On Cross-Dressing and TG

On Cross-dressing and Transgender

There are, in my opinion, a number of levels to cross-dressing and transgendered tendencies. (For the sake of this essay, I will only deal with Male to Female, mostly because that’s the side I know best).

The first level of cross-dressing I call Mild. At the Mild level, a man occasionally has a desire to dress like a woman. He may indulge this desire on occasions, but rarely does it cause him any great distress if he cannot. Many men at this level may call cross-dressing a hobby, no different in their mind than other men taking up golf as a form of relaxation. For this reason, they rarely have much guilt feelings associated with cross-dressing. They may have a female name to use when dressed, but have no particular attachment to it. Lastly, they have no desire to change sex, or becoming feminine in any serious way.

The second level, I call Moderate. At the Moderate level, a man has a much stronger desire to cross-dress, and may suffer from distress if that desire is prevented. The man may still call it a hobby, but it has become a hobby that requires a lot of his time and attention. They may have at least some amount of guilt associated with it, and may occasionally have periods of “purging”, and “binging” where they get rid of all traces of the cross-dressing, only to go on a buying spree to replace what they have gotten rid of. This is the level that best describes at least some men who are regarded as suffering from a fetish. Their female name is more important than at the mild level, and some at this level have positive responses to the name totally apart from when they are dressed. At least some of the men at this level may seek help in controlling their desires, and/or try and find an acceptable outlet for their need. Lastly, they may at least consider techniques to be more feminine, but still identify as male.

The third level I refer to as Serious. At the serious level, the person suffers from significant distress if prevented from cross-dressing. It cannot really be called a hobby at this level, and indeed has more in common with addiction. The man may have serious amounts of guilt associated with dressing, and are much more likely to have “binging” and “purging”. They may still be classified as suffering from a fetish, but they also may be regarded as at least mildly transsexual They will have a positive reaction to their female name. They are likely to seek help, either to control the desire, or to bring the desire to life in a practical way. Lastly, they have seriously considered or taken steps to be more feminine, and may refer to themselves as girls at least some of the time, and may use terms such as “part-time girl.”

The fourth level I call Critical. At this level, the person is utterly addicted to dressing, or being as feminine as possible. They may suffer from a great amount of guilt, and “purge” , but almost always return as soon as feasible. They are often regarded as being transsexual. They will have almost as positive reaction to their female name as to any item of female clothing. They will often seek help, but attempts to control their desire will usually fail, and will end up having to accept it as part of who they are. Lastly, if at all possible, they will take whatever steps they can to be as feminine as possible, and although they may still call themselves a “part-time girl”, it might be more true to say they feel like a part-time boy..

The last level is Total, otherwise called Transsexual. Dressing isn’t all that important except as part of being accepted as the female they feel like they are. While they may still suffer from guilt, and purge, the desire will no be denied forever. They regard their female name as their true one, and the male name as a disguise. Eventually they will seek help or be forced to do so. All attempts to repress the need to be female will fail. They eventually must become female, or suffer. They may retain some aspects of their male lives, or none.

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