Going Home Chapter 17

Susan and Jackal look at the land they purchased to use as a base. They could build the base part underneath the house they were planning on living in.

“What do you think?” Jackal was looking towards his wife with her holographic imager turned off.

“I think, it's going to be a lot of work, but were far enough out of town that we shouldn’t draw any attention to ourselves.” Susan didn’t know what to make of all the green grass surrounding them.

This is the most green she has seen in years. She has spent most of her life aboard a starship or stationed on an asteroid with her husband and crew. This is going to be a new experience for them.

“It shouldn’t take us long to get all the material we will need to build a house and a barn to hide our shuttle.” Jackal already had some plans on how their house will look and what the sub-basements will contain.

“Well, let's wake the kiddies and start setting up a temporary shelter for us.” Jackal heads back into the shuttle and pull out the command tent
Lisa and Henry suggest they take until they have a permanent shelter built. The shuttle had one of the new cloaking devices installed in it. So, they could hide the shuttle.

One Month Later:
“I can’t believe we got the house and the barn done.” Ezri looks over towards Klang as they stood out in the front yard, looking at their new residents.

“Well, we did have you, me and Moya helping.” Klang knew if it hadn’t been for all their efforts and unique abilities. They wouldn’t have been able to get their home done within a month.

Moya and Susan were currently out looking into a disappearance that that happened a few days ago. A teenage couple had disappeared without a trace. The car they had been in had been found empty. All their things were still inside the car, but the teenagers themselves were gone.

Moya had picked up a scent of reptilian and followed where it had gone.

Jackal comes walking out of the new barn, where the shuttle was hidden. The floor of the barn opened and lowered the shuttle down into a
hidden underground hangar. The property was totally off the grid. They were using a hydrogen generator to power the place.

They were using the underground water and purifying it to drink, cook and fuel the hydrogen generator. As for their waste, they were using a recycler they brought with them. They could use it for fuel or fertilizer.

Moya and Susan:
Moya follows the trail she had picked up. The scent of the reptilian was strong. She could also smell the scent left by the two humans they kidnapped as well. The fear the couple was feeling left a strong scent.

Susan was dressed in her standard skin-tight combat suit, just like Moya was. She could tell Moya was itching for a fight. Moya’s people enjoyed fighting and she was extremely good at it.

After two hours of tracking the Reptilian’s scent, they find the location they were keeping the teenagers. Moya moves quick and silently up to what looked like a metal building. It was in the shape of a half shape curve.

Moya gives the all-clear signal to Susan. There weren’t any outside cameras or sensors. The windows of the place were covered up by plates welded over them. That way no sunlight could get inside and so whoever was inside, couldn’t see out.

“The place is boarded up good. The way inside is through the front door.”

“Do we know how many people are inside?” Susan was being cautious.

A smile appears on Moya’s face as she pulls out her special binoculars. She faces towards the building and looks inside the place. The computer interface built into the binoculars identifies the people inside.

“There are fifty humans, contained behind some sort of force field. At least four Draconian and four Silurian’s. As for weapons, they are carrying stun staffs and proton blasters.” Moya loved her special binoculars. She presses a button on the side to show Susan what she saw inside the building.

A hologram appears with the information. It projects the image out in a 3D form.

“So, the only way in and out is through the front. The building itself isn’t protected by a force field.”

“Nope, which means I can use my special talent to get inside.” Moya loved that her special gift allowed her to bypass solid matter and walk through them. Force fields and certain types of metals and elements were the only things capable of keeping her out.

“Can you get inside and let me in?” Susan had a few stun grenades and her laser pistols with her.

“No problem.” Moya concentrates and jumps through a section of the wall.

There are several explosions and the main doors start to open. Susan saw Moya dodging out of the way of several beams from the proton blasters.

“Moya, move.” Susan tosses several of the stun grenades she brought with her.

Moya moves just in time as the stun grenades go off. The energy discharge from the grenades, drop two of the Draconian and one of the
Silurian’s. Susan draws her pistols and starts firing at two Draconians.

Moya extends her bo-staff and charges it. She swings and connects with the chest of one of the Silurian’s. The Silurian she hits with her staff goes flying backward into the force field containing the human captives. He drops from hitting the field.

Moya dodges as one of the draconian tries to hit her with the stun stick in his hands. She blocks the attack with her own staff. She redirects the energy back at him. She watches as he falls to the ground smoking.

One of the Silurian’s try hitting Susan, but she shoots him in the chest. One of the Draconians swings his staff at Susan, hoping to shock her. She grabs it and turns it against him. He drops from the strong shock he received from it.

Moya and Susan continue to fight. They try to keep at least two of them alive, so they could interrogate them and find out who else was helping them.

Moya looks at Susan when all the fighting is done. She was disappointed that the fighting hadn’t lasted longer.

“Damn, I was hoping to beat up more of them.” Moya kicks one of the ones she dropped.

“You’ll have another chance to beat up on more of them later. Now we need to get these people back to their families.” Susan looks for control
of the force field.

She finds it and deactivates the field. There was a large box truck in the building.

“Come on people, we’re here to help you.” Susan watches as the people start leaving where they had been held.

"Does any one know how to drive this thing?" Moya points towards the box truck.

"I do." A huge Mexican looking guy looks towards Moya.

"Alright get everyone who was brought here in it and get away from this location ASAP!" Moya goes about planting the explosives she brought with her. She was going to level the place.

Susan supervises the loading of the people and once they were inside the box truck. She sends them on their way. The Silurian’s and Draconians they didn't kill were coming with them, back to their base.

Once everyone was cleared of the building. Moya activities the explosives and watch as the place collapses inward and disappear.

"One less alien holding point to worry about." Moya loved blowing things up.

"You have too much fun. Let's head back to base and interrogate these slime balls."

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