
Learning What It Means to Be Tammy Beck Chp. 10

Nyx’s Hotel Room:
Nyx looks at the time on her laptop and couldn’t believe she has been up since four in the morning. She just couldn’t sleep because of what was going on. They need to find who stole that power armor. She sent the security footage she had to her friend, and he said it was going to take at least a day for him to get back to her.

Don’t Mess with The Wolfhart Family Part 5

Heading to SWAT Headquarters:
Robyn rides down the highway as she heads to work on her motorcycle. Her ribs were doing better, but she still couldn’t go out in the field, until she was fully healed. Unlike her other sisters, she didn’t have a bodyguard, guarding her. Her mothers could track her motorcycle and she could call on the LAPD for help.

Learning What It Means to Be Tammy Beck Chp. 9

Tammy snuggles closer to Leland as he slept. They spent last night going over the security footage and didn’t learn anything. The footage Nyx had was scrambled as well. They need to give the footage to someone who could unscramble it.

Normally, she would have Becky work on it. But Becky and her wife Sunny were visiting her folks. Nyx had gone back to her hotel room and was seeing if she could reach a friend of hers back in Georgia. According to what Nyx told them, this friend of hers was extremely good at de-scrambling videos and such.

Don’t Mess with The Wolfhart Family Part 4

Fit For Life Fitness Center:
“Higher ladies.” Sandy looks at everyone in her exercise class.

Some of the women were new and some were ones that have been taking her class for a while. She notices a light brown hair teenage girl that was new to her class. She was a little awkward in her movements. It was like the girl didn’t know her own body.
Sandy continues to watch the girl until her class is over. She walks over to the girl “I noticed you were having some difficulties. Is everything okay?”

The Heaviness Of The Badge Chp. 23 (Final Chapter)

Early Morning, Jack’s Ranch:
“Are you sure about this Mark?” Jack looks at Mark, Jester, Aylin, and Bree as they stood next to a black Subaru Forester Wilderness.

Mark and Aylin had talked about it and they wanted to drive back to New York instead of taking the Lear Jet. It would be a family vacation for them and they knew Bree would enjoy it. Jamie didn’t mind, she enjoyed the time she spent with Jack and Debbie.

Carla and Angela Part 5

Autumn tries on several outfits as she and Carla shop. They had left the Voodoo lounge and went to some stores Carla knew well and trusted. She knew what to look for and what style best suited her body frame. All those years of playing women characters have helped her become familiar with what was practical for ordinary women to wear and what was needed for a special occasion and such.

The Heaviness Of The Badge Chp. 22

One Week Later:
Zoey and Ashley give Jack and Debbie a hug before they board the Lear Jet that was going to take them to England. They had fun while they were in Montana and visiting their uncle and aunt. Mouse gives Jack and Debbie a hug as well.

“Sorry to see you go back to England, Mouse.” Debbie holds Mouses hands.

“My vocation time is up and I can’t get an extension. My boss needs me back, because there isn’t anyone who can do what I do.” Mouse knew she was irreplaceable.

“Well, don’t stay away too long.”

Don’t Mess with The Wolfhart Family Part 3

One Month Later:
Six-Shooter Fugitive Retrieval Agency, Boulder, Colorado:
Donald looks at Melissa and her new partner William Black Hawk. He knew Maria was at the private school Melissa enrolled her in.

“How’s Maria doing?”

“She was excited about going to school this morning,” William answered for Melissa.

“That’s good. How is your hearing?” Donald knew Melissa accepted Mrs. Blake’s offer to fix her hearing, along with getting rid of a few scars that she received when she was a teenager.

Don’t Mess with The Wolfhart Family Part 2

One Month Later:
Gracie tries to scratch an itch under the cast on her arm. She uses a nail file to get under her cast.

“You know if you keep scratching the skin under your cast, it's going to be raw.” Rose looks at her younger sister.

“Rose, it itches, and the heat isn’t helping.” Gracie hated the cast on her arm.

“How do you think I feel, sis?” Rose looks at Gracie. Her arm was supported up in the air, while the cast around her shoulder that held her bones in place.

Carla and Angela Part 4

Carla moves carefully from the bedroom to the bathroom. Angela used the cat-shaped phallus on her last night at least four times. She was moving very, very slowly and couldn’t believe how much Angela was enjoying the phallus. When she looks at herself in the mirror. She noticed that a silver choker with a cat’s head in the middle of it appeared on both their necks.

The Heaviness Of The Badge Chp. 21

Julia’s Hospital Room:
Haylee, Chayton, Catori stands next to Julia’s hospital bed. Christmas and Debbie were standing behind them. The kids wanted to see their mother, so Jack sent two members from Alpha team to protect his grandchildren.

Haylee looks up at Christmas “is mom going to be, okay?”

“Yes, your mom will be fine.” Debbie knew how much Julia’s kids love her.

“Are you sure, grandma?” Chayton turns to look at his grandmother.

Learning What It Means to Be Tammy Beck Chp. 8

Nyx changes out her chest plate for her armor. She’ll have to rebuild her older armor chest plate. While she is getting the replacement, she runs the list of local supply places you could get what was needed. She knew that the material needed to repair the other armor was special.

It was going to require specialized equipment as well. She does some research to see if she could locate some companies that would either carry the equipment. A long list appears on her computer screen. She tries narrowing it down, but there were just too many places.

Don’t Mess with The Wolfhart Family

Bunnie slowly starts coming around. She shivers from her skin bare skin touching cold metal. She had duct tape over her mouth and her hands were bound behind her back. She notices that she was completely naked, and her head was resting on someone’s body. There was pain coming from between her legs and her head was a little woozy.

The Heaviness Of The Badge Chp. 20

Montana Police Headquarters:
Jack parks Julia’s SUV as he, Cheshire, Chaos, Cadmus, and Gina exit from it. A few spaces down from him, three black vans waited. As soon as the occupants from those vehicles spot Jack exiting from the SUV. They all get out and walk over to their boss.

Learning What It Means to Be Tammy Beck Chp. 7

“Mmmm!! That feels so good.” Tammy leans back against Leland as they take a shower together.

Last night, they didn’t have any sex or anything. They had woken up and instead of taking separate showers, they decided to take a shower together. Tammy loved feeling her husband massage her big breasts, as she leans against his chest. She was smaller in stature to him and loved what he was doing to her.

Carla and Angela Part 3

White Elephant Recycle Electronics, Utica Ave Brooklyn, NY.:
“Hey Rita, how much do you want for this old dinosaur computer?” Edward holds the old thing up.

Rita looks at the old portable computer. It had two old-style floppy drives and the old-style amber screen built into it. The thing was only good for running programs on the old-style floppy disk.

“Fifty dollars. I have the disk that goes with it. I’ll give them to you for nothing.” Rita knew the machine still work.

“Forty dollars.” Edward looks at Rita to see if she’ll give.

The Heaviness Of The Badge Chp. 19

“Boss, we have a problem.” Liam looks at the rearview monitor as a black military hummer came towards them.

He just noticed it a few miles back, when they left the safe house his boss had spent the night at. He hadn’t spotted it until they were heading towards the private airfield where a plane was waiting for them. His boss had gotten word that Mr. Bounty was back from wherever he had been and was looking for the people responsible for trying to kill his daughter.

Learning What It Means to Be Tammy Beck Chp. 6

Nyx watches as Tammy and Leland ate. She couldn’t believe how much food Leland was able to pack away all by himself. Tammy, on the other hand, managed to eat twice the amount she ate, easily.

“Where do you put all this food?” Nyx looks at Leland as he ate the last eggroll.

Leland looks towards Nyx “same place you do.” A smile appears on his face.

“Right. So, what exactly do the two of you do and how did you manage to damage that stolen suit?”

Carla and Angela Part 2

Carla wakes up in the middle of the night. She places a kiss on Angela’s cheek as she gets out of bed and heads to the bathroom. She was sore from her wife using the cat-shaped phallus on her last night. The spines on it dug into her vaginal wall and buried themselves into it.
When Angela yanked herself out of her body. The spines raked her vaginal lining, giving her a massive orgasm.

The Heaviness Of The Badge Chp. 18

Stash House:
“Hello boys, it’s party time.” An evil smile appears on Jester’s face.

She tosses two softball-size balls into the room. They explode, just before hitting the floor showering everyone in a thick cloud of glitter. Jester moves fast through the falling glitter towards the nearest guy.

Carla and Angela Part 1

**Warning, Erotic Sexual Scenes**

Carla stands in front of the full-length mirror in her and Angela’s bedroom. She couldn’t believe how her body had reacted to the blue pills she heard about and took. Her face had softened up and looked more feminine. Her features hadn’t changed much and anyone that knew her would still recognize her. However, she did shrink in height and her hair and eye color had changed.

The Heaviness Of The Badge Chp. 17

Los Zetas leader’s Mansion, Colombia, South America
Osiel Quintero was asleep in his huge bed with several naked women. One of the women sleeping with him was a blonde-haired woman that looked like she had been beaten and was drooling from the drugs he gave her.

Learning What It Means to Be Tammy Beck Chp. 5

Tammy and Leland were sitting on the sectional in the living room watching a television show. Leland was naked and was just wearing a pair of boxers. Tammy was curled up next to him and was wearing an oversized black t-shirt that had a smiley face on it with a bullet hole above the eyes. She wasn’t wearing any panties or a bra.

An Elf Named Hatter

Aylin walks hand in hand with Mark as they do some Christmas shopping. They still had two weeks before Christmas.

“Who’s left on our Christmas list?” Mark looks at Aylin since she was handling the list.

“My mom, your parents, Bree, Brandy, Clair, Clay, Jamie, and Tony.” All the gifts they had to mail off were done.

Aylin mailed gifts to Bart’s daughters and Angel. She missed having Angel around. The last time she spoke with Angel, she and her family were doing well in Texas. Bart took real good care of them.

The Heaviness Of The Badge Chp. 16

Earlier in the morning before Cheshire’s Arrival:
Sophia looks at the clothes her wife laid out on the bed. She notices that Naeun didn’t lay out any panties for her to wear. She goes over to the dresser drawer in the bedroom they were sleeping in at her uncle’s place to get some. When she opens the dresser drawer they should be in, she notices all her panties were missing.

She wonders what Naeun had done with her panties. She knows she packed them. She hears the door to their bedroom open as her wife comes walking in.


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