
Ignorance is No Excuse for Hating Someone Part 12

Anika couldn’t believe the information Carla gave her and Gina about Mr. Hunger. He was a former special op’s agent and was high up in the Hunter organization structure. Normally, Mr. Hunger was the one the Hunter’s sent to take out specially targeted individuals.

Carla figured that the higher-ups were not liking what was happening to certain members and to their assets. Since she left, she had been destroying locations that belonged to them and attacking some of their hit teams as well. She informed Gina and Anika that she blew up three of their training centers.

The Hunter, Becomes The Hunted Part 8

Becky was making her daily report with Stanley and his team. She got the latest update about their case and what was going on with them. Stanley forwards her the file that had been put together by Camelot Network Solutions. She opens the encrypted file and starts going through the information.

“Holy crap!” Becky couldn't believe the information Terry and Mouse at MI6 had gathered.

It’s Hard Being A Wife

Dakota looks at her reflections in the mirror as she adjusted her new nursing bra. The medication her sister-in-law prescribed for her to produce her own breasts milk have made them bigger. It was causing her breasts to produce milk for the twins her and Terry adopted from a former costumer of theirs. The twins were causing her to produce more in order to feed them.

“How a natural woman goes through their whole entire natural life wearing a bra, I’ll never know.” Dakota knows she’ll never be able to pass as a man again, without binding her chest.

The New Recruits Part 16

Valentina looks at Jill as she sits across from her. The two of them were playing hearts. Valentina had to teach Jill how to play.
Jill looks at Valentina “so, what are you going to do with me after all this stuff is over with?”

“To be honest, I don't know what they are going to do afterwards. I work for Kat and her husband. How old are you by the way?” Valentina was curious.

A New Life-Kelly's Revenge Chapter 2

“Man, I never realized how expensive it is to live here in Hollywood.” Kelly and Victoria had gone to two properties they were interested in.
The places were nice and had some of what they wanted, but not everything. It didn’t have a pool where they could gather and talk. The garage was too small for Charlie’s truck. Plus, they were asking a lot for it.

“Welcome to my world, Kelly. So, you have a modeling shoot on Thursday?” Victoria looks over towards her friend.

The Hero, The Mouse & The Cheshire Pt. 14

Cheshire looks at her family as they sit around at the dining room table. Christine was glowing and Cheshire could guess that Christine has been enjoying herself. It was a good thing that she couldn’t get pregnant, but then again she figures Christine would make a good mother.

She looks at Tizzy and a smile appears on her face. She was so proud of how Tizzy turned out. She had been a scared malnourished, beaten
little boy, who was ready to end it all. Now she was a grown caring woman with a child of her own and a husband.

A Christmas Story

“Attention students, auditions are being held Friday at 3:00 pm for this year’s Christmas play. All students interested, please see Mrs. Freedman to sign-up. That’s all and have a wonderful day.”

The bell rings and all the students leave the room, except Montana. He had his homeroom teacher for English. He winces when he pulls his
English book out of his battered backpack. His arm was still hurting where his step-father had grabbed him and threw him against the wall for waking him.

Ignorance is No Excuse for Hating Someone Part 11

Gina, Anika, and Carla watched from the van they were in as another building belonging to the Hunter organization collapses in on itself. That was the fourth building Gina had rigged to implode on itself.

“How many more buildings are we going to have to destroy. Before the Hunter organization gets the message that they are fucking with the wrong family?” Gina just looks at the rubble left behind.

Stand By Your Woman Part 6

Master’s Bedroom, Neopatras:
Casey is woken up when she feels Leslie sucking and teasing her nipples as Leslie kisses down her body. She feels Leslie spread her legs open and bury her face in between her legs. She arches her back as she grips the sheets underneath her, as Leslie teases and probe her sex.

Casey goes crazy when she feels Leslie probe her vagina with her fingers. She was loving what Leslie was doing to her. She has several orgasm as she squirts into Leslie’s mouth.

Never Wanted To Be A Girl Chp.18

Later that day, Raven meets up with Clair after work. They were trying out a new restaurant that just opened. It was in the old feed and seed store. After they had been shown to their table and ordered their drinks, Raven looks at Clair.

“I heard from Carol today. She said that she managed to get an early court date, but the case was going to be heard in Augusta, Georgia, instead of here.” Raven

“Wow, that was fast. The Warden and the other people responsible for changing you were just arrested.” Clair was surprised that the case was moving so fast.

Hatter's Thanksgiving

“Are you sure you’re going to be okay, while I’m gone, Hatter?” Anika looks at Aylin as she stood nearby.

Aylin was bringing Anika’s bags down from upstairs. She had departed from wearing her normal suit and such to wearing slacks and a blouse.

Ignorance is No Excuse for Hating Someone Part 10

Debbie looks at her husband as she helps remove his body armor. She couldn’t believe how dented it was or the bruises she was seeing on his chest. His face was a little swollen from the punches he took.

“What the heck hit you, Jack?” Debbie knew her husband was a well-trained fighter.

There weren’t many people her husband couldn’t defend himself against or takedown. She examines him carefully, to make sure he doesn’t have any broken bones or fractures.

Stand By Your Woman Part 5

Charlotte’s Place:
Charlotte pulls into her driveway and plugs her motorcycle in. She was feeling a little tired from staying awake all night. It was amazing how similar she and Casey were. She notices when she walks into her place, that someone has been in her place. She pulls her gun out and looks around.

When she gets to her bedroom, she notices her friend Kai was asleep in her bed. She puts her gun back into the holster and takes her gun belt off. She notices that Kai’s knuckles were bruised and that she had a bruised on the side of her face.

The Hero, The Mouse & The Cheshire Pt. 13

Ikaika was driving as they left the second house they had looked at. The one near Cheshire’s house was looking more and more like their best bet. The house was going to need some major work done to it. Tizzy knew her mother would want her to put a safe room and an armory in the house as well.

“So, where to now Tizzy?” Ikaika looks at his wife.

Tizzy looks in the back towards Lien “are you hungry, sweetie?”

Lien was quietly watching and listening to Tizzy and Ikaika as they were talking and driving. She looks at Tizzy as she spoke to her “I’m fine mom.”

The New Recruits Part 15

Camelot Network Solutions:
Troy was assigned the task of digging into Brittney's birth parent’s background. He looks at all the information he had access to and noticed they sold everything they owned. They also transferred all the illegal money they had hidden away to another account. He manages to trace them to Europe on a private jet, but after that, he loses them.

Ignorance is No Excuse for Hating Someone Part 9

Temple of the Divine, Greenville, New Jersey:
Hatter ducks as one of the Hunter’s she was fighting, and Shade were fighting tries to hit her with his bo-staff. She punches the guy in the chest area and knock the wind out of him.

“Heads up Hatter.” Shade tosses the Hunter agent he was fighting into the one attacking Hatter.

Stand By Your Woman Part 4

1532 Old Beach Rd, Kailua-Kona, HI.:
Leslie, Casey, and Charlotte watched as the team that Cheshire sent arrives. Leslie was happy that they finally arrived. She managed to get a few hours of sleep last night. Her wife Casey and the new person Charlotte stayed awake talking about some of their missions while they were in the service. She knew Casey misses being in the boat service.

The Hunter, Becomes The Hunted Part 7

When Marshal Bullock, Jessica and David arrive at the site. They spot a group of people unloading a boat. Most of them were Indian and it looked like some of them weren’t. Marshal Bullock pulls their boat up to the make shift dock.

David spotted the non-Indian people when they dock. He was curious why they were here. He spots two young men heading towards them.
Jessica saw the two young men walking towards them. She does a surface scan of them but doesn’t detect any hostile attentions. They were curious who she and the rest of their group were.

Never Wanted To Be A Girl Chp.17

Raven wipes the sweat out of her eyes as she finishes tightening the caliper guide bolts. It was another hot and humid day. The huge fans in the garage weren’t helping. She reaches over to her mechanic’s cart and grabs her thermos of ice water. She takes a sip of it and enjoys it as it slides down inside her throat.

The Hero, The Mouse & The Cheshire Pt. 12

Christine wakes up and notices she is naked and snuggled next to a naked man. She was extremely sore in between her legs and her mouth tasted funny. She tries to remember the events of last night, but they were a little fuzzy. The last thing she remembered was that she wanted to experience sex and had gone out last night.

The New Recruits Part 14

0900 hrs., ABM Freight, Knoxville, Tn.:
Mr. Dish was looking over the trucking report in his office when his bodyguard comes flying through the door. He lands crumpled up several feet inside his office. He reaches under his desk for his gun, as Kat comes walking in. She had two people in full body armor standing behind her.

Kat looks down at the crumpled form on the floor. The poor sap should have known better to put his hands on her body. Normally, she wouldn’t have drop-kicked his dumbass, but he had the nerve to touch her body.


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