our teas and talking until we were interrupted by a shout of anguish. I jumped up and ran out into the lounge.

"What's happening?" I asked.

"Kiki, she's rolled in horse shit and gone belting out through the hole in the fence."

Easy As Falling Off A Bike
by Angharad
part 173.

Ally in Wonderland

Rules Are Rules: 27. My Permanent Record

I thanked her and went into the inner office. Mr. Bryant and my aunt were there, waiting. "Well, well, well," he said. "My favorite student."

That didn't sound good. I didn't want to be the principal's favorite student, did I? "Am I in trouble?" I asked.

Rules Are Rules

27. My Permanent Record

copyright © 2006, 2007 Kaleigh Way — All Rights Reserved

Charlotte's Tale part 8.

I felt as if the world had become a deep, deep pit. I was at the bottom of it, it was dark and the sides were smooth. There were no lights nor ladders. Each day an angel in the form of my mother would come and make me eat and hold me. I would cry and cling to her. I had no energy, no hope, no anything.

Charlotte’s Tale.
Part 8.
by Angharad

TWINS by Marie Part 18 - Leticia

“To tell the truth when I look at you I don’t see a boy,” Jenny remarked as casually as she could. “You’re everything a mother could want in a sweet child. You never get upset when we call you Darlene. Right this minute you’re more of a girl than Della ever was.”

TWINS by Marie C., Part 18 - Leticia
by Marie C.

Secondary Education, Chapter 12, My Missing Pieces

Secondary Education
Tyla Flowers
[email protected]

Chapter 12, My Missing Pieces

Oprah’s over, Rikki Lake’s not on yet, and Dr. Phil depresses me. So I flick off the television.
I pick up a month-old "Us" magazine: Lindsey’s back in rehab, Paris is busted for DUI again, same old, same old. I throw it back on the table and wish I had something to do.

Easy As Falling Off A Bike pt 172

"She was in dark colours and wobbling all over the road," said Stella winking. "Little did I know that the caterpillar I collided with, was going to transform into such a lovely butterfly."

Pippa looked confused at Stella's statement.

"It was a boy who fell off the bike," offered Stella.

"You have completely lost me," said Pippa.

Easy As Falling Off A Bike.
by Angharad.

Chapter 1 - The Fantasy of Dreams

Sometimes our lives feel as if we are simply adrift in an endless expanse with no sense of direction. Other times events may happen to lead us onto a certain clearer path. However somewhere in the middle we may find ourselves guided in such a way that we leave behind an impresssion that may influence others to follow as you take them through the fog....

Footprints In The Fog


Beverly Colleen

Short Chapters: 10. Madison And The Half Cardigan

"So," Miranda asked, grinning, "Is that your doll?"

"Yes," I replied. "Her name is Madison. I named her myself."

"That was very clever of you," she replied, "especially since her name is already Madison when you buy her in the store."

Short Chapters by Kaleigh Way

Catering for All Sorts!


He’d drawn the short straw, undercover waitress, his partner, much bigger, obviously male was the kitchen ‘washer-upper’.

He complained of sore red hands, ‘she’ complained of sore red toes and cursed her heels.

“Any leads yet?” ‘she’ whispered.

“Gotta be here somewhere,” he replied.

The Price to Pay - Vol. 3.05 - Outed?

The Oaf stood partly blocking the way into the villa. As I pushed past him he pressed his body into mine, casually squeezing my bum. He lowered his head towards me and I smelt the beer on his breath.

"I know your secret girly-boy", he whispered into my ear as his fetid breath washed over my face. I walked a metre away, turned around, looked at him and assumed an angry posture.

"What are you talking about?", I demanded

                    The Price to Pay - Vol. 3.5 - Outed?

                    by Alys

Rules Are Rules: 26. Marcie Time

No one had ever called me "babe" before (of course), and I wasn't sure that I liked it. In fact, the whole phone call left me feeling uncomfortable, as much as I liked talking with Jerry.

Rules Are Rules

26. Marcie Time

copyright © 2006, 2007 Kaleigh Way — All Rights Reserved

Baruchah and Maggie's Magic Closet

Baruchah & Maggie’s Magic Closet

By Maggie O Malley aka Maggie the Kitten

Although each stands alone, this should be read before "Ally in Wonderland."

TWINS by Marie Part 17 - Jenny's House, Day 2

While Darlene slept Jenny sat quietly on the couch for another hour with her eyes closed, then reminded herself of Darlene’s description of Michi. Then she spoke. “Are you there Marlene?” Silence for a time, then a pale version of Darlene in an Orphan Annie dress stood next to the table.

TWINS by Marie C., Part 17 - Jenny’s House, Day 2
by Marie C.

Becoming Antonia Part 19.

Have you ever seen the look in the eyes of a deer, just before you slam into it with your car? It’s a look of complete confusion and shock, as if to say ‘Oh my god, what is that coming at me?’ That was the look I got when I went to Sarah’s house to see her mom.

Becoming Antonia Part 19.

By; Me, & Zomba.

The Dream - My History

Ok, I know I’m a little backwards and I should have started from the beginning not where the dream kicks in, sorry about that. I started out this tale in Northern Salt Lake City Utah at the North Star Elementary but had to move due to two problems.

Easy As Falling Off A Bike pt 171

"Cor, something smells nice," said Simon, handing Tom a couple of bottles of wine. He then walked up to me and embracing me said, "Yes something smells very nice." Finally, he kissed me.

Easy As Falling Off A Bike.
by Angharad & Bonzi Kiddle.
part 171.


More DopplerPress

Sledgehammer by me from DopplerPress on Amazon


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Sledgehammer on Kindle


This is the same story that's been in the Hatbox for some time, now released with new editing and a new cover on Amazon. The story of Jake and Cody, friends--and Freds--for a lifetime. See story for joke about the Freds.


Esperanza - A Halloween Tale - On Kindle


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Almost Halloween, on a rainy day near Buttonwillow she stole a ride...


by Lainie Lee


The stowaway hitchhiker called herself Kelly, or maybe Esperanza. She seemed to be haunted by the ghost of an old man…but was the true story even stranger?

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