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Looking for a story

I can't believe I can't remember the name of author of this one.

Character catches his wife unfaithful and leaves - changes to true self on the way and ends up in a small town by the sea. (something like Penistone?) Finds true love, lots of cats, inherits riches....

Yeah, I should know which one this is.

Thanks in advance.

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Working on sequel

Per the MANY requests and PMs I've received since it posted just a few days ago, I've decided to extend Why Me? to a full-fledged serial. I've begun work on a second chapter and, if my muse remains cooperative, will finish it and send it for editing (along with a new chapter of Dawn) some time tomorrow. I have lost the work I'd already completed on Demons 3.2, so a rewrite is needed, delaying its posting a few days. Since I have no therapy on the weekends, I should be able to catch up, provided my health holds up and I have no further setbacks.


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Things Are Looking Up :)

My life has been utter shit as of late and because of that I haven't been happy with anything that I've been doing....whether its writing or just plain living. Thankfully I got a bit of a wake up call in the form of Adult Protective Services. I was accused of some nasty things toward my elderly great aunt I live with---all of them false and unfounded I might add. It was kinda scary though. There is a silver lining with it though.

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Thanks to my guardian angel Andrea Lena the second chapter of 'Andi and Allie' will be posted today. The third will be upcoming hopefully this Sunday. I could not do this without Drea's amazing assistance and very patient effort. It seems that anything beyond an e-mail and such out paces my puter abilities. In an off handed compliment the big oxen of an Irishman I happen to keep company with simply states that puters are NOT a 'bab's' thing. I'm not sure whether I should feel warm and fuzzy or I should smack him. Such decisions!

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Scheduled posting

I have a story currently being edited and will be posting the prologue as soon as it's finished being proofed, probably later today or early tomorrow. Work on Demons continues slowly, as the Journal has finished the proofreading phase and is ready to be published. The. song lyrics are complete as well, so only the chapter itself remains to be written and proofed. No work on Chronicles or Smoky Corners, as they are on my small netbook at home. Leila is still recovering and will be for awhile (please send her well wishes), so Mandela is on semi-permanent hiatus.

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sorry the story is so short

Just an apology for the fact my latest piece is so short. I kept hoping I could expand it, but I was seriously stuck, and my muse kept wanting to work on this other piece based on my dream instead. So I figured I'd put it out there, and hopefully if there is interest I'll add to it or make a sequel or something, assuming my muse lets me.

At least I'm writing again, so there is that ...

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The Reluctant Miss Pink - Hatbox Premium

I gave Erin a story called "The Reluctant Miss Pink" for the Hatbox today. It should be one of the top entries in the Premium Stories banner and on the Premium Stories page. It was inspired by Erin's own "Hired Girl" story (also by Melanie Brown's reluctant series :)) and is about another transgirl getting a job and doing well at it. I hope you enjoy.

You can join the Hatbox in the right hand sidebar to read the story or wait till February when I will repost it as an ordinary BCTS story.

Here's the cover, designed by Erin from a public domain image I found:

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Nanites from Leslie Moore and a Wildcat update

While we are working on the rewrite and editing of The Wildcats, I got the itches and penned a little story called Nanites. Thanks to Dee Sylvan's extra editing and Dawn's format and beautiful cover work, the story is up on Big Closet.

I hope you all enjoy it. In the meantime, The Wildcats has been beefed up and has a better flow now thanks to Eric and Dee. While we go through the process, I've started a spin-off story that features Jessica Jade, my transgender woman to the rescue. It's coming along nicely.

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IARG cover issue

I'm trying to decide if I really want to use the current cover I have for "Rosemary".

Pros: It is professionally done, it looks nice...the characterizations are just. About. There.
Cons: The model for Kristi is Differnet from the character description in the text and the cover makes it look like a romance novel...which it isn't.

Would it be better to use the following picture (or one like it, of the same model) than the current version?

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weird dream that might be a story

Had a weird dream last night that might make a good story. In the dream two ex soldiers go to a hotel bar to meet a third former soldier who had transitioned to female. The reason for the reunion was some supernatural evil they had survived as soldiers had returned, and they wanted to fight it together.

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So... After a most productive writing year...for me anyway... in 2016, with the help of dear Drea, the first chapter of an ungodly long tale has been posted. I wish I could promise chapters on a scheduled basis but since posting seems to be a challenge I will proceed as quickly as possible (or perhaps Drea will). I'm allegedly editing as I go along. Anyway, I am totally in her debt. We should all be that lucky. ;-) I hope you all enjoy this tale.


Kelly Ap Lake

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Invited to write about my Transgender experience.

I've been invited to write about my Transgender experience, to be published in a magazine.

Should I expect money? If so how much? I'm not very anxious to write this, but might. Has anyone else had a similar experience, and what did you do?


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On writing Tarry Fails

Some readers have asked me if it's hard for me to write these. Since I am actually lysdexic, they come quite easily. The problem is finding one that hasn't been done already by Captain Sloopnagle or Archie Campbell or someone else.

As for the Parables, I write them backward, starting first with the moral I'm trying to get across and then developing the story to suit. THAT, my friends, is sometimes incredibly difficult for me to do.

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Roundstones and the Wolf

I've never had my readers tell me the title of a chapter before. But I promised to continue Mark's story from River (the one he told the students in his grade 5 class) if there was interest. Many said I should do so, and told me the title should be the one at the top of this blog. I just finished the story, and for me it is a long one, at 9000 words.

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Question for my readers

Good Morning, all. It's 8 AM, EDT, and I'm sitting on the bed in my room, waiting for my day to begin. Yesterday was quite hectic- with doctors, therapy, my counseling session, and meets and greets with all the staff, my dietician, my social worker, etc. I must apologize, as this kinda sapped my energy (and caused my muse to temporarily run away in fright). I will try to post something today but am not making any firm guarantees. Work continues (albeit slowly) on Prance and my other vignettes.

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Need my readers' help today

OK, so I'm stuck here in rehab, bored to tears, and my muse wants desperately to write something. Only problem is that she can't decide what to write. So, I'll put it to a vote.

1) A nice Tarry Fail,
2) A Parable,
3) A Non-Canonical Smoky Corners Tale
4) Nothing. You write too much stuff anyway, and I can't understand most of it.
5) Who cares? Just write SOMETHING! I'm desperate to see what your warped mind comes up with today.
6) An Apology, for putting us through your daily silliness.

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good news for the Gabfen

Yep, a quick heads up for all the Gabfen out there, the second part of Book 21 will be available from tomorrow in all the usual formats, Kindle, Lulu tree and digital.

I will of course post links here and there will be more free Book 15 as well.

So watch out tomorrow, be the first to read what Gaby did next!

Ciao for now

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Kappa Delti Girls - By Daring Diane On Amazon and Kindle Unlimited

Danny, a college student with long hair and an androgynous look, wears his sister's sorority shirt to class one day. Living the life of a loner, Danny had few friends and was easily ignored by everyone in classes. However, several people, who were unaware of his existence, notice Danny in the sorority shirt and assume that Danny is not only a girl, but a member of the sorority.

What happens to our intrepid hero as the school year continues.

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Apology to all

I wish to apologize to everyone regarding my double comments in the story comments section. I have done everything I can think of and even what others have thought of, and I still cannot stop these double comments from happening. What really makes hard, is once in awhile, I will think the issue is cleared up, because I only get one, then suddenly "here we go again" appears.
So I have come to the conclusion I either don't comment (which I really do not want to do) or just go with seeing the doubles show up.

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I Am Rosemary's Granddaughter Chapter 14 "Queen of Sorrow"

I admit, I have been updating this chapter in piece meal style.
But is least for now...until the massive edits that may come down the pike occur.

So...I hope to have chapter 15 completed by next week.

And yes, Karen Anne will make an appearance once more

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Started new book

This might be a bit premature to say anything about as it will take quite some time to complete, but I started working Reluctant Co-Ed tonight. For the longest time I resisted writing this story because 1) Chrissy isn't reluctant anymore and 2) a Tgirl in college has already been covered. But I felt the books really needed something between Prom Date and Bride.

I'm also going to have to take some of Reluctant Bride to use in the story. I'm going to have to completely re-write Reluctant Bride for publication any way.

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What constitutes a 'Universe'?

I have an idea that came from to solo pieces (That are linked) that expands the scope of further stories that use the environment that is described in those stories.
Does this expansion of scope constitute what people mean by a Universe? These further stories are linked but essentially stand alone pieces.

So, what does constitute a Universe?

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