
Ignorance is No Excuse for Hating Someone Part 4

237 W 12th St, New York, NY:
Hatter snuggles close to Shade as he laid next to her. He had asked his boss for the next few days off to stay with Hatter and look after her. He loved being with her. He didn’t care that she was a little crazy or the fact that she could be very vindictive when she went after someone.

Girls Just Want to Have Fun Chp. 11

“Thanks, Jerry.” Cassidy loads the bags of corn into the back of her uncle’s old pick-up truck.

She already had a few bags of sugar and some brand-new containers. She picked-up to fill with the moonshine she was planning to make. She pulls her panties from her butt crack. Arthur had made love to her before he left for work.

The Hunter, Becomes The Hunted Part 5

“Here, put this mask on. The smog outside is unbelievable today.” Nancy hands each member of Tammy’s team a mask.

“I didn’t know India suffered from smog.” Jessica puts the mask on.

“It’s not really smog, but the air is really bad this morning.” Nancy knew some people were affected by the particles in the air.

“Is it going to be like this all day?” Sophie hasn’t been in Katwa for a while.

“Nope, it should clear up by noontime.”

“Good.” Tammy looks over towards Sophie.

Ignorance is No Excuse for Hating Someone Part 3

Cardwell, Montana, Gina’s House:
Arabella was playing a game in her game room when her computer alerted her to what was going on. The armor shutters that protected the house came down and the armor plates that protected the doors slide into place. Trigger was laying at her feet and looked up when she heard all the noise going on in the house.

Never Wanted To Be A Girl Chp.14

Raven glance at her image being reflected at her from the mirror. She almost didn’t recognize the pretty girl looking back at her. Her shoulder-length black hair framed her angelic face. The dress she was wearing, was one her and Clair had picked out together. It showed off her curves and her full breasts.

The silver cross that Mrs. Mercer had given her, hung almost to her cleavage. She takes a deep breathe ad center herself. Today was the day she was going to the events in the park with Clair. She grabs her favorite purse, which didn’t go with her dress at all.

The New Recruits Part 11

Jill watches as Freddy tries to lure another teenage girl to his van. She hated the bastard and wanted to kill him. He was the one that had kidnapped her and knocked her out. He had taken her to the perverts that abused her sexually and physically.

She checks the stun gun she stole from a law enforcement supply store. She watches as a young girl was about to be suckered into Freddy’s lies. She walks across the street and up to the driver door and opens it.

A Spark Can Start A Blaze

Ethan stretches like a cat as he wakes-up in bed. He was enjoying dressing like a girl all the time now. The silk nightgown he wore to bed rubs against his smooth skin and sends goosebumps up and down his body.

He looks down towards his chest and he was slowly developing his own breasts. He decided after high school that he wanted his own breasts. He had been wearing fake ones all the time for his performances. So, he talked Dr. Wolfhart into increasing his estrogen levels, since his body produced so little testosterone.

The Hunter, Becomes The Hunted Part 4

Jessica wakes up all of sudden. Something caused her to become alert suddenly. She spots Sophie with a knife in her hand pointing towards the door of their room. Jessica reaches out with her gift and touched an unfamiliar mind. The person was trying to see the two women inside the room.

Sophie waits till the door is almost opened and pull it open as fast as she could. She moves out of the way as the person falls forward towards the floor. Sophie moves quickly and presses her knife edge against the person’s neck.

A Bad Day At The Office and A New Family Member

Karen strips out of her clothes and drops her glamour as she enters the condo her and Lady Betty lived in. She misses being in her Neko form while she is at work. She wonders how long Betty is going to be at work today. Karen walks into the kitchen and grab a baby bottle from the refrigerator and warm it up. She prefers to drink milk directly from her wife’s breasts, but her wife kept baby bottles of her breasts milk in the refrigerator when she wasn’t around.

The Hero, The Mouse & The Cheshire Pt. 9

“Come on Covern, why did you kill that woman that worked for the agency?” Tizzy was leaning over him, trying to get him to talk.
Her partner was standing nearby, just in case she got out of hand. He knew how Tizzy loves to use force to get her answers.

“Maybe he doesn’t talk unless he has a dildo shove up his ass?” Keith walks around him.

Covern was strapped into a metal chair in the interrogation room. There wasn’t any window or furniture in the room. He looks at both police officers and just smile at them.

Never Wanted To Be A Girl Chp.13

“Hey Doctor, we’ve had a special request come through.” Security Guard Flannery was pulling on a black dog leash attached to a collar around a young girl's neck with long curly black hair.

Dr. Heath turns around to the sound of Flannery’s voice “who is requesting the special request and what do they want?”

“Senator Biggs and he wants you to turn his lesbian of a daughter into a boy.” Flannery yanks on the leash. The teenage girl he had been pulling along on it, comes stumbling into the medical center.

There’s A Mad Hatter Lose In New York

Aylin sits on her motorcycle and watches the person who raped her friend’s sister. According to her friend Brandy. The guy had drugged her sister and took her back to his place and handcuffed her to the bed frame.

Brandy’s family had pressed charges and the guy had been arrested, but the crooked high price lawyer he hired to represent him in court. The lawyer twisted the facts of the case and made her friend’s sister look like a common streetwalker. Aylin had played the game their way, but now
it was time for them to play the game her way.

The Wolf Takes Care of Its Own

Sabrina looks towards the lake from the swing she was sitting in. The cool night breeze causes some loose strands of her golden bronze color hair to flutter. Tears stream down from her eyes as she wonders what she is going to do. She had 30 days to leave the apartment she had because she couldn’t afford to pay the rent.


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