
The New Recruits Part 10

“Crystal, Zak the bunnies are heading your way.” Greg and Brittney were chasing after two heavy set guys, that had skipped out on a huge bounty.

One of the guys faces was bleeding from Greg punching its several times. His partner had tossed Brittney aside like she was a rag doll. She had a bruise on the upper part of her arm from hitting a tree.

“Got you covered.” Crystal spotted the guys Greg and Brittney were chasing were heading right towards them.

The Hunter, Becomes The Hunted Part 3 (updated)

The plane that they caught in London, England took them to Netaji Subhas Chandra Airport. Then they had to unload everything and reload it on the train they had to take to Katwa. By the time they arrived in Katwa, it was late in the evening. Tammy looked at everything they had and didn’t like the fact they had to leave it in a warehouse that Helping Hands had rented.

“Jerry, you and I are going to guard our equipment tonight. Why don’t the rest of you get some sleep?” Tammy looks at everyone as they stood nearby.

Pretending to Be A Girl

Phoenix browses through the new selection of sundresses, camisoles, shorts, and skirts that had just arrived at his favorite female clothing store. No one knew he wasn’t really a girl underneath the short skirt and a nice pink camisole and low wedge heels.

The fake breasts and hips and ass pads he was wearing, gave him a nice figure. He styled his shoulder-length red hair, like the way his mother kept hers. He just had his fingernails, and his toenails done. He was looking for a couple of new outfits to wear, while on vacation. He enjoyed pretending that he was a girl.

Never Wanted To Be A Girl Chp.12

Once Clair’s car arrives at the garage, Raven gets to work on it. She has the old water pump out and sitting on her work cart. The new one hasn’t arrived yet, so she goes to the back storage room and starts looking for the belt and hoses. She knew they had them in stock because she just did the weekly stock order.

The She Wolf Brings Cubs Home (updated)

Julia glances in her rear view mirror at the two Native American kids she was taking home with her. She felt sorry for them after what their parents had done to them. Both had been physically and sexually abused by their father. Their father had molested the girl and the boy had been used as a punching bag by his father, every time he tried to protect his sister.

The Hero, The Mouse & The Cheshire Pt. 8

Private Hospital:
Omphile wakes up and spots Cheshire sitting near her bed. She sits up and wonders why she was sitting next to her.

“Am I in trouble?” She felt like she did something wrong.

“No, sweetie. You’re not in trouble. I came by to see how you are doing.” Cheshire caresses Omphile cheek.

The New Recruits Part 9

Stanley and his team take the rest of K&P Services crew back to Kats and Paul’s place to grab their gear and clothes. Crystal had Brittney in her car, while Terry rode with Alexa and Luke. Once the crew had their things and Kat’s place was locked up. They head towards the GPS coordinates Gina had given them for the safe house.

The Hunter, Becomes The Hunted Part 2

After the meeting at K&P services, and each team is split up. Paul, Marshal Bullock, Marshal Running Bear, Jessica Jones and members of Golden Eagle Squad boarded a private flight to London, England. The two pilots’ flying them there worked for Chaos Security.

“Tell me again, why we are flying to London, England?” Paul hadn’t been briefed on why they were heading there.

The New Recruits Part 8

Knoxville, Airport:
“Hey, wake-up Tammy. We’ve landed.” Stanley shakes Tammy’s shoulder lightly.

She had finally fallen asleep when they landed in Mexico to refuel. It was a nineteen-hour flight from Australia to Knoxville, Tn. Everyone was slowly moving around. Not only were they still jetlagged from all the flying, but from being on the plane.

The Old Wolf Visits the Swamp

Jack looks out the window of his private Lear as it approaches Washington D.C. He hated coming to Washington D.C. The place was filled with backstabbing hypocrites and lairs. The only reason he agreed to fly out to Washington, was the Attorney General had contacted him personally. Plus, there were a bunch of senators and representatives that wanted to talk to him.

The Hero, The Mouse & The Cheshire Pt. 7

Cheshire takes another sip of her tea, while she waited for Collins to wake-up. She couldn’t wait to see his reaction. She watches him as he slowly wakes up.

“Good morning, sleepy head.”

Collins goes to pull his gun from under his pillow, but it wasn't there. He looks at Cheshire as she stood nearby. She had a coffee mug in her hand as she slowly took a sip from it.

Cheshire looks at him with a predatory look on her face “what did I say about going after my family?”

The New Recruits Part 7

“Oh man, I love it here.” Sophie was enjoying their training in the rainforest. The past few days have been nice.

“I know what you mean. I wish we had this the first day of our survival training.” Jerry finally secures the zip line they were helping the forest rangers install.

Jerry looks over towards Zak, as he tightens up the bolts holding the zip line. Him, Zak and Sophie were working together.

“Guys join us back at camp. Becky just received orders for us from Gina.” Tammy’s voice comes over their mikes.

Never Wanted To Be A Girl Chp.11

Raven was on her way to work when she spots a car with the hood up and a young woman with long auburn hair standing in front of it. She pulls up behind the car and gets out and walks towards the young woman.

“Car trouble?” Raven was watching the woman.

Clair knew she should have the water pump taken care of, but she has been too busy at the Library covering people’s shifts. She hasn’t had the time to take the car by a mechanic to get fixed. Now, here she was stuck on the side of the road. She spots a small dark green pickup truck pull behind her car.


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