Ctystal's response to Birdman10

I sent Crystal a copy of Birdman10's blog

This was Crystal's response to me.

Thanks for posting that I do not want anyone to 'take over' any of my stories. I've been getting these kinds of offers, and refusing them, since back when I was still actively writing the story. :-)

The one time someone did post a fan fiction, he was soundly criticized for his work. Some people say they want to continue the story, but then immediately talk about butchering it, ostensibly to remove parts they didn't personally care for. They fail to understand that everyone has experienced events in their lives that shaped their futures. Many of the scenes these people want to cut out are an important part of what makes the story what it is, and that made Darla Anne the person she is. Anyone who can't see that will never find success as a writer. And there were very specific reasons for opening the story in the year I did. If it opens in 2000, it changes EVERYTHING. Birdman10 should simply write his own story from A to Z without trying to trade on the reputation of Texas Gal to gain readership.

Huggles All


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