Dorothy Colleen

gave myself a scare this morning

Well, I managed to give myself a scare this morning. I tried to get a hold of Wal-Mart about the job, and was told I didn't get it, which almost killed me. Then I went to phone back to find out why, and realized, I was phoning the WRONG STORE! A quick recalculation got me the right one, and I was told they were just waiting to hear from my supervisor from my old store, and he will be in this afternoon. I'm praying he gives me a good reference, and trying to restart my heart at the same time.

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a writer's challenge

I love the writer's challenges and contests here. Even when I can't come up with an entry, (which is most of the time), I love reading what others create within each contest or challenge. So I decided to create a personal challenge, just for me. I wanted to create a story with a title that began with the letter "z", and keep it under 500 words. You guys have read the result - "Zombie-Killer Girlfriend". And judging from the comments, it turned out pretty good.

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Roller-coaster of emotions

I feel like I'm riding a roller-coaster of emotions. One moment, I'm feeling pretty good about the choices I'm making, and the next I'm either wracked with fear that its all going to go up in smoke, or I'm beating myself up for being so selfish as to risk my relationship with my daughter over a couple of inches of flesh between my legs. Hopefully, the ride will smooth out soon.

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Zombie-killer Girlfriend

Zombie-Killer Girlfriend

“Nice kill, Leon!”

“Thanks. Look out, Lilly!”

“Got ‘em!”

“Yah! High five!”

“Okay, kids. Put the game on hold and eat.” I said, as I came into the living room.

My son Leon looked up at me, and said, “Give us a couple of minutes, mom.”

“Yah, Mrs. Jay, we’re about to hit the boss zombie.” His girlfriend Lilly added.

Dungeons and Dragons

I've been meaning to talk about my experience with Dungeons and Dragons for a while. I got involved in A D & D in my teens, and because I couldn't afford the books, a friend allowed me to borrow his. I copied out the Player's handbook, the DM's Guide, and the Monster Manual by hand, and then made a world. I used my love of map-making to create a series of maps for the main continent, covering climate, languages, races, and physical features. I also created two thousand years of "back story" to explain how things got to be where they were when the players would arrive.

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cross-dressing commercial

when I was young, I saw this "info-mercial" for a make-up line with the most interesting idea for selling their product. Instead of having women demonstrate it, they had a couple of guys get made-over instead. The idea, apparently, was to show that if a guy could come out looking good, then a woman would look fantastic. So they took a father and son, and made them over, and had them surprise their families with their new look. Seems to me like there is a story in there for someone to have some fun with, don't you agree?


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Looks like I might have a job as Dorothy

Well, I got a call from a local Wal-Mart, and I might just have a job as Dorothy. I had gone for the interview yesterday, and they called me today to come in to fill in a background check request and to give them permission to contact my references. Baring a bad review from them, I'm hired. The manager took a moment to tell me not only was I brave to do what I'm doing, but she told me I interviewed as well as anyone they have ever had. Pretty good news, yes? Plus, I wanted to send out a special shout-out to someone here. JennaFL sent me a couple of bras, and I wanted to thank her publicly.

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job interview tomorrow

Well, I have a job interview tomorrow. Wish me luck Meanwhile, my mom almost let things slip out with my daughter. She bought me a Dorothy outfit, and came back just as I was feeding my daughter. She then pulled it out and asked me to try it on while my daughter wondered why she had bought me a skirt. Fortunately, my daughter has very short attention span, so probably not much chance she will be telling her mom. Maybe its time I came clean, but I would rather be working in case she makes me fight to see my girl.

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my mom almost let things slip with my daughter

Well, my mom almost let things slip out with my daughter. She bought me a Dorothy outfit, and came back just as I was feeding my daughter. She then pulled it out and asked me to try it on while my daughter wondered why she had bought me a skirt. Fortunately, my daughter has very short attention span, so probably not much chance she will be telling her mom. Maybe its time I came clean, but I would rather be working in case she makes me fight to see my girl.

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My muse's story

Well, my muse refuses to give a lot of details about what she's been up to - just some hints about snogging some girl named Pippa at a wedding .... But, now that she has recovered from a hangover, she is pouring ideas into my head at a furious pace. Its too bad my daughter doesn't type, maybe I could offload some of my workload .....

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My muse came back

Well, my muse came back. Minus a shoe, ripped hose, her dress covered in stains from I don't even want to know what, but she's back. I've got two stories burning right now, my first and probably only entry into the "years worth of challenges", and a new Phoenix story. I wonder which one will get done first?

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sitting here with tears in my eyes

I'm sitting here, with tears in my eyes, and shaking so hard its hard to type. Wave upon wave of self-hate is hitting me, and I'm not sure I can swim. I am battered on all sides with self-doubt, one moment fearing that I could be a woman someday, and then a worse moment when I wonder if my sister-in-law is right that I am just .... rejecting my male identity.

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crossdressing conventions

No, I don't mean a convention where everybody cross-dresses (although that sounds like fun...) I mean that in movies where a male character dresses as a woman, it seems like there are certain conventions that must be followed. The first is the set-up, where the reason for the disguise is explained. Usually, the situation is pretty far-fetched, to say the least. Then there is the actual dressing-up, which is usually done as fast as possible. The character seems to be able to find clothes that fit, learns how to do make-up, and how to walk and talk like a woman in record time.


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Avoiding the Royal Wedding

Well, I managed to avoid most of the coverage of the Royal wedding. My reasons for this were not because of any Republican sentiments I may carry, but more raw emotions. I couldn't have born seeing that beautiful bride and that exquisite gown without being almost lost to envy. I have a wonderful girlfriend, but its hard to imagine that I will ever be a bride. But, I have to be grateful for what I do have, don't I?

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first time going to the ladies room

Well, armed with a letter from the gender specialist, I went to the ladies room at a local mall. No muss, no fuss, just did my business, and came to the sink to wash my hands. there were other ladies around, but I paid them no mind, and they seemed to do the same. I then walked out, feeling like I passed a major hurdle. Anybody remember their first time in a public restroom?


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going to a group interview as dorothy

Well, today there was a hiring fair for a health care company, and I went as Dorothy. We had a group interview, which was kinda different, but cool. The company looks great, and it looks like they would have no problem with me coming to work for them as Dorothy. The best moment was each of us was asked who they would hire, and one of the other people picked me. Wish me luck that they hire me.

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A Visit to Canada

A Visit to Canada

I bring to you a transcription of my conversation with a visitor to my country:

Alien Visitor (AV): Greetings!

Me: Welcome to Canada. You’ve arrived at an exciting time. We’re having a federal election.

AV: Ah, yes. I’ve heard of these. You’re picking your head of state.

Me: Nope.

AV: No?

Me: No. Would you like to know who our head of state is?

AV: Lay it on me, sister.

Me: The queen of England.

AV: Are you pulling my leg?

Me: Honest.

AV: How does that work?

back from church as Dorothy

Well, I'm back from church, and it was wonderful. They had a choir from Germany was was simply angelic. After the service, I went for coffee with a couple of guys from the welcoming group, and it was pretty good. Makes me wish I could do this every Sunday instead of having to go to my ex's church in male mode. Ah, well.

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Just a ghost

Just a ghost
(Based on "Ghost" by Fefe Dobson

I'm a go-go-go-ghost
just a go-go-go-ghost

Once a girl in a photograph
but can I ever get me back?
Or become just a memory
not my real identity.

I had a name
fought the fight
now I wonder if I'll ever get it right

feel the shame
live the lie
praying in the middle of the night

I'm scared I will become a ghost
once all my dreams were oh so close
But my fears have made me start to fail
will the real me disappear?
I'm scared I will become a ghost
not true, not true

Odd Impressions

Sometimes, I get these odd impressions that defy logic and reality. Like sometimes i get an impression of having breasts that is almost real enough to make me cry. But today, I had an impression that went the other way. It was a very masculine impression, of having a sword and shield, and protecting a female from a monster. Make what you will of that.

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crazy English

Every once in a while, I'm struck by how crazy the spelling rules are for English. The example that brought this to my mind was dealing with the letter "y" when it is at the end of a word. Sometimes, if a word ends with a "y", sometimes when you add a suffix like "ed", the letter is replaced with an "I". For example "Try - Tried." But it doesn't always happen. Like the word "enjoy". put it in the past tense, and its "enjoyed", not "enjoied." Like I said, the rules for spelling in English can be crazy.


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Thanks to All who commented on RSM

Well, "Rock Star Makeover" is wrapped up, and I want to thank everyone who took the time to comment or leave a kudo. Thanks to all of you. For those who prefer to read a story in one sitting, the whole story is up on Fictionmania, if you want to check it out there. But I want to give fair warning. Although this story was "sweet/sentimental" and I'm happy with that, dont assume I'll always produce that type from here on. I have some dark corners in my head, and at some point I may go into them through my writing.

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Rock Star Makeover, Part 12

Rock Star Makeover, Part 12:
(Author's note. Well, this is the end of Rock Star Makeover, folks. I hope you enjoyed it. Will Noah, Gabbi, and company be back? You never know....)
After church, we were hanging around, when Adam came into the living room and asked, “Would it be okay if Lisa came over for supper?”

“Sure, Adam.” My mom said

slight delay on part 12 of RSM

Well, after the Linda/Lisa debacle on my last chapter of "Rock star makeover", I've sent part 12 to an editor here. So there will be a slight delay until they have a chance to look over it before it can be published. Hopefully, it wont be so long everybody forgets whats been going on before....

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Rock Star Makeover, Part 11

Rock Star Makeover, Part 11:


(Author's note: I hope that if you are enjoying this series, you will take the time to leave a comment. Kudos are good too...)

My brother Adam came from the kitchen, and Lisa flinched.

“Its okay. Adam was just here in case something wasn’t on the up and up.” Gabbi said.

“I... I heard you introduce yourself, Lisa. I promise, you are safe in this house, okay?”

“Th....thank you.”

Going to the Unempolyment office dressed

well, I decided I needed a pick-me-up, so I went to the unemployment office dressed as Dorothy. I was served without a comment or even a blink, so that was fun. But, after I left the office, and went to my car, I was stopped by a man, and told I looked nice. I thanked him, and he confessed he was a cross-dresser. I was going to tell him I'm not, but he recognized me as transitioning. A bit of an odd experience, especially when he ended our conversation by saying he was going to go buy pantyhose. TMI, as far as I'm concerned. Ah, well.

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Rock Star Makeover, Part 10

Rock Star Makeover, Part 10.


Author's note: enjoy part 10, folks. It might have to sustain you for a while.

We went home, and I told my mom what happened.

“That’s good news about the concert, Noah. But who do you think might have sent Gabbi the note?”

“Not a clue, Mom.”

“What about you, Gabbi, any ideas?”

“Actually, I have one. But it means you have to make a sacrifice, Noah.”

“Sacrifice?” I asked.

“Yes. I … I want you to give up your seat to the concert,”

“But why, Gabbi?”


Well, I managed to do something so stupid and almost impossible that I'm wondering if God is trying to tell me something. I managed to lose my only bra. And since I am a "special" size, it would take somewhere in the range of 50 dollars to replace it, I'm devastated and discouraged. Unless I get a miracle, I wont be going out as Dorothy again any time soon. All this gloom is slowing me down in writing "Rock Star Makeover", so I'll put up part 10 today, but I don't know when any more will be coming. Sorry.

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Rock Star Makeover, Part 9

Rock Star Makeover, Part 9:
Author's note: Here's chapter 9. Enjoy, and make sure you tip your waitress, er, I mean, leave a comment....

Monday, during lunch, Gabbi had a pensive expression, “Whats up?” I asked.

“This note got left in my locker this morning.” She handed me the note, and I read it.

“‘I’m like you’? What do you think it means?” I asked.

“The only thing that makes sense is that they are transgendered.” she said.

“I guess that would be cool. But who, and why send you the note?”


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