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What I am trying to do

I look around and see what others post in this genre we call transgender fiction and I realize that I do not fit the mold of 90 percent of what is produced. I'm not saying that is a good or a bad thing, but i am definitely not in the majority. I have spent the last few days reading works of other authors and notice a common theme running throughout, namely a fetishy kind of approach to transsexualism. Big Closet is somewhat different from other sites because it has less of this than the norm, but it certainly does have its fair share.

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Hi - n - Hello

Hi, everyone, it's Bobbie C, just saying a quick hi-n-hello!   Hope everyone's having a good time and being nice to each other. And hi to all my friends in BCTS - won't mention names, but you all know who you are :)  

And I also just wanted to say I and my family are doing super-fine as well, so don't any of you worry about me.

See you all later!  

p.s.   I am cookin up something pretty big for BCTS, hopefully in time for Christmas. Wish me luck!  

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After a brief delay of 52 months I'm posting a new chapter

After a modest delay I am posting Timeout 4, Chapter 14 in a multipart installment over the next week or so. Four or five posts of anywhere from 20 to 30 plus pages each should see it done.

As Princess for Hire and several other excellent but interrupted serials have posted of late I figured I should jump on the bandwagon.

-- grin --

Itinerant and Holly Hart helped me a while back on this, LAST YEAR in fact. I think. It's been a while. I believe they are both out of rehab by now.

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The Story of My Curls!

Sorry, but I'm really excited about this...

Last Saturday, I got a "bonused" secret shop... It's a shop that needed to get done LONG time ago, so they offered a BONUS to just get it done.

I hopped at the chance, and got my bangs cut :)


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Karin Bishop interview finally posted!

Last week I posted that "Bending the Bookshelf" ( would feature an interview of sorts, a "Guest Post", culled from some correspondence back and forth between the editors and myself. It has appeared today, Wednesday the 19th. It's a compilation of some Q&A from my emails and is followed by a brief listing of my current books, with little explanations. Some of them should be familiar to BCTS readers. I only hope that I don't sound like an egotistical goof or pompous windbag–or no more than usual!

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Half a century of monochrome tints

I don't know if the same 'publishing phenomenon' is sweeping the Colonies, but there is apparently an insatiable appetite for a series of books about kinky sex attracting readers throughout the UK. I have spoken to friends of both gender, and those who have read the work admit to skim-reading it. The men leap from orgasm to orgasm, while the women leave those bits behind as they seek to find some plot.

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I may be a bit slow next few days

I picked up a new game last night, Borderlands 2, and I may be a bit preoccupied as I get into playing it. I got a lot of Through the years ready, just need to tweak things here and there plus work on a big plot event and make sure I don't mess up dates. But there will be more coming soon, I promise.

Now to go get my Mecromancer leveled up and if that idea fails, the Siren.

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Return of the ...

Well, hopefully. I've been working lots most of the Summer, and what time not at work I've been too tired to do anything even with friends... let alone write. Things are calming down, so I'm gonna try to pull things back out and finish the old and put out the new.

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editor wanted

I am thinking of adding a few more stories to my e-book collection. I would like to be prolific. I know Wren has already proofed and edited Growing Up Jenny. I will probably add that to the e-books in November. By the way, I could use cover art for that one, if anyone is really interested in doing professional quality graphics.

So... Here is my plan for the next e-books and editors needed for each, in the order I would like to release them.

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Looking for a couple of titles

Two stories this time.

First is a story about a boy that dresses up as a girl, could have been transgendered, and the first chapter had a scene in the halls of the school where the school bully who forcibly kisses her, then the main characters friends taze the bully's buddies. They were on the way to the mall if I recall correctly.

Second story was of a young boy who's sister sneaks out and they (sister and her friends) dress him up as a girl and spread pictures all over school and basically try to ruin his life while thinking they are the ones being wronged

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JEM 64 and 65.

Well wow Jem 64 certainly got a response, one I wasn't expecting but truly welcome all the way around.

Thank you everyone:)

I will be putting up 65 tomorrow morning as it's already done. This'll bump 64 from the main page but it will still be there in the extended lists so no worries it's just part of the great new format that lets us have 50 slots now which is a good thing given the way this site's grown:)

I really just wanted to leave advanced notice to the wonderful fans and people that are so invested in this story:)

*Great Big Hugs All:)*

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Whisper FYI

I am not sure how many readers might like or want this, but I added a link to a PDF version of my Whisper story on the Whisper Title Page.

One of these days I will have to find someone willing to draw me a "book cover" since I am reluctant to try using "free" images found on the web.

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Karin Bishop interview on Bending the Bookshelf

My book "Fool Moon" received a review from "Bending the Bookshelf" ( in June. There was some correspondence back and forth and apparently this Monday, September 17th, I'm having an interview, of sorts, to be posted on the main site ( It's a compilation of some Q&A from my emails and I can only hope I don't sound like an egotistical goof.

Well, no more than usual ...


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Paint Shop Pro

Anyone have a copy of Paintshop pro that they no longer need. This is not piracy. I had bought paint shop pro and installed it on my old computer. I have since lost both the computer and the cd (i think i left it in the cd rom drive because it was the last thing i installed or it could've been stolen). I really like using the program to make my cover graphics. If anyone could help. Thanks.

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T. D. Aldoennetti’s Method or Style of Writing

T. D. Aldoennetti’s Method or Style of Writing

Hello Everyone,

As noted in one of my comments to a comment, Denise and I have finally decided the following material should be presented as a blog. Should Erin’s little Elves decide it would better serve the site as a FAQ or forum topic or ???? then they have permission to move it to that venue.

 §  §  §  §  §  §  §  §  §  §  §  §  §  §  §  §

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For Someone Who Asked - An Excerpt From A Teenage Jokera

Actually it's a scene from The Dinky Doos Investigate.

*  *  *  *  *  *  *

"Tell me the best, Susie," Mikey chortled. "Have you been banished to the outer limits?"

"Au contraire, mon petit frère, I've been admitted to the inner sanctum. Behold - dad's newest trainee estate agent - and heir apparent."

"I don't believe you," Mikey spluttered.

"You'd better - I've got the tape measure and evidence to prove it."

"No, you haven't."

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New Universe.

Okay, I'm probably an idiot but I have new open universe for people to play in.

The premise is that magic is slowly coming back into the world. With some very interesting effects. Creatures from mythology are returning to the Earth, even the story book ones.

The Price of Betrayal and my currently ongoing 'Softly, Zephyr, Oh Come Softly' are in this universe.

If you have an idea please contact me and we'll discuss it.

That's all for now, other than the universe is called The Magic Returns'.

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Creative drinking and doping

I am about to shock you all because I have done something that none of you would ever suspect of me. In years past, sometimes I would get good and smashed on beer and legal drugs and start writing. I've recently found more stories lurking on my hard drive that I had no idea I had written. I thought that "Houston, We Have A Problem" was a fluke, but after finding these others, I wonder what else is hidden on my drive that I have no knowledge of?

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Firstly thank you for all the support, its very reassuring! I am doing my best to finish Nicole in a reasonable time frame without compromising my studies.
As to Ellen Hayes I will say when I wrote this story I Had never heard of Tuck or the author thereof so it's purely a coincidence. I'm working on finishing it well.
Once again thanx for the support!

Sydney Moya

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Wow, what a review

Like always... I check up on things, and just saw a brand new review of God Bless the Child on I can say that I was pleasantly surprised. I got a real lengthy and positive review. It was the second review from a verified purchase (the first being my mom over 7 years ago) but they really went above and beyond. That now makes a total of SIX five-star reviews. I am still looking for 4 more.

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The Cure... where did it go

As I often do, because I am anal retentive, the first thing I did when I got home was check to see my reads on my latest story, the cure. I notice that it had been removed from the front page. Is there a reason for this or an oversight? I already feel paranoid.

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Inspiration! Precipitation! Perspiration!

It's here, it's here!

You know that next part of Princess For Hire: The Second Semester that I promised, like, months ago?

It's finally written!

I've just sent it off to my official reviewer to read over before I post it, so expect it sometime late today/early tomorrow I guess, depending on how it is received by she.

No, it's not up to my old quality. Yes, it will get better. Heck, to be honest, I'm just glad I managed to sit down and churn out about five and a half pages in one sitting!

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Sales hit 9000!

Today marks the sale of my 9,000th book.
My heartfelt thanks to all those of you who have bought my books.

I now have twenty-eight titles on Amazon Kindle, eleven paperbacks on, one (ePub etc)on Smashwords and one paperback on CreateSpace.

Here's hoping to hit 10,000 by the end of October.


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Tut tut... it looks like Rain

Hey... guess what... It's raining again. :D

I just thought I would state the obvious and let you know that I posted the next chapter of 300 Rains. I am already working on the next chapter, as I said earlier, so there will be more of this. As you can see, the thot plickens. Who knows what is going on now? What madness is this? Poor Melanie has to wear another hat. Yay! So, clearly I have not been idle in my down time. There will be more, never fear. The end is drawing near and soon Melanie will be able to find out answers to all of her questions.

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Just FYI

The next chapter of 300 Rains is written and I have started on the following chapter. Once I edit it I will be ready to post it. It won't be tonight or tomorrow as I have a party tonight and tomorrow is my birthday. So I have things to do. But when I get to it you have another chapter of that and then I will finish up K&K 7. More happiness on the horizon for you all. Yay!

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How Girls and Women Really Speak (with link, below)

Like many BCTS authors, I work hardest at making my characters' dialogue sound real and unique to each character. Sometimes readers call me on the carpet, the usual complaint being that "real people don't talk that way". I believe they do; I constantly eavesdrop --especially at malls and schools--and listen critically to the word-choice and sentence structure and the general flow of real people speaking.

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What's in the works

Ok... I've decided that I want to be a professional writer. What, with three really good novels already completed (The God Bless the Child trilogy) I think I have a good foundation. As for the original book GBTC I have it available on Amazon, Lulu, and now Smashwords (After 2 hours of trying to figure out the editing and resizing the title page).

Wren is editing Growing Up Jenny (I hope I get an update).

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Save the SciFi

I discovered this site very recently, and thought some folks here might be interest: Save the SciFi

According to their blog, they are trying to get the publishing rights to old science fiction novels that are long out of print, with little expectation to be reprinted/published in the future. What's cool, is that people can join their club and get the right to vote on what is published next (in addition to getting a free copy of one book each month in ebook format).

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A Husband/Companion

As the years pass, it becomes increasingly painful and lonely to not have a husband/ companion. The need to talk this out and think about the practicality of the idea has grown really clear to me. So, earlier tonight, as I was out riding, I began to consider who that I know could offer the best council.

The Mormon Church has been wonderful to me; supportive, dependable and gentle. But are they my family? They say they are, and in the next months they will have the chance to show it.

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Now I understand BDSM

Previously, I had thought that "Bondage Discipline Sadism and Masochism" were, creepy, perverted and lewd. However, today I had an epiphany about it, at least some of it.

I have often joked about needing a spanking, and finally understood that being raised in a loveless, brutal childhood, I came to see being beaten as a sort of affection.

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Wish me luck

Well tomorrow or Saturday I am sending off my query letter for the Young Adult novel I have written. All the positive thoughts you all could generate would be appreciated. Granted that my first foray into the publishing world did not go so well, I believe this story has a lot more going for it. The story appeals to a wider audience and this field is open to a lot of interesting storytelling. I think I might fit right in.

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Any interest in eBooks?

Any interest in eBooks?

So, I decided to make eBooks out of my stories. Originally, my intent was to create them so that I could put them on my tablet for my own use (for reference purposes), but I got to thinking that maybe other folks might like to have copies.

So I guess what I'm wondering is would people be interested in having a copy of my stories in epub, mobi or pdf format?

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Something exceedingly stupid.

So, a good friend of mine at church, mostly figured me out, or at least I thought she did. But, later she told me she had not and to have me talk to her about it was really jarring to her. I've been with this church for 18 months and am extremely happy. Now this latest stupidity on my part feels really awful and I am very frightened of the consequences.

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Might be disappearing for a while

I was taking a shower, and when the water hit my right leg, a very large piece of skin fell off My doctor says this could be a sign of infection in my leg and sahe wants me to go to the hospital. If you don't hear from me for a while, I'm probably there!


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Stories: when tears are appropriate

This morning I found one of my stories in Random Solo. I was surprised to see it there because I had previously felt so embarassed with my early work, that I did not want it to be seen.

Reading it took me back more than 10 years to before I transitioned. And yes there were the usual word order problems and awkward sentences.

One thing that struck me was how easily Credence was driven to tears. In the past, I have been critical of other authors in their liberal use of the tear in their stories. Now it looks a bit like the pot calling the kettle black! GAD ZOOKS !

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