
Don’t Mess with The Wolfhart Family Part 17

Early Morning, Billy and Sara’s Apartment:
Sara was straddling Billy’s waist and massaging Billy’s chest. The two of them had woken up horny and were spending some time together in bed. Their other partner was busy on another case assigned to her by Jack.

As Sara massaged Billy’s breasts and play with her nipples. She looks into Billy’s eyes “so, what did the boss say?”

Don’t Mess with The Wolfhart Family Part 16

Midnight, Sasha’s and Susan’s Mansion:
Angela was sitting on a floor pillow in the den while she made a database of sub-owners and dealers. She couldn’t believe how many people in the United States owned submarines. There were a few private dealers that could get old military subs.

Carla and Angela Part 10

Wonders of Weird, Manhattan, New York:
Carla walks into the store and the theme song to Ghostbusters starts playing. She really hated that song and found it really annoying. She heads toward the counter to see if Pixel was in.

James comes from the back and spots Carla standing at the counter. He knew he heard the Ghostbuster theme song played. A smile appears on his face “long time no see Carla. What brings you in here today?”

Don’t Mess with The Wolfhart Family Part 15

Abandon Warehouse:
Cat keeps tracking the truck. A few times she must drop back when a car cuts her off. However, since she had a tracker on the truck and the drone. She wasn’t worried about losing them.

After a while, the truck pulls into an old tire warehouse. She stops before the truck enters the warehouse and watches as the garage door closes. She parks her motorcycle and moves quietly towards the warehouse. She looks around and finds a window she could get to with the help of a pallet.

Don’t Mess with The Wolfhart Family Part 14

Angela covers up a yawn as Andy and Jason drive from the private airport to his cousin Sasha’s place. His aunt and uncle were staying there. He looks over towards Jason as he drove “you’ve been quiet since we landed. What are you thinking about?”

“I want to know how Ludlam and his companion keep avoiding us.” Jason has been thinking about the problem a lot.

“I think I know uncle, Jason.” Angela has been going over the satellite footage again and again.

Learning What It Means to Be Tammy Beck Chp. 17 Final chapter

One Hour Later:
Jennifer, Arabella, and Gina had shown up after Tammy called her for support. Jennifer and Arabella were wearing sundresses and low heels. Gina showed up dressed in black two-inch heels, black dress slacks, and a deep purple silk blouse. Her long black hair was tied back into a ponytail.

The girls were looking at Nyx in her Mandalorian-style body armor. Arabella was fascinated with its design of it. She had heard about some LARP groups that have formed clans that were in certain cities.

Learning What It Means to Be Tammy Beck Chp. 16

Private Airfield, San Francisco, California:
Leland drove like a possessed man on a mission. Tammy and Nyx were bracing themselves as he weaved in and out of traffic. Tammy looks at Leland “you can slow down, Leland.”

“He already has a big advantage on us, Tam.” Leland’s cat wanted the bastard.

“He may, but if we get killed on the way there. It won’t do any of us any good.” Tammy wanted to get to the airport in one piece.

“Don’t worry sweetie. I’ll be more careful.” Leland slows down some.

Don’t Mess with The Wolfhart Family Part 13

Undisclosed Location, San Francisco, Cal.:
Mr. Galante wakes up hanging by his arms and naked. His head felt foggy, and his mouth had a cotton taste to it. Through blurry eyes, he spots his assistant Ariel hanging a few feet beside him. He was naked as well and was hanging by his arms.

The last thing Mr. Galante remember was going to bed with two young women. They had been sent by the company he normally used. One had been Filipino and the other had been the brunette he liked so much. Both had been young and in their twenties.

Carla and Angela Part 9

Tomes and Tiaras, Brooklyn, New York:
Carla pulls into the parking lot of Tomes and Tiaras. She had questions about the servant of Nyx she encountered the other night and if there was one person who could give her answers, it was Iris. She knew Iris has been around for a very long time. There were only a handful of people who knew what Iris truly was.

Don’t Mess with The Wolfhart Family Part 12

Billy was listening to the radio transmission from the police band, and the emergency band as well. She and the Wolfhart family knew the attack was going to happen tonight, but when was the question. As she takes a sip of her tea. She notices the power grid that the Blackstone mansion was on, and the neighborhood was all going out at same time.

That wasn’t the only thing that got her attention. There was a citywide alert for the shooting of several police officers.

Learning What It Means to Be Tammy Beck Chp. 15

Ocean Beach, San Francisco, California:
Gina watches as Arabella and Jennifer chase after a frisbee on the beach. The two of them have been getting along really well. That was the one concerned Gina and Arnold had about the two girls. They were totally opposites of each other.

A Wounded She Wolf

Julia’s and Christmas’s House, Caldwell, Montana:
Julia watches as Haylee and Catori ride their horses out in front of the house. Chayton was out with her father and a few other men hunting. He would have taken Haylee, but Haylee had a thing about killing innocent animals.

“How are you feeling, Mrs. Bounty?” Katy looks at Julia as she stood next to her.

Julia looks at Katy and smiles “I’m doing okay, Katy, but you don’t need to call Mrs. Bounty. Mrs. Bounty is my mother. Just call me Julia from now on please.”

Don’t Mess with The Wolfhart Family Part 11

Sunset Marquis, West Hollywood Resort, Ca.
“Excuse me Mr. Galante, but Callipho Octavius and his team haven’t checked in yet.” Ariel looks at Mr. Galante and the two naked women that were with him.

“Girls, go play with yourselves in the other room.” Vincent looks at the brunette on his right when he orders them.

Ariel watches as both women leave Mr. Galante’s side to play with each other in the other room. He turns his attention back to Mr. Galante.

Learning What It Means to Be Tammy Beck Chp. 14

Forty Miles Away from The Warehouse:
“Who puts a bomb on a school bus loaded with kids?” Tammy looks at Leland and Nyx.

They had located the bomb Jason Bush had given them the location of. Jason was right that she would have felt bad about letting these kids die. He made sure he had an ace up his sleeve.

“Do you know anything about disarming bombs?” Leland looks at Tammy for an answer to his question.

“No, my training didn’t include disarming bombs.” Tammy looks towards Nyx “you wouldn’t happen to know how to disarm a bomb, would you?”

The Angels

Debbie looks at the other girls in the band. As they stand there and think about what Sara (aka Tinker) just told them. She just got offered a job with Middle Wood Hospital as a nurse. She would be working nights and wouldn’t be able to play with the band anymore.

“Now, what are we going to do? We need a drummer, and we don’t have a lot of time.” Angela knew they had a gig coming up in two days and didn’t want to cancel it.

“I might be able to get us a temporary one.” Jessie looks at Angela since she was the lead singer and one of the owners of the band.

Don’t Mess with The Wolfhart Family Part 10

Gym, Susan’s Mansion:
Gracie watches from the sidelines as Bunnie, and Sandy practice some self-defense moves their Uncle Ricky was teaching them. Lately, more and more of their relatives were coming over to check on them and train them. Even Emily was required to attend the training.

Ricky looks at his niece and her girlfriend. He knew Bunnie and Sandy weren’t the combative ones in the family, so he had to develop a fighting style for them. Normally, Sasha would be teaching her daughters, but she was upstairs with their parents and their brother.

Learning What It Means to Be Tammy Beck Chp. 13

Abandoned Warehouse:
Tammy, Leland, and Nyx move quietly towards the warehouse. It had taken them thirty minutes to arrive at the site. They parked a little way away from the warehouse. Nyx was dressed in her body armor and had her rifle with her.

All three of them were communicating through the earwigs they had, well in Nyx’s case. She was using the communication system of her helmet to communicate with Leland and Tammy on their earwigs.

“Do you guys hear that?” Nyx was picking up the low hum coming from the nearby transformer.

Don’t Mess with The Wolfhart Family Part 9

9136 West Oak Drive, Thousand Oaks, California:
“Suspects are down, Billy.” Sara looks at the four men she took down. The new darts she designed worked great.

“Find their laptops and plug the thumb drive in.” Billy was sitting in the mobile command unit a few blocks away from the location.

Learning What It Means to Be Tammy Beck Chp. 12

The Pit:
Nyx, Leland, and Tammy pull up to the garage called The Pit. The building itself was old but had a fresh paint job and some custom designs on it.

“It looks like they are doing good.” Tammy could see at least five vehicles on lifts.

All three of them exit from the SUV they came in and as they approach the place. Leland stops as he spots a heavily built Mexican guy walking
towards them.

“How can I help you?” Santiago had spotted a black SUV pull up into his parking lot.

Carla and Angela Part 7

Dean Street and Grand Ave:
Carla had followed the guy named Fredrick Cazalet to a restaurant in lower Manhattan. She knew from her contacts on the street, that in the back of the restaurant a bunch of guys got together to play poker. He was also the guy she punched the day she rescued Autumn.

As she is sitting in her car watching the place. She thought she spotted some movement in the back alleyway. She grabs her expanding pike bo-staff and exists from her car. She moves quickly across the street and heads towards the alleyway.

Don’t Mess with The Wolfhart Family Part 8

Black Angel Protections, Interrogation Room, California Office
Jason and Andy look at the two guards that had revealed where the black site was and had helped in the escape of Adam Ludlum and Greg Hallaway. They watch as the water fills up the glass boxes that they borrowed from their cousin Sasha. She used it in one of her escape acts and to get a confession from some men who had attacked her.

“So, who do you think will talk first?” Jason watches as the water flowed into the glass box.

Learning What It Means to Be Tammy Beck Chp. 11

Nyx’s Hotel room:
Nyx just fell asleep a couple of hours ago. She had stayed up talking with Sabrina and learned a few things about Hawk Innovations. One of their top engineers named Jason Bush who helped design the power armor unit had been fired from the company. He stole the blueprints to the armor and was using the working model as a demonstration of what it could do.

Don’t Mess with The Wolfhart Family Part 7

Sasha’s Apartment:
Dotty yawns as she gets up out of bed. It takes her mind a few seconds to remember where she is. She walks to the bathroom and does her morning business. Her mind was still waking up as she walks into the kitchen and brews herself a cup of coffee. She was surprised to find that Sasha had a varied selection of coffee.

Don’t Mess with The Wolfhart Family Part 6

Dining room, Susan’s and Sasha’s Mansion:
Gracie, Robyn, Emily, Bunnie, Sandy, Rose, Susan, Kayla, and Sasha were sitting around the dining room table listening and looking towards the front of the table. Standing at the front of the table were Sasha’s older brother Jason and his adopted daughter Tullia. She was acting as his assistant tonight and was around Gracie’s age.

Jason looks at his baby sister's family as he prepares himself to give Sasha the bad news. He knew she wasn’t going to like what he was about to tell her.

Carla and Angela Part 6

“I can’t believe you traded down from your Hellcat to this car.” Autumn looks at the inside of the Hyundai Sonata GLS they had gotten.

“My Hellcat sticks out and would have been spotted if I used it to stake out your father. This car blends in better and is low-key.” Carla was happy that Terry had several cars she could use for surveillance work.

“But I thought you just got your Hellcat?” Autumn was confused.

“I did, I just need a car that won’t get spotted.” Carla was thankful Terry could help her out.

Carol's Unusual Life

Carol at Age Fifteen:
Carol looks at the four needles she managed to get from a friend that sold drugs. She was tired of waiting until she was sixteen years old to have the surgery to get her vagina. She heard what these drugs could do and wanted to be a true girl now.

She puts two of the needles into her left arm and puts the other two needles into her breasts. One needle per breast. She was glad she had the house to herself because otherwise, she would have to wait until everyone was asleep.

A New Identity

“Oh, my aching head.” Bill gets up off the floor of his apartment and walks towards the bathroom.

His head was pounding a minute and he was half awake. He brushes his light brown hair out of his eyes. When he goes to pee, he notices something was wrong. First, the toilet looked bigger to him. Secondly, when he goes to grab his penis, he notices it was gone. He starts feeling his bladder ready to release.


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