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Team Meeting
Part One Among Friends by Andrea Lena DiMaggio Copyright © 2010 Andrea Lena DiMaggio All Rights Reserved. Some things are just |
Josh sat on the rock wall in front of the school entrance, notebook in hand. As team captain, he'd taken it upon himself to go over some plays with his offensive unit. Some of the guys were out of town, so the group was smaller. They sat cross legged on the grass in front of the wall.
"Can you go over that one more time," Tommy said. "I'm not sure this is going to work," he pointed to the play on the page. "We've tried that one a few times, and it seems the defense is always ready for it."
"No reason why it won't work if we mix in a few other simple plays," Andy said. He and his brother Pete were really locked in on what Josh had in mind. It was hardly a secret that Pete was a little slow, but he followed directions completely and quickly most of the time. It helped that his girlfriend Mara sat with the group and took notes for him and went over the plays during study hall.
"While we're at it, guys, we've got to get along better. Our line has to work and Simpson here have to figure out how to get in synch. Nate....come over here, please?" Josh said, but he wasn't upset. Nate was pointing toward the field house down the narrow path, giving directions to a girl who looked lost.
"Tommy, I know you don't agree, but you've got to have more confidence in the team as a whole. It doesn't help that you keep arguing every time we get together. I know you mean well, but you'll do yourself a favor if you just lighten up and get on board, okay?" Josh diffused what could have been an embarrassing situation by smiling and shrugging.
It was amazing, even after nearly a whole season that they were doing so well. The whole conference seemed to be out to get them, and they felt almost like they had targets on their backs. What really brought it all together was that the coach, Dom Sovrano, had entrusted his son to be captain.
Under most circumstances, there would have been resentment, since he was the coach's son. But Josh had proved time and time again that his dad's choice was the right one. He was a classic pocket quarterback, and the plays were spread out between both running backs and an occasional pass here and there. Josh could have been the entire offense; both running and passing; he was that good, but he was smart enough to defer to the great talent on his team.
"Hey, Judd, can you at least try to act like you care?" Andy said. Judd turned and glared at Andy but his look turned to a smile.
"Sure," he said as he edged closer and looked at the notebook.
As Josh reached over to his backpack to grab a pen, a girl came running down the sidewalk toward the group. She tripped and fell right in the middle of where they sat, landing with a hard crack as her elbow hit the wall next to Pete and Mara. She was dressed in a halter top and her short skirt had ridden up her legs, revealing her panties. She had been crying, as evidenced by the streaks of mascara that ran down her cheeks. A moment later, the reason for her tears appeared.
"Hey,'m talking to you." A very large and imposing figure stood, almost towering over the group, as they were sitting down.
"Yeah, you fucking queer," his toady friend said, all the while standing behind the behemoth he called his friend.
Josh stood up and walked over to the two guys.
"What's going on here?" He asked calmly and carefully, his words coming almost like the cadence at the line.
"This queer has no fucking business bein' here." The bigger one said, smirking with an almost glee. The toady just nodded and said,
"Yeah, no fucking business."
"What has she me understand here, guys."
"I'll tell you what...jackass, mind your own fucking business and there won't be any trouble." His voice was almost a roar as he pointed his finger in Josh's face, but Josh remained unphased.
"So what if the dude's a fag? He's not hurtin' you, is he?" Pete was at least as big as the guy, and he went to stand up. Mara grabbed his arm and pulled him back down.
"Let Josh handle this, okay?" Pete had a temper, and he had gotten into trouble more than once for it. Mara had a calming influence on him, and she was able to get him to stay focused and on task.
"I''ve got a bad feeling about this...this can't be good," Tommy said to Matty, who just nodded and looked away.
"I said, you fucking faggot...get the fuck outta here." The girl was cowering next to Andy, who held her hand.
Josh just stood there, the brute's finger still in his face, unaffected and almost stoic.
"What is us understand...what did she do that you're so angry."
"I caught her hanging around my fucking girlfriend, and they were kissing ...How fucking queer is that?" He flinched his shoulders as if to threaten the girl, who was weeping in fright.
"Leon Lucas, isn't it?" Josh said calmly. He smiled warmly at Leon and his buddy, as if to welcome them.
"Yeah, what of it, jackass?" Leon leaned closer to Josh and smiled back, but it was anything but welcoming.
"Didn't I see you with a girl yesterday in the seemed to be enjoying her company." Josh said this as an observation, with almost no emotion in his voice.
"So," Leon said. His toady nodded and echoed his reply,
"Yeah, so?"
"Well then, it seems to me you've got no reason to talk, Leon, since you're doing exactly what you are upset with her about," Josh said as he used his hand in a broad gesture to point to the girl on the ground."
By now a crowd had formed around the group, and a girl standing on the rise above the wall said,
"Yeah, Leon...I saw you too! You were all over that girl. And she was havin' a good time! Besides, everybody knows your girlfriend and this queer have been screwing around." She said it with a smirk, but Josh's look back disarmed her smugness and she shrugged her shoulders as if to apologize.
The crowd of kids stared at Leon, waiting for him to reply. Seeing how he really had nowhere to go with his arguement, he looked at the girl on the ground and said,
"Fuck little faggot..." His voice had no authority and sounded more like sour grapes. He and his toady walked off without another word. Seeing that "the show was over," the crowd broke up and dispersed quickly, leaving Josh and his teammates alone except for the girl. Mara had helped her up and had given her a hankie to wipe the smears off her face.
"What happened?" Josh said quietly, not to be instrusive but to allow her to tell her side of the story.
The girl looked up at him, tears still streaming down her cheeks. One knee of her pantyhose had bagged and her other knee was exposed by a huge tear, revealing a very sore bruise. Her hair was disheveled, and upon closer examination appeared to be a wig. Josh leaned closer to her and placed his hand gently on her shoulder.
"It's can tell're among friends here," he said, while helping the girl by adjusting her wig.
"I....I.....she...." The words came slowly and haltingly.
"What about her?" His look was welcoming, giving the girl the strength to continue.
"I...I've been seeing her...I knew she was going out with him, but...." She was going to make an excuse, but Josh's warm smile convinced her otherwise.
"I shouldn't have...I'mm so soorrryyy."
"I know you," Josh said in a whisper, soft enough for no one else to hear.
"You're Danny Compagno's little brother Sammy, aren't you." Danny was a friend of Josh; he and Danny went way back.
"Yessss." Sammy said and began to cry.
"It's okay, kid.' Josh whispered again. "Why don't you just go home and get cleaned up, okay?" Josh smiled once again and patted the boy on the shoulder.
"You're not going to tell my brother about this are you?" Sammy used his eyes to scan himself, as if to indicate his dress.
"He already knows, kid, and I bet if you talk to him you'll find out he understands and accepts you. Your brother loves need to know that, okay?" Josh said as he patted the boy on the shoulder once again.
"Just try to stay out of trouble, okay? Maybe you need to focus on yourself for a while, yes?" Josh smiled once again. Sammy blinked back tears and went to say something, but couldn't speak from the unheard sobs still stuck in his throat. He turned and went to hand Mara back her hankie. She shook her head no and said,
"That's okay, girl...I've got plenty more at home...I cry all the time." Mara stepped in close and hugged and kissed Sammy before she walked away. She smiled at Josh who nodded and smiled back.
"Hey Josh, we'll walk her home, just in case," Mara said as she grabbed Sammy's hand. Pete walked around and stood next to Sammy and smiled and said,
"Don't worry kid...everything's going to be okay...Like Josh've got friends."
"Okay, guys, now where were we?" Josh said as he turned his attention once again to the notebook, where he began sketching out a new play.
based on the text John 8:1-11
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Such a good story. And one
Samirah M. Johnstone
Heartwarming Story
Sadly, there are only a few people like Josh, but they DO exist. There was just one at my school, to whom I am eternally grateful. A gentle giant, good at athletics, never angry, always calming people down and making them behave better towards each other. I know when he left he became a Policeman, but I lost touch with Everyone at that place, on purpose, and had no desire whatever to go back and meet any of them ever again, so what then became of him I know not. But he was the Only One.
You told the story as though you were there.
Andrea, It would be
It would be wonderful if we could see this happen all the time, where others stand up for a person who is "different" and is being bullied. Sadly tho, it is a story and only on rare occassions do we see real life act in this manner. Thank you for this cute short story offering. Hugs, Jan
Hmm bullying,
Not much impressed by it myself. So where do you find tolerant jocks? Lovely tale - thanks,
- Jayne
Release the inner twaddle: My blog =>
That which does not kill me only serves to delay the inevitable. My blog => <= note new address
Just because we overuse convenient stereotypes in such stories doesn't mean they are inevitable. There are good people everywhere.
and I am inclined to agree. Experience wins out however sometimes.
Come release the inner twaddle: My blog =>
That which does not kill me only serves to delay the inevitable. My blog => <= note new address
Samirah M. Johnstone
It Was Great That Sammy Had Support
It was great that Sammy had support. You hear so much about football players being some of the worst bigots. It was nice to see someone standing up against these bullies. Great story!
the evil that men do
For what it's worth, there's studies that seem to show that guys in groups tend to look around at what everyone else is doing to figure out how to behave. If the group has a high standard of ethical behavior, an attitude of tolerance they'll take pride in conforming to that. If the group is raping slope bitches and bayonetting their babies, well gee that must be the thing to do. The jocks I encountered in high school 1970-72 seemed closer to the latter type, and I developed some serious prejudices against atheletes which dovetailed neatly with my general misandry, always ready to think the worst of those with an overtly masculine presentation (THEY are so narrow minded!). But every group has its own dynamic, and it seems like a Alpha who is decent can do a lot toward elevating the standards of behavior for the group.
And who know? Maybe the times themselves can change, where prejudices that would've been the norm in 1970 would be a bit less so today. Not everywhere at the same rate; There's still plenty of reactionary idiots around (just read the comments on news articles about gay or t.g. issues, where chickenshit bigots feel emboldened by the anonymity of the internet), but yes I believe this bunch could exist...
It's good to have hope for the human race. I already know how to freak myself out with the most pessimistic & scary scenarios. I'd rather read a story like this than Attack of The T.G. Hating Neanderthal Jocks From Hell. Thanks for this sweet hopeful story, Drea.
~~~hugs, Laika
Well shit, I guess it really CAN happen here..,
Actually, my 37 years of teaching ...
... 12/13/14 year old boys and girls (USA public school) leads me to believe that this is also true of adolescent girls in groups, if not more so, and the Alpha females can be better and worse than the alpha males. I think, whether for better or worse, Kipling was right.
BE a lady!
Yes! A Good Story!
We didn't have football in my High School... too small. Our heros were the Basketball Teams and they kinda looked out for the geeky, smaller kids. The Band kids were also protective of their own members, so I was pretty safe during my High School years. There were several kids like me who dabbled a bit in wearing girls things. Fortunately we didn't have any real bullies.
It would have been great to have a guy like Josh around!
Thanks Andrea for a well written just-plain-nice story!
Thanks Andrea
for a wonderful story, Arecee
Nicely done!
It was good to see the team step up behind Josh and act like a team, especially in doing something right. I'm not sure Leon's going to just let it go, but he'd be smart to -- hmm, wait a minute, I shouldn't use Leon and smart in the same sentence. *grin*
Thanks for a wonderful addition to my Saturday afternoon. *hugs tight*
Much love,
Andrea,your warmth,your feeling and your empathy are to
the fore again and this is a good story.As an 'oldie' I see far more tolerance among the younger generation today than was
evident in my lifetime.Sure,there will always be bigots,but
remember,you have to be taught to hate!!
No Big Deal
Simple, no big deal, just straightening something out and then its back to business. Absolute Gold here Andrea. I loved the matter of fact way Josh handled this. If only there more leaders and just plain good people like him around. Sweet Andrea!
No big deal is right!
Gosh, in all my long years I've only known one athletic type guy like Josh. But I know they are out there. Hmmm, I wonder if he knows Tommy Browder? Andrea, do you think so?
I'm adding my voice to the huzzahs praising your story, Andrea. My only quibble is that Josh should've either asked one of the guys to escort Sammi home, or else have someone call her home and let them know what happened.
You make a very good that needs to be addressed
...My apologies to all who have read my story. In my haste to publish this, I neglected to add another line to the story, which I had written down separately and meant to copy. I am editing this to reflect my original intent. Thanks Marlene for the reminder, and thank you all for your continued support and encouragement.
She was born for all the wrong reasons but grew up for all the right ones.
Possa Dio riccamente vi benedica, tutto il mio amore, Andrea
Love, Andrea Lena
No prob!
No worries, Andrea... I'll send you my bill for services rendered in a jiffy! :D
But my devious mind tells me it would've also been a nice touch if Josh or one of the other players stood up to the bully and declared *he* was gay and challenged the bully and his toady to beat *him* up...
But seriously, Andrea... I'm glad I was able to give you a nudge.
Dear Mom...
...I love this new tale for the obvious reasons. I am sure this could happen almost anywhere these days (probably not where I came from though). There are still horror stories to be told but at least there seems to be a growing acceptance of those who are, or wish to be, different. And, as digustingly usual, it's so very well written.
Your Envious Lil' Brat
Somehow Or Other
Teen society didn't seem to split into classic Jocks and Nerds when I was at school. Perhaps it's an American thing. Also, our education system was single-sex, not co-ed, so a lot of the situations depicted on BC involving boy-girl relations did not eventuate during school hours. They occurred after school in coffee bars or on the streets.
However. gangs and groups would form behind alpha-males as I suppose happens anywhere in the world. I think what this little piece says is that a good leader will have a good influence and that is a true reflection of what happens in real life.
For instance, I can remember being very cynical about Nelson Mandela when he gained power in South Africa, only to be gradually won over by the man's innate goodness and he changed that society almost single-handedly by example. A nod to "Invictus" here.
So, 'Drea, to the point...a nice take, and believable too,
Nice to have understanding friends!
Good one Andrea.
Thank you.
Age is an issue of mind over matter.
If you don't mind, it doesn't matter!
(Mark Twain)
a lovely retelling
you have brought the Gospel story into modern times without missing a beat. As always, brava
Acceptance instead of hatred...
New concept! What will they think of next? Let's figure out how to bottle this. Josh and his team are quite the REAL MEN that the bullys will never be.
We are each exactly as God made us. God does not make mistakes!
Gender rights are the new civil rights!