
I was Turned into A Six-Year-Old Girl

Harry pulls his battered pick-up truck up to the house he had been told to clean out by his father. It was to pay his father back for buying the truck he was driving. He grabs his gloves and paper mask as he heads inside the house. He couldn’t believe how much of a mess had been left behind.

The house had been foreclosed on and his father had bought the house at an auction to flip it. His father loved making money. His father was paying him and four of his friends to clean the house out. If there is anything they wanted to come for themselves, they could.

Watch What You Wish For

Benny makes his security rounds at the museum he worked at. It was storming and lighting outside as he walked the dark hallways of the museum he worked at. Every once in awhile he would stop at his favorite picture that had a nude pregnant woman sitting on a big boulder in a lake. Not too far down from the painting was an African fertility statue.

Night Bird

Dania licks her lips to wipe away the rest of the blood still cling to her lips. The drug dealer she killed lies at her feet with two small holes in the side of his neck from where she had puncture the vein located under the skin. She just looks down at his lifeless body. He was a parasite; living off the misery of those he sold his drugs too. She searches through his pants pockets and such, looking for his drug money. She finds it hidden along with the rest of his stash. She pours some under his nose, so the cops would believe he died of a drug overdose.

I Was Turned into Wonder Woman

Peter couldn’t believe someone would be willing to pay him $80,000.00 dollars if he could get the Wonder Woman outfit that Lynda Carter wore. He had searched the web and called people he knew to see if anyone had one of her original costumes. He comes across an article from Fox News Magazine that she kept one of the costumes from season one and one from season 2 of Wonder Woman. They were being stored in her closet and might be falling apart.

A smile appears on his face. If he could break into her place

Something Strange is Going On

“How are our patients doing today?” Dr. Victor Evans walks into the lab he had been given by the government to conduct his research.

“They are doing fine, sir. The serum you give them yesterday is already starting to rewrite their DNA.” Dorothy Crowfoot had been hired to be Dr. Victor’s assistant on project rebirth.


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