
Mouikkai Musume, Chapter 11: The Depth of Their Feelings

.·:*:·.**.·:*¨¨*:·.** Mouikkai Musume **.·:*¨¨*:·.**.·:*:·.
.·:*:·.**.·:*¨¨*:·.** Chapter Eleven **.·:*¨¨*:·.**.·:*:·.
The Depth of Their Feelings
Editor: Trismegistus Shandy

Nerd-No-More Ad 3

Nerd-No-More Ad #3
by Ellie Dauber

Commercial products have been put to political use since the dawn of time. This use (misuse to some) of Nerd-No-More is only the latest case, and the Nerd-no-More company claims no responsbility for the INDEPENDENT actions of one or more of its customers.

Politics Is… Full of Rules in Need of Breaking [2.10]


Where is the line between being friendly and sexual harassment? Can mitigating factors such as ‘she thought I was her ex-lover', for some of it at least, be brought into consideration at all?

Hmm? No real reason why I'm asking… No reason at all, just idle curiosity, honest…
Uh—I mean, I'm asking for a friend.
There! That works better!

Events unfold including but not limited to:

Hannah finds something wrong in her bra,
John finds something wrong in his magic,
And a party rolls on around them regardless of any new information that may come to light because of either issue!


Originally Posted 2004-12-18


By Tyrone Slothrop


I wanted to try a role reversal without magic, domination, unwilling participants, too willing participants, hypnosis, or technology not based in current capability. Guys are guys but the rules change around them. It took more words than planned.

Stupid Bathroom Bill

Inspired by Bru's "Cheerleader Material?" and Laika's "AFTER THE BIG GAME"

Stupid stupid bathroom bill!!

So our team is traveling back on the bus from our big HS football away game; dirty, tired and beat up without half our roster. And we didn’t even get onto the field.

"WHY?" you ask! I’ll tell you why.

It’s common knowledge a visiting team uses the opposite gender's locker room for away games. Did the stupid state government take that into account with their stupid bathroom bill?!


For Better or Worse - part 8

For Better or Worse

When Tom married his wife, he truly believed the love they shared would pull them through any problems that may come their way, but what happens when you discover the one you married is not even human?


Written by Nuuan

At This Rate I'll Never Turn into a Girl! 3 [End]

The next morning I had a bit of a headache. I went to the bathroom and took some of my sister’s pain medication. For some reason, they came in a little foil pack with individual pills labeled with different days. Strange!

I showered, using Sarah’s body wash because I was out. As I applied it to my skin I felt a strange tingling! I checked the label to see that it had a special exfoliating formula.

At This Rate I'll Never Turn Into a Girl! 2

After my all my disappointments last week, I was sure that it was finally my time.

“I’m sorry, I think you’re a little too short to play Romeo,” the drama teacher told me. “Maybe try out for a different role.”

“I know. I’ll try out for Juliet! I’m sure I’ll make the perfect female love interest.”

The teacher looked at me strangely. “I was thinking something more… appropriate to your talents. Maybe Verona Citizen #1.” I was crushed, but I tried to remain firm. I could always try again next year!

The Confession

“Hey, I have something to tell you… I’m sorry I didn’t mention this earlier. I really hope we can still be friends once you know… but if not and if you’re weirded out I can understand...”

“...I think I’m a girl.”

Ian laughed. “God, I thought that you were actually going to say something big there, Allie. You had me going for a little. I was genuinely nervous.”


This was not at all the reaction Allan—Allie to friends—was expecting.

“...uh, maybe you heard me wrong? I, uh, was coming out to you… y’know… as a girl?”

The Many Faces Go To War 8

“The Many Faces Go To War: Chapter 8”
By = Fayanora

Chapter Eight: Defiance

Notes: Started putting dates on these chapters where possible, it helps me keep track of where I am in the story. (Something I figured out when writing my original fiction.) Dates are provided by HP Lexicon's Order of the Phoenix calendar.

The Many Faces Go To War 7

“The Many Faces Go To War: Chapter 7”
By = Fayanora

Chapter Seven: Mahala Kalisha Kadu

Notes: Started putting dates on these chapters where possible, it helps me keep track of where I am in the story. (Something I figured out when writing my original fiction.) Dates are provided by HP Lexicon's Order of the Phoenix calendar.

A New Spin On Traits

The narrator of this tale describes why it is a bad idea to summon a Succubus. Or was it a good idea?
Furthermore, he explains how bad of an idea it is to play "spin the bottle" with the said Succubus, or is it?
Maybe it is a tale that teaches you that if you can't trick a Succubus then trick others with the help of the Succubus.

Where did I go Wrong - Again!

The encounter with Carl Delaforge in "Commutation" was a bit depressing so let’s cheer up and revisit the family from “Where did I go wrong?”, only two years later. If you haven’t read that story this will contain spoilers.

I was not feeling very well coming down into the living room that Saturday morning. What I saw there did NOT make me feel any better. The room was a mess! A ridiculously short, and expensive looking, sparkly blue dress on the floor. On the same floor some flimsy lace black thong panties featured prominently. Black 5 inch heel shoes thrown around, one on the floor, the other in an armchair. A bra, that matched the panties in material, color and sexiness, in the other armchair. Stockings, and garter belt draped across the back of the couch. A couch that by all evidence had been used to have wild, wanton sex on. Fortunately I couldn’t see any stains and the used condom had missed the carpet, Who could be responsible for this?

Cheryl? No, she’d never wear five inch heels. Wait, five inch heels? Michael!!!

The Many Faces Go To War 6

“The Many Faces Go To War: Chapter 6”
By = Fayanora

Chapter Six: So Many Questions!

Notes: This is the sequel to “The Many Faces of Har---er, Adira Potter.” If you haven't read that series yet, this one isn't going to make much sense. Also, a reminder for anyone who forgot: the person formerly known as Harry still exists, she's just transgender in this one, her new name is Adira, nicknamed “Addy.”

The Fairy

My name is Gwall Gramadegol. I’m a fairy. I’m proud to be a fairy!

I come from an ancient and proud family of faeries. No, no, not the degenerate Tinkerbell variety. Think Oberon and Morgan le Fay (yes, she was one of us). Powerful, proud and mean. Even evil if you prefer. As a matter of fact I’m the grandson of Oberon. Junior branch though.

Cross Race Destiny Part 3


16 year old Seki has always dreamed of travelling the stars. He has always wanted to experience first hand the adventure his ancestors went through when they left Earth. And for that, he needs to win the annual Trappist Interplanetary Race which will determine if he will be able to take part in Trappist Empire's Second Deep Space Expedition. Unfortunately, things don't always go as planned.
Cross Race Destiny Part 3
These hands! I can't control them!

By Shiina Ai

Jonathan Creep – Magician's Assistant

Synopsis: For those who might have wondered just whom the Jonathan Creek UK TV series was based upon, look no further than Jonathan Creep, Design Assistant to the Magic Circle. In researching the 1920's magician, The Great Morgasmo, Jonathan meets Caddy Goodhope, who temporarily becomes his Magician's Assistant to perform the greatest trick ever known to Jonathan. The real question is, if there's no such thing as magic, how does it work?

My Russian Wedding

The UK Immigration authorities will do everything they can to prevent Tommy's Russian cousin from marrying a British citizen. Tommy is asked to help the wedding go ahead.


Audience Rating: 



TG Themes: 

TG Elements: 

Character Age: 


Breast is not necessarily best

Synopsis: When Daniel gets offered a temporary job in the mail room, he little realises just where it will quickly lead him. Nor does he realise the consequences.

Author Notes: This story does have extensive breast feeeding content, along with some sexual content.

The Trouble with Karma

Petshop is a perfectly responsible biodevisor. (Really) It's not her fault that her super cute and adorable creations don't always work out the way she intended. But this time, she learns that Karma is a bi...brat.

Spilling Miss Take

Spoiling Missed Aches

A lot of this is an accumulation of all the spilling misteaks I’ve come across in the years. It’s all meant as a bit of a spoof, and it’s bean fun to putt it together. If it helps anyone pick up on a mistake they make too often – then that’d be nice.

At the end of this parody are some extra and silly weirdnesses of English.

Broken Echo

Five nested stories form one overall tale! Spanning different genres and time periods—fantasy adventure, romantic comedy, suspense, and more—there's something for everyone as each story delves deeper into the themes raised by the one before, with unexpected consequences as each resolution echoes back into the overall tale. Fun, thrilling, sexy, and smart!

The Shut-in Santa Doesn't Want To Work


What happens when Santa doesn't want to work? Well, he has to. Who'd deliver the presents then?

December 2017 Christmas Dreams Story Contest Entry

The Shut-in Santa Doesn't Want To Work
A story about a Santa who doesn't want to be a Santa.

By Shiina Ai

Traps Are Delicious But They're Not For Cooking


Hi, I'm Rin. When the school I went to went bankrupt, I had to find another school to go to. The only choice left was a school that is so full and crowded, there's hardly any room to breathe. So with only one week left to change schools, I had to do something drastic. I picked the only other choice left, which is an all-girl's school. By the way, I'm a boy.

- This is the alternative route from the base story, Traps Are Delicious. But They're Not Edible is Shira's romance route. But They're Not For Cooking is Zara's romance route. Hope you enjoy this story. -

Traps Are Delicious But They're Not For Cooking
A story of a boy's life in an all-girls school.

By Shiina Ai


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