
GLOOteus Maximiss Part 3 - Grody to the Max


GLOOteus Maximiss
Part 3 - Grody to the Max

It was literally a slap heard round the kingdom. Reginald's family did not look happy and neither did the King and Queen. They saw their potential new tourist attraction going up in flames due to their hot-headed replacement daughter.

Midnight Prowl

Out for a food run, Carmelita saves a young woman from a fate worse than death. That act of kindness will emerge things inside her heart that she never knew were there. Those feelings that will cause her to supersede the will of the Goddess herself

Feral Saga Chapter 18 - Magneto's Finale (Part 2)

Feral Saga Chapter 18 - Magneto's Finale (Part 2)

by Nyssa

A Marvel X-Men Fanfiction starring Wolverine and Jean Grey

In the conclusion to our thrilling two-part, edifying eighteenth issue of Magneto’s Finale, the Uncanny X-Men are finally aware of Magneto’s ticking clock and Logan may have found their best chance to stop him or at least get more information before he puts his plans in place. Will she be able to spring her trap in time, or will Magneto actually gain the upper hand? Even after they have countered the computer virus, are the X-Men any closer to stopping the brutal rule of Magneto over the world’s human population?

Thanks Truck-kun For Making Me A Trader - Part 8/27

One man's trash is another man's treasure.
That is the saying Lillyn bases her newest venture on.
Each day hordes of adventurers unload junk and trash on her counter.
Asking her to trade them to the void.
But what if she has other plans?

Feral Saga Chapter 18 - Magneto's Finale (Part 1)

Feral Saga Chapter 18 - Magneto's Finale (Part 1)

by Nyssa

A Marvel X-Men Fanfiction starring Wolverine and Jean Grey

As we edge into part one of our enormous eidetic eighteenth double issue we must again wonder about Logan’s fate. Was the return to his old male form a fatal mistake? What could have caused this latest reaction? Can Jean deal with even more heartbreak? While all of this swirls around the X-Men in the wake of the attack on the school and Logan’s revelations, Magneto has reacquired Mystique and spread his control over the world’s nuclear arsenals. Will the X-Men be able to respond, or will humans be crushed under the brutal heel of Magneto?

Thanks Truck-kun For Making Me A Trader - Part 6/27

Ever since coming to Besona, Lillyn stumbled from one opportunity or mishap to the next.
Her last misfortune leaves her a little paranoid.
But maybe, if she calms down a bit, it will grow on her.
It might even be an opportunity to change it into a fortune.

Scald-Crow 1: Chapter 9 - Gas On The Fire


Scald-Crow 1:
The Rocky Road To Whateley
A Whateley Academy Tale

High School is a living hell for Padraig, and his life is only made worse by bullying.
One night a powerful spirit offers him a deal, and his life is changed forever.
In a world where Superheroes and Villains are the norm, and mutants are hated by most of the populace
life get's complicated fast for our young hero.

Isekai Starship in a D&D fantasy world

Isekai Starship in a D&D fantasy world
**Authors note, there have been a couple of similar ideas running around, but I wanted to play with this a bit. Also, as a fan of Mass Effect I will be using Mass Effect as the inspiration for the story.**

Mid 80’s an age before the Internet.

Feral Saga Chapter 17 - Restoration

Feral Saga Chapter 17 - Restoration

by Nyssa

A Marvel X-Men Fanfiction starring Wolverine and Jean Grey

We begin the seventeenth issue with several questions. What has Logan done? Has she risked everything to punish herself for her part in hurting Jean? Were the humans successful in eradicating the computer virus, or did Magneto have a surprise for them? With Magneto clearly approaching his final movements, did Logan just help to distract the Uncanny X-Men from any hope of discovering his actions in time?

GLOOteus Maximiss Part 2 - The Max Factor


GLOOteus Maximiss
Part 2 - The Max Factor

At first he thought it was birds chirping but then realized it was girls tittering. Something was tickling his chest. He feigned sleep while listening to the girls whispering.

"They must be real. Look, they're getting hard."

Thanks Truck-kun For Making Me A Trader - Part 5/27

Follow along on Lillyn's second day at Maynard Mansion.
She may get her hands on being a void-trader, but there are still plenty of screw-ups in store for her.
From customers with strange requests to friends who just can't help but tease Lillyn a bit.

A Tale of Elsbeth: Two Lessons Taught

Tales of Elsbeth: Two Lessons Taught
by Ellie Dauber © 1999

Another old story of mine, the second adventure of Elsbeth Lange, introducing her husband Daniel Two Knives. Elsbeth teaches a lesson about life to a meddlesome religious zealot, and the two of them teach a lesson about sexuality to a rather boorish man.

Tales of Elsbeth: Two Lessons Taught
by Ellie Dauber © 1999

Susie and Jeffrey 1 - 2

----------=BigCloset Retro Classic!=----------

"Hey, Jeffrey, what's this mp3 Shambleau? It's the only thing that sounds mysterious."
"Classic science fiction - a cautionary tale, which, Susie, I've duly noted. Great to listen to in bed with the lights out."
"What else do you like to do in bed with the lights out, Jeffrey?"
"Well, best of all, I like to drift off to the Shipping Forecast - read by one of the female announcers."


Susie and Jeffrey
Chapters 1 - 2

by Jamie Hayworth

Copyright © 2008 by Jamie Hayworth.
All Rights Reserved.




"Well, look what the cat dragged in!"

"Christ! That's all I'd need, a freakin' cat. I just got done wrestling with a hyperactive black standard poodle that had enough fleas to start a couple of circuses, and then barfed while I was trying to trim around his eyes. The damn thing outweighed me and he was absopositivlutly taller than I am! If he tried to chase a goddam cat he would have ripped the leash out of the ceiling and taken the entire building with him as he tried to catch it!"

Thanks Truck-kun For Making Me A Trader - Part 4/27

Leon, now known as Lillyn, is facing her first day at her new trading spot.
It is time to dress up.
Eat some breakfast.
And meet her new co-workers.
What are the chances she manages to pull all that off without messing anything up?

Feral Saga Chapter 16 - Duplicity

Feral Saga Chapter 16 - Duplicity

by Nyssa

A Marvel X-Men Fanfiction starring Wolverine and Jean Grey

The sex and violence that have brought us to our sixteenth issue are about to explode across the members of the Uncanny X-Men and the world. Logan has been so wrapped up in her own ghosts, depredations, and desires that she is nearly blind to how it affects anyone else. As Magneto acts behind his mutant teams to make a bold move in his fight to gain primacy over the humans, the X-Men are reeling from internal strife and totally unprepared. When their school is attacked, where will the most explosive devastation really occur?

Once a Star

SRU: The Two-Fer

SRU: The Two-Fer
By Ellie Dauber
Copyright 2000

This is another of my older stories. A couple of slackers help out the SRU Wizard. Now comes the problem of how to properly thank them.

SRU: The Two-Fer
By Ellie Dauber
Copyright 2000

Thanks Truck-kun For Making Me A Trader - Part 3/27

Leon is on her way to create an identity for herself.
To visit a market and collect items she wants to sell later.
But most important of all-
To find gosh darn clothes that stop make her feel like an exibitionist and cover her massive cleavage.

Feral Saga Chapter 15 - Encounters

Lolo trying to impress Scott

Feral Saga Chapter 15 - Encounters

by Nyssa

A Marvel X-Men Fanfiction starring Wolverine and Jean Grey

As we fitfully careen into our fifteenth issue, Storm seems ready to attack Logan. Has she been influenced? Jean has had a life-altering session with Scott, reliving the intense memory of his encounter with Logan, but how will it change her interactions with Logan and Scott? And Logan and Scott seem unable, at this point, to keep from being together. Where will this explosive situation lead? Could further manipulation by Magneto turn this powder keg into something even more disruptive? Or is Logan’s questionable decision-making enough to do that already?

Thanks Truck-kun For Making Me A Trader - Part 2/27

Not only is Leon stuck in a new world and in a different body.
His new guild leader sent him to some remote forest to be ogled by woodsmen.
Officially as a trader, but Leon suspects more as eye candy.
However, things start to get in motion when a call arrives.

Feral Saga Chapter 14 - Havoc!

Logan looking impossibly young

Feral Saga Chapter 14 - Havoc!

by Nyssa

A Marvel X-Men Fanfiction starring Wolverine and Jean Grey

Fortune finds us at the fourteenth issue with Logan trying to reenter life and put the horrible events of the last mission behind her. But is she acting rashly, or just foolish to think that events will be so easily put aside? There is still much for the Uncanny X-Men to deal with in the aftermath and that is without turning an eye towards Magneto. Sabretooth’s manipulation and assault left Logan horrified at what he nearly turned her into, but just because she escaped that particular fate, is she any less altered?

Thanks Truck-kun For Making Me A Trader - Part 1/27

Poor Leon.
He wasn't supposed to be the protagonist of this story.
His rebirth in a new world was meant for someone else.
Can he still make it?
Step into the spot of the heroine that this new world needs?

Memoir of a Stealth Transition - 38 of 38


Chapter 38 - Love the Second Time Around

We had hardly had time to do more than exchange a chorus of 'what are you doing here' before a small whirlwind came clomping over with her braids a-flying. She enveloped her father in a enthusiastic hug, and to my surprise I found myself in her embrace a moment later.

"Daddy! I jumped and didn't fall down!"

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Chapter 37 - Trouble in Paradise

Things were a bit lean as we worked to revive and expand the company we now all had an interest in. Julie and I chose to take much of our compensation in stock and other deferred payments, as we were happily living with Sandra and Doug. We all put in long hours and it paid off, two years in the company was profitable, so Julie and I decided to go house hunting.

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Chapter 36 - We've Got To Talk

There's not really much to say about our time in grad school except it was all-consuming. What did touch far more on our lives was Sandra's increasing frustration with the male-oriented bullshit of the company she worked for. From her point-of-view, as well as our growing understanding of the business world, the company was missing obvious opportunities and playing turtle while technology and marketing opportunities passed them by. This culminated around our spring break in 1973, when Sandra and Doug uttered that immortal line: "We've got to talk."

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Chapter 35 - Going Home, Part 3

Forgive me if I touch lightly on the year and a half we spent in grad school. It was a whole lot of work. Interesting, important, but it really doesn't touch much on my life as a transgendered woman. Nothing changed much on that front.

Memoir of a Stealth Transition - 34 of 38


Chapter 34 - Alice's Restaurant Revisited

Arlo Guthrie's Alice's Restaurant was a major hit on a campus full of guys who were only one deferment away from having to schlep halfway around the world to try and kill people they didn't even know while those people were trying to kill them. Even though the Vietnamese weed was reported to be killer stuff, nobody wanted to be a killer to get it. Well, maybe some of the ROTC guys did, but they didn't like me and I didn't like them.

Memoir of a Stealth Transition - 32 & 33 of 38


Chapter 32 - The Dean

I suppose I shouldn't have been surprised to get a message from the dean when I went to my morning class. The professor excused me with a smile and wished me good luck - a summons from the Dean usually meant you would need all the luck you could find.

Scald-Crow 1: Chapter 4 - Rebirth


Scald-Crow 1:
The Rocky Road To Whateley
A Whatelye Academy Tale

High School is a living hell for Padraig, and his life is only made worse by bullying.
One night a powerful spirit offers him a deal, and his life is changed forever.
In a world where Superheroes and Villains are the norm, and mutants are hated by most of the populace
life get's complicated fast for our young hero.

Memoir of a Stealth Transition - 30 & 31 of 38


Chapter 30 - The Operation

On the personal front, things were moving along, too. Doug and Sandra returned looking tanned and relaxed. Doug was a chemist who Sandra had met at a professional conference. He had done some of the work on the materials they used in the medical business, and things had just clicked. He worked for one of the big names in that business (no, I won't name names!) and after almost twenty years without a partner Sandra had fallen - big time. For that matter, so had Doug.

Memoir of a Stealth Transition - 28 & 29 of 38


Chapter 28 - Another Surprise

"Tell me again why we are doing this?" I mumbled.

It was Sunday morning. Far too early on Sunday morning since Saturday night had gone into extra innings.

"Because you're taking your parents out to brunch at eleven. You're doing this because you're a good daughter and love your Mommy and Daddy."

"And you're doing this to me because you wake up cheerful and know I don't."

Memoir of a Stealth Transition - 27 of 38


Chapter 27 - The Wedding

When you are young, it seems that there is always some lesson to be learned. When you are old, you can look back and laugh at how many times you had to learn those lessons, because the young always think they have learned everything they need to know and don't need further schooling.

Memoir of a Stealth Transition - 26 of 38


Sandra had arranged for our internship to start after the wedding, giving us some actual vacation time before we began to work. Besides, with a wedding in the works, two built-in assistants were a boon to the busy bride who also had to keep up with full-time employment.

Memoir of a Stealth Transition - 25 of 38


Chapter 25 - Summer of Changes

Exams ended, we all were able to store much of our stuff in the garage of our new apartment. I left all of Conrad's clothes behind, leaving the only vestige of him on my body, to be removed a soon as we reached home. Indeed, Julie's home would be my home, Connie's home, our home. This time the bus ride was without incident, and Sandra was there waiting for us.

Memoir of a Stealth Transition - 24 of 38


Chapter 24 - Revelation

I'm not sure how I managed to study in those weeks between Spring Break and Summer Vacation. From an anonymous student trying to get a degree in business I was catapulted into an icon.

Memoir of a Stealth Transition - 22 & 23 of 38


Chapter 22 - The Other 90%

This might be a good place to stop and talk about the 90% of my life that isn't directly connected with being transgendered. Of course, since this in a memoir of my life as a transgendered woman, it isn't surprising that that's what I've been writing about.

Family Jewels

Family Jewels
By Ellie Dauber (c) 2007

Here's a gargoyle inspired by the recent release of files from the Central Intelligence Agency. I hope you enjoy it.

* * * * *

Memoir of a Stealth Transition - 21 of 38


Chapter 21 - A Friendship Grows

Maggie, at first miffed that a man was doing so damn well as a feminist, eventually began to relent. Julie and I decided she needed to know the whole story, so one evening in an unused library room we took her into our confidence.

Memoir of a Stealth Transition - 20 of 38


Chapter 20 - Ask Connie

In my depression after returning from that glorious week of letting Connie be free in the world, I neglected to notice that I couldn't be bothered to be sure her voice and movements stayed firmly behind the screen of Conrad. People began to notice but, like sometimes happens, just shook their heads and whispered among themselves.

Memoir of a Stealth Transition - 19 of 38


Chapter 19 - Bouncing Boobies

I hadn't even had time to hang my new clothes up before Julie reached over and squeezed my new breasts. "They do feel almost real," she commented. I could vaguely feel her finger as it traced the nipple of the form. "And it has a nipple!" she enthused.


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