
The Heaviness Of The Badge Chp. 3

Julia enjoys the ride back to her house. She is careful when she pulls up her long driveway because the wolves sometimes like darting out of the woods. She still couldn’t believe that the new captain put her on suspension for three days. As she parks her pick-up truck, she spots Sphinx coming around the corner of the house.

“Hey, boy.” As Julia exists from the pick-up truck.

Sphinx walks over to Julia, happy to see his human. He stops near her and wags his tail when she starts scratching him between his ears. He loves when she scratching him between his ears.

Family Business Part 12

Luke pulls up in front of the Courtyard to pick Mrs. Bounty up. He had received a text message from her. He spots Gina Bounty walking out to his car. He gets out and opens the passenger back door for her.

Gina spots Luke Winter holding open the passenger door of his black Mercedes-Benz S-Class for her. He was also one of her father’s agents that operated out of Washington D.C. and an amateur race car driver as well. Before he came to work for her father, he uses to be a Lt. Commander in the United States Navy.

“Long time, no see, Luke.” Gina likes Luke a lot.

The Heaviness Of The Badge Chp. 2

Julia’s alarm clock starts buzzing. She reaches over and smacks it. She gets up and starts getting dressed. Halfway getting dressed, she remembers she was suspended for three days. She stops putting her uniform on and takes it off.

“Why are you getting undress, sweetie?” Christmas had woken up and noticed Julia taken her uniform off.

“I just remembered I’m on a three-day suspension.” Julia puts on the Native American-made shirt Chayton’s grandfather gave her.

The Heaviness Of The Badge

“Bye, kids!” Julia watches as her children exit from her patrol vehicle and heads towards their friends.

“Bye, mom.” Haylee waves goodbye to Julia.

Chayton waves goodbye to Julia as well. He spotted the other members of the school’s basketball team standing around. He recently joined the basketball team and was one of their star players. His grandfather had turned the tennis court into a basketball court for him to practice.
When he was having problems with his shots, Julia came out and practice with him. She uses to play when she went to school.

Family Business Part 11

Gina’s Hotel Room, Courtyard by Marriott Washington Downtown/Convention Center:
Arnold looks at Gina as she laid in bed. He had woken up early to work on a case he brought with him. He also had a meeting at the Justice
Department. He was still amazed at what happened to the Golden Eagle Squad and how they were able to pass as normal-looking people.

A New Life-Kelly's Revenge Chapter 9

The Rusty Cowboy Lounge:
Kelly walks into the lounge and couldn’t believe how busy the place was. Victoria had come with her and was going to mingle while she met with the private detective. She was instructed to go to the VIP section and meet them. She was meeting someone in private room two.

Ladies Day Out

Aylin washes her body as the water flows down her body in the shower. Mark had left earlier in the morning to help a friend with his move. The twins were going to help him.

She turns the water off and dries her body off. As she steps out of the shower, she stops and looks at herself in the medicine cabinet mirror.
Ever since she returned from South America, she has been undergoing laser treatment to remove the permanent makeup she had done to her face.

Family Business Part 10

Asher follows behind Mouse as she enters the townhouse. He follows her into the kitchen and watches as she puts the donuts she was carrying down on the counter. He’s surprised when a young teenage girl comes rushing in and over to Mouse.

Mouse had just put the box of donuts on the counter when she is hugged from behind. She turns around in the person's arms and saw it was Zoey. She was still wearing her pajamas.

“Well, good morning to you as well.” Mouse hugs Zoey.

Family Business Part 9

Mouse was the first one up. She looks over at Lilly, who had slept with her last night. She was lucky the covers covering the bed were huge because both had curled up under them. She manages to get out of bed without waking Lilly.

She had gone to bed in her favorite nightshirt and the lace panties she had worn. She steps into the master bathroom and takes a quick shower. She comes out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around her body.

Family Business Part 8

60 Wolfe St, Alexandria, VA.:
Mouse covers up a yawn as she pulls into a private garage. She spots an old light blue with wood paneling caprice station wagon parked inside the garage. Standing next to the car was a middle-aged black hair woman. She looked to be wearing a dark blouse and faded blue jeans. She just watches as she parks.

Chris spots the middle-aged woman and wonders who she is. He looks towards Mouse “do you know her?”


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