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The time is 12:40am December 21st.
In a small room in a small but comfortable house sits a young girl. She is in her winter nightie all in white with small sleeves all in white. She sits at a vanity desk where there is some play makeup, a pink Barbie laptop to one side with a small candle burning in a tea cup. She is using the low light so as to not wake anyone in the house. Her feet are bare and swinging underneath her as she sits hunched over as she carefully writes on a piece of paper in her best handwriting. The pencil is held securely in her hands where her pink colored nail polish is visible
Dear Santa:
I have tried really really hard to be a good boy this year. I know that I have failed at it badly and I'm so sorry.
I wish I could dress like other boys but I just can't. It hurts too much when I try.
I want to try to play with the other boys my age but they wont let me. Only the girls will play with me. I have gotten good at hopscotch though.
I've been as good as I can otherwise. Eating my yucky vegetables. I obey the teachers and Tante Drea.
She pauses as she sits up to grab a tissue and blot her eyes.
You know that I tried to be the best boy I could even in my skirts and dresses.
I've been a big sister to my little sister Dottie.
I know I would only get a lump of coal for Christmas because I'm still so bad that even my own mummie and daddy don't want me.
But if you think in your heart that I should get something besides coal could you please give it to my sister Dottie instead.
She does not believe she is a good writer but she is. She is so much better than me even though I try so hard.
I know in my heart of hearts that she is a real girl and I want her to be one whole with a loving caring mother and family. Even if it means I would never see her again.
Dottie really needs that and all the love you can provide her.
So to summer... uhm I forget that word, If I was to get anything presents even coal use them to help my sister instead.
Loves and kisses
Lil Jaci carefully folds the paper before putting it into an envelope. She licks the flap before pressing down on it where she addresses it to Santa Clause. Using the tea cup and its small candle to light her way she sneaks out of her bedroom carefully. The walk down the hallway into the living room where the Christmas tree she and Dottie had not 5 hours before spent the day throwing tinsel on and putting on what decorations they could reach. The top of the tree looked a little bare in spots while the lower part had many. On the fake mantel made of plastic with its 4 hooks sat three red stockings with white trim. Each had gold embroidered names in them.
Off to the side was a spot with a tiny plastic mailbox. The mailbox only said north pole on it nothing else. Lil Jaci opened the tiny flap and put her card into it. It just fit where she closed it.
She did not notice that the letter fell behind the plastic mantel nor that it was not the only letter to Santa there. Satisfied with herself she used the candle to return to her room. She blew out the candle before she got back into her bed snuggling in for a good long winters nap as the old song says.
The end.
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" it was not the only letter to Santa there. "
Maybe a letter from Dottie is there as well?
Nice story, made me cry.
Oh Jacilynn, you......
Silly girl, of coarse you haven't been a good boy, and that's because you such a good girl! Your nice letter to Santa is proof of that, putting your little sister ahead of yourself. Surely if Santa can, he will honor your request, but she already has a loving family in YOU and Tante Drea. Yes you are a family, as real as any other, and if your parent can't see you as there Daughter, then it's there loss. As for the writing part, you write just fine and you have inspired Dottie to as well. So in summation, yes Jacilynn, you are a good girl, good sister to Dottie, and good "Daughter" to Tante! (Hugs) from that nice lady down the street with the popcorn (giggles) Taarpa