
Learning What It Means to Be Tammy Beck

Tammy couldn’t believe Leland’s place in Los Angeles. The house looked to have been recently remodeled. She spotted her gun case and her cabinet of nick-nacks of her hand-blown crystal figurines.

“Well, Tammy, what do you think of your new home?” Leland watched Tammy as she walked around his house. He hopes she likes it.

“I see you had all my stuff brought over from my old place.” Tammy turns around to look at Leland.

“Well, we are mates now and if you want. We can always hold a traditional wedding ceremony if you want to.”

The Heaviness Of The Badge Chp. 8

Caldwell Medical Center:
Cecil adjust the glasses she was wearing as she gets off the elevator. She glances down at the fake medical chart in her hands. The three officers that attacked Jack’s grandson and his friends were on this floor. She heads towards the first officer’s hospital room. His name was Bruce Donovan.

Who Takes Care of Cheshire’s Place?

Keala pulls into the driveway of Cheshire’s place. She turns her car off and heads towards the front door. She pulls her cellphone out and looks up the special number Cheshire gave her a long time ago. She dials the number and the electronic lock built into the door unlocks.

She’s greeted by two tiger strips cats “hi, Kit and Kat.” She pets each one on their head.

Patel Vacation

Omphile and Lien watch as the shuttle from the airport took them to Disney's Grand Floridian Resort & Spa. Both girls were amazed at the scenery as the shuttle bus pass businesses and homes. Omphile covers up a yawn as they finally arrived at the resort.

Family Business Part 19 (Final Chapter)

Zoey holds Countess Basset’s hand as they tour the National Zoo. Mouse was holding Asher’s hand as they walked over towards the Panda Bears. Charlotte looks at Zoey and Asher as they walked. She had talked to Mouse about her adopting the two of them and wanted to see how she felt.

The Heaviness Of The Badge Chp. 7

Julia spots her son fighting off three police officers. She recognized his fighting styles, which were based on her father’s style. One of the policemen manages to grab Chayton and wrestle him down to the ground.

He had Chayton’s arm in an armbar hold and had his knee on Chayton’s neck. Julia slams on the brake and opens the driver-side passenger door on the SUV “COSAINT!”

Family Business Part 18

Zak and Siri had watched as Hatter tortured the other guys. They couldn’t believe how creative she could be with the cattle prod and a butane torch. The butane torched came into play, when Agent Javon Woods wouldn’t talk from the cattle prod being used against him. Hatter grabbed the butane torch and started singing:

The Heaviness Of The Badge Chp. 6

Julia was back home and in the process of getting dinner ready. She hears her front door open and watches on the monitor as Alyona, Silvia, and Arabella come walking into her house.

“I’m in the kitchen, ladies.” Julia wonders what her sisters and niece wanted.

Alyona was hot from what just happened to her and Silvia. She knew if she told her mother, all hell would break out or her father would get involved. She hears Julia’s voice coming from deeper in the house.

Family Business Part 17

The main entrance to the gym is blown off its hinges. Several guys charge into the gym tossing flash bombs and smoke grenades. Hatter and Shade were watching from their hiding spots. The two of them were wearing the specialized helmets that they used with their motorcycles.

The flash bombs and smoke didn’t bother them at all. They watched as eight men came into the gym. They were armed with rifles, wearing body armor and helmets. They watched as the men use hand signals to communicate with one another.

Family Business Part 16

Department of Justice:
Agent Javon Woods hopes that Abdulmejid's men will be able to capture Marshal Weather and Zoey Hansley. If Ms. Hansley testifies, his involvement with Abdulmejid will come to life. A beeping sound comes from his cellphone. It was a warning that the alarm for his car was going off. He tries to turn it off, but it keeps beeping.

“Damn!” He leaves his office and heads down to the parking garage.

The Heaviness Of The Badge Chp. 5

Debbie walks out of the doctor's office with the twins. She was driving Jack’s Hummer while he was away. It wasn’t her type of car, but it was well armored and had several of Jack’s hidden weapons. It also had the second set of child safety seats in it as well.

She looks at the twins “well kids, you are in good health and have gotten all your shots now.”

Family Business Part 15

“Mouse, I’m going to give you access to Eruption Communications satellite system. You should be able to monitor all cellphone calls coming and going from the US Marshal’s office.” Anika sits down at the dining room table where Mouse’s laptop was sitting.

Lilly, Zoey, US Marshal Weather, and Ashley didn’t know Mouse brought her laptop with her.

“How do you have access to a telecommunications companies satellite system?” Marshal Weather looks at Anika.

“Because I work there, and my brother owns it.” Anika looks at Marshal Weather when she responds to him.

A New Life-Kelly's Revenge Chapter 10 (Final Chapter)

Kelly stands and watches as her father is secured to the wall. The doctor that did all her modifications and surgery had done an outlandish job on her father. He got what was due to him and now he’ll be the one having his ass and pretty little mouth used by men.

“I hope you enjoy your new occupation, father.” Kelly takes a picture of her father as he is secured in place.


Arya wipes the sweat away from his forehead as he picks up litter around the community pool area. He would love to go swimming. He admires the girls in their swimsuits. He loved how the swimsuits looked on them and wish he could wear one. He has always loved women's clothing, especially some of the more revealing and sexy lingerie women had available to them. He hated being a male.

The Heaviness Of The Badge Chp. 4

Julia and Kelly were getting dress when they hear a knocking on their bedroom door.


Chayton walks in when he hears Julia’s voice. He spots both his mothers in their panties and bra. He has gotten used to seeing his mother’s and his sisters in their underwear.

Julia had her back to her bedroom door. She turns around to see who had knocked on the door. She spots Chayton walking into hers and Kelly’s bedroom “what’s wrong sweetie?”

Family Business Part 14

“Okay, now that everyone is here. Why don’t you tell us everything about this case?” Gina looks at Marshal Weather.

Marshal Weather takes a deep breath as he stands up from the sectional sofa he had been sitting. He was surprised by how many people had shown up from Mouse’s phone call. From what he has learned so far about the people that have shown up. Is that they were either related to Mouse or worked for her uncle.

Family Business Part 13

Shade looks at Hatter as they drove towards Washington D.C. He could tell she wasn’t happy about leaving Bree behind or leaving her.

“Are we doing the right thing about adopting Bree?” Aylin looks at Mark as he sat behind the steering wheel.

“Yes, and you knew from the beginning that there will be times we will have to leave her. Look at Dakota and Terry. They sometimes have to leave the twins when Anika has a mission for them.”


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