
Christmas At The Hardy Ranch

Caroline watches as Laila and Julie walk into the school Bart enrolled them in on his returned from England. The girls have adjusted going to an American private school. Caroline made sure the nurse at the private school knew Laila was a type 1 diabetic and that her insulin was watched. Julie was given a full physical by Caroline and put on the proper dosages of estrogen and androgens. Caroline was watching her oldest daughter and making sure she behaved like a girl. There were a few times she had to lecture Julie about being tarty in how she dressed.

Never Wanted To Be A Girl Chp.2

Raven stops and wipes the sweat from her forehead. She felt uncomfortable wearing a bikini top while she was washing Mrs. Mercer’s car.
Originally, she had started washing the car in a t-shirt and a pair of shorts, but after the shirt got wet and her bra underneath got wet, it became uncomfortable. Mrs. Mercer suggested that she might be more comfortable just wearing a bikini top while she washed the car.

Learning To Be A Mother Part 4 Final Chapter

Arabella was enjoying herself as they sailed down to Florida. Once her mom and dad explained what happened up on deck. She felt scared to sleep by herself the following night. So, she slept with Gina and Arnold.

The trip down to Florida was nice and Arabella loved it a lot. When they arrived in Florida, Gina and Arnold took Arabella sightseeing and to Disney World. Arabella had never been to somewhere so big before and stayed next to Gina and Arnold.

The Girl He Should Had Been

Artemis limps home after the beating he just received from the guys in his neighborhood. His stupid uncle purposely made him play football with the guys, even when he told his uncle he didn’t want to play. They beat the daylights out of him on the field and he might have sprained his ankle. His wrist was hurting him again. It was swollen right now, and it hurt when he tried to use it.

Never Wanted To Be A Girl Chp.1

Raven was bent over the front of a car she was working on when she is slapped on the ass. She stands up and turns around to see who just slapped her on her ass. She was getting tired of being treated like she was a piece of meat to be used.

She comes face to face with her boss. He was treating her as his own personal sex slave.

“Come with me, Raven.” Dave was feeling horny and wanted to fuck Raven.

“But I have to finish this car.” Raven didn’t want to go with Dave.

Learning To Be A Mother Part 3

Gina stands next to Arnold in her bikini as he steered the sailboat. She was wearing her black bikini and Arabella had on a purple one. Cadmus and Trigger were standing near everyone as they sail on the ocean.

Arabella was enjoying the ride. She had never been on a sailboat before and was amazed at how big the ocean was. They were at least fifteen miles away from shore.

“Mom, do you know how to scuba dive?” Arabella looks towards Gina.

The Lioness Adopts Some Cubs

A smile appears on Jessica’s face as she looks at herself in the mirror. Today, was her anniversary of being a Were and of being the slave of her Mistress and Master. She owes them her life for saving her from herself and from the sadist guy who had abused her.

The tight leather outfit she had on was revealing and showed her figure off. She knew it was her owners’ favorite outfit. She checks her collar before leaving her bedroom. She heads towards their bedroom to wake them up.

The Pride's Breeder

Tonya shivers as a cold breeze blows by her. She was standing out on the balcony looking out towards the woods that surrounded the log cabin home. She places her petite hand on her swollen belly as she feels the babies she was carrying move.

She never thought her life would take her down this path. She never thought she would be able to have babies or that she would be the breeder of a pride of cats. She winces as one of the babies she was carrying kicks her kidney.

“Ow!” Tonya rubs the spot where she just got kicked.


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