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Gaby Book 27 ~ Smell of the Crowd ~ Chapter *7*

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Book 27
Smell of the Crowd

by Maddy Bell
Copyright© 2022 Madeline Bell

Life has some certainties, birth and death of course, but the rest is a mix of Minestrone and Spaghetti, some of which we have no direct influence over. We can however decide whether we want Parmesan or other seasoning, we can give Gnochi a try, doesn't mean we'll like it but at least we'll know. Gaby has reached just such a point in her life, she knows she likes Pizza, she's not averse to Spaghetti or Lasagne but is Gnochi for her? The Gnochi in this case is doing the singing with BlauHase on a more serious level, as a 'hobby' its fine but could this be a change of career? Well you don't find out without trying so that's just what our heroine is about to find out in this, the 27th book of the Gaby saga.


*Chapter 7*
A Clear Head

Battle Scars Part 5

Lucifer smiled as he cleaned his swords and his magical staff which he very rarely used ,looking at the weapons which have claimed numerous lives. Its told he had imbued the staff with the souls of thousands of people he had killed turning it into a very powerful weapon .He had the staff created after his battle with Nathan to make sure he doesn't loose again. But he still took pleasure in beating his enemies to death using his bare fists.

At Aunt Greta's 20— Reactions

At Aunt Greta’s–
by Gabi
Chapter 20 of a Continuing Saga…

At the end of the previous chapter Bryony was in hospital explaining to her friends in the “Bryony Buddy Corps” about her true gender status, and that she had to see a specialist before she could return home.

Feminizer Disease Takes My Body Over - Chapter 3

We had lunch at the mall. I could not believe how at ease I was walking around the mall. No one made any comments on my camisole and bra straps showing through a little. Cathy reminded me of this and said "No one cares. People are accepting of your disease."

Feminizer Disease Takes My Body Over
Chapter 3

By Terry Hansay


A Fairy's Tale - Parts 12-15

A Fairy's Tale
by Tanya Allan

A wealthy and beautiful Spanish Countess prepares for a private dinner party with her husband and children at the White House with the President and First Lady. As she arrives, she casts her mind back to a very different life.

Jim, a young boy, is brought up in a deprived and abusive home in London’s East End. Aware of his TS condition, he suffers abuse and humiliation, culminating in a homosexual predator taking advantage of him. Finding himself in jail, undergoing special ‘treatment’ to combat his ‘anger’ problems, the young man finally is abused by the state.

When you hit the bottom, there is only one way to go. And a girl called Jemma decides to go up.

Oscar Night - Part 19

Oscar dresses up
Oscar Night

by Jennifer Brock

At last year’s Oscar’s, novelist/screenwriter David Fine wore a special dark red tuxedo designed for him by his friend Claude Marsh. After being insulted by TV personality Jane Waters, he joked that if he was nominated again he’d wear a gown. Claude organized a “cabal” of experts to work toward convincing David that the best way to pull it off would be to become as female as possible, and he agreed, especially when his girlfriend fashion model Maritza Delgado was keen on the idea. He even got a number of surgeries to make him more female, and has been working under the tutelage of feminine behavior expert Kay Thomas. When we left off, our heroine Dee had gone on a date with Joe, a paid escort, and was kissing him on her doorstep, unsure whether to send him home or invite him in...

The Softening of Jessie - Part 50

“Well, I used to be fueled by my temper and emotions. I would get so upset with things that I didn’t feel in control at all. All I could feel was rage and I wanted to take that rage out on others. My thoughts and emotions were way out of whack. On the other hand, now I feel very balanced emotionally. Sure I cry a lot more now but at the same time, I don’t feel that anger I used to. It’s like all my aggression has been tamed. It feels really good Ashley! I can think clearly.”

“So you like being a girl then?”

“I don’t know. I do know that I like the way my head is way more balanced now.”

The Softening of Jessie

Part 50

By AshleyTS

In My Sister's Footsteps - 3

In My Sister's

This is a story about true identity and the healing of the transgender mind

Blazing a new trail is difficult for a young burn victim, but he manages well enough with support from his mother, some unusual help from his sister, and a little luck.


Keywords Use of Sex Toys High Heels Chastity Humiliation
Categories Bondage Femdom Forced Crossdressing

Synopsis Ralph thought he he entered seventh heaven when he married the wealthy Janet Milhouse but little did he know….

By Janet Baker

Met and Married

MORFS: Saouda's Docket #60350

Acts of Humanity

Saouda's Docket #60350
A MORFS Universe Tale
by Ray Drouillard

Connie Abla Saouda and Beverly Trowbridge are two ordinary cops on the beat -- or are they? After providing so much help to the Doctors Martin and their friends, they have been assigned the unenviable task watching after their fellow MORFS survivors.

sex: 0/10
violence: 7/10
profanity: 1/10

Categories: PSI

Timeline: 2060

From the unofficial log of Officer Connie Abla Saouda, Police Telepath
December 15, 2060

Officer Beverly Trowbridge and I have been pulling afternoon shift for a long time. Ever since we have been semi-officially given the task of watching over the various MORFS survivors, we have been stuck with this shift. No more morning shifts that allow us to get off in time to have a life. No more nice, quite midnight shifts. Nope, we are purposely put on duty when most people are getting off of work and hitting the malls, restaurants, and places of evening recreation. That is the time when our fellow morfies are most likely to be get into trouble.

A Fairy's Tale - Parts 8-11

A Fairy's Tale
by Tanya Allan

A wealthy and beautiful Spanish Countess prepares for a private dinner party with her husband and children at the White House with the President and First Lady. As she arrives, she casts her mind back to a very different life.

Jim, a young boy, is brought up in a deprived and abusive home in London’s East End. Aware of his TS condition, he suffers abuse and humiliation, culminating in a homosexual predator taking advantage of him. Finding himself in jail, undergoing special ‘treatment’ to combat his ‘anger’ problems, the young man finally is abused by the state.

When you hit the bottom, there is only one way to go. And a girl called Jemma decides to go up.

Hidden Gifts - 13

A New Style of Education: Hidden Gifts

By: Annette MacGregor

An authorized story, based on the characters and environment of A New Style of Education by Karen Page.

In the last segment, Sophia was leaving Dr. Bill's office and ran into Dan as he was heading toward his office. Dan invited Sophia to join him in his office for a short chat. And now, the story continues...

Duty, Honor, Country, Family - Part 14

“No. The Japanese are now going to run the Swan Song show,” FBI Director Robert Mueller began to explain. “They have begun training for the arrest phase of the operation.”

“Then what are my duties now?”

“Grant, you are still to oversee the American aspect of the operation. We will want to debrief Agent Ripley when his mission is concluded. That is assuming he survives it.”

“Then we’re to bring Ripley out alive?”

“Yes, Grant. Agent Ripley is to be retrieved alive if at all possible. You are to make sure of that.”

Hokusai View of Fuji off Kanagawa Province and Yokohama
Chapter Fourteen

Synospis- Captain Slater is successful in making contact with the Swan Song committee.

Pigtails Are for Girls -- Part 16

Pigtails Are For Girls — Part 16
Chapters 35-36 
By Katherine Day
Jane gains more strength as she becomes more feminine;
now she faces a decision that could endanger the company her beloved stepfather has created.
Meanwhile, the pangs of love grow stronger.

A Fairy's Tale - Parts 4-7

A Fairy's Tale
by Tanya Allan

A wealthy and beautiful Spanish Countess prepares for a private dinner party with her husband and children at the White House with the President and First Lady. As she arrives, she casts her mind back to a very different life.

Jim, a young boy, is brought up in a deprived and abusive home in London’s East End. Aware of his TS condition, he suffers abuse and humiliation, culminating in a homosexual predator taking advantage of him. Finding himself in jail, undergoing special ‘treatment’ to combat his ‘anger’ problems, the young man finally is abused by the state.

When you hit the bottom, there is only one way to go. And a girl called Jemma decides to go up.

MORFS: Incomplete Without You, part 02

The Pentwater Chronicles 1:

Incomplete Without You
(Part Two)
A MORFS Universe Tale
by Ray Drouillard

Instead of building a resort or a city, Marvin Pentwater built a haven and workplace for people who have been gifted with powers. Years later, his grandson and heir, Marvin Pentwater III, received his gift. Young Marvin couldn't complain about his physique, nor could he complain about the gaggle of talents he wielded. What he could complain about was the distinct lack of power. He grew up in a place where powers are common and esteemed, but he couldn't lift but a few ounces with his telekinesis. Soon, he met an unusual friend with similar challenges.

sex: 1/10
violence: 1/10
profanity: 1/10

Categories: Elemental, PSI

Timeline: 2062

Chapter Five: Summer

Since I was well ahead of my age-mates, Mom and Dad let me start my summer vacation early. They called it vacation, anyhow.

I finished off the current lessons, took the tests, and started intensive powers training with Mirna. That meant, of course, that just about everyone in the compound got to meet her. That's not the problem that it would seem because we are quite used to keeping secrets from the rest of the world. Pentwater Compound is frequented by operatives from the ASA, military representatives, and a number of other people who require secrecy.

In My Sister's Footsteps - 2

In My Sister's

This is a story about true identity and the healing of the transgender mind

Blazing a new trail is difficult for a young burn victim, but he manages well enough with support from his mother, some unusual help from his sister, and a little luck.

Marching Orders


Josh always feared getting caught, but the urge to cross dress was simply stronger. There would be other urges before the day ended and Josh would no longer fear getting caught.

Marching Orders

By Mary Beth Sanford


A Fairy's Tale - Parts 1-3

A Fairy's Tale
by Tanya Allan

A wealthy and beautiful Spanish Countess prepares for a private dinner party with her husband and children at the White House with the President and First Lady. As she arrives, she casts her mind back to a very different life.

Jim, a young boy, is brought up in a deprived and abusive home in London’s East End. Aware of his TS condition, he suffers abuse and humiliation, culminating in a homosexual predator taking advantage of him. Finding himself in jail, undergoing special ‘treatment’ to combat his ‘anger’ problems, the young man finally is abused by the state.

When you hit the bottom, there is only one way to go. And a girl called Jemma decides to go up.


More DopplerPress

Masks 3 - Template and Energia - published on Kindle


Audience Rating: 


A school for superheroes seemed like a good idea at the time. Template is on the faculty and her niece, Energia, is a student when they find out that not everyone agrees on the wonderfulness of education.

High level conspiracy? Alien technology? Is someone trying to kill off the superschool? And the supers with it?

It all started with someone launching a killer missile at Template's secret identity, Jenny’s aunt-er-uncle, Randy...


Now on KIndle...

The Reluctant Co-Ed by Melanie Brown now on Kindle


Audience Rating: 


It's been a series of madcap adventures for Chrissie, starting in middle school when she posed as a Reluctant Girlfriend and on through her high school career as a cheerleader.

Now she's in college! Can you get a degree in crossdressing shenanigans?"

The Reluctant Co-Ed
by Melanie Brown
Now on Kindle
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