Easy As Falling Off A Bike pt 353.

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Easy As Calling On A Mic.
by Angharad.

The drive back from Sussex seemed long and tedious, I did miss Stella. It was getting dark as I parked the car and walked to Tom’s house. It suddenly struck me, how generous he was in taking me in for a short period, which had grown to become my regular home. I would have to see how Magaret and Greg Soames were getting on too, especially as they would be using my ‘family’ home.

I opened the door and Tom was standing just inside. “Oh hello,” he said.

I threw my arms around him and kissed him on the cheek.

“Oh,” he said, “What have I done to deserve that?”

“Tom, you are just bloody wonderful.”

He blushed and was speechless for a moment. “Goodness, recognition at last,” he said to the hall carpet.

“I am dying for a cuppa,” I said walking past him.

“How was Stella, going back I mean?”

“Fine, we were having a friendly argument and this old bloke comes up to us and tells us off. He was wearing this expensive suit, so when he said he was the medical director, we believed him.”

“I take it he wasn’t?”

“No he was one of the loonies.”

“That a clinical term, is it?”

“Okay,” I said blushing myself, “one of the clients. Better?”

“Yes, that I recognise.”

“Well they are all crazies, it’s why Stella feels so at home.”

“Cathy, that is very uncharitable.”

“Talk to Stella about it, poor little rich girl syndrome, booze or drugs and boredom.”

“Do me a coffee will you?”

“Won’t that keep you awake?” I certainly wouldn’t drink coffee that resembled mud from the River Hamble.

“If it does, it’s my problem not yours.”

“Fine, I only asked.”

“Stop asking pointless questions and make the coffee.”

“Yes, my lord and master.”

“No, that is Simon, I’m just your boss, elder and better.”

“You forgot all round nice guy.”

“Tut tut, how careless of me, okay include that in my entry in Who’s Who.”

“Are you in it then?” I was quite taken aback by this revelation.

“In what? Where’s that ruddy coffee?”

“Who’s Who?”

“Yes, loads of professors are. Remember, not too long now and you’ll be in Debretts. That should be interesting reading.”

“I’ll probably just be an appendage to Simon’s entry.”

“Nah, they’ll do one for you too, ‘famous dormouse juggler, cyclist extraordinaire, and ecologist.’ Yes, that could be very interesting.”

“How can it be, if I’m not.”

“What? Not interesting? Who are you trying to kid?” He picked up the coffee I’d made and took a sip, “It certainly won’t have, ‘coffee maker’.”

“Oh come on, Tom, you don’t drink coffee, it looks more like the stuff they take off the top of sewage farm tanks.”

“Oh that has improved the taste no end. Enough of this frivolity, when is Des going to make another appearance?”

“I’m not sure, when the local dormice seem to stop hibernating and start rushing about the place, which is usually April some time.”

“So I can get Pippa to organise classes for you for the rest of the term?”

“You can until April.”

“Okay, we’ll do that then. It’s just that I’m thinking of going to see my sister.”

“I didn’t know you had a sister, where does she live?”


“Like my ancestors.”

“No, your ancestors are dead, she is still very much alive.”

“Why does everyone pick on me?” I said as I sipped my tea.

“Poor use of language and general disorganisation.”

“Gee thanks.”

“You’re welcome, I’m off to my study.”

“Okay, I’ll say goodnight then.”

He turned and walked back to me, “You’re a terrible scientist, but a lovely young woman.” He kissed me on the cheek and went off to his study.

“If, I’m such a lousy scientist, why did you hire me?”

“I told you, to perk up the departmental photos, oh and you’re becoming a good teacher.” He shut the study door and I was dismissed for the night.

I called Simon. “I’m bored,” I said.

“Lucky you, I’ve got some jobs you can do for me if you like.”

“Nah, I’ve got plenty of my own, I could be doing if I wanted to. I don’t want. That’s the problem.”

“Oh see. How was Stella?”

“Much better, she’s hired a bike and taken it up with her.”

“Will they let her ride it, I mean off site?”

“ Don’t know, but I tried to warn her that they may not.”

“You did your bit then?”

“I hope so.”

“Oh come off it, Cathy, you are practically a saint by modern standards.”

“Doesn’t that say more about the standards than it does me?”

“Depends upon which ones you read.”

“Yeah, I suppose it does. When will I see you again?”

“Sounds like a seventies pop song.

“It does, but then you’re a clone from a bygone age anyway.”

“So kind of you to say so. Be careful my beautiful bimbo, not everyone is as forgiving as me.

“Is that a threat?”

“Would I threaten you?”

“You once threatened to give me a beating.”

“Yes at cards.”

“Oh yeah, I forgot that. Anyway, I have to go, talk to you soon. Love you lots, bye.”

We both rang off and I went to my bed all alone.


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Bigger and better

Flakes, that is! They are all prime candidates for an EOD (Emergency Order of Detention), the first step to a padded cell of their very own!


"Being a girl is wonderful and to torture someone into that would be like the exact opposite of what it's like. I don’t know how anyone could act that way." College Girl - poetheather

"Life is not measured by the breaths you take, but by the moments that take your breath away.”
George Carlin

Such a sad ending...

Going to bed alone.

I do wonder why folks seem to want to "pick" on Cathy. *sighs*

Interesting episode all around though. Sounds like Tom needs a bit of a Holiday too...


Picking On Cathy?

Not for too long because she will tell 'em off when she has had enough.
May Your Light Forever Shine

May Your Light Forever Shine


Wendy Jean's picture

She's just storing feist until Simon gets back, then he won't know what hit him. This used to be Stella's job, but now it is a tag team. The bit of good new (for Simon) is that they also go after each other.