
Ignorance is No Excuse for Hating Someone Part 22

Sanctuary Ranch, Hayden, Colorado:
“What do you think, Bart?” Anika was walking around the custom log mansion.

“I think there’s no way the Hunter organization will be able to sneak up or set a trap.” Bart was at least a hundred acres out from the old fashion log mansion.

“Not with the wolves patrolling the property.” Anika knew her brother was going to bring some of his wolves to patrol the property.

Stand By Your Woman Part 11

Leslie and Casey steps into the store. Leslie stops, just inside the entrance, and looks at all the stuff the owner had on display “oh, I could spend days in here. This place is more equipped than Ching’s in downtown London.”

A smile appears on Casey’s face as she listens to Leslie’s comment. She knew her wife loved Asian items “you can do some shopping afterward.”

“Okay.” Leslie heads towards the back of the store.

Ignorance is No Excuse for Hating Someone Part 21

Alexandria, Va.
“You know, you boys aren’t very bright or very good at what you do.” Brandi looks at the six guys hanging upside down from the rafter.

She had stripped them naked after bringing them to a warehouse owned by her real estate company. These morons had been following Jack and Cheshire. Jack gave her a call and a quick trap had been set-up with the help of her crew.

Jack told her to interrogate them and find out who they are working for. She was permitted to use any technique she wanted to.

The Hero, The Mouse & The Cheshire Pt. 21

Hollywood, California:
Christine stretches as she opens her eyes and looks at the beautiful sky through the sliding glass doors. She and her boyfriend arrived at the airport and were met by one of Cheshire’s agents. They were taken to one of Jack’s and Cheshire’s safe houses in Hollywood itself.

She could feel Lache’s strong chest pressed against her back. They were to tire after their flight, to do anything last night. She gets out of bed, without waking Lache and walks down to the second floor, where the kitchen was.

The Hunter, Becomes The Hunted Part 12

Tammy spotted two figures trying to sneak up on Kat and Paul. She adjusts her scope and pulls the trigger. She drops one guy, and before he hits the ground, the other one falls as we.

Kat didn’t even hear the two guys sneaking up on her and Paul. She heard them drop as she looked behind her. She was glad, Tammy was an excellent sharpshooter.

“Thanks, Tammy.” Kat moves with Paul through the forest.

“Anytime, Kat.” Tammy had found a nice tree she could shoot from.

Ignorance is No Excuse for Hating Someone Part 20

“Mom, can you drop me off at the mall on your way to work, please?” Arabella watches as Gina gets dressed.

Gina didn’t mind Arabella sitting on the bed and watching her as she got ready for work. She was running a little late because she gave Arnold a quickie before he left earlier. She looks over at her daughter as she lifts her panties.

“Sure, what are you girls going to be doing today?” Gina makes sure her thong panties are sitting right on her.

Stand By Your Woman Part 10

Leslie stands before the full-length mirror in the Master bedroom. Her other two wives were in the shower. In the last few days, while they have been traveling from Hawaii to Los Angeles, California she has been feeling strange. It wasn’t anything to cause her any concern until she looked at herself in the mirror today.

There’s A Wolf and A Cheshire Loose in The Swamp

Kelly looks at the time on her dash radio. She hopes Mr. Bounty will arrive soon. It’s been a long day for her, and she would like to get home and try to get some sleep in. She notices an older model incoming turboprop aircraft coming in for a landing. It taxies over to the hangar she was waiting at.

The Hero, The Mouse & The Cheshire Pt. 20

Catlin looks down at Krisha’s lovely face as she straddled her waist. Both were naked and laying in Krisha’s bed. She looks down into Krisha’s eyes “would you ever consider becoming my wife one day?”

Krisha looks up into Catlin’s eyes “what brings this on?”

A New Life-Kelly's Revenge Chapter 6

“Ow! Ow! Ow!” Kelly moves slowly as she follows behind Victoria.

They just came back from the doctor’s office that Kelly had an appointment with. Since she was playing a lot of female parts and passing herself off as a woman. She decided to have some sort of surgery to make it easier for her to tuck and pass as a woman.

Ignorance is No Excuse for Hating Someone Part 19

Jack’s Ranch, Caldwell, Montana
Chayton was driving the feed truck Jack taught him to drive, while Haylee tossed feed out of the back of the truck. They were feeding the buffaloes and cows out on the back pastures. Some of the wolves were out roaming around on the property. Roxy and Waffles were in the back of the truck with her.

“Chayton, did you notice grandpa’s Cessna was missing from the hangar this morning?” Haylee looks at her brother through the back window of the pick-up truck they were in.


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