Team Meeting - Part 2 - An Unlikely Friend

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Team Meeting
Part 2
An Unlikely Friend

by Andrea Lena DiMaggio

Copyright © 2010 Andrea Lena DiMaggio
All Rights Reserved.


Some things are just
more important than football...


"I don't understand, Sammi...why can't we see each other?" Rita's expression was equally angry and sad.

"I've got a lot of thinking to do...I have been thinking." Sammi looked down, not wanting to face Rita. She knew how upset and hurt Rita was, but it couldn't be helped. After a long talk with her brother Dan, she realized it was entirely unfair to have started the relationship in the first place. It wasn't like she didn't care for Rita. She was that she cared that made her break it off.

"We shoulda never started, honey..." Tears streamed down both their faces as Sammi continued.

"I was more intrested in screwin' you, Rita...and that's wrong. I never thought about you other than someone to make out with, and that's wrong." Sammi looked into Rita's eyes, and while Rita was angry, she began to understand, or so Sammi thought.

"Let me get this straight. You love me so you don't want to be with me? What the fuck are you tryin' to pull here? You come here dressed like a fuckin' tart. You fuckin' queer." Rita might have been much kinder if she hadn't been so upset, but she did say some words she would come to regret later.

', it's not like that. I'm sorry, but..." Rita cut her off.

"Fuck you, you bastard...get out...just get the fuck out." Rita didn't even wait for Sammi to leave. She ran upstairs, crying. Sammi heard Rita's bedroom door slam. Her own tears cascaded like a waterfall down her face and onto the carpet in the foyer. She turned and opened the front door. Standing there for a moment, she tried to think of something that might make Rita understand, but nothing came to her, so she walked out and down the steps of the house, and right into a fist.

"I knew if I waited long enough, you fuckin' queer, I'd get my chance." Leon Lucas stood over Sammi's prostrate body.

"Yeah, you queer," Leon's toady, a one Marty Calabrese, stood behind Leon, almost afraid...actually he was afraid to do anything without Leon's approval.

Leon reached down and picked Sammi up by her belt. He thrust Sammi into Marty's arms, saying..."Hold him...tight."

Marty gripped Sammi by her arms, and Leon proceeded to punch Sammi repeatedly... stomach... arms...face.

"Okay, Marty...let him go." Leon said with a smirk. Sammi fell to the ground, cracking her head on the slate sidewalk.

"Fuck you, you fuckin' faggot," Leon said, and spat on Sammi as they walked away.

"Yeah, fuck you, you faggot." Marty spat, but his spittle hit a gust of wind and ended up on his new throwback Sixer's jersey.

"Aw fuck..." Marty looked down as Leon laughed. They took one more look at Sammi and nodded. Picking her up, they carried her around to the alley in back of Rita's house and dumped her in the pile of trash leaning up against the storm fence.

"Keep away from her, or this isn't over, you fuckin' queer!" Leon said as they walked away.


Rita's brother Julio walked down the alley toward his house. He saw Sammi lying in the pile of refuse. He walked up and looked down.

"Well, you fucker...finally got what's comin' to queer." Julio kicked Sammi in the side, eliciting a low groan. "Stay away from my sister, you faggot." He spat on Sammi and walked up to his house, laughing. Sammi rolled over and tried to get up, but her two cracked ribs and the bruises on her arms kept her from getting up.

She crawled out to the street behind Rita's house, but made it no further than to the corner of the block fifty feet away before collapsing once again.

Louie Perrone, co-captain of the football team at school, was the defensive counterpart to Chris on offense. Unlike Chris, however, Louie made many of his decisions regarding the defense on the field, not on what was in the best interests of the team, but what would make him look good. That he was a superb athlete helped, but he made it difficult for his teammates to improve by making it all about him. It might come back and haunt him later on when the schedule got tougher, but he really didn't think about it.

Sammi had risen to a sitting position. Her face sported a few bruises as well as a knot over her right eye. Leon had been so out of control that his aim was bad enough to miss shattering Sammi's eye socket. She was crying, both from the humiliation and the pain, and the frustration of not being able to get up.

"Well, if it isn't Sammi Compagno. What's wrong sissy boy...your girlfriend beat you up?" Louie snickered.

" me...please." Sammi raised a hand, painfully from the bruises and her cracked ribs."

"Why the fuck should I care about fuckin' faggot. As far as I'm concerned, you got what you deserved. Pick yourself up." Louie laughed as he turned around the corner and disappeared. Sammi slumped back to the sidewalk and began to cry.


Jimmy Samartino was the captain of the cross-town sister school of the Lions. The Panthers were in a battle with the Lions for the last playoff spot for the state sectionals, and he was determined that nothing would keep them from the crown. He was delivering pizza in the neighborhood, and as he walked away from the house he noticed a figure lying on the ground across the street. He walked over quickly and noticed it was a girl. On closer inspection he realized it was a boy in girls’ clothing, and he was a mess. His dress was torn, and his face was bruised and bleeding. Jimmy felt uncomfortable, not knowing what to do. This was the first time he had ever seen one of "them" up close and it bothered him. It wasn't right, he thought, but he noticed the boy was crying, hard.

Reluctantly, Jimmy leaned over and asked the obvious but unnecessary question,

"Are you okay?" He looked at Sammi, who tried to rise up on one elbow, but finally gave into the pain and passed out.

Jimmy really didn't want to get involved; he really didn't even want to know what happened, but something inside him took over; you know...the good that sometimes pushes the stupidity and ignorance out of the way. He reached down and helped Sammi to his feet. Then he walked him over to the car and put him in the passenger seat and strapped him in.

"Fuck...this fucking sucks," he said to himself. "If I lose my job over this..." He turned to face Sammi and noticed that he had passed out once again.

"Oh shit...alright...what to do...?" He thought for a moment and then called the Pizzeria.

"Yeah...I just finished delivering over on Clancy Street...I found this kid passed out...looks like he was beaten up pretty bad...I'm takin' him over to St. Clare's to the'll get back when I'm know, Carmine... you're... what? No...I'll see you later...I don't know when...Look I don't care if your dad owns the place...Yeah? You too, asshole!" Jimmy pulled away from the curb and sped off to the hospital.


The loud chime rang overhead as Jimmy sat in the waiting room to the ER. Sammi was in and out of it all the way to the hospital and Jimmy found out his name and his brother's cell, so he was waiting for someone from the family to show up. The hospital had asked for some guarantee, so Jimmy told them to put it on his medical card, and that his dad would try and settle it later. After signing some papers he sat down in one of those stiff plastic chairs that make you wish you'd never come there. He was bored and anxious. The TV was turned to the cooking channel and some white haired lady was going on about how good the biscuits would taste with butter.

The door to the waiting room opened and several figures walked in, all looking anxious and concerned. Dan Compagno, Sammi's brother, walked to the front desk and identified himself. They told him where to enter and he went through a door and was gone.

"What the fuck is he doing here," Pete Stone said. Mara Felice, Pete's girlfriend, punched him hard in the arm.

"Pete...Watch the language, huh?' She smiled to take away the sting of the rebuke, and Pete looked at her and apologized

"Hey Jim," a voice from behind him called. Chris Sovrano, captain of the Lions, stood behind Pete and Mara with Pete's brother Andy. Both walked up to Jim, who was puzzled by the tone of Chris' voice. He had expected some teasing and banter, like when rivals size each other up...some trash talk.

"Thanks for helping Sammi." Chris said, as he put his hand on Jimmy's shoulder.

"What the...” Pete would have finished the invective but for the fist punching his ribcage...hard. He turned and frowned at Mara who looked up at him and smiled.

"Sorry..." Pete shrugged his shoulder and turned his attention back to the trio by the seats. Andrew had turned around and put both of his hands out, palms down, as if to tell his older brother to calm down.

"H...hey Chris.'s it goin'?" Chris and Jimmy knew each other from middle school, before the township built a second high school. Once teammates, they were now rivals and Jimmy didn't know what to do with that. Chris did.

"Thanks for bringing Sammi to the hospital. Her parents are out of town, and Dan was worried sick all the way over here. Not too many people would have thought to call. Thanks for waiting."

"Her...Chris...that kid is a guy...what the....he's a faggot." Jimmy didn't look upset or angry, just confused.

"Sammi is Dan's's hard to explain, but she's not a "faggot, Jim. Even if she was gay, should that matter? She's a human being who needed help, and obviously it didn't matter enough to leave her where you found her."

"I know...I'm just...I don't understand it all, but he....ah...she was hurt. All I could think of was that she might die if I didn't do something. She said two other people just walked on by...Who can do something like that?"

Jimmy shook his head, more out of concern and wonder about the teen lying in a bed in the ER than his confusion. Their talk was interrupted by the reappearance of Dan.

"Good broken bones in her face...came close to shattering her eye socket. Other than bruises and a couple of cracked ribs. They're going to keep her in overnight for observation but she's going to be okay...She's going to be okay!" Dan had tears in his eyes as he turned to Jimmy. He leaned close and enveloped Jimmy in a bear hug.

"Thank you...this was....thank you." Dan wiped his tears with his sleeve. "I sorted out the insurance with admitting, so our insurance is on the bill." Dan paused before continuing. He smiled back at Andrew and Chris.

"Sammi wanted you to know she really thanks you. She wanted to give you this, so I hope you don't mind." Dan leaned close once again and hugged Jimmy, kissing him on the cheek, which caused him to turn red.

"O...okay..." Jimmy pulled back, more out of surprise than the still evident embarrassment.

"I guess you'll be getting back to your job now, huh?" Andrew said.

"Not really. When I called up to tell them I was still at the hospital they said I was fired. I gotta stop by tomorrow to give them their sign and pick up my last check." Jim looked down, embarrassed at the revelation.

"Jim....I know it's not much...especially after what you did for my sister." Dan looked him in the eye, sorta the old "man-to-man" expression.

"My dad owns a hardware store in town, right near the divide (the divide being the demarcation between the two high schools). He's looking for some help in the store, and we could use someone so....conscientious. The job is yours if you want it." Dan smiled at Jimmy, whose face began to redden again; this time more out of embarrassment and shame. He had just called this guy's little brother a faggot, and now he's being offered a job?

"My sister said she's okay." Dan said, and Jimmy knew exactly what Dan was referring to.

"I...I gotta get home...we play the Titans this weekend and coach wants us rested up." Jimmy just wanted to leave...he was filled with shame and confusion and more than a few regrets.

"Hey Jim,” Chris said as Jimmy turned to leave. Walking up to him, Chris offered him a hand. Pulling him into himself, Chris clasped Jimmy's hand while bumping shoulders. "Have a great game!"

"Thhhthanks. too." Jimmy smiled sheepishly and turned to leave. He had just reached the exit when he stopped and turned.

"Hey Dan?" He called out. Everyone turned and looked.

"Tell your bro...Tell your sister I hope she gets better real quick." He tried to hide it, but as he turned back and walked through the exit, they noticed the tears streaming down his face.

based on the passage, Luke 10:29-37

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Nice, genuine

Lots of real feelings going on there.

Nice update of the tale

Even without looking up the reference, it's fairly obvious it's a reworking of The Good Samaritan - a parable which lends itself nicely to any context featuring someone generally despised by society through no fault of their own.


As the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handers are in their right mind!

All It Takes Is Someone Doing The Right Thing

jengrl's picture

Jimmy did the right thing even if he didn't like what Sammi was doing. I hope the perps get arrested for what they did. It would be nice if Rita had an ounce of compassion and realized that Sammi still means something to her. I wonder if she will even care that Sammi was beaten? No one deserves that and it is all too familiar to people in our community.The parable of the Good Samaritan is one of my favorites. Great story Drea! I look forward to further episodes.



Why does doing thr right thing so often involve undoing the wrong one?? Great tale Mom!

Your Brat

I wonder if

That is actually legal - firing Jim. Then again, in these matters I'm about as clueless as they can get.


On rights of free advertisement:
Big Closet Top Shelf

Where you can fool around like you want to and most you get is some bemused good ribbing!


On rights of free advertisement:
Big Closet Top Shelf

Where you can fool around like you want to and most you get is some bemused good ribbing!



In many states, it would be legal, because of "Right to Work" Laws. He took unapproved time off from work, so he could be fired. Most states do not include in their "God Samaratian" laws such circumatances.

THen again, if publicized, it would not look good for the store to fire someone who help an injured individual. ANd, I do not think that the TG nature of the victim would make most sane people think differently.



It is really sad that

many employees are fired for being Good Samaritans while on the job. Companies rarely care why an employee failed to do their assigned duties, even when helping someone who might be seriously injured or even dying. Intelligent management, upon learning of the circumstances, will give their tacit nod and even public support. In this case, with Sammi's transgenderism, enlightened management would most likely tread carefully, neither publicizing the event nor punishing the Good Samaritan. Anything else invites a backlash from one side or another in our polarized society.

Of course, like many in the TG community, Sammi may not be willing to publicize her plight and Jimmy should respect her wishes. That's a hard thing to do when you've lost your job. Thankfully there are better people involved and it looks like Jimmy will have other employment soon.

This is a wonderful story, Andrea!



You never know when someone

You never know when someone is going to step up and be a friend when you need help. Jimmy did just that, which shows his compassion for others. Jan

Another Great Chapter. Who is the worst villian???



Andrea, your stories are always well written and have a deep meaning.
Jimmy did what was right, even if he felt uncomfortable, about whom he was helping. Knowing when to act in a proper manner is something that many people do not know how to do. Product conduct should overcome other emotions. Jimmy's parents should be proud of how they raised their son. He even remained at Sammi's side (so to speak) even when it would have been okay to leave him a the hospital and even though it cost him a job, which he probably needed.

There are lots of villains in this story:

Rita, Leon, Marty, Julio and Louie.

I think that trying to decide who was the worst of the lot is difficult, but I would say in my opinion it was Louie.

Leon and Marty are thugs, the type of low lives who get their thrills beating up and hurting others. They live for that.

Rita, was hurt, and acted out of spite. It was not right, but her conduct was not out of the norm for someone who feels rejected.

Julio is a little twit. Maybe he truly thinks that he was protecting his sister. A jerk to think that way, but perhaps, understandable to some extent. If she was faced with a truly dangerous person, we might have thought his actions proper.

While Louie did nothing to further harm Sammi, his failure to help him is just mean and spiteful. His lack of concern is the worst, because he did not need to do anything more, then make a cell phone call, or otherwise contact the police or paramedics.

I am sure others will disagree with my analysis.


P. S. Andrea, perhaps as a gift to some of us, you could actually publish, the New Testament passages, that you quote. I am sure many of the readers here, will know them by heart, but there are some of us, not that familiar with your quotes. I know it is easy to look it up, but posting the passage is helpful.

P.P.S. My children are both "Gators". Your posting the quotes, made me think of that Great Gator Q.B. Tim "Timmy" Tebow, who posted biblical passage quotes under his eyes during games.



I'm confused. (Not an unusual state of being for me) ...

Jezzi Stewart's picture

... ** "I was more intrested in screwin' you, Rita...and that's wrong. I never thought about you other than someone to make out with, and that's wrong." **

Since Sammi was enfemme when seen kissing Rita, is Sammi, then, a TS and a lesbian? Is this bad boy to bad girl to good girl?

"All the world really is a stage, darlings, so strut your stuff, have fun, and give the public a good show!" Miss Jezzi Belle at the end of each show

BE a lady!

Sammi is a teen who like some others

Andrea Lena's picture

...hasn't quite decided what he is other than he want to be a she in some fashion. She remains, however, only attracted to girls; hence the confession about using Rita, after talking to her brother about her priorities. Chris had told her in the previous chapter that it was probably better to work on herself.

She was born for all the wrong reasons but grew up for all the right ones.
Possa Dio riccamente vi benedica, tutto il mio amore, Andrea


To be alive is to be vulnerable. Madeleine L'Engle
Love, Andrea Lena

great adaptation

laika's picture

I forget how short these accounts were in my King James, since they loom so large in mind and memory. The guys that passed by the original
story's victim, there wasn't much about them, who they were or what they were saying or thinking, but I could imagine they had reasons,
justifications like the guys here. There's a lot of good material in the Parables, I hope you'll do more. Really good messages,
equally applicable to most secular belief systems, I think...
~~~hugs, Laika

(Someday I hope to start my NOAH'S ARK MURDERS. Part Bible story, part satiric ANIMAL FARM-type fable, part Agatha Cristie cruise ship mystery.
with Monsieur Dodo trying to find who is bumping off the unicorns, velociraptors & such; while Mr & Mrs. Lemming keep trying to jump overboard
out of survivor's guilt. I don't think it'll be a TG story, but you never know what Noah's sons might've been up to on that stormy voyage...)

"Government will only recognize 2 genders, male + female,
as assigned at birth-" (In his own words:)

I'm Glad

joannebarbarella's picture

You decided to continue the "Team Meeting" theme. Using Biblical stories to support TS/TG situations is a nice poke in the eye for the fundamentalists who cry "Abomination" and would definitely be among those who passed by,


Thnx for Having the courage to use a Bible story for inspiration

Il cuore del mio proprio cuore


As usual you reduce me to tears with your stories. It's not that they're all sad, but you keep finding my heart with each story. This one filled me with joy to see the poor outcast, picked up and taken to hospital. Taken not because it was the easy or profitable thing to do, but because that is what people do. I would argue those who passed Sammi by are not really people. Such are "Sheeple" at best.

Once I was criticized for a story that simply mentioned the Bible. Thank you for having the courage to use such a story for inspiration. Thank you for being a person.


Lei era chiamato Mamma da uno di di quelli che ha lasciato il commento di a. Questo significa ho una nipote? Per essere la Zia a è un pensiero così meraviglioso.
Molto Amore, Bettina

Violence Is Not The Answer

littlerocksilver's picture

It seldom is. I know this is fiction, but it hits so close to the horrible truth about how man reacts to differences. Something has to be done to educate people about the truths of human behavior, that there are no black or white situations, that difference is not wrong. Unfortunately, prejudice begins at home and very early in life, It is reinforced by fundamentalists (not necessarily religious) beliefs that perpetuate unsound thinking and hatred. Secular beliefs don't stand a chance as long as parents 'protect' their children from reality by insulating them in a non-secular environment that ignores reality.

:( Portia


good Samaritan

A nearly note-perfect retelling of the good Samaritan. the only thing that was a little off was the guy helping her was not nearly the kind of despised person that the Samaritans were to Jews, which was why one being the "good" one in the story was so shocking to the original audience. Now, if the roles had been reversed, and a straight guy was helped by a TS girl, it might be closer. Loved it anyway 'Drea



You find good people in the damndest places, doncha?

Ole Ulfson's picture

Good people are good people no matter which team they play on. Such a simple but true message: Why can't some people believe it?


We are each exactly as God made us. God does not make mistakes!

Gender rights are the new civil rights!