General Audience (pg)

Negative Comments

The authors of this site go to a great deal of trouble to provide stories to entertain you, the readers. If you disagree with something, or find a story lacking in some way, the worst thing you can do is to "OUT" the author who has taken a great deal of time to produce a tale for your delectation.

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The Top Shelf Girls. Poised to invade SCC

For those who know about SCC this blog will be, perhaps, a bit redundant. For those who don't know, SCC is the biggest TG convention/conference in the world! It's been being held annually for the past 18 or 19 years and attracts TGs of all stripes, from all over the world, to Atlanta Georgia.

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Gerold vs. the Good Old Boys -01-


Gerold vs. the Good Old Boys

1/ Shock Advised

By Jo Dora Webster

Cover Art by Melanie E.

What complications will arise out of Gerald's heart attack
while on an undercover story assignment?


Cliched Male fears about waking up as a woman.

Hello all! Over at my blog at I am trying to work out a different way for a male to "work through" being changed into a female. I could go through all the cliched "OMG I'm A GIRL!!!" things that have been done to death.

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Testing my memory...failing: Looking for a Story

A few days ago, someone asked about a story on the TG Fiction Yahoo group and it started me thinking but not coming up with an answer. Someone there mentioned Brandy Dewinter's "Only for You", which is a very good story but not the one I was thinking of to answer the query.

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Something Feels Strange - 19

Something Feels Strange…

Feels Strange

Before going to bed, I log into my email account and what do I find? Another email from Joey! Laurie gives me an I-told-you-so look when I tell her.  He sent the email late in the day and attached another of the pictures taken yesterday. He asks how my day went and if I've found out anything about the race on Saturday.

Ugh!  What do I do? I decide to ignore it for the time being. I feel bad to ignoring someone who is trying to be friendly, but Laurie has me concerned that Joey is looking for more than just a friend. Maybe if I send him a thank you email late tomorrow he'll take the hint that I'm not interested in establishing a romantic relationship. Why can't we just be buddies?

Chapter 19: A Night Out

Gender test

A few days ago, I thought that someone Blogged about a new Gender Test, and I took it. I was so tired that night, that I kept falling asleep while doing it and I think it could have taken me an hour and a half.

The dastardly, damming,dissatisfying and discouraging test rated me as a "0". :( I felt somewhat disappointed, because in my own mind, I am as much or more Woman than any other Woman. I thought that was it and it was over.

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Pyrrhic victory.

We live in a 200 year old stone cottage (they're very common round here) and the walls are really rubble-filled double piles of stones. One disadvantage, amongst many, is that they provide spacious accommodation for small rodents from time to time. We don't usually have a problem in warmer weather; mice infestation is normally a Winter problem and relatively minor. Not so right now.

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The Butterfly Project

She knocked on his bedroom door. Not hearing an answer, she pushed the door slightly, calling him a few times. When there was no reply, she pushed open the door widely and her eyes fell on the disgusting looking thing on the bed. It looked just like a butterfly's cocoon, except that this one was as large as a man and definitely didn't contain a butterfly. She got closer to the bed. Touching the fluid leaking from the empty chrysalis, she noted that the fluid had almost dried, suggesting that this chrysalis had been empty for at least a few hours.

"Sir?" she called again.

She opened the bedside drawer, removing the Glock 17 inside it, just in case. Readying herself, she got out of the bedroom, the gun pointing downward and called for him again. She may not be a field specialist, but she didn't spend two years as the Headmaster's secretary without picking up new skills.

The Butterfly Project

By Shini Eris

Fear of Discovery.

This has raised it's head again in my 'never-ending' tale of life and dormice. It's done so because it is a constant problem. My own transition was quite public and was known to hundreds if not thousands of people locally. I've also been 'outted' in the press two or three times, including mention on local TV and radio. So short of sending out six billion letters notifying everyone on the planet, it meant there'd be some who didn't know.

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Legend of the Ancient Kingdoms: Chapter 8: The Kidnap In The Court

Legend of the Ancient Kingdoms

After the banquet Athanas gave Natasa something to think about but she collapsed in the middle of an argument. What could have happened to cause her to collapse? Was it intentional or something else? What's in store for the boy turned girl now that she is in the Prince's kingdom?

Angela's Thoughts

Angela's Thoughts
by Janet Harris

This was going to be "The thoughts of a brain-transplant donor" but then I began to think of myself as the recipient,
so I chose the shorter title above. I mean, I only vaguely remember being Roger and it seems a long time ago now.


BBC Radio 4 Today programme, included a piece on a project to monitor and reintroduce dormice on the Isle Of Wight, which isn't far from Portsmouth. In one wood alone they have 400 nesting boxes for dormice.

I'm delighted that my story is reasonably close to real life, and even more so to hera that in areas where they are being monitored, the rate of decline seems to be decreasing. Go for it Spike!



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Elan Owen 2: Watch Out Here I Come - Chapter 0

There comes a time in every story when it must begin... so, in the immortal words of Rhino the Hamster "LET IT BEGIN!"


Chapter Zero: Enter the Duction

Samantha's Story part 4

All day I had been looking forward to the clothing drive. It was another one of those times when you anticipate something so long that just thinking about it makes your heart beat faster.
Samantha's Story part 4

By Maid Joy

Legend of the Ancient Kingdoms: Chapter 7: Dream a little dream of me

Legend of the Ancient Kingdoms

Sweet dreams till sunbeams find you
Sweet dreams that leave all worries behind you
But in your dreams whatever they be
Dream a little dream of me

A Blast from the Past -1-

“So we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past.”
The last words of The Great Gatsby
A Blast From The Past

Part 1

By Ginger Collins

Legend of the Ancient Kingdoms: Chapter 6: The Prince of confusion

Legend of the Ancient Kingdoms

After a hard battle to reach Carthage Natasa and company finally arrive, Natasa still knows nothing of prince Athanas or his plans. The questions are, now here what can they expect to happen? who is princess Apollonia, did she send men to attack and if so why?

first person, more than one point of view In first person

I am working on an idea for a new story I intend on posting here, but, yeah theres a but, I think this would really work good in first person POV. But there are several characters that I would like to go into to that are quite important for the flow of the story.
So I am thinking of entering the main characters POV and then changing POV to another to show the scene from another

Is that Possible, WOuld that be too jaring? Has that ever been done before for a published noval

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question about editors

It has been brought to my attention that my grammar and word usage needs to be improved among other things. Im really glad people are here to tell me these things. Like I know full well I am a very inexperienced writer. These storys you see here from me are the first I ever really had the guts to write out and post. You should see the utter crap I wrote before, It would probably be utterly incomprehensible. They were stories with huge long paragraphs, like one, they were full of run on sentences. But well thats how we learn to write, by sucking the first few times lol.


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Feminizer Disease Takes My Body Over - Chapter 8

"Needless to say, all the talk was about me and how I was adjusting. They were really interested in how I got such a shapely figure so quickly and was able to walk in those very high heels. I spoke about my wife helping me and the doctor's help. I mentioned my wife and our shopping trips to Victoria's Secret. The girls were spell bound to hear what I bought in VS. They all wanted to go shopping with me, even go to Victoria's Secret."

Feminizer Disease Takes My Body Over
Chapter 8

By Terry Hansay


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