Midweek already.
Its a busy week for me, lots of bike riding (180km so far), a visit to the doctor (apparently I'm in robust health but my heart rate is quite low), some writing and - well its exhausting being me! I've still got a night out, more riding, more writing and shopping to fit in before the weekend.
Which brings me to Sunday. There won't be anything from me on Sunday, its the closest weekend to Mum's 80th birthday, a fitting time to take her on one last trip to one of her favourite places before spreading her ashes on the NYM. Its going to be an emotional day for me, Dad and my sprog, we'll have dinner up there before heading to our various homes, that does mean it will be next Wednesday before I can post here again.
And so to this weeks Gaby chapter, Departure Time. Hope you enjoy it.
ta ta for now
Heart Rate
Your heart rate is low because of your bike riding. If you regularly put in that kind of mileage (I refuse to say kilometrage) then your heart expands to provide the required bloodflow and your heartrate will be lower when you're not riding.
Both happened to me when I was riding regularly. I ended up with a rest pulse of 36/minute and my blood pressure was crazy low as well, but as I was then considered an "athlete" (no, not even close!) those figures were thought to be acceptable.
Now, of course, I haven't ridden for years and my resting pulse is up to 72/minute, about average. On the other hand, if I hadn't spent those years riding, I'd probably be dead by now.
oh i know
the reasons - my doctor otoh doesn't know I've been riding and racing bikes for 40 years - he was a trifle surprised and had to count twice! (he was doing it the old fashioned way) My 'usual' at rest is @ 40bpm and yes my blood pressure, at least before my DVT scare and treatment was silly low too, they could never find a pulse!
I think I'm getting back to some sort of fitness, at times yesterday I was riding at under 100bpm! My old racing partner however is hitting 190bpm due to a heart disfunction so I'm thankful I'm not in his shoes atm.
If anything my medication will exacerbate this as thinner blood needs less effort to move!
What I need to get back to is a point where I push myself into the red occasionally, I currently tend to back off, even stop if it feels hard!
Madeline Anafrid Bell