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Some facts about M.Y.T.H.

Just some facts about M.Y.T.H. school for those who want in:

M.Y.T.H. stands for Magical Youth Training House. The school would be in the north-west part of Montana - so near forest, but with farmland near too.

Cold in the winter, but the school probably has magic to keep the worst of the weather at bay.

Closest big name attraction would be Yellowstone park.

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Head, meet wall. Repeat

I've been going nuts this week. I had another chapter to River ready to post on Monday or so. Eric got it back to me on Friday. Unfortunately there was an electrical storm on Thursday night, and it blew up my computer. The repair guy says that the power supply was toast, and the components inside melted, although nothing serious was destroyed (like the hard disk).

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Good Days and Bad

Monday was okay and yesterday was quite productive but today - well today has been less good. Its four weeks tomorrow that Mum died, four weeks ago today the last time I spoke with her, we just made the usual noises of goodbye, nothing different to thousands of times before, I somehow feel guilty for not saying more, a simple 'love you' or parent/child kiss. But that's not my family's way and I feel that I've been robbed of that intimacy, its not going down the same with #1, we are much more huggers.

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anyone want to be a beta reader ?

I am looking for a beta reader for the first chapter of my sequel to "Help! My girlfriend is a Unicorn!".

I need someone who feels comfortable reading what I have so far, and making comments, suggestions, questions, or whatever that will help make the piece as good as it can be.

So, any takers?

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Good News, Bad News :D

I'll start with the bad news first.

Whisper Pines is being a real SOB at the moment. I can not for the life of me figure out how to get myself out of the current hole I've written myself into. I'm sure I'm just over thinking it all and the solution will come to me eventually. I really like the story and I want to finish it, I owe it you guys to finish it :(.

Ok that's the bad news.

The good news is that just because I can't seem to write that, doesn't mean I'm done with writing.

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Bootcamp was a bust

Well, the writer's "bootcamp" thing was a bust. it was all about writing self-help books, using said books to pass yourself off as an "expert" so you can get interviews, which leads to speaking fees and endorsements, which is where you make money, and they get their money from you in exchange for publishing your book.

So nothing that would be helpful for me, sadly.

Ah, well. At least I tried ...

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No Bike tonight

Sorry folks, but I seem to befalling apart physically. The other night I awoke to a strange pain in my mouth only to find I'd chewed the side of my tongue--I don't recommend it. Then, on Thursday evening, Whizz took exception to me rubbing one of her feet and attacked me, or more precisely my right hand. I think she caught a tendon and it's swollen and sore but I don't think infected, however, typing isn't very easy. Finally, just to take my mind off my hand I seem to have sinusitis which is causing the whole side of my face to be very tender with occasional jabs of pain in my ear.

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Finding the story about Abby (?).

I started reading a story yesterday that I thought had 10 or so chapters. Then the site went down, not complaining.

The story started with a pre-adolescent boy who had a friend who was a Cheerleader. When the boy got home from school on his birthday, his parents gave him presents of girl's clothing, jewelry, and make-up. The next day, he started attending school as a girl. Apparently he was the last one to get it, since the school administrators and many of those he knew already knew he should be a girl.

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Fun Morning -_-

So I took my dog out this morning at about 2am. I let him out the back door and went to pee. Its our usual routine. By the time I'm done, he's usually done too. Today he took a little bit more time because he hadn't been out for a few hours what with the fireworks and all. I should have known something was wrong when he didn't come in right away. I had to go out and get him and everything seemed to be fine when I did. It wasn't until we got close to the house that I noticed he was severely foaming at the mouth. Of course my first instincts were to panic.

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NEW shadowsblade is here!

Just posted the latest chapter to Shadowsblade

Warning in this one Rohanna does a few not so nice things----

But in this one she faces that dark past again while doing her part in finals testing for the academy. Some small parts of her past are shown and other hidden gems!

The last chapter you all seemed to have liked, but nearly no comments? I was expecting that to happen, as the chapter was just her having fun---But there are a few Easter eggs in that section!

Now on to the Torturing of Drows!

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51 years ago ...

51 years ago, in a tiny town in New Brunswick, I came into the world.

On one's birthday, I feel one should set time aside for gratitude, and I have a lot to be grateful for.

My family - my mom, my brother, my sister-in-law, my ex, my daughter, my church, my friends, both near and far, my faith, and of course this place, without which I doubt I would have found the courage to try a transition.

Super big huggles to all!

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Sorry, site won't allow me to post BIke

Either the site has had a sudden attack of good taste or it's still not quite right. I've tried twice to post the next thrilling installment but all I get is a notice saying the form is outdated and to refresh the page. Life is too short to piss about with puters, so I'll post it tomorrow.


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The River flows again

I know that there are limited fans for my series River, but I feel I have let them down, missing several weeks as my retirement issues worked their way though the system. The good news is that I walked out of the college for the last time on Wednesday, and for the next month I am on holidays, with retirement kicking in on August 1.

Anyway, I just sent Chapter 20 to Eric, best editor on BC, and he sent me a note back saying he will get right on it. The upshot is that I will be posting a chapter before the end of the weekend, after he works his magic.

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Will Today Be the Day?

For the last few years, I’ve waited with baited breath every time I’ve tried to open Big Closet.

As I wait . . . I ask myself, “Is today the day?

“Is today the day Erin’s financial woes will finally make life so miserable for her that she’ll give up.”

“Is today the day Erin has to umpire that one more contentious spat between site users that will push her over the edge?”

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without being in torment, can I still write?

I am scared I might be done as a writer.

See, almost all of my writing came out of the struggles I have had with PTSD and my gender.

Now, I have just had the biggest success in dealing with my gender issues by getting my name legally changed, and I'm scared that without that struggle my muse has nothing to feed on anymore.

Do I need to be tormented to write?

And what do I do if my muse doesnt come back?

Sighs ... I could use some huggles ...

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I recently (Tonight) ordered some material from 'AMAZING TRANSFORMATION COMICS but they did not deliver. They took my money but did not allow me to download the product. My advice to BC top shelfers is to avoid this site, it seems to be a rip off.


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Footprints in the SeaVol. 3

Just when I thought I could take a couple of days off, Amazon have made Footprints in the Sea, Vol.3 The Enchanted Island live.
I wasn't expecting it until Wednesday. Now I'll have to get back to Volume 4 and cancel my plans for two evenings down the pub and do a proofing of the next chapter of Volume 3 and post that.

Thank you to all the people who gave me kudos and responded to my previous blog, I will be contacting you via PM later this week.

Next week I might go south and attend Charlotte's wedding.

Bye for now,

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Misdirection! :-D


While I continue to struggle with advancing the three open tales I have on BCTS, I decided to stall for time and try to make a case that I was not in fact deceased.... (perhaps, at worst brain-dead ....or suffering from dormant muse syndrome) by posting something entirely different.

The good news is that it is self contained and should leave no reader with a case of "And then....?" syndrome.

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What's normal?

So here I am, ten days after my world was turned inside out.

I'm still getting infuriated by my leg, still getting weepy for no apparent reason, still.......Yes, things are getting better, tomorrow should sort out most of the financial stuff and then its just getting through Thursday. I'm expecting to be a mess on Thursday in front of the relatives but sod 'em, we need to move on and if that means a good blub so be it.

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Welcome to M.Y.T.H. school

Starting soon, Bonnie and Melody will be joining a group of teenage magical creatures at a brand new school:

The magical youth training house AKA: M.Y.T.H. School.

Mundanes who go near will see the school name as the Micheal Yosef Tomas-Howe alternative school

And I am opening the school up to other authors. If you have an idea for a magical creature story that could be set in the school, please let me know!

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Cherry Moone

Cherry Moone is a story I have been working on since 1996...and's still incomplete.

The story is about a family that lives on the outside of town and life. It is based on life at my former high school and a lot of the dialouge (the car trip to school in chapter one, for example) is almost verbatim.


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Ten Years of Bike

In terms of longevity, it seems my series on the trials and tribulations and occasional triumph of Cathy Watts, other wise known as Lady Cameron or the Dormouse Lady, has become something of a feature on BC, which I think readers only give kudos or make comments out of sympathy for the poor deluded author and her two cats - the fact that she talks to them (the cats--who else?) demonstrates beyond doubt that she's either barmy or a witch or even a barmy witch. In real life she's neither, or so deluded she doesn't notice.

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Looking for Story

Long before I joined BC officially, I read a story that I've been longing to read again.

From what I remember of the story as a whole, the main character is a kid in either Middle or High School and is without his mother who "left" a few years earlier but it is found out later in the story that the abusive father had killed the mother and dumped the body in the septic system. I think at one point in the story the main character changes gender albeit I don't remember exactly how.

I hope that's enough for you guys to pinpoint which story this is.

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Unaccounted Gains & Eve

The first two books in the Unaccounted Gains series are still available on Kindle (at a reduced price) whilst work continues on a new book.

There's one more chapter of Eve to come and that concludes Book 1 (properly this time!). There may be a Book 2 - but I have other priorities right now!


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I Am Rosemary's Granddaughter Chapter 10: Had to Grow Up

Sorry, work and life has kept me from writing lately.

Chapter 10 takes its title from the song "Had to Grow Up" from the album "Life" by Aselin Debison,

While technically the song's lyrics have nothing to do with the story...if I could find a way to write lyrics based on the storyline...I think it would work.

Story note: Some parts of the the story are true...such as the part about the truck parked in the country...that did happen and we never did find the screw that was removed from the brake light casing.

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Feeling Flackey because I am

I just wanted to let you all know that I'm not going to be around that much.

It is summer vacation, and my kids are demanding my full attention. I don't have that much time to review what I'm writing or spend time on the BC site these days. I think I'm going to return to writing another series in the fall.

In the meantime, I am going to be spending time with my family. Traveling around. Getting into trouble. Watching my kids get into trouble. And generally finding bail money. ;-)

I will continue to do solos.Just don't know how often.

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Another entry in my Noise universe is coming.

Just wanted to give people who liked the start of my Noise universe that I had another idea come to me for a character. This may or may not be a one-off, I'm vacillating on whether he will end up substantially weaved in or not. He fits in perfectly with the spirits concept though this will definitely be intense.
I've got the ending mapped out, now I guess I just need to think backwards.

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I was going through my files today and came across a folder I clearly hadn't looked in for a few years. I have six unpublished chapters which I will put together as a single story, it won't be a Book 2 but more of a conclusion to the existing book.

Tammy, meanwhile, is taking a break while I think about some new stories.


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A gripe about English language usage.

I am getting very frustrated at the lack of spell checking on this site, (and others).
Do people not proof read and spell check before posting?

Lately in many of the stories I read I see the wrong word used or major spelling errors.
Now I am aware that not all people were brought up using the English language. But why not have a native English speaker go over the stories before submission?

I seldom see punctuation errors, which is good.

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Wind of Change, last of the Elemental series now available on Amazon


The third in the series 'Elemental'.
Actually, for those who know me, there might be further books in the series if demand is there.

Having put three novels up in a week, I am going to take a well-earned rest, and finish Torc 2!


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