Recovering From Trauma Chapter 1

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Blake Medical Recovery Center, Napa Valley, Northern California:
Sara and Cindy look down at all the women and some men who have been brought to the center for help and recovery. Both of them couldn’t understand why anyone would forcibly turn innocent males and some women into the opposite sex.

“Mom and sis weren’t joking when they said that there would be days when this job would get to you.” Cindy looks at her twin sister standing next to her.

“It’s hard to believe that so many men and women were being trafficked.” Sara couldn’t believe how many people they just received at the center.

“I’m surprised you would think like that, sis. You must have seen worse than this over in Pakistan and countries like them when you were in the
Army.” Cindy knew her twin sister had seen things in the army that she hadn’t seen.

“Yeah, but nothing like what was done to these people. They never purposely turn men over there into women with drugs. Being a woman over there is worse than death because of what they do to women. And being gay over there is a death sentence.” Sara saw what they did to the men
who were gay during her time in the army. Also, what they did to some of the young men as well.

“Speaking of being gay. How is Kelly doing?” Cindy knew her sister adopted a young girl who had been a boy and turned into a girl by his relatives.

They couldn’t deal with the fact their son was gay. So, to fix the problem. They forcefully turned their son into a girl with a drug similar to the Blue Lace drug.

“She adjusting to being a girl. On the one hand, she likes being a girl, but on the other hand. She hates what was done to her by her father and his friends. How are your adopted daughters doing?” Sara looks at her twin.

“They still act like kittens. I’ve managed to get them to stop using a litter box. I can’t believe what those men from Japan did to them.” Cindy couldn’t believe that someone would take two orphan boys from China and turn them into identical twins. On top of that, they added cat DNA to the drug they used on them to turn them into Neko girls.

“That must have been difficult. How did you manage to teach them to use the toilet?” Sara knew her twin was the better doctor.

“I had help from Aya. She’s working with my daughters to help them fit in with everyone. I was thinking about calling that female bounty hunter out in Tennessee for help. She’s a neko, but doesn’t act like one.”

“I think you did better with Aya. I still can’t get over the fact that she volunteered to become a Neko girl.”

“Sis, she has always wanted to be a neko girl, ever since we were little. She used to drive Aunt Betty and Uncle Henry crazy dressing up as one all the time. Even her brothers thought she was crazy. However, I have to give her credit for using their uniqueness to their advantage by calling themselves Josie and The Pussycats.” A smile forms on Cindy’s face as she thinks about how Aya always loved that old cartoon.

“Well, it's good that the twins have a good role model.” Sara knew the twins were a handful, because of how many cats' DNA had been in the drug that turned them.

“Me too. I’ve also been in contact with that group of humanoid cat people in Montana as well. You know some of them had been changed the same way the twins and some of the others under our care have.” Cindy had learned about the group from her mother.

Blake Medical was secretly shipping medical supplies and other items to the Montana group. Even her aunt Janet was helping them. There were a few engineers among their group who had volunteered to come and work for her mother and aunt.

Sara feels a set of small arms wrap around her waist from behind her. She was startled but soon got over her reaction when she realized who it was.

“What’s wrong, Dakota?” Sara turns around in the young girl’s arms and picks her up.

Cindy looks at Dakota and smiles. The young girl looked cute in the simple dress she was wearing. She was one of the young girls they still hadn’t found a home for. The main reason, was because Dakota only trusted Sara and herself. She also wouldn’t speak either. Something had happened to her that for whatever reason, caused her to never speak. Physically she could, but she elected to not speak.

Dakota lays her head against Sara’s shoulder and holds onto her. She just wanted to be held by Sara.

“I think she just wants to be held by her mommy.” A smile appears on Cindy’s face. She knew Dakota preferred her sister over herself.

“I think you are right. I’m still not her legal guardian, but hopefully, that will change soon. Our cousins Charlotte and Clair are on it and they have a big caseload with everything else going on.” Sara loved Dakota and didn’t care if the little girl never wanted to speak.

She knew that when Dakota came to them, she was in bad shape. She had to stay on life support for almost two weeks. Then she had to relearn how to walk and eat.

“SURPRISE!” Monia pops up in front of Sara and Cindy.

She was wearing her newest invention a small jet pack she had been working on for the past three months. She loved tinkering and had a workshop of her own on the old vineyard property. She also maintained the buildings and vehicles the trauma center owned. She wasn’t allowed to work on the vineyard side of the property because of her age.

Dakota grips Sara tighter when Monia surprises everyone. Sara holds Dakota tighter to her to reassure her that she is safe.
Cindy looks at Monia “You know better than that young lady.”

“I can’t help myself, sis.” Monia considered Cindy and Cindy’s twin sister Sara as her big sisters.

She hopes Mrs. Blake will adopt her. She misses not having a family. Her parents had been only children and both sets of her grandparents were dead.

Cindy shakes her head back and forth. She knew what type of person Monia was. She was a lot like her older sister Samatha back at the mountain. Monia was very bright and had a problem settling down. She has been diagnosed with being a high-functioning autistic person. Only her tinkering seems to keep her stable.

“How much fuel does your backpack have?” Sara was curious.

“It doesn’t use standard fuel. I’m using a hydrogen fuel cell to power it. I estimate it gives me about two hours of flight time.” Monia was still tinkering with the design.

“Well, be careful and stay close to the ground. Remember what happened last time?” Cindy sometimes has to remind Monia of safety.

“I got my specialized impact suit on.” Monia was instructed to start wearing it.

“Alright, be careful, and don’t scare the horses again.” Cindy knew how much Monia liked flying.

Counselor Office:
Kimberly tenses up as she is given her daily shot. The shot was meant to reduce her desire to have sex all the time and to dial down the sensitivity to erogenous zones of her body. The people who changed her into a woman, dialed up her sex drive because they wanted her to be a sex toy.

The drug she was taking was countering the effects of what they did to her body and resetting it to what it should be. This way she isn’t always thinking about sex or getting aroused from the clothes she wears from rubbing against those areas.

“How do you feel now, Kimberly?” Dr. Quinn looked at Kimberly and felt sorry for what was done to her.

From what she knew about the young lady. She had been living on the streets when she was kidnapped by two guys and taken to a warehouse. In that warehouse, she had been stripped naked and had an IV hooked to her.

The drug they used had been Blue Lace, but the nanites inside the liquid had been programmed to make her look like a porn star with huge breasts. Afterward, she had been hooked up to another machine to brainwash her and turn her into a bimbo who only wanted sex.

It was a good thing that the drugs and conditioning that had been used on her, could be identified and counter. It was going to take time to undo what was done to Kimberly, but Dr. Quinn and Dr. Blake felt they could do it.

Kimberly wasn’t their only patient who had been treated like that. They had over twenty other girls and a few males who had gone through a similar process to be turned into sex slaves. The men required a different drug and treatment program for what was done to them. Some of them had been women who were forcibly turned into men with huge cocks.

Kimberly looked at Dr. Quinn and had tears in her eyes. She was grateful for what Dr. Quinn was doing for her. She still had counseling she got from what happened to her while she was a sex toy to help her deal with the trauma from the experience.

“Thank you, Dr. Quinn.” She reaches forward and hugs Dr. Quinn. She was so grateful for everything.

“You’re welcome, Kimberly. If you are still interested in becoming my assistant. Mrs. Kapoor is putting together a class.”

“I’m still interested in helping you and the other doctors here, Dr. Quinn.” Kimberly wanted to repay and help others like herself. She knew how it felt when she first started treatment and if someone had undergone the treatment she did. That person wouldn’t be too scared to try it.

“Alright, I’ll let Mrs. Kapoor know you are interested in her class and she’ll get in touch with you.” Dr. Quinn makes a note on a sticky pad.

Kimberly smiles and leaves the room. She was feeling better now that the sensitivity she had been feeling wasn’t bothering her anymore. She couldn’t wear pants because they kept rubbing on the areas of her legs and groin area that had been enhanced.

Kimberly heads towards the cafeteria to grab some lunch. She was hungry and was thinking about ordering a steak sandwich. She was glad Mrs. Blake and Mrs. Wolfhart had constructed a place like a vineyard to help people like her and the others who had been forcefully changed by sex traffickers and from what she heard aliens as well.

When Kimberly walks into the cafeteria, she spots Jessie standing in line to place her order. She walks over and gets in line behind Jessie.

“Hey, Jessie. How are you doing today?” Kimberly liked Jessie. She was a nice person.

Jessica turns to look at Kimberly and the computerized system that had been placed inside her skull tells her everything about the young woman. On the outside of her body, Jessie looked like an ordinary female girl, but under the skin. Seventy-five percent of Jessie’s body has been replaced by alien technology. All her bones, veins, and organs had been replaced.

“I’m functioning okay, I guess.” Jessie was still getting used to being in control of herself.

The aliens that had kidnapped her and experimented on her had also controlled her. She couldn’t do anything unless they allowed her. They almost succeeded in taking away her free will. However, she managed to fight the control and take control of her body back. Once she managed to do that, she freed the others that had been experimented on. She managed to free them from being controlled again.

Mrs. Blake had sent a special team composed of entirely women to find and rescue them. One of the women could control computers and she made it so that the aliens who controlled them could never do it again.

Kimberly knew Jessie was more cyborg, than human. There had been like ten others like her that had been brought to the vineyard and were undergoing treatment. There wasn’t much that could be done for Jessie. Too much of her body had been replaced by alien technology and couldn’t be undone without killing her. There were only two others at the vineyard that were like Jessie that couldn’t be restored to being normal.

The others from Jessie’s group could have what was done to them, undone. They could either have their missing organs replaced with cloned organs from cells from their bodies. As for their limbs, new ones could be cloned for them or they could use the fake limbs.

The medical expertise of Blake Medical was remarkable. They could clone new body parts or use a special printer that could make a brand-new limb. Kimberly knew a lot of what Blake Medical could do was being kept from the public because it could be abused.

When it's Jessie’s turn to order some lunch. She orders a high-protein dish. Kimberly orders the steak sandwich she has been craving with a side order of onion rings.

After they get their orders, Jessie walks over to a table she likes sitting at and sits down. She notices Kimberly sitting down with her.

“How was your session with Dr. Quinn?”

“Great, I’m not feeling as horny as I normally am.” Kimberly picks up her sandwich and bites into it.

“I wish I remembered what that felt like.” Jessie cuts the steak she got into smaller bites.

“You don’t remember what sex was like?” Kimberly was curious.

“No, I never experienced it before the aliens did what they did to me.” Jessie had never had sex before.

“Man, that is mean. If you don’t mind me asking. Can you experience what it feels like now that you are no longer under their control?” Kimberly wondered if it was possible.

“No, they removed all my sex organs. I have no idea what sex is like or how it feels.” Tears leak from Jessie’s cybernetic eyes.

“I’m sorry, Jessie.” Kimberly lays her hand on top of Jessie’s. She knew Jessie could feel her hand.

“Thanks.” Jessie uses a napkin to wipe her eyes.

The only reason the aliens left her tear ducts in, was to allow them to clean her cybernetic eyes. She had felt everything they did to her body
when they took her human parts out and replaced them. She had watched and felt everything they did to her. Sometimes she still felt phantom pains as if her limbs were still attached to her. It was frustrating because she knew they weren’t and it messed with her cybernetic controls.

“So, what do they have you doing?” Kimberly knew Jessie helped around the vineyard. She didn’t have to, but she did.

“I’ve been helping Mr. Owen over in the winery. He’s been teaching me how to make wine and how to tell which grapes are ripe and what grapes aren’t. He’s a nice old man and will miss when he passes away?”

“Why do you say he will pass away?” Kimberly was curious.

“He has a bad heart and sometimes I can tell when he is in pain. It’s just a matter of time. I tried to tell him what I discovered, but he said he knew. He just wants to enjoy the time he has left.”

“Well, I think you should learn as much as you can from him. That way you can carry on what he knows.” Kimberly knew how attached Jessie had gotten to Mr. Owen.

“I will and I’ll miss him when he dies.” Jessie eats a piece of her steak.

Obstetrics & Gynecology Department:
Dr. Webb checks Alica’s dilation. She still couldn’t over the fact that she had a pregnant humanoid tiger woman in the stirrups. She knew the vineyard she had agreed to work at was to help people. These people had been mistreated by people who used science and drugs to change how they looked.

“Everything looks good down here, Alica.” Dr. Webb stands up and looks toward Alica’s face.

“That’s good because I’m ready to drop this litter.” Alica hated what was done to her.

She had been changed into a cat humanoid by a person who loved furries. He had used an ancient mystical object to change her and several women into humanoid cat people. Afterward, he put a collar around their necks that allowed him to control them. He impregnated all of them until they had become pregnant. He was planning on selling their offspring off to other people.

He was going to breed them, but sell their offspring to hunters and warlords. If it hadn’t been for a small group of supernatural people like themselves finding them and freeing them. She and others like her would have been slaves.

“So, how much longer do I have before they come popping out?” Alica wanted to give birth and be done with it.

“By next week, you should be giving birth. The others still have a month or so to go. So, are you going to take up that offer to you and the others to live at the other place like yourselves?”

“I think it might be a good idea if we do. The normal people in the nearby town would freak out if they saw me and the others coming into town to shop. Sure, they might mistake us for being furries, but we both know that will only go so far.”

“True. Well, if you do decide to leave. Mrs. Blake has permitted me to monitor you.” Alicia wanted to know more about hybrid people like Alica.

“I don’t think they would mind, Dr. Webb.” Alica liked Dr. Webb.

Elizabeth swims the length of the pool and flips to turn and go back in the direction she had just come from. She wasn’t wearing a swimsuit and was enjoying the sunlight as it shined down from the sky. She had been kept inside so much that she loved the fact that she could enjoy the sunshine.

She swims back and forth several times doing a hundred laps before stopping. She stopped in the shallow end, so she wouldn’t drown. The bastard that changed her into a girl had given her a slim, short petite body with huge breasts. The thing was, she could still go to places like Walmart or Target to buy her bras.

She was just glad that a person by the name of Owl and Hawk had rescued her. She had been an ordinary teenage boy who was just trying to make some money to buy a car when she was changed. The bastard that did it not only changed her but kept her as a sex slave down in a secret basement room. The bastard would come down and have his way with her. The sad thing about it was that the prick was married.

The prick didn’t count on how she escaped from her confinement or the look on the man’s wife when she found out what he had been doing when she was rescued. The woman known as Hawk was going to disembowel him, but was stopped by Owl. They found out who the man got the drug from that changed her and went after them. The police took the old man away, questioning her.

She was later visited by Hawk and Owl who informed her that arrangements had been made for her to get medical help. At first, she didn’t think she needed it, but after waking up screaming several times. She accepted the help and was sent to this vineyard for medical care.

“You know, you should be wearing a swimsuit, Lizzie.” Ana looks at her new friend in the water.

“I wanted to feel the sun all over my body, Ana.” Lizzie looks up towards Ana.

Ana was a light-skinned African American girl who had been betrayed by her gang. She used to be a male as well and was turned into a girl by her gang members. She was going to be pimped out so the gang could make money off her. The thing was, a woman wearing a white bodysuit with a diamond on it took the gang out.

Ana looked down at her new friend Lizzie. She knew Lizze had experienced the same thing she had by being turned into a girl and raped. Several members of the gang she was a member of did a train on her. She trusted those people and they had betrayed her.

While she lay bleeding on a dirty mattress in a run-down house. The woman wearing the diamond outfit rescued her. The woman knocked out all the gang members who trained her. Afterward, she was rushed to an underground hospital and taken care of. The woman explained that she could help her further and sent her here to recover and get her life back on track.

“Well, I’m not as brave as you are, Lizzie.” Ana slowly walks down the steps into the pool.

She was a little taller than Lizze, but smaller in the chest area than Lizze. However, her hips and butt were bigger. Both of them had good looks and would be popular if they wanted to be models.

Ana slowly makes her way over to Elizabeth. You could tell the difference in their height. Lizzie was a foot shorter than Ana. Whereas Lizzie was four foot, five inches tall. She was five feet, five inches tall.

“How are you doing on your recovery?” Ana observes Lizze.

“The nightmares aren’t as bad as they were. Talking about them with you and the others is helping. Have you decided what you are going to do
when you're better?” Lizzie didn’t know what she was going to do when she could sleep without having nightmares of what she endured.

“I’m thinking about taking a job here. Mrs. Warren told me that the winery will be hiring in a few weeks.” Ana liked the idea of working at the winery.

“I hadn’t heard about that. Mr. Lewis over at the horse barn said he’ll be hiring three new farmhands. They are thinking about stabling more horses for the people who come here for recovery.”

“That sounds like something you would enjoy. What about your folks? Are you going to inform them about what happened to you?” Ana has been thinking about informing her mother about what happened to her.

“I don’t know yet. My mom might accept having me as a daughter, but I don’t know how my father will handle it. He’s always giving me the creeps. How about your folks? Are you going to tell them?” Lizzie watches Ana’s reaction.

“I just have a mother. My father ran off when I was just four years old and hasn’t been in touch with us. It might take my mom some getting used to, but I think she’ll accept me. If I go back to tell her, I’m going to see if the woman that rescued me can come with me. I want my mother to meet the woman.”

“I would love for my parents to meet the two women who rescued me. My dad would trip over his tongue when he looked at them.” A playful smile appears on Lizze’s face.

“What are their names?” Ana was curious because Lizze never mentioned their name during the group sessions they attended.

“Owl and Hawk. They’re part of a large group but work separately from the group. Hawk is the fighter and Owl backs her up. How about the person that rescued you? What is she like?” Lizzie was curious.

“Well, I don’t know much about her, because I was barely conscious when she rescued me. What I do know, she can kick ass and knows how to fight. She transported me to an underground hospital that is funded by the same organization that funds the vineyard. She gave me her card and told me if I ever needed her. To just touch the Diamond in the center of the card.” Ana wanted to know more about the woman who saved her life.

“I wonder if there is a connection?” Lizzie had a thoughtful look on her face.

“I don’t know, but tag you’re it.” Ana swims off before Lizze can react.

“Hey!” Lizze starts chasing after Ana.

Later in the Evening, Sara’s Quarters:
Sara snuggles against her husband on the sofa as they watch a movie together. Dakota was resting against her stomach watching the movie as well. She was stroking Dakota’s hair while she lay against her.

All three of them were in their night clothes and enjoying the family time they had. Jake looked down at Dakota as she lay comfortably against Sara’s tummy.

“Kelly asked me today if she could go with some of her online friends to a gaming convention next month.” Jake looks at his wife as she lies against him.

“As long as an adult is going to be present. I don’t mind if she goes. However, that is up to you as well.” Sara leans her head back to look at her husband.

The two of them served in the same unit and got married while they were in the army. He got out at the same time she did and came with her to the vineyard. He was head of security at the vineyard.

“I’ll approve it as long as an adult is going to be present. I don’t want anything to happen to her.” Jake knew what their adopted daughter went through.

It took a lot of time for Kelly to trust him and he wanted to maintain that trust. Plus, he knew she was a good kid and wouldn’t do anything stupid like most kids her age.

“Okay. Find out more about the convention. If by chance no adult is going. I’ll ask my brother to send a guard or two to discreetly watch her and her friends.” Sara wanted to make sure her daughter was protected.

“Okay. So, what are we going to do with this one?” Jake points to Dakota. He could tell she had fallen asleep.

“I’m just waiting on the adoption papers for her. My sisters have a huge caseload on their desk.” Sara knew it took time to track down everything about the kids they were going to adopt.

“You know, she’s a mommy girl, don’t you?” A smile appears on Jake’s face.

“Yes, I do.” Sara strokes Dakota’s hair some more.

Cindy’s Quarters:
Cindy and her husband were sitting on the sofa as well. But unlike her twin sister, Cindy was impaled on top of her husband's cat penis. It was buried deep in her and the tiny barbs on the end of it were hooked into her vaginal walls. Both of them were naked and her twin girls were latched onto her nipples as her husband pumped his seed into her womb.

Behind them were Ava and her husband. Ava had her butt in the air as her husband took her from behind and held her head down on a pillow. Both men were going to mate with their spouses tonight and make sure they were impregnated.

Both Neko girls were suckling milk from Cindy’s breasts while their adopted father mated with their new mother. They had been surprised to learn that their adopted father was a were-creature. Cindy had known her husband was a supernatural cat person. They had gotten married while she was still in college getting her doctorate.

Her mother didn’t know that her son-in-law was a supernatural creature. However, she had a feeling her mother Tabitha knew but didn’t care if he was. As for her adopted daughters suckling from her breasts, that was something new to her.

The girls suckle from her for about an hour, before letting go of her nipples. She felt their teeth release her nipple. She watches as they lay down and snuggle against one another.

Cindy hears a muffled scream as Ava’s husband yanks himself out of her vagina. She tried to look over her husband's shoulder to see what was going on, but couldn’t. She feels his warm breath against her neck “You’ll feel what she is feeling.”

Sebastian leans Cindy forward until she was touching the floor and yank her off his penis. He watches as she lands a few feet from him and the sofa. He heard her scream and was shaking on the carpet floor as a massive orgasm rocked her body.

Cindy lets out a scream as she is yanked off her husband’s penis and as the barbs scrape her vaginal wall. She lands across from her husband and sofa. No sooner does Cindy hit the carpet; her body starts shaking as a massive orgasm rocks her body. It causes her eyes to roll to the back of her head as she experiences every color and her vagina cramps up. Her body just shakes as if she was having a seizure.

Sebastian watches his wife as she shakes with extreme pleasure. He knew she would be okay. He picks the girls up takes them to their bedroom and tucks them in. By the time he returns to the living room, he notices Ava’s husband picking her up.

Ava’s husband looks at Sebastian “I think you overdid it with your wife.” A smile appears on his face.

Sebastian looked over towards Cindy and she was still shaking violently. A smirk appears on his face “I think you are right. She’s going to be worn out by morning.”

“Well, I’m taking mine to bed. Goodnight.”

“See you, maybe.” Sebastian walks over to Cindy and scoops her up off the floor.

He could still feel her shaking and could smell some of his seed on the inner part of her thigh. She had a slight belly from him pumping so much into her womb. A smile appears on his face as he carries her into the bedroom.

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