I'm Back!!!!!!
I now know why I hate the quietness around my house. I lost power on Friday morning around 0000hrs. and just recently got it back this morning. I didn't have internet access, because 1.) I didn't have power to power my modem and 2.) where I live I get crappy cell reception. So most of the time I have internet through my modem, linked to my phones and tablets. Also, I wore the battery down on my laptop working on a new story. A slight change to an idea I passed along to Santacruzman.
Tanya, I have been rereading the stories of yours I have downloaded and been enjoying passing the time in the dark reading them. They helped pass the time.
I will have a new story posted soon. The first chapter of music school has already been written and is ready.
Been there
a UPS can be a handy gadget to have at such times. so can a phone tether for internet service
UPS is great. The good ones also provide spike protection.
I too
been there I went to Walmart brought a straight internet box that I use when the power is out a got a inveter that I plug into my car and charge my phone and laptop on.
A single 250 watt solar panel
with a 200Ah battery and an inverter for camper vans as well as a mobile service repeater would carry you over probems like that easily. Don't hesitate to ask for advice.
Monique S
Thanks, I will. The quietness around the house had me wishing for power every single day.
If there's a book that you want to read, but it hasn't been written yet, then you must write it.”
― Toni Morrison
Doesn't it feel good to be back?
A few weeks ago a tornado took out one of Ottawa, Ontario's two transformer stations, which took out power to half the city. The storm, among other things, took out about 90 hydro poles and one of the transmission lines into the city. I was without power for 28 hours. During that time we lost we lost the cell phone towers for a while. Once the towers had power we still had little or no voice or data service for several days. Once power came back to my place I was without internet for another day.
What I missed the most was light and the internet. Candles were better than nothing. A radio powered by a hand crank gave us noise. By turning my cell phone's radios off I was able to conserve power. I read a lot of eBooks over those two days.
It felt SO good to to have power and internet back.