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Along with solemn thoughts due to the Transgender Day of Remembrance, I've wanted to do more, especially for at-risk and abused youths and the families with transgender children. If you've read my books, you know that many of them feature teenage characters.

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What the Hell?

So, I posted a blog post yesterday to tell everyone that we got a game of Divine Blood in and I was working on the new episode of Twin Tails but it seems to have mysteriously disappeared. Word count too small, maybe? I mean, I guess I can pad these out but what I'm typing right at this moment feels a bit ridiculously wordy just to let people know I'm still around and working even though I've been a bit slow this month.

But I jest and digress.

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Well yay for them, after only eight hours the Kindle version of Summer Loving part 4 is out there for you folks to see and if you like, purchase. I've never worked out why it takes Amazon so long to get submitted work up when Lulu can manage it in seconds. Still, it's there now, go into Amazon from any of the links on BC so they get a cut, search for Maddy Bell and not just this latest tome but all my works will appear for your perusal.

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Prophetic Stories

In November of 2011, I published "Alien Investigators" which had some teleported aliens which were serendipitously dropped into the front yard of some Fundamentalist polygamist Mormons in southern Utah as extremely precocious human infants. The story was not intended to seem Um plausible at all. It was just a bit of loony fun. In later parts of this tale, the protagonists did some viral genetic editing to "improve" the human race.

Now, in November of 2017, someone really has done gene editing, on themselves. Now I feel like a Prophet. :)


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Luck of the er Yorkshire person!

Yay - new Gaby posted without issue! so click on Gaby Book 15 ~ Friends ~ Chapter *32* A Time For Giving to read the next action filled epsipode from the Rheinland.

In other news;

More Gaby is with my editor, with a determined effort I will get out part four, book 21 on Sunday - fingers crossed!

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Something Techie Something

Well the 2nd draft of 11th Sun is done so... NEW PROJECT.

I've been looking for something around her for awhile, and haven't found it. So I'm writing it. It's gonna get weird, but not unually of weird. Just like, normal weird. Maybe a little weirder than that.

Unfortunately I haven't found the voice yet. I usually write noir, that's sort of been an accident. And I usually put a lot of comedy in, that's mostly on purpose. Comedy is how I keep my thinking sharp. There's some of that. Maybe there will be more later?

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Lilith Langtree's Retcon Universe

Okay. First of all this is NOT a complaint. That said, It is a plea to all the authors who contributed their remarkable talents to a marvelous universe of great stories.

So many of the tales there lay unsettled and incomplete. I completely understand running out of ideas of writing oneself into a corner, having been there myself, more times than I care to admit, but I'm not talking here about endings to all those wonderfully inventive stories. Just bringing them to a logical resting place so that the plots that were still ongoing could be brought to a close.

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New Book out - The Award


In a similar vein to the book IT'S NEVER TOO LATE..

A story of a more mature person who is thrust into change. Not that it is not wanted, but is unexpected and for unusual reasons. This is almost more a story on the impact on others and is a coming of age tale for the over 50s.

Now the hectic summer is over, perhaps there will be more from my muse soon.

Don't forget, if you click links that Erin and team create here, then you will be helping this site out.


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What a cock up!

okay - so its late, set out terribly but it is posted, that's Special Request part 6.

It should be better but 1) I had to use a duplicate copy rather than the original as I forgot my pen drive, 2) BC crashed on me whilst I was uploading it and 3) I don't have internet time to waste trying to sort it out. So, sorry its not set out brilliantly, sorry its a week late.

I am still on track with writing Gaby, following wind complete next weekend.

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Progress despite distractions (+story ideas)

Another Sunday and another update of "The Lokian Way". I was a bit worried I might not make it in time. Especially as I had been plagued by distractions the last two weeks. Turns out I shouldn't have been worried. This part was done on Wednesday. I could have kept my old schedule. Except not, as part 11 will be a little bigger I think.

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End of Year Blues

It's that time of year, I feel like everything's either winding down or winding up to Christmas. I've been a bit deflated and easily distracted lately despite feeling pretty good about thinks.

Thanks to everyone who read Witch's Mirror. It's been my most successful story posted here, eclipsing Hold the Salt from five years ago. It's been so successful that, with NaNoWriMo rolling around, I decided to try to expand it into a full-length novel over November. Unfortunately, it's not going well, I'm way behind. But I'll keep plugging away at it.

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Looking for Story

The story I’m looking for started out with the main character either going to University or working in one and one of the teachers or head of departments was working on a time travel device and uses the main character as a test dummy and it allows the main character to go back to when they were young and allow them to rectify the fact that they didn’t come out to their mother about wanting to be a girl. This part of the story takes place in the 1950’s/60’s I think.

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Flash fiction - a personal ramble that even gets to music

It is suggested that Ernest Hemingway, a writer of some repute, won a bet by writing a tragedy in only six words. Now there is considerable solid evidence that suggests that in fact the story had been around since before EH was born, and a version, less succinct, was published when EH was merely 10 years old.

Nevertheless, the story, in its entirety was as follows:

For Sale: Baby shoes. Never used.

... ... ...

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Stories have a mind of their own - my word processor is possessed

I started a new story last week. Before I started, I had prepared an outline in my mind, and then I started writing. Somehow, halfway down the first page my outline went out the window, and the story itself took over. I wrote and I wrote. I tried to keep a central theme, and had to go back and excise parts that strayed too far from the theme.

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Pondering title

I am trying to work on an idea I have had since the 1990’s that has its basis (thereabout) on an old game and a song by Demi Lavato but I didnt want to rehash the game’s plot (too much going on and legal issues) but wanted to use the feel.

Tentative titles: Lonely Nights; Give Your Heart a Break.

Plot: A pop singer and a teen meet in thier dreams. They’re not sure exactly what occurred on how they can talk with each other but they roam multiple dreams in thier attempt to stay strong. Both teens hold secrets from each other.

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$.99 Special for The Heart of the Beholder

My novel "The Heart of the Beholder" and the eight that followed were first published on this site. Unfortunately, when I decided to publish them mainstream, I had to take them off BCTS. Here’s a chance for all of those who have not read my novels, but thought they might start one of these days. The books are published under my non-nom de plume, Tim Blewett. Be sure to link through this site so they can get some commission. Starting at 8:00 AM CST November 8, and for one week, my first novel, “The Heart of the Beholder”, is on sale for $.99 on Amazon. This is for the eBook edition.

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I am looking for a story

I am trying to track down a story, and could use some help.

The story featured "fey" like creatures who put people into the past in different bodies, among other things. The story focused on one guy who found himself in the body of a mute girl being hunted by these creatures, and Peter Pan was involved, as were aliens.

Anybody remember this story?

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Assistance on a story or two

I've been having some difficulty getting my muse working, primarily due to extreme fatigue relating to shoulder pain (repair to a torn rotator cuff) and the disruption of life caused by flooding from Hurricane Harvey. I've been so physically, emotionally, and mentally exhausted that my muse seems to be on strike. So I've been doing a bit of reading, and I hit a story that is good, but the ending just didn't quite fit me. So my brain locked on a 'what if' - which got me to at least write something. But ....

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I'm afraid the next chapter of my ongoing soap opera, Andi and Allie, will be slightly delayed. It was originally written some time ago as a belated follow up to 'Pet'. This particular chapter needed radical updating since it was originally begun about five or six years ago. To keep some sort of consistency in terms of a time line, changes needed to be made. Hopefully it will be ready sometime on Monday.

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So... My tale ambles on. I don't particularly like posting chapter by chapter. In 'Andi and Allie', the chapters tend to be small so that at least two must be posted as one. The problem rests in the continuity of the tale. Chapters in and of themselves can be taken out of context and give a jaded vision of the tale. But such is life I suppose.

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Next TG Mixed Tape anthology

Hikaro and I are getting ready for the next TG Mixed Tape anthology. The deadline for submissions is 12 December 2017, and the theme is Winter holidays: Christmas, Hanukah, Hogmanay, New Year's Day, etc. Stories submitted don't have to fit the theme, they just have to have TG content (if only implicit).

Stories should ideally be between 1,000 and 2,500 words, but certainly under 4,000 words. Poetry and nonfiction pieces are also welcome.

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Ready to Write a Novel?

So its November, right on time for National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo). Really need a kick in my pants to start writing again so figure why not. Not that i'll be writing a novel but catch up on my missing chapter, sure let's give it a go.

Committed to writing 50,000 words in the 30 days of November? National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) is a fun, seat-of-your-pants approach to creative writing.

On November 1, participants begin working towards the goal of writing a 50,000-word novel by 11:59 PM on November 30.

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Well you can read the new Gaby chapter now - Pretty Maids all in row will I'm sure give everyone a few chuckles.

And finally, very much overdue I've bought a new bed, the whole kit and caboodle! I feel so adult, never done it before but I guess with a new generation coming along I really should grow up a bit!

There should be more on Sunday


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The Family Girl #086: A Shameless Halloween Advert

The Family Girl Blogs
(aka "The New Working Girl Blogs")

Blog #86: A Shameless Halloween Advert

To see all of Bobbie's Family Girl
click on this link:

Hello, everyone. Some of the older hands here in BCTS probably know me, but I’m sure most of the others don’t. That’s no wonder, since I haven’t been posting in a long, long while here. But I have something new. Finally.

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On Waking Up in the Hospital

I had a recent talk with a long-time friend who is an RN at a hospital in my home town. She told me all of the proper hospital procedures that would be followed in the common trope: boy wakes up in hospital a girl

Among them:
-A person who has been "unconscious" for longer than an hour is not "unconscious" they are comatose. Not, "You were knocked out for two days" but, "You've been in a coma for two days."

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Halloween story on my website

Read the story today!

I thought I'd take a break from our regularly scheduled programing and do something a little special for Halloween. Yesterday, I rewrote 'Devil's Due' one of my old Mixed Tape Entries. It's more than double the length of the original and best of all the new version is now considered part of the official canon for my meridian-verse.

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Witch's Mirror Out, New Amaya Coming

Well, Witch's Mirror is out and the outpouring of kudos certainly makes it seem I've done something right, which is gratifying. It was a joy to write and I really want to continue Ciara's adventures in the future.

We did have the last session of Airship Lost in the end, but we were down two people and the session ended on a cliffhanger. I'm a little hesitant about posting such a session but I'm working on it. If it's going to be too long between postings, I'll put it up. The spice must flow and all that.

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