
The New Recruits Part 3

“God! Tell me why I agreed to do this again?” Sophie was limping by the time they got back to the barracks.

“Because your family owns this place.” Greg was watching Sophie’s ass as he walked behind her into the barracks.

“No, I don’t think that was the reason.” Sophie takes her heavy backpack off and sets it next to her locker.

She shivers as the wet clothes she had on turned cold from the A/C turning on. They had just gotten back from doing a twenty-mile hike with an eighty-pound pack. Sophie’s feet were bothering her. She could tell that a blister had formed.

The Hero, The Mouse & The Cheshire Pt. 3

Cheshire and Tizzy look at the young girl that had hidden away in Tizzy’s police car. She was sound asleep on the hospital bed that Cheshire had taken her too. The private hospital had been the same one that Cheshire had taken Tizzy to when she first came to Hawaii.

“What have you found out about her?” Cheshire was curious about the young girl.

The New Recruits Part 2

0500hrs, Glenborrodale, Scotland
Drill Sergeant Winter had a gleam in his eyes as he goes into the barracks and starts banging on the trash can. All the new recruits that had signed up for training had finally arrived late last night. Some of them had only had four hours of sleep. He keeps banging on the trash cans until everyone was awake.

“Alright you maggots, I want you out in formation in five minutes.” Sergeant Winter makes sure everyone is up before he heads outside to wait for them.

Never Wanted To Be A Girl Chp.7

Rebecca shivers as she hides in a group of bushes and watched one of the men she had been hired to investigate. The perp she had under surveillance was inside some woman’s house having sex. She glances at her watch to see what time it was and couldn’t believe he’s been in there for at least two hours now.

The New Recruits Part 1

Gina looks over the application that was handed to her. It was from a group called the Golden Eagle Squad. Their symbol looked like the SHIELD symbol, but the Eagle was black, and the background was gold. The team consisted of eight members. The leader of the group was named Stanley Underwood, Age: 25, Hair: Dark Brown, Eye Color: Brown, Height: 5’ 11”, Weight: 180 lbs. He had a full-time job working for an investment company. Mother was a nurse and his father own the investment company he worked for. His father was a former Marine and was highly decorated.

Mistaken For Law Enforcement

“Come on Tammy, you need to improve on your fighting skills.” Greg swings his Bo staff at Tammy.

Tammy brings her Bo staff up in time to block and strike back at Greg. She twirls it and manages to whack him behind his head. She put some power behind it because they were wearing protective gear.

“Good, your doing better.” Greg attacks some more and is blocked each time.

Tammy keeps attacking and finally sweeps Greg’s legs out from under him. She spins her Bo staff and put the end under his chin.

“I surrender.” He was impressed with Tammy’s weapon handling.

Never Wanted To Be A Girl Chp.6

Raven stops a few blocks away from the garage to gather herself. She was still pissed after seeing one of the men responsible for sending her to jail. She tries the breathing exercises she recently learned from Barbara.

Barbara had found her crying and upset about a memory that resurface from her time in prison. She instructed Raven on how to center herself and let the emotion flow out of her, instead of letting it have power over her. She needed to get her emotions under control before she got back to the shop.

The Grandchildren of Jack Bounty

“Come on slow poke.” Haylee turns around in her saddle to watch her cousin Arabella.

“Hey, I’m still recovering from being sick.” Arabella was bundled up in her warmest winter clothes.

Arabella knew her mother wasn’t sure about her going out in the cold. She just recovered from having bronchiolitis. She catches up to her cousin Haylee.

She was two years older than her cousin, Haylee. Haylee was ten years old and she was twelve years old. They were out horseback riding on the property that belonged to their family.

The Hero, The Mouse & The Cheshire Pt. 2

Tizzy and Keith head back to the station to see what they could dig up on Daniel Covern. While Tizzy runs his name through DMV, Keith was looking for any past convictions.

“Well, this is interesting.” Keith had found out he had been arrested for raping a ten-year-old girl in California.

Which turned out to be his own daughter. He was arrested again for four counts of statutory rape and kidnapping in Washington state.

“Man, this guy is a piece of work. He’s a sexual predator.” Keith couldn’t believe he was out of jail and walking around.


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