K&P Services Chapter 12

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Brittney looks into Crystals eyes as they laid in bed together. She was happy that Crystal was home safe and sound. She was also happy that her aunt Kristen was doing better. She knew her mother was upset that her big sister had gotten hurt.

“What are you thinking about?” Crystal plays with Brittney’s nipple.

“Us, my aunt and my mother.” Brittney shivers as Crystal plays with her nipple.

“What has you thinking about us?” Crystal starts massaging the breast she had been playing with.

“I was wondering if maybe we should get married sooner, instead of waiting until I graduate from school.” Brittney loved Crystal very much and didn’t want to lose her on jobs her mother took.

“Your mom, my boss would kill me if we went behind her back and got married.” Crystal didn’t want Kat to fire her or be mad at her for marrying her daughter without her consent.

It took some persuasion to Kat and Paul to let Crystal sleep with Brittney in their house. The last thing she wanted to do was antagonize Kat.

“I’m going to go and pee.” Brittney kisses Crystal before she gets up and rushes to the bathroom.

Crystal gets up and slips a nightshirt and panties on. She walks out of Brittney’s bedroom and heads towards the kitchen. She spots Terry, Valentina, Lisa, and Mickey in there, drinking coffee.

“Good morning.” As she walks over and pours herself a cup of coffee.

“Good morning.” Terry was fixing herself some Texas toast.

“Is Kat up?” Crystal knows for a fact that Kat was an early riser because of the twins.

“Mom is still in bed. So, is dad as well.” Terry looks over towards Crystal.

“Who’s taking care of the twins?” Brittney comes walking into the kitchen.

She had slipped on a pair of shorts and a t-shirt that had “Today I’m Serving Shady Realness.” She walks over towards the coffee pot to pour herself some coffee.

“Aunt Charlotte and Uncle Ben are watching our sisters. Mom thought it best that the twins stay with them until Aunt Rebecca and Uncle Lev arrive. Uncle Ben and the twins are going back with them to Kansas.” Terry overheard her mom and dad talking

“So, who is going to protect Aunt Kristen?” Brittney loved her older aunt.

“Some Private Security guards from Cerberus Private Security Contractors.” Mickey had been informed by Mr. Bounty first thing in the morning.

He also received the location of the Mafia guy. The information he received had the layout of the property John Tamer owned and his routine. Mickey confirmed the information with a friend of his that did bounty hunting in Detroit.

“When did that happen?” Terry and Brittney look over towards Mickey.

“Last night, they showed up with a message from Mr. Bounty.” Kat and Paul come walking into the kitchen.

“Mr. Bounty sent them?” Brittney looks towards her mother.

“Yep, he said good luck and that he has our back if we need help. As for Sebastião, he said don’t worry about him. The Marshal service is going to handle him.” Kat wanted to go after Sebastião and rip his heart out.

Brittney walks over and sits on Crystals lap. She looks towards her mother and father.

“So, does this mean me and Terry get to go with you on this bounty?” As she takes a sip of her coffee.

“No, you and Terry are going to go back to school. Valentina, Crystal, you two are staying behind to protect Brittney and Terry. Luke and Alexa are going to join you. Alexa is cutting her vacation short and Luke is coming out of retirement to help out.” Kat spoke too Alexa and Luke yesterday.

She knew Luke was still recovering after the last hunt they went on, but he said he would protect Brittney and Terry. Alexa and her wife didn’t mind cutting their vacation short to help her out. She promised to make it up to Alexa.

As for Pauline, she said she would be willing to come with them. She had gone by her place and someone had tried to enter it. She had a security system and captured them on camera.

As for Mickey and Lisa. They joined Kat and Paul in the living room. Kat knew she wasn’t bringing this prick back from Detroit. He put her family at risk and tried to kill her.

"Mickey, Lisa normally I wouldn’t ask this, but what is your feeling about what is going on?” Kat didn’t want to involve Lisa and Mickey what she had planned.

“What do you mean, Kat?” Lisa was curious.

“Meaning she doesn’t want to bring this Mafia guy back alive.” Mickey looks at Lisa when he says that.

“Kat, you just can’t go and kill someone.” Lisa looks towards her.

“Lisa, he tried to kill my family and put my sister in the hospital. Hell, he hired a hitman that has never been caught to come and kill us. That includes you and your brother.” Kat didn’t want to give this man a chance to weasel out of being punished.

“Kat, I feel the same way. We need to do this right. Your father wouldn’t want his little girl to kill someone in cold blood.” Paul wraps his arms around his wife and holds her against his body.

“Kat, we will get this mafia person and make him pay. Between us, we have always captured the most dangerous preps.” Mickey and his sister had a reputation like Kat and her crew did.

Kat just growls as her husband holds her. She knew he was right, and she knew her father wouldn’t approve of her killing someone in cold blood. He would be disappointed at her if she crosses that line.

Around 1:00 p.m. Rebecca and Lev arrive at Kat’s house in a cab. Rebecca goes up and knocks on the door. Lev was watching her back, after what Kat told her was going on.

Kat hears the doorbell ring. She checks who was at the door on her phone and spot Rebecca and Lev. She heads towards the door and opens it.

“Thanks for coming, sis.” Kat hugs Rebecca.

Rebecca returns the hug “any time.”

Kat releases Rebecca and steps aside to let her and Lev come in. Once they have entered, she shuts the door behind them.

Brittney and Terry had heard Rebecca’s and Lev’s voice. They came running into the living room.

“Aunt Rebecca, Uncle Lev.” The girls hug Lev and Rebecca.

Rebecca and Lev return the hugs. Rebecca was happy to see her nieces again.

“Are you girls coming back with me and your uncle?” Rebecca knew August would be happy to see her cousins again.

“No, they are staying here, Rebecca.” Kat looks at her sister.

“Who’s going to protect them?” Rebecca was worried for their safety.

“Well, my girlfriend Crystal, Valentina, Alexa, and Luke.” Brittney was looking for Crystal.

“You have a girlfriend, Brittney?” Rebecca looks at her niece.

“Yes, ma’am.”

Rebecca looks at Terry “do you have one?”

“No, ma’am. Most of the boys at our school think I’m weird.” Terry hadn’t found anyone at her school she liked.

“You’ll find your special person, dear.” Rebecca knew how special Terry was. She was the opposite of Brittney and August.

Rebecca, Lev, Paul, and Kat head towards the living room. They all take a seat and start discussing what they planned on doing.

US Marshal Office:
Deputy Marshal Joseph Running Bear pulls into the parking garage of the Knoxville Marshal office. He had been pulled from his post in Alaska to come to Knoxville, to be the partner of Marshal Edward Bullock. He had already read the personnel file on Edward Bullock.

He also heard about the escape of Sebastião Tavares Rezende from the Super Max prison in Colorado. According to the information that had been collected so far. Warden Nokes had been forced to help in the escape.

Associates of Sebastião Rezende had kidnapped Warden Nokes family and were holding them hostage. The other guards that had helped in the escape, had assumed the identities of some of the guards. The Warden was killed when Sebastião left. When officials went to the
Warden’s house, they found his whole entire family murdered.

His orders had been to partner up with Deputy Marshal Bullock and track down Sebastião Rezende. A killed order had been issued for Sebastião Rezende. He heads upstairs to the Marshal office in the Federal building.

Edward was engrossed in all the information he had been given about the helicopter Sebastião Rezende used. It had been found at an abandoned airfield in pieces. According to the tracks they found there. There had been at least three SUV’s waiting for them.

Edward looks up when he hears someone knocking at his door. He looks up and notices that agent Deputy Perry was standing at his door.


Deputy Perry opens the door “hey Bullock, there’s a Deputy Marshal Joseph Running Bear here to see you.”

“Send him in.” Bullock wonders who Joseph Running Bear was and why he was here.

Bullock watches as a tall, muscular Native American man comes walking in. Bullock had to guess that he stood at least 6’ or 6’2” feet tall. He had a wither face and deep eyes, like a man who has lived and worked in nature.

As Joseph enters the office, he sees a tall muscular man with short black hair and tanned skin. He figures the man spent time outside. He didn’t look like the type of person that liked being in the office.

Bullock holds his hand out to shake Joseph’s “I’m Edward Bullock, it's nice to meet you, Mr. Running Bear.”

Joseph shakes Edward’s hand. He noticed that Edward had a firm grip as he shakes his hand.

“Joseph Running Bear. I was transferred from our Alaska office to be your partner.” Joseph received his orders from the Deputy Director
Marshal Washington.

Joseph hands his orders to Edward Bullock.

Bullock looks at the orders and notices they had been issued by the Deputy Director himself. Bullock looks up at Running Bear and wonders what connection he had with the deputy director. It was unusual for the deputy director to issue and sign orders.

“He thought you could use extra help in capturing Sebastião Rezende.” Running Bear knew it was going to be difficult, but he already had a few leads from a friend of his.

“Well, the more the merrier. Please, have a seat.” as he motions to a chair in front of his desk.

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And this interesting story continues.

WillowD's picture

Lady Dragon publishes so many stories and with great frequency that I usually don't get around to commenting. But I still appreciate them. Thank you.

Thank You

There will be some Christmas stories featuring Nora and her family, Bart and his family, Anika and Hatter with Anika's boyfriend, Lindsey and her band, Tizzy and her husband, and of course Gypsy, Katlain and her family.

If there's a book that you want to read, but it hasn't been written yet, then you must write it.”
― Toni Morrison

For all the time I spent

For all the time I spent dealing with crooks and bad guys, and most especially BAD guys; it has always baffled me as to why one will kill a person/s after they have gotten what they want.
All this shows to me is that they have no soul at all, and that they have no sense of humanity for anything or anyone.
Killing Sebastiao Rezende to me, would be pretty much like eliminating a snake that is trying to "fang" you.