Recovering From Trauma Chapter 2

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Sara’s Quarters:
Kelly woke up early and felt like crap. She was still getting used to being a girl, but last night had been wild. She went to a friend’s birthday party. One of the girls she first met when she came to Vineyard, invited her.

She walks into the bathroom and does her morning business, before taking a nice hot shower. Ever since she was turned into a girl by her father. She had found that she enjoyed taking hot showers. She didn’t know why, but it felt nice against her sensitive skin.

After taking a shower and patting herself dry. She walks into her bedroom “Alexa, play playlist 3, please.”

“Playing playlist 3.” As Alexa responded afterward.

Music starts filling Kelly’s room. She loved music and noticed her taste in music had changed as well. It used to be she loved Rap and hard metal bands. She still loved rap music, but only certain songs.

Kelly walks over to her makeup table and starts blow-drying her hair. She had light brown hair that was styled in a way that was easy to take of. She knew her new parents were doing everything they could to make her life easier since she was changed.

She puts on a farmer bib with a KISS t-shirt on underneath it. She was lucky that her breasts weren’t very big. Her birth father didn’t like big busted women. Her breasts had come out full, but pear shape. She was still learning about being a teenage girl and was glad her adoptive mother was helping her.

Kelly put on her work boots and put her hair into a ponytail since she was going to be working at the stables with several other teenagers who had been changed. She only puts on light makeup. She knew she would be sweating from the heat and work.

Kelly walks into the kitchen and spots Dakota already sitting at the table eating her favorite cereal. She spots Sara at the counter making lunch for Dakota and herself.

“Hey, squirt.” Kelly ruffles Dakota’s hair.

Dakota waves to her big sister. She liked Kelly and enjoyed playing games with her. She goes back to eating her Lucky Charms.

“Morning sweetie. How was the party last night?” Sara turns around to look at Kelly.

“It was a lot of fun. Thank you for letting me go.” Kelly hugs Sara.

“You’re welcome, sweetie. Me and Jake spoke last night about you going to the convention with your friends. We don’t mind, but we do need to know if there is going to be adult supervision there with you?” Sara watches Kelly’s eyes. She was taught by her mother and her cousin how to tell if someone was lying.

“You know, I’m not sure, mom. I’ll send a text to Scott and ask him.”

“Okay, let me know when you can. Today I’ll be helping a bunch of new patients that were turned just like you. If you don’t mind sweetie, I was
wondering if you wouldn’t mind helping some of the new arrivals that went through similar experiences as you did.” Sara was hoping that some of the teenage boys who were forced to become girls might be willing.

“I don’t mind, mom. But I’m scheduled to be working at the stables training some of the new hands.” Kelly liked her job at the stables.

“I know and it won’t be today, but maybe tomorrow or so.” Sara knew from the reports she got about the new arrivals. Two boys around Kelly’s age were turned into young girls and forced to perform sexual acts for a bunch of older men.

“That’s fine, mom.” Kelly saw that her mother made her a lunch to take with her.

Kelly grabs the box of pop tarts and takes her favorite out to heat. She loved that she had food to eat. It was how her father controlled her after he changed her.

Sara finishes making lunches and sees her girls off. Afterward, she gets ready for work herself. Her abdomen was bothering her and last night she felt pain in her vagina, which she knew why. She’ll have to talk to her sister about blocking out her sexual experience with her husband.
There were times she hated the fact that she and her sister could feel what the other felt.

Monia’s Quarters:
Monia was bent over sound asleep on her computer desk. Drool was leaking out of the corner of her mouth as she sat there in just her panties. She had taken off her clothes and didn’t bother putting on anything else. Her computer screen had gone dark since it wasn’t being used.

The alarm clock on her cell phone starts playing the theme song to Battlestar Galactica. It takes the alarm playing the songs three times in a row, for Monia to finally sit up in her computer chair and turn it off. It took her mind a few minutes to recognize where she was and why she was cold.

She gets out of her chair and grabs her nightshirt off her bed. She stumbles into the bathroom and lowers her panties, before sitting down on the toilet. She was still feeling tired. She figures her blood sugar must be low.

After Monia is done doing her morning business. She doesn’t bother pulling her panties up, as she kicks them off. She steps into the shower after pressing a button on the controls that control the water temperature. She designed it, so she could program it exactly for the temp she likes her shower water to be.

She also designed a sonic shower, but it still needed some work done to it. After Monia finishes her shower, she picks the nightshirt off the floor and her dirty panties. She tosses them into the clothes hamper.

She starts getting ready for the day. Today she decides to wear a purple jumpsuit without a bra. She was so glad she had small breasts and could get away with not wearing a bra. She hated the damn things, because of how constricting they were.

She brushes her short light brown hair. She hated wearing makeup, so she didn’t bother with any. She puts her tennis shoes on and grabs some breakfast in the cafeteria.

She walks out of her quarters and heads for the cafeteria for some breakfast. When Monia arrives, she walks over to the coffee bar and fixes herself a large cup of Krono coffee. She loved the taste of it. She adds some dark brown sugar to it. She didn’t like really sweet coffee, but she did like it very strong either.

Afterward, she stood in line and selected what breakfast items she wanted. Once she wa done in line and paying for her food. She walks over to a table where some of her friends are sitting and joins them.

Dr. Quinn Quarters:
Beverly holds her wife close to her body. She loved feeling her wife’s soft body against her own. She nibbles on her wife’s earlobe while massaging her medium-sized breast. She feels her wife responds to what she is doing to her.

Wendy turns around to face her wife and kisses her. She loved feeling her wife next to her body. She also loved when the two of them had their breasts pressing against each other’s She never thought she would like being a woman.

However, after being changed by whatever that drug had been in the warehouse. She has started enjoying what it did to her. The drug had turned her into an exact copy of her mother when she was younger. Her mother had been a beautiful woman when she was younger.

She forces Beverly onto her back, while rubbing her groin area against her wife’s. She didn’t know why she didn’t have any feelings for men but for women only. She kisses Beverly forcing her tongue into her wife’s mouth.

The two of them spend a few hours loving and worshipping each other’s bodies. By the time they finished, both of them were feeling wonderful. Wendy holds Beverly in her arms while playing with her nipple.

“Don’t you have patients scheduled for today?” Wendy knew how much Beverly loved being a doctor.

“Yes, but not for another few hours. I heard you applied for the security force here. Didn’t you like working with Alicia over at the admin building?”
Beverly knew her wife didn’t know what she wanted to do after she was changed.

“I heard Jake needed help over there. Since I used to be an LA SWAT officer. I figure my talents might be better used to help Jake. Plus, I hate paperwork. It’s so boring.” Wendy nibbles on Beverly’s ear.

“How are those girls who were turned into sex slaves doing?” Wendy heard about them.

“They are doing better. The drugs and body conditioning those men did to those women did a number on them. It’s going to take a while to undo a lot of what was done, especially the brainwashing and reprogramming the men did to those women. The drugs they use on them are easy to purge from their system. It’s the mental and physical conditioning of those men that will take time to undo.”

“I wonder who came up with the technique to do that type of conditioning. It couldn’t have been easy to develop something like that, wasn’t physically harmful to the person.” Wendy knew a little bit about torture and reprograming people.

“Our investigators are looking into how they did it and who developed it.” Beverly hated what was done to those boys and turned into women and girls.

Wendy and Beverly get out of bed and take a shower together. They fool around some more, but nothing too serious, since they had a bunch of things to do. They already used up what little free time they had earlier.

Dr. Quinn gets dressed and prepares herself for the day. She had a lot on her plate today and she hopes everything goes alright. She smacks her wife on the ass, just as she walks out of the apartment.

“Love you.” As Beverly waves goodbye.

“Love you too.” Wendy just shakes her head.

Lottie couldn’t believe that the vineyard her great aunt and her grandmother started to help people who had been changed into women and men wanted horses. She along with her best friend Betsy had volunteered to help the men bring the horses to the vineyard.

Lottie looks over towards her purple-haired friend “I can’t believe we finally arrived, Betsy.”

“I know.” Betsy had gotten help from Lottie’s grandmother after what was done to her.

Someone spiked her drink at a party and it turned her hair purple, and her eyes, and caused her to grow breasts. They weren’t very big, but she had to wear a bra or they would bounce. Whatever they had put in her drink had changed how her face and skin felt as well. As for her manhood, it shrunk her testicles and her penis to the point she has to sit down to pee.

Lottie was her best friend and she helped her through what she going through and taught her how to act like a girl. If it wasn’t for Lottie helping her, she doesn’t know what she would have done.

“Are you girls ready to work your butts off?” Henry looks towards the two young ladies sitting behind him.

“Henry, I could run rings around you and you know it.” Lottie smiles at Henry.

“We’ll see about that Lottie.” Chuck knew Lottie was good with cattle and horses.

She spent a lot of time in the saddle and out on the range with him and his men. He remembered when the Wolfhart’s brought her home and how she looked. He watched over her as she grew into the woman she was now.

Lewis Hunter watches as three trucks pulling horse trailers come pulling up to the stables. They had the Wolfhart markings on the side of the trucks. Two older men get out of the first truck and come walking over to him.

“Are you Lewis Hunter?” Henry looks at the older man. He looked to be a few years older than himself.

“I am. Are these the horses from the Wolfhart ranch?” Lewis looks towards the three-horse trailers.

“Yes, sir. I just need for you to sign here that you have received them.” Henry holds out an iPad with a light pen.

“I’m not signing anything until I see what conditions these horses are in.” Lewis looks towards the men standing in front of him.

A smirk appears on Henry’s and Chuck’s face. “Fair enough.”

Henry looks towards the truck “Alright girls, get your butts out here and earn your pay.”

Lottie grabs her work gloves before she exits from the truck. Betsy exists from the other side and follows Lottie. Since Lottie was more experienced with horses, Betsy would follow her lead.

Lewis watches as two young women exit from the truck. One had long purple hair tied into a ponytail. She was wearing a cowboy shirt, tight blue jeans that showed off the curve of her butt and hips. She also wore a pair of black cowboy boots.

The other young woman had dark hair, wearing a tanned cowboy hat, blue jeans, and a cowboy shirt as well. She also had on a pair of worn-looking brown cowboy boots. Both women had a pair of brown leather gloves in their hands.

“Your daughters?” Lewis looks towards Henry.

“Nope, the dark-haired woman is Lottie Wolfhart. Grandniece to Mrs. Blake. The purple-haired girl is Lottie’s best friend, Betsy. Both girls are experienced horse handlers and riders.” A smile appears on Chuck's face. He taught both girls everything he knew about horses.

“We’ll see about that.” Lewis walked over to examine each horse as they were unloaded.

Lottie held the horse she brought out first to be examined. She watched the old man as he looked the horse over.

“This horse is good.” Lewis whistles towards the stable.

Several men and a few young women walk over to them. One of the young men walks up to Lottie to take the horse.

“He likes pieces of apple as a treat.” As she hands the leads to the person.

“What’s his name?” Arnold turns to look at the Native-looking woman.

“His’s is Stampede, Her’s is Star.” Lottie points to the horse Betsy is handling.

All together Lewis counts eighteen horses that had been delivered to him. All the horses were in good health and had all their shots. They were also shoes. All of them had brand new saddles, saddle bags, and tact.

“Why don’t you guys and gals come to the cafeteria and grab yourself some grub and rest a while.” Lewis knew they must be tired from driving from Oklahoma.

“Sounds good.” Chuck figures they could spend the rest of the day at the vineyard before heading back.

“I’ll let my parents know we won’t be back until tomorrow.” Lottie pulls her cell phone out and calls her parents.

Cindy’s Office:
Cindy was feeling a little sore from what her husband did to her last night. But she did promise him that if they adopted the twins. She would have her birth control implant removed so he could finally impregnate her. She knew he should have done it when they first met and he told her what he was. However, the birth control implant has been in her body since she first got her period.

She was in college when she met him and found out he was a supernatural creature. She didn’t want to be a mother at that time and wanted to start her career first. So, they talked about it, and when she decided she was ready to be a mother. She would let him do what he needed to do to her.

As for the twins suckling from her. She talked to Ava about that. Ava herself had never experienced anything like that because she was changed when she was an adult. So, she didn’t know if it was natural or not. She would have to talk to that bounty hunter in Tennessee to see if it was.
She placed her hand on the bulge and knew it was just a matter of time before she found out if she was pregnant or not.

Cindy watches as a six-year-old girl is escorted into her office. The little girl looked so cute. She had auburn color hair, hazel eyes, and an angelic face. According to the little girl’s file. She had been a ten-year-old boy who had been exposed to a white powdery substance. The powder had been from a blue plastic barrel that had fallen off the back of a truck.

The boy’s parents had been killed in the car accident that occurred. They couldn’t see that the truck carrying the barrels had stopped. As of now, the young girl had no parents or relatives that they could locate. So, she was brought to the vineyard to be helped.

“Hi, my name is Cindy. What is your name?” Cindy watches the young girl.

“Sam.” Sam looks at the blonde-haired woman sitting in front of her.

“Is Sam short for anything or is it just Sam?” Cindy knew Sam could be short for Samatha or Samuel.

“Just Sam.” Sam wanted to trust this woman.

“Well, Sam. Do you know what happened to you?”

“I was turned into a girl and my parents are dead.” Sam knew what happened to her parents.

“That’s right. What I’m going to do is try to help you through what happened. Do you feel up to talking about everything?”

Sam shakes her head yes. She wanted to cry because she missed her parents. She starts talking to Cindy. Before long, she starts crying.
Cindy reaches over and hugs Sam. She knew with everything this poor little girl has gone through, the tears will help.

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