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Dress Like A Girl Pirate Day Chapter 6

If I had continued the story, Chapter 5 would have started with:

Marti would have been taken to the hospital for emergency surgery.

After being arrested, Brad would have been taken to the hospital to be treated for internal injuries caused by Judy.

After being arrested. Crissie would have been taken to the hospital to be treated for mental distress and examined for possible injury from being tazered and dragged by the hair by the police.

Thing One would have been arrested and taken to the police Station for booking.

Babs' New Year's Resolution 4

Sorry this has been a long time coming (Since Jan 2018) But that's how my muse takes me. I've also got to pick up the pieces with 'Heir to a title' and 'The rescue' before real life takes over.)

Anyway, at the moment, what's left of my muse has kicked this one onto centre stage.

Labor Day Weekend at the Beach 5 – Moving Forward

Labor Day Weekend at the Beach
5 – Moving Forward

By Jessica C

A bet had come due...
It meant Nick would wear a girl's two-piece swimsuit at the beach...
He expected to run into the water and have it over, wrong...

Pioneers, part 05 of 15

She went to her room and came back with one of her sports bras, and I tried it on. It was definitely a lot tighter than the one I’d borrowed from the lost and found, but I thought I could live with it for an hour at a time until I got something that fit me.

He shouldn't have teased his sister chapter 2

He shouldn't have teased his sister

by Jasmine Monica

Richard a considers his live and how he will life from that point. And he resolves himself to solving what happened, and proving himself innocent

chapter 2

Mindful 2 Chapter 6

Following Iona's determination to ensure that all peoples shall share in whatever benefits that universal telepathy may bring, she is bound once again to 'move on' to avoid any attempts by oppressive agencies to somehow gain control of the telepathic spectrum.

Pick-Up Line

Pick-Up Line
By Ellie Dauber
Copyright 2000

Lou enters a bar, meets Sarah and says...

Pick-Up Line
By Ellie Dauber
Copyright 2000

I always loved the bar in the Chapman Hotel.

The hotel was right at the edge of the big office complex north of town, convenient for visiting big shots or for staff on temporary assignment. Then they build the conference center next to the hotel. Nothing fancy, but just right for trade shows and the like.

What did that have to do with the bar?

He shouldn't have teased his sister chapter 1

He shouldnt have teased his sister
by Jasmine monica
A precocious boy annoys his sister and her reaction is completely too far on her innocent brother

chapter 1

Richard was startled by his sister Rose storming into the house in rage. She stamped up the steps and flew into er bedroom. He stood outside snickering at he heard his sister scream in rage. A few things were threw into the wall. She sounded seriously pissed about something.

An Eventful Life: The Wedding Seasons

Chapter 9

The Wedding Seasons

In the 1980’s people tended to get married in their 20s, rather than as now in the 21st century waiting into their 30s, that is if they decide to get married at all, so over the next few years we attended the weddings of most of our university group.


The story follows a 14yo boy named Max Patrick at the hardest point of his life. He became a mutant.
How will Max cope with his mutation? How will his friends and family react to this change?
Come and discover this story of unimaginable change and challenges in the life of a young boy.
This is a fanfiction for Whateley Academy Universe.

Dress Like A Girl Pirate Day Chapter 5


On September 19, 2016 (International Talk Like A Pirate Day) I was watching the local evening news when they broadcast a story about Krispy Kreme Donuts offering a free doughnut if you came in and talked like a pirate. I found the story so appealing, that it inspired me to write my second BCTS serial and post the chapters as part of the then current BCTS writing challenge.


The Voyage of the Visund -21-

Ursula takes her first ride outside the city walls and it is not without incident. Female biology intervenes and she is forced to return to the mansion. There, Fanis tells her what she might expect in the future - and surprises Ursula.

grakh on parchment

The Voyage of the Visund

A tale of Anmar by Penny Lane

21 - Reluctant Rider

Mindful 2 Chapter 3

Chapter 3 where Iona learns from her own older British children that her damaged mind might become a danger to her youngest telapthic American childran if they are exposed too early to her emotional damage and psychopathically dammaged mind. Once again, Iona is forced to leave her children so that their impressionable young minds are not damaged by Iona's and she can return later when the youngest children are better inured to her damaged psyche.

An Eventful Life: The End of an Era

Chapter 8 The End of an Era

Back in Perranporth for the summer I soon settled into the routine, but was now based in our admin office rather than the Piran Hotel, working alongside Mum on the running of the business rather than the operational side in the hotels. Although the Abba act had been very successful and a bit of fun, they were not going to continue this year. One of the barmen had left for a new job, and Maria wanted to concentrate on expanding her hair and beauty business, so there were to be no distractions as Maria.

Mindful 2 Chapter 2

Second chapter of the book Mindful 2. I tried to get this book published on Doppler press so that any sales could be benefited to BCTS but sadly I got no responces from Doppler Press to help me put it up. Being as there isn't much time left I decided to post it on Big Closet.

Mindful 2 Chapter 1

I have tried several times to get this story published on Doppler Press so that Big Closet could benefit from any sale it might enjoy but seemingly I am having no luck at all getting doppler press to respond to my endeavours to put the book on their website.

Sadly therefore this novel, which is the follow on from Mindful one will just have to be posted here on Big Closet, Top Shelf.

My apologies to Big Closet and their hard-working staff for any lost sales they might have suffered but I feel I have to post it now or it will forever be lost to those few readers that profess to enjoy my work. I'm now seventy three now and the future looks bleak.

Sorry folks, but here goes nothing.

PS. The novel ends up with Iona euthenising herself to escape from her persuers so be warned.

Labor Day Weekend at the Beach 2 – More Beach Time and a Surprise

Labor Day Weekend at the Beach
2 – More Beach Time and a Surprise

By Jessica C

A bet has come due...
Nick becomes Nicole and wears a girl's swimsuit on the beach...
Due to circumstance, Nicole will remain longer than expected...

Summer with Em - Part 32


Summer With Em - Chapter 32

By Julie D Cole,

As soon as I got an oportunity I sent a message to Frankie asking her if she’d mind coming earlier than planned so she could meet mum. I felt that I ought to ensure that mum was comfortable with me staying with Frankie. I’d never stayed with anybody before apart from this visit to Em’s who was family.

The discovery of nightgowns

So when I was a child of 9ish i diecoverd my sister and I were similar in appearance. Thus started my foray into the wearing of her clothes. It began with what she had been wearing during the day and left in the bathroom when she bathed. We all just discarded our clothes in the same hamper. Mom would do the laundry and return it to its respective location in our dresser. She never checked the hamper for contents so I would take a piece of my sisters clothing and wear it to bed and return it to the bathroom hamper in the morning.

“Every Step of the Way” Chapter 1 “Door Into Summer” (Starter)

Author note:
I wrote this as a VERY short story in 1987 and placed it in the city of Carmel, CA.
Well, I decided to ramp it back and place it back in the town I lived in when it was conceived: Papillion, Nebraska.
The concept is sort of like “Come Back to Texas”, but with a high school freshman vibe.

And yes, Sharon tolerates them due to all of them being in the same class since Kindergarten.


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