
Family Business Part 7

Mouse glances up at her rearview mirror and notices two black SUVs were following her. She had gotten a few miles down the highway. When she noticed they were being followed, after picking up the man and teenage girl.

She steps on the gas pedal and increases her speed. She watches as the SUVs she spotted increase their speed as well. She looks ahead and spots two eighteen-wheelers and several other SUVs. She speeds between the two eighteen-wheelers and zig and zag between the other cars. She drops back, so she is hidden by the eighteen-wheelers.

Who Wear’s the Pants in The Marriage?

Sara looks at all the boxes and containers that have been delivered to her and Billy’s place. All their stuff from South America has finally arrived. She goes about unpacking one room at a time. Her wife, Billy was helping her father at his forensics lab.

While she was being trained by Mr. Bounty, her wife was recovering from being shot and learning to become a computer forensics analyst. Billy was just as smart as she was, if not smarter.

“Alexa, turn volume up by twenty-five percent.” Sara was listening to her favorite playlist, as she works.

Terry's and Dakota’s Adopted Daughter

Ralph grips the sheets with his ass high in the air and his face buried into the mattress. His body shock each time as his boyfriend of three years pumped in and out of his ass. Tonight, he looked like a young Shirley Temple wearing a black lacey lingerie. He knew his boyfriend was a big Shirley Temple fan and he liked how curly her hair was.

Hatter’s South American Safari Chap. 16 (Final Chapter)

Terry’s Garage, New York:
Dakota and Ralph were busy opening the shop for business. Since Terry normally opened the shop in the morning. Now it fell upon Ralph and Dakota to open the shop.

Ralph walks into the office and spots Dakota fixing a pot of coffee. He knew Dakota and several guys including himself enjoyed fresh coffee first thing in the morning.

“Ah, fresh-brewed coffee. Nectar of the gods.”

“I hope you like it. I’m trying a new blend.” Dakota decided to try a different blend of coffee than she normally buys.

Family Business Part 6

Zoey tosses and turns as images filter through her dreams warning her of upcoming danger and past dangers. The image of her father being tortured to death in his home office, while she watched from her hiding spot. The thundering sound of the gun going off. She felt the pain her father suffered and then nothing as his life slipped away.

A loud clap of thunder wakes her from her dreams. She sits up in bed and looks around her. It takes her mind a few seconds to register where she was. She looks around the plain-looking room, as she sat in bed while the covers pooled around her.

The Hero, The Mouse & The Cheshire Pt. 30 (Final Chapter)

Christine goes looking for Cheshire. She and Lache needed to get back to Hollywood to continue working on the movie they had been hired to work on. She finally finds Cheshire in Mr. Bounty’s office along with Mrs. Bounty.

She knocks on the office door as she walks into the office “I’m sorry for interrupting, Mrs. Bounty and Cheshire, but Lache and I need to get back to Hollywood to finish the movie we’ve been hired to work on.”

Thunder Creek Ranch Chp. 9

Clair was woken up from the sleep she just managed to get. Her new husband has been making love to her all afternoon and part of the evening as well. She looks down between her legs and spots Rebecca laying between her legs, licking her. Stan was still knotted in her.

“What are you doing between my legs, Rebecca?” Clair was curious why she was there.

Rebecca looks up at Clair with a smile on her face “tasting you. It is common practice for a new couple to be tasted by the pack. Unfortunately, no one follows the ancient tradition anymore.”

Let the Music Play Chp. 11

The next two weeks the band does four gigs and head home. Even Lisa was worn out from the pace they had been keeping. She had to buy a new box of drum sticks from a music store after their third gig. One of her sticks had split right in half while she was performing. Luckily for her she had a spare on hand.

She looks over towards Lindsey and notices she was sound asleep on the sofa across from her. Kaja was sitting at the small table with her laptop opened working on inventory and sales. Jamie and Cindy were in the back of the bus asleep.

The Hero, The Mouse & The Cheshire Pt. 29

“Mom, me and Catlin want to get married before we start our careers. I know you are going to be using Catlin in whatever fight you and uncle Bounty are involved in.” Krisha looks at her mother and watches her facial expression.

“You do know that my enemies and whatever enemies Catlin make will either come after you or try to use you as bait. Are you two sure about this?” Cheshire didn’t want anything to happen to her daughter or Catlin.

Hatter’s South American Safari Chap. 15

Hatter and Shade meet up with Terry at the coordinates several hours later. The ramp on the back of Rhino opens and they pull inside. Once they were loaded, Terry starts heading towards a property that Bart’s company owns. There was supposed to be a transport waiting for them there to take them back to New York.

Shade looks over towards Hatter, after securing his motorcycle “did you have some fun?”

Hatter had a big ole smile on her face, as she lifts her helmet off. She looks over towards Shade “oh yes! I even took pictures.” She hands the camera she used to Shade.

Family Business Part 5

Lilly wakes up and stretches as she stares up at the ceiling above her. She felt so energized and rested, which was something she hasn’t felt in a while. She slides out of bed and slips the robe that Mouse gave her to wear.

She wonders if Mouse was already up and about as she heads towards the kitchen. When she walks into the kitchen, she spots Mouse talking to a young girl dressed in a black lace bodysuit and faded blue jeans. The blue jeans looked like someone had painted them onto the girl. She had dark brown hair that was cut short.

Stand By Your Woman Part 15 (Final Chapter)

Casey looks at her wives “are sure about this, Charlotte?”

“Yes, I’m sure about us leaving and being the third wife in our polygamy marriage.” Charlotte didn’t mind being the third wife.

“Okay, when the tide comes in, we are going to leave.” Casey needs to inform their Captain they were leaving.

“Okay. I do want to call my aunt and inform her.” Charlotte figures Cheshire needed to know she was heading towards England.

“Okay.” Casey turns and heads out of their bedroom to speak with the Captain.

Terry and Dakota’s New Little Sister

Nelson’s Raceway, New York:
Terry drives the rollback that was carrying Wraith’s prototype on it through the gates of the raceway. He heads down to the pit area he normally uses when he comes up to either race or test any of his vehicles. He felt at home at the raceway. It helped him overcome what had been done to him.

Leave No Stone Unturned Chp. 7

Cora wakes-up early and stare up at the ceiling in her hotel room. She couldn’t believe she was in New York. She went to the address that Katie gave her and met a charming young woman. She found out that the young woman happened to be Rachel’s roommate and that she had
just recently heard from her. According to the information she received, Rachel was due back later today.

Family Business Part 4

Mouse was enjoying the drive back to New York. She woke up early and checked out before she had to. She could have extended her stay, but there were other things she wanted to do. A smile appears on her face as she thinks about the men she played against at the other casino.
They couldn’t believe a little ole girl like her could beat them. She walked away from that game with close to forty thousand dollars.

Hatter’s South American Safari Chap. 14

“Hey Terry, those Border Patrol agents are still following us.” Shade was watching the rear-view camera systems.

Terry glances at the radar system on his side and notices he had four cars following behind them. A sly smile appears on his face “let’s have
some fun with these agents.”

“Oh, goodie, we get to play!” Aylin slaps her hands together and rubs them.

“I think Terry has a different idea.” Shade knew how excited Aylin gets when action is required.

“Man, you take all the fun out of things.” Aylin crosses her arms under her breasts.

Bunnie and Thumper

Bunnie was sore and tired from her jog. She was bent over at the front door of the mansion trying to catch her breath.

“Are you alright, sis?” Gracie looks at her older and new sister. She was concerned because she looked flushed.

“I’ll be fine, Gracie.” Bunnie starts to slowly get her breathing under control.

“Okay.” Gracie watches Bunnie.

Robyn was supposed to run with Bunnie this morning, but she had to head to the magic store to pick up some supplies. Gracie watches her sister with concern on her face “do you want to talk with grandma?”

The Hero, The Mouse & The Cheshire Pt. 28

Selina looks at Debbie when she and her guest come walking into the house. They had come in through the back door instead of the front door.

“We got a problem, Debbie. Jack activated his emergency beacon.” Selina was standing in front of the big-screen television in the kitchen.
It was flashing red and showing a wolf head on the screen. There was a laser keyboard on the marble countertop and Selina was trying to zoom in on his location.

“Are you sure it's Jack’s beacon, Selina?” Debbie and Cheshire run over to stand next to her.


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