
The Heaviness Of The Badge Chp. 15

Jack’s Private Lear Jet:
Bree was asleep and had her head on Aylin’s lap as they enter Montana airspace. They had been woken up in the middle of the night and driven to a private airfield. Even Jester was contacted and brought to the airfield.

When they boarded the plane, Tizzy, Lien, Ikaika, and Omphile had been on the plane. After a few hours of flying, they landed again and picked up Cheshire. Lien had been excited that her grandmother was coming with them. She was asleep on Cheshire’s lap as well.

Learning What It Means to Be Tammy Beck Chp. 4

3525 Clam Dig Road, Los Angeles, California:
“Who’s our guest?” Leland watches as Tammy removes the body armor the person was wearing off their body.

“I don’t know, but you wouldn’t believe what they went up against.” Tammy slowly removes the body armor.

When she gets all the body armor off the person. She could see they were wearing some sort of black bodysuit underneath the armor. It had a spongy feel to it as she touches it. There was a hole where whatever hit the person had gone through the armor. The skin was burnt and blistered.

Terry and Dakota’s Family Thanksgiving

Dakota looks at herself in the full-length mirror in her and Terry’s bedroom. She tried one of those blue pills Rebecca took and couldn’t believe what it did to her body. It didn’t change how she looked, except increasing her breast size up one cup size, her hair was fuller and made her hips and buttocks look bigger.

Operation Trouble

This story occurs after Who Wears the Pants in The Marriage.

Billy’s and Sara’s Apartment, Santa Monica, California:
Sara was working at her workbench developing a new electric dart that keeps a charge but delivered 2,000 volts to a person when it is fired at them. She’s been working on the design for a while now and has miniaturized them down to the size she wanted.

The Heaviness Of The Badge Chp. 14

Jack’s House:
Haylee turns her alarm clock off, so she doesn’t wake her little sister. She and Catori had slept in Gina’s old bedroom. She puts on a pair of coveralls and her work boots. She walks across the hallway and knocks on her mother’s old bedroom door, before entering.

“Chayton, are you up?” Peeks into the room to see if her big brother was awake.

“I’m up, Haylee.” Chayton was putting his belt on. He notices Roxy and Waffle as they stick their heads into the room.

The Heaviness Of The Badge Chp. 13

Montana General Hospital Parking Lot:
Jack walks out to the rental car he got when he flew in. He spots Cecil leaning against the car. She was still dressed as a nurse.
“What do you want, Cecil?” He stops a few feet from her.

“I left you a present in the trunk. It seems whoever wants your daughter dead, sent a person to try to kill her again. I spotted them sneaking around at one of the nurse's stations.” Cecil has memorized every nurse, doctor, and janitorial staff member in the hospital.

Learning What It Means to Be Tammy Beck Chp. 3

Tammy flips and does another lap. She thinks about how her mother reacted when she told her about what happened to her. Her father had been confused about how she went from being a normal human to a legendary creature of legend. Once they got used to the fact that she had been changed.

She sprung the next surprise on them with her being pregnant. She made sure Leland was there when she sprung that on her parents. She had given him a look that said she wasn’t ready to be a mother.

The Heaviness Of The Badge Chp. 12

0100 hrs. Julia’s Hospital Room, Montana General Hospital:
Jack walks into Julia’s hospital room and spots his wife and his daughter-in-law. His wife was sitting next to Julia’s hospital bed and holding her hand. He spotted Christmas sleeping in the other chair.

He walks up behind his wife and places his hand on her right shoulder “how is she doing?”

Debbie turns her head and looks at her husband when she hears his voice. She was relieved that he finally showed up.

How Did I Become Pregnant?

Carly looks at the books in her new office. She couldn’t believe that for the past five months all the business ventures she had invested in has started paying off. The detailed business brought in business every other day. The food truck was making a profit, and the vehicles she fixed and sold brought in a decent profit as well.

Learning What It Means to Be Tammy Beck Chp. 2

Tammy concentrates on feeling the energy in the ground. She has finally found out how to center herself and block out everything around her. She had Leland try to distract her several times to learn how to block everything. She feels the Earth underneath her, through her connection with it.

Nata has been teaching her the basics and gave her several books to read. Most of them were from current new-age authors. Nata said she could learn the basics from the books she had to buy. Leland thought it was a good idea that she learned how to use her magical nature.

The Heaviness Of The Badge Chp. 11

Cecil’s Safe House:
Cecil was listening to the police band the day that Julia was attacked. Jack told her to keep an eye on his family while he was gone. So, she found a nice townhouse that was for rent and arranged to rent it for a few months. The landlord was a little hesitant at first until she offered to pay cash for six months in advance. After that, he didn’t care.

Doing The Right Thing

“Move it, Chloe.” Robyn looks back at her friend as they ran through a grove of walnut trees.

“I’m trying, Robyn. But something doesn’t feel right with me.” Chloe was dressed as Daisy Johnson from Agents of Shield.

The two of them, along with several others had gone to a Halloween party. It was taking place out at an abandoned farmhouse in the countryside. The party was being hosted by a famous online blogger and several respected local bands were playing at it. It was opened to the public.

The Heaviness Of The Badge Chp. 10

Holly Grove Private School, Christmas Classroom:
Christmas had her back to the class as she wrote some notes on the whiteboards. As she is writing the information on the whiteboard. There is a knock on her classroom door. She looks at who it was and noticed it was assistant principal Thorton.

“Excuse me, class.” Christmas puts her marker down and walks out into the hallway.

“What can I do for you, Mr. Thorton?” Christmas was wondering why he was in her class.

The Heaviness Of The Badge Chp. 9

Christmas looks down at her wife as she laid under her. She was straddling her waist and massaging her breasts. She knew Julia was upset that their son had been harassed and handcuff by people she trusted.

She decided to give Julia a massage to calm her down. She didn’t like what Julia told her, but she was better at remaining calm than her wife was.

“Are you feeling better, sweetie?” Christmas looks into Julia’s brown eyes as she stared into them.

Drugs Are Never A Good Idea

Rebecca rides her boyfriend’s penis gently as she goes up and down on him. She enjoyed feeling her new breasts bounce up down as she rode her boyfriend. The operation to get them had hurt, but it was worth it to her. Even her modeling agent liked her new look.

It doesn’t take long for her boyfriend to erupt in her ass. She came at the same time as her boyfriend as her cum comes squirting out of her cock. It squirts onto the belly of her boyfriend.


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