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Its Rosey’s fault: Wish granted
Blame “stuck in a rut” author Rosey Redd for this one:
Rose looked at the magical genie she’d released. Genie says you can be anything you want, just name it,” Rose struggles, finally saying “I dont know, man” Genie replies “wish granted!”
And Richard was left to stagger home.
yeah, but I didn't say have it happen to me...
you have to be more specific with your wishes
we genies are sticklers like that
That's being a little squirrelly...
or just plain nuts.
Not bad. Thanks. Have you heard this one?
"What's that in the road ..."
... ahead?"
well you want to get ahead dont you?
I'd rather get behind...
I have so little of it.
So Ms. Redd is responsible for this? In what way?
-- Daphne Xu (a page of contents)
she gave me the idea
so its totes her fault