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Only kind of related to BC

There was a comic strip that (I believe) was advertised on the side column of BC a while back. It was about a space colony that wasn't paying any taxes to Earth. They sent a tax investigator there... etc, etc. Anyways - my computer crashed a little while ago, and I lost my bookmarks (amongst many other things).

Can anyone tell me the name of that comic?


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Working Girl ~ A Day In The Life ~Final Chapter

I stared at the fly going round and round the light bulb. I think it was a she fly but that might just be my flight of fancy.
Working Girl ~ A Day In The life ~ Final Chapter
By Susan Brown


Scared.and angry.

Tonight, driving home from an all day D&D session with my friends, I almost hit a power wheelchair that I didn't see until almost too late. The chair had NO lights on it, NO reflectors, the person piloting it and the one walking with him were both wearing dark clothing. The chair was in my lane, traveling toward me and it was dark.

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Amaria Title page

I updated the title page for Amari to include chapter names and characters name and possision. Hopefully this will help you keep track of everyone as the story progresses. Chapter 3: The Hidden Truth was posted today. This is all I have completed so far. Chapter 4 and 5 are in work and I hope I will have them completed plus more by October. I know that is a long way off but my work will have me away from home for 5 months.

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Computer Dying?

Well, the Hard Drive on my 7 year old Dell Laptop is making Death Knell noises, the screen resolution keeps changing, and I can't get on my Bank because of Security Certificate problems, so I think that the old Gel is about to give up the ghost.

I'll likely just go get one of those $250 "Netbook" to tide me over. I found that I can run an auxiliary Screen and Keyboard. I am in the process of saving my pictures and other documents to my 300 Gig stand alone HD, so I really am not too concerned.

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Amaria: Chapter 3: The Hidden Truth

This is a NON TG element Science Fiction Fantasy. More about the signal is found, Linaria and friends work together to get to the answer and plans are in work for a special visit. Please comment on characters and flow.

And Now...

Chapter Three
By D. L. Darrow (Sara D.)

Life is full of surprises

Today I was out with my fiance and we were talking about things from our past, past relationships and experiences, and talking about when we first met and our initial thoughts about each other. During this time I got a pretty big surprise. She looked at me and said. "When we first started dating, I thought you were transgendered." I was more than a little bit surprised by this and asked if she thought I wanted to be a girl. She said, "No, I mean when I first met you, I thought you used to be a girl but became a man." Once again I was surprised and asked her why.

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Welcome to the World of Amaria. A NON TG Science fiction novel.

Title’s for chapters:
Chapter 1: The Apprentice.
Chapter 2: Discoveries
Chapter 3: Hidden Truth
Chapter 4: The Declaration
Chapter 5: The Response
Chapter 6: Joyce’s find
Chapter 7: Amarian Explorer
Chapter 8: Jordan’s experience
Chapter 9: Earth Conference
Chapter 10: The Exchange

Alien names:
Planet Amaria, (Amarian, Amarian's plural)
ASI (Amarian Space Institute)
Manara - ASI research station
Anali — research assistant to Kuval

Amaria: Chapter 2: Discoveries

This is a NON TG element Science Fiction Fantasy. Follow the Amarian's as they discover radio and television signals from earth. Linaria continues to work on the radio signal discovery. Please comment on characters and flow.

And Now...

Chapter Two
By D. L. Darrow (Sara D.)

Revenge of the Goddess

Revenge of the Goddess
By Ricky

Things have been kind of quiet around the Old Gods Home when a couple of young punks on Earth decide to desecrate an image of the almost forgotten fertility goddess Sheela-Na-Gig. With a little help from her retired buddies she still has enough power to give the punks a lesson in femininity.

The Forest

OK, so I thought I would try my hand at something different. The Floral Tales will resume shortly if you are interested, but I had to get this one out.

Once again, apologies for any typos, hope you like - J

The Forest – J Morose

“For in each delve and greenwood,

Far wiser creatures play,

And in their depths and sinews,

Live the gods of yesterday.”

Amaria: Chapter 1: The Apprentice

Kuval, Manara Space Station’s administrator and senior scientist stared out his large oval window towards his home planet Amaria, a blue and green planet with cloud formations over most of the larger of the three continents. Must be raining today he thought as he reflected on his twenty years of service to ASI (Amarian Space Institute). Kuval could not believe the progress made so far in technological growth in the last few years, he was happy with the contributions that his station had made for this endeavor over the last year.

Rhod`s Trip To America Ch 41 Power Plant

Sorry it has taken such a long time to get this chapter posted, but real life just got in the way. If you lost the thread of the story, I recommend you read some of the previous chapters.

As the story stands, Rhod/Em was being slandered by Roger Stoller; a boy he/she had a horrible date with on Saturday. He was bragging how Rhod/Em did all kinds of sexual favors for him on the date, last Saturday. They were all fabricated lies to make him look good in the eyes of the other boys at school. Not realizing he was making it difficult for Rhod/Em. But why should he care?

Rhod/Em left in a huff from school Monday night, when she found out about the lies Roger was spreading about him/her. Even the high school girls were getting upset with Rhod/Em. Rhod/Em was beside herself.

The story continues With Rhod/Em on Tuesday.

He/She wanted to get Roger back and make him confess his lies to the school.


The Next Survival Series

I get daily GCFL (Good Clean Funnies List) stories and this one struck me as interesting. I hope you enjoy it it as much as I did.

I appologize if I over stepped my authority by putting a story here from another Website, but is free to everyone and you can subscribe to it. They will send you one funny story each day.

The original author is Paula Sanning.


Whatever Next pt 22.

For those interested in following my Gaby fanfic, I hope the link works. It includes photos of a real Elite Women's World Cup race, which is used in the story. I hope you enjoy it.



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Olbermann Excoriates Congressional Critic of Matthew Shepard Hate-Crimes Bill

On "Countdown," his political news/analysis/commentary show on MSNBC last night, Keith Olbermann used his "Worst Persons In The World" segment to highlight (not to mention rip, tear and shred) a Congressional critic of the Matthew Shepard anti-hate-crimes bill that was later passed in yesterday's session.

Random slide, World's Worst program segment.

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Scheduling of Crises

In the future, I'd like to request that people who want to violate the rules of posting here, or annoy others for such transgressions, or anything that does not contribute to the peace and tranquility of what is essentially a library -- I'd like to request that all such disturbances, disagreements and denunciations take place while I'm here at my desk and not in bed, at dinner or in the bathroom.

Thank you all and hugs,

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H1N1 virus, or swine flu,

To all of you on this site especilly those of you that that are pre/or/post SRS. From what I have heard from most of you but not all are that you have heath problems easly especially you post operate SRS women/girls. If any of you get what you think is the FLU get to a Doctor like now and get tested as I and many others on this site don't want anything to happen to any of you, so please take care to the safe side. Richard

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The Pastor and his donkey

My middle son sent this to me and I thought this applied to alot of you and it was cute and I'm sure this is and old joke and alot of you have read before especially the last paragraph probally applies here. A friend to all of you and alot of Hugs to you all! Richard

The pastor entered his donkey in a race and it won. The pastor was so pleased with the donkey that he entered it in the race again, and it won again. The local paper read: PASTOR'S ASS OUT FRONT.

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