
Family Business Part 3

Mouse checks into the Hard Rock Hotel & Casino. She informed her Aunt Anika that she was going to spend two nights in Atlantic City. She had booked a suite in the South Tower Apollo Ocean suite, which gave her a nice view of the ocean.

She walks over towards the huge window and moves the curtain aside to look out towards the ocean. She loved how clear the day was and spotted people out on the water, enjoying their sailboats and such.

Stand By Your Woman Part 14

Just before Sara boards the yacht, she stops and yells up towards the deck “ahoy! Permission to come abroad?”

Ralph was checking the deck out when he heard a female voice. He had seen white smoke down on the pier and that had piqued his attention. He looks down and spots a young, short black hair woman wearing some sort of form-fitting bodysuit.

“Who are you and why are you here?” He walks down towards the deck.

“I’m Sara Jefferson and I have a message for Casey Hollander and her wife, from her uncle Bounty.” Sara tries to breathe easy with her broken ribs.

The Hero, The Mouse & The Cheshire Pt. 27

Ikaika looks at Lien “Lien, go and tell your aunts to pack a bag. Your mom just texts me and she wants all of us to go to the airport and come to the States.”

“Mom, text us?” Lien looks at her father.

“Yep, she texts us and said she loves you. She wants everyone to pack a suitcase and head to the airfield.” Ikaika knew Lien missed her mother.

Tizzy always made it a policy to say good night to her. She also promises to keep in touch with Lien.

“Who’s going to take care of Simba and Shur-Khan while we are gone?” Lien was curious about that.

Ignorance is No Excuse for Hating Someone Part 31 (Final Chapter)

Jack takes out a bottle of Irish whiskey he brought with him from home and pours it into a custom-made crystal glass. He takes a sip from the glass as he looks out the big bay window in his office. He was worried about Cheshire and his girls. The men that came with Amy had managed to stop the bleeding and they were resting in their bedrooms.

Family Business Part 2

Mouse stretches as she is slowly wakeing-up. She looks towards the window in the bedroom she slept in last night. She enjoyed the Broadway show she went and saw last night. She just lay there and stares up at the ceiling. She was trying to motivate herself to get out of bed. She lays there for a few more minutes, before getting up and slipping her house robe on.

She walks into the kitchen and looks through the cabinets. She wanted to see what breakfast items her uncle had the place stock with. She spotted some of her favorites from home and some American coffee as well.

The Trickster

Twenty years ago, St. Elm Hospital, Santa Monica, California:
Agata and Ghalen Jefferson look at their first grandchild through the glass window in the nursery. Their second oldest daughter and her husband had just had their first child.

“She looks so much like her mother, Ghalen.” Agata looks at her granddaughter with a huge smile on her face.

“I know, wait until Brenda has her child.” Ghalen couldn’t believe both his girls were pregnant at the same time as each other.

Stand By Your Woman Part 13

Leslie covers up a yawn as she walks into the master bedroom. She spots Charlotte and Casey snuggled up together in bed. A smile appears on her face, as she looks at her wife and their newest wife.

She walks over to the small refrigerator in the room and grabs a pineapple and orange juice mixed juice bottle. She’s been up all night, translating some of the pages from the book she copied yesterday with her cellphone.

The Hero, The Mouse & The Cheshire Pt. 26

“It’s not your time, yet Cheshire. Go back to your family and look after them.” A glowing Cat woman stood before Cheshire.

Cheshire looks at the glowing cat woman standing before her in silk robes. She had been moving towards the light and then all of sudden she stopped before the golden cat woman. She had appeared out of nowhere.

Cheshire could feel the power coming off her and the warmth as well. She had heard stories about Cat deities when she traveled to Africa, Thailand, and Egypt.

“Who are you?”

Ignorance is No Excuse for Hating Someone Part 30

Larson and Amy face off against each other. Larson had taken off his dress shirt and was wearing a white muscle shirt underneath. He watches Amy trying to judge what she was going to do. He has watched all her training sessions and knew every move she knew.

Amy watches Larson as they circled each other. She knew he was analyzing her, trying to guess how she was going to react. A smile appears on her face, as she stops and attacks. She moves quickly to strike him with her left hand.

Family Business Part 1

“So, where are you going on vacation, Mouse?” Diana looks at her friend as she packs.

“New York, New York. My Uncle Jack has an apartment I can stay in while I’m there and my Aunt Anika is going to pick me up at the airport.” Mouse has never been on vacation by herself and she was surprised that the Chief of the Secret Intelligence Service was allowing her to go to America.

A New Life-Kelly's Revenge Chapter 8

“Cut! Kelly, put more expression into your character. Remember, you’re just learning that you are a mutant.”

“Yes sir.”

“Alright, ACTION!” Director Edges watches as Kelly plays her part.

Kelly plays her part and interacts with the actors in the scene without any problems. She keeps her mind on her acting, instead of the information she was given about the doctor that gave her the big breasts. She manages to get through the current scene and move on to the next four scenes.

The Hero, The Mouse & The Cheshire Pt. 25

Christine couldn’t believe how nice the mansion they were in looked. There were pictures of famous actors, actresses, and movies of long ago decorating the hallway as they walked down the hallway from the bedroom they had awoken in. She also couldn’t believe the clothes they found in the dressers and closet to wear.

Ignorance is No Excuse for Hating Someone Part 29

Troy, Amy, and Samuel follow behind Mr. Bounty and Cheshire as they step outside. Just as they stepped outside a huge black wolf comes running up to Jack.

“That’s a huge wolf.” Troy couldn’t believe how big the wolf was. He figures it had to be about the same size as a werewolf or dire wolf.

“That is the legendary demon wolf, Chaos. A wolf you don’t want to mess with.” Gina had been standing nearby when her father and their guest came out.

“What makes him so legendary?” Samuel looks at Chaos and wonders what makes him so dangerous.

The Hunter, Becomes The Hunted Part 16 (Final Chapter)

Butch watches as everyone boards the plane. He had originally thought he was going to be taking Kat and her crew back. He wasn’t counting on the others that were loading. He spots two women staying away from the others. He noticed that the woman with short black hair was supporting the other one, who was walking with a limp. He also noticed that the robe she had on was filthy and had a rust color stained on the front of it. The poor thing looked so pale as the other woman lead her over to a seat, far away from the others.

Stand By Your Woman Part 12

It takes Charlotte thirty minutes to travel from the yacht she came on to her friend Mike’s place. She pulls up to the address she had on him and parks her motorcycle. As she removes her helmet, she looks towards the house. It was a nice single-story house with a small front yard.
She leaves the helmet sitting on her motorcycle.

She hopes Mike is home as she walks up to the front door. Charlotte rings the doorbell and waits. She rings it again and hopes she hasn’t wasted a trip out to see him.

The Hunter, Becomes The Hunted Part 15

Tammy is moved carefully since she had a huge block of stone fall on her. Her hard armor absorbed the impact, but some of it did pass through. Her rib cage and chest were hurting her.

“Easy guys.” Stanley was directing Dave and Greg as they moved Tammy to a stretcher and carried her to the Striker.

Paul was gritting his teeth from the pain in his back, as he stood next to Kat. They were looking at several of the men their team captured.


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