Dorothy Colleen

woman's fashions

I was watching tv, and there is going to be a new series called "Pan-Am" based in the late 60s/early 70s and about a group of stewardesses. It occurred to me how much more FEMININE the fashions seemed to be then. Now, dresses and skirts are rare on women. In one way, that's a pity, because although I appreciate the freedoms women have now that they didn't have then, I wish we could have kept some of the pretty looks ...


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got a couple of nice compliments at work last night

Well, last night I got a couple of nice compliments at work last night. First, the night supervisor passed on a compliment from the day staff, saying they were impressed with how much freight I had been able to work into the department. Then in the morning, the day supervisor repeated that compliment, and then did something even more impressive. She was talking about my second shift where they made a mistake and put me in the wrong department, and she said ".... and I'm asking them where was SHE, SHE is mine, I need HER in my department."

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A nice moment at work

Well, the other day, I was reading my bible at work during my lunch break. One of the other workers noticed, and started talking to me about faith. At the end of the conversation, she invited me to join a LADIES bible study group. Sadly, its not a place I can get to, but the offer was nice.

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About "Unintended Consequences"

Just wanted to give a brief explanation for my last story, "Unintended Consequences". After I had read "A new game plan", I left my comment, expressing my opinion, and figured that would be the end of that. Unfortunately, my muse had other ideas. I went out with my daughter, and while watching her play in our neighborhood park the basic idea of this story dropped in. By the time I got back in, I was on fire, and the story took less than twenty minuses to write.

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Unintended Consequences

For Randalynn, whose story "A new Game Plan" inspired this.
Unintended Consequences

“Principal Irons? Can I see you?”

“Come in.” Principal Irons said.

A tall, blond young man entered the Principal's office.

“What can I do for you, Mark?”

“I … I wanted to give you this letter, from my brother, John.”

“I … I’m sorry about what happened to him.”

“I highly doubt that.”

“What did you say?”

“You heard me. You were the one responsible for his death.”

“What do you mean?”

downside of my meds

Well, I have discovered I am getting an honest-to-God side effect from my T-Blockers. Mainly, I am almost continually thirsty. I've been taking a 1 liter bottle of water to work with me, and a can of pop, and usually polish off both over the course of a night. At home, I'm drinking a glass of milk, a glass of orange juice, a glass of apple juice, a TON of water, and occasionally, a pop. Darn if I can figure out where all this fluid is going, I'm not peeing THAT often.....

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Between One Step and the Next, Part 3

Between One Step and the Next, Part 3
Here is part 3, everybody. I'm hoping it hasn't been so long you guys cant remember what's gone on before ...

“I’m sorry Sam. You know how that sounds.”

“It … doesn’t matter. I guess I might as well go home with you.”

Tina stepped forward to help Sam up, and stumbled, She reached out, and grabbed one of the poles of the arch for support. and her eyes went wide. She started to fade from view, and Sam shouted “No!” and grabbed her hand.

Ding, dong the witch is dead?

Well, I think the pills are starting to have an effect. This morning after I got home, I considered err... relieving some tension, and discovered that even my over-active imagination could not make the old soldier salute, as it were. God, that is such a relief.....

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"not much of a man"

That phrase, or variations on it, have been used to justify transitioning. I find myself kinda conflicted about it. On the one hand, at least for me, of course I was "not much of a man" - because, I wasnt one at all. On the other, it almost sounds like "well, you may have failed at being a man, but you can pass at being a woman, since that's easier". What do you guys think?


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my apoligies for the delay

I just wanted to apologize for the delay in part 3 of "Between one step and the next". I felt like I had written myself into a corner, and was about to despair, but I think I see a way out now. Unfortunately, with real life being what it is at the moment, my writing time is seriously curtailed, so it will take a bit. It will come when it does, so thank you for your patience. and again, my apologies.

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A nice lunch

I wanted to share with you all about my lunch yesterday. A friend from my support site met me at a mall, and we enjoyed a nice lunch, and then I went with her while she shopped. She told me I look more relaxed compared to the last time we went out, and my feminine nature came through even more clearly. It was a nice compliment.

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I am frustrated with my work already

well, I'm very ticked off. Apparently, the schedule I was given wasnt worth the paper it was written on. The night supervisor called me tonight wondering where I was. According to him, I was supposed to give him the schedule they gave me and have him sign off on it, and without any input from me, he booked me for tonight. So I'm one day into my new job and am already at odds with my manger. Sigh.

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A good first day, and about "Yes, Dear."

Well, my first shift was pretty good, and at least a couple people made a point of calling me Dorothy and one teased me and called me a young lady. All in all, I'm impressed so far. Meanwhile, I wanted to take a moment to talk about "Yes, Dear." I've been playing around with showing the difference between forced fem and consensual dressing up. The latter can be a fun experience between a couple, the former is merely torture. Accordingly, I set the piece up as dark as I dared, making it appear that I was telling a horror story, and then sprang my little surprise of the fact it was all a game.

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Between One Step and the Next, Part 1

Between One Step and the Next, Part 1

Sam Wells sat on a bench and tried not to cry. He had just come from a frustrating meeting with a government agency and was debating in his head what he should do next. Months of underemployment had left him on the edge of losing his home, but nobody seemed able to help him.

How others see me

Well, I had my one day shift today, and it was wonderful. I had been told I would spend the day in the back to prevent any issue with dressing female while wearing a male name tag. So I decided to wear a skirt and heels. But they forget to tell my new supervisor, so after I did some computer learning he sent me to the garden department. I'm glad he did, because I actually enjoyed it. Best of all, one lady was looking for something, and her older companion saw me, and said to her in my hearing, "I bet this young woman can help us." I could have kissed him.

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My girlfriend is on the road

well, as of this morning my girlfriend has left her home, her job, and everyone she knows to make a fresh start. She is going to Portland, not having anything waiting there except whatever hope she brings with her. I can do little but pray until she is reconnected with me, hopefully when she arrives.

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Yes, Dear

Author's note: This one has some strong themes that might upset more gentle people. Reader discretion is advised.

Yes, Dear

Joseph Fournier was finishing his evening tea when his wife Mary suddenly shouted at him, “Slave!”

He stiffened, and became still. Mary came up to him and waved a hand in his unblinking face. He made no movement, and she smiled. “”Tell me, whose slave are you?” She said.

“Yours” he replied in a monotone.

“It worked!” she laughed. “Go put your cup in the sink, and then come back here.”

A reminder of my first crush

I was having a chat with my girlfriend Kylie the other day, and the subject of my earliest crushes came up, and I thought I would share with you all about it. She was my cousin, and five years older than I. I met her because we spent a lot of time with my aunt when I first came back from overseas, and so I got to know her a little. To me, she was amazingly beautiful, graceful, and kind, and I was smitten from the first.

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My ex decides to remove my father from the family tree

Well, once in a while, my ex surprises me, and its rarely for a good reason. Tonight, we had a belated mother's day dinner for her and my mom, and she mentioned about my dad, that she wanted my daughter to consider someone else as her grandfather, instead of my dad. Now, my dad committed suicide, so apparently, that means he cant even be in the family tree in her view. Doesn't give me a lot of hope on how she will react when I come out. Ah, well.

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"One year, 52 weeks"

That's how long I've been here, according to my account info. Since that actually translates into being my second anniversary here, I thought I would take a moment to reflect on what how far I have come in those two years. Two years ago, I hadn't even dreamed of going out in public as Dorothy. I hadn't even really faced my rape. And now, I am a hair's breath from working as a woman.

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gave myself a scare this morning

Well, I managed to give myself a scare this morning. I tried to get a hold of Wal-Mart about the job, and was told I didn't get it, which almost killed me. Then I went to phone back to find out why, and realized, I was phoning the WRONG STORE! A quick recalculation got me the right one, and I was told they were just waiting to hear from my supervisor from my old store, and he will be in this afternoon. I'm praying he gives me a good reference, and trying to restart my heart at the same time.

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a writer's challenge

I love the writer's challenges and contests here. Even when I can't come up with an entry, (which is most of the time), I love reading what others create within each contest or challenge. So I decided to create a personal challenge, just for me. I wanted to create a story with a title that began with the letter "z", and keep it under 500 words. You guys have read the result - "Zombie-Killer Girlfriend". And judging from the comments, it turned out pretty good.

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Roller-coaster of emotions

I feel like I'm riding a roller-coaster of emotions. One moment, I'm feeling pretty good about the choices I'm making, and the next I'm either wracked with fear that its all going to go up in smoke, or I'm beating myself up for being so selfish as to risk my relationship with my daughter over a couple of inches of flesh between my legs. Hopefully, the ride will smooth out soon.

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Zombie-killer Girlfriend

Zombie-Killer Girlfriend

“Nice kill, Leon!”

“Thanks. Look out, Lilly!”

“Got ‘em!”

“Yah! High five!”

“Okay, kids. Put the game on hold and eat.” I said, as I came into the living room.

My son Leon looked up at me, and said, “Give us a couple of minutes, mom.”

“Yah, Mrs. Jay, we’re about to hit the boss zombie.” His girlfriend Lilly added.

Dungeons and Dragons

I've been meaning to talk about my experience with Dungeons and Dragons for a while. I got involved in A D & D in my teens, and because I couldn't afford the books, a friend allowed me to borrow his. I copied out the Player's handbook, the DM's Guide, and the Monster Manual by hand, and then made a world. I used my love of map-making to create a series of maps for the main continent, covering climate, languages, races, and physical features. I also created two thousand years of "back story" to explain how things got to be where they were when the players would arrive.

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cross-dressing commercial

when I was young, I saw this "info-mercial" for a make-up line with the most interesting idea for selling their product. Instead of having women demonstrate it, they had a couple of guys get made-over instead. The idea, apparently, was to show that if a guy could come out looking good, then a woman would look fantastic. So they took a father and son, and made them over, and had them surprise their families with their new look. Seems to me like there is a story in there for someone to have some fun with, don't you agree?


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Looks like I might have a job as Dorothy

Well, I got a call from a local Wal-Mart, and I might just have a job as Dorothy. I had gone for the interview yesterday, and they called me today to come in to fill in a background check request and to give them permission to contact my references. Baring a bad review from them, I'm hired. The manager took a moment to tell me not only was I brave to do what I'm doing, but she told me I interviewed as well as anyone they have ever had. Pretty good news, yes? Plus, I wanted to send out a special shout-out to someone here. JennaFL sent me a couple of bras, and I wanted to thank her publicly.

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job interview tomorrow

Well, I have a job interview tomorrow. Wish me luck Meanwhile, my mom almost let things slip out with my daughter. She bought me a Dorothy outfit, and came back just as I was feeding my daughter. She then pulled it out and asked me to try it on while my daughter wondered why she had bought me a skirt. Fortunately, my daughter has very short attention span, so probably not much chance she will be telling her mom. Maybe its time I came clean, but I would rather be working in case she makes me fight to see my girl.

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my mom almost let things slip with my daughter

Well, my mom almost let things slip out with my daughter. She bought me a Dorothy outfit, and came back just as I was feeding my daughter. She then pulled it out and asked me to try it on while my daughter wondered why she had bought me a skirt. Fortunately, my daughter has very short attention span, so probably not much chance she will be telling her mom. Maybe its time I came clean, but I would rather be working in case she makes me fight to see my girl.

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My muse's story

Well, my muse refuses to give a lot of details about what she's been up to - just some hints about snogging some girl named Pippa at a wedding .... But, now that she has recovered from a hangover, she is pouring ideas into my head at a furious pace. Its too bad my daughter doesn't type, maybe I could offload some of my workload .....

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