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Living a life less ordinary Chapter 10

Chapter 10

So began my career as a gofer. Mainly it was coffee for Triss and the Producer who was called Adam. Everyone else called him Mr Smithson, but he insisted I call him Adam. Triss was married to the director, Pierce Slater, but he had Bee to get drinks for him. Bee did lots of other things besides. I only really fetched drinks and cookies, occasional lunches and snacks.

Living a life less ordinary Chapter 9

Chapter 9

Bee drove the car into an underground car park for an apartment block. I had to wait for her to release me before I could start helping her gather all our shopping. We then had an elevator ride to her one-bedroom apartment. I was asked to sit quietly while she sorted out her bedroom, so I sat on the sofa and pulled out my kindle.

Living a life less ordinary Chapter 7

Chapter 7

Before I was ready to meet up with Billy, I needed to organise. If I ended up leaving with Billy, I wouldn't have a chance to come back to my campsite. I didn't want to leave all my stuff to be discovered, but I also needed to be able to retrieve everything if I didn't leave with Billy. I made two piles, one that I thought I could take with me and the rest. I had to base what I could take with me on what I could reasonably have gotten a hold of or couldn't live without and what I would be able to carry.

Warriors way chapter 4...Double down

Warriors way chapter 4...Double down

So what will happen now, the story goes on!

New story in the growing Hekawi universe!
Read the others in this new universe

Meagan's Tail

“Necessity is the Mother of Invention” and “Déjà vu”





Forsythe Saga - Done Deal

Maxine continued her task of trying to understand the business and how Adrian worked. A lot of it seemed like magic to her but slowly his approach to doing business became clear.

All the time, the bid to buy the Hotel in Devon was on the table. Adrian’s lawyers tried to get a decision about the bid but for a while, they were fobbed off by the phalanx of Amercian Lawyers and Accountants that seemed to be pouring over every aspect of the UK Company’s operations. Adrian was perplexed as this should have been done as part of the ‘due diligence’ before the deal was signed. He wondered more than once if there was something in the books that was very dodgy.

Six weeks after the bid had been put on the table, the reason for the delays became obvious. Two of the former UK company directors were arrested on suspicion of money laundering and employing illegal immigrants. Jon Lord was also implicated in the wrongdoing.



Ahead of schedule this time: Dawn.


16. Preparing to travel

Stone slowly drifted into the half-sleep that comes with morning, and cuddled the small body next to him. Suddenly enough brain cells started working for him to realize that the body was not Rayla. It was Emily, who had somehow wormed into the space between them, and as Stone stood up, he saw Jason at the door between the rooms.

Living a life less ordinary Chapter 6

Chapter 6

I allowed myself that day to mope then I had to get down to business. I had a lot more setting up to do and I had to choose my new look. My four-week clock only really started from when I had started working on changing myself. That had to take priority.


I wish I had dreamt up this piece, but this prayer originated from neither my pen nor my mind. I remember it doing the rounds many years ago, and I thought it worth sharing in an updated form. I wish to make it clear that I have no special axe to grind with any of the individuals mentioned. My personal list would be much longer and include every politician of every stripe on the planet, but by all means feel free to amend the list or append to it with politicians or others of your choice. As far as I am aware it always was unattributed, but if you are the individual who originated the piece, one I dip my knees to you, and two please let me know so I can credit you with its creation properly. In gratitude, Eolwaen.

Living a life less ordinary Chapter 5

Chapter 5

Sarah was having serious second thoughts about our plan.

“I think we need to come up with a different plan,” she said. She was driving and looking straight ahead, but I could see her worry by the tapping of her fingers on the steering wheel.

“Have you thought of a better one?” I asked curiously.

She sighed. “No. But I am not comfortable leaving you on your own. You are only 12-years-old.”

Living a life less ordinary Chapter 3 & 4

Chapter 3

Clara was in a sorry state when I first met her. The doctor went through her list of injuries and it was quite obvious that she was lucky to be alive. Her face was completely untouched but both arms and legs had various fractures and the most serious injuries were to her ribs because they pierced her left lung. If they had brought her to me when she was first injured I think she would have died. Nothing that I can do is that quick.

“A Change Will Do You Good” Chapter 3 “All I Wanna Do”

III. All I Wanna Do
I woke up to the smell of bacon and coffee. We may have been at the beach, but the traditional southern breakfast was still the norm.
“We’re all going to the beach,” Sia told me as I walked out of my room.
“Swell,” I replied as Sia’s friend, Kat, ran past the both us to one of the bathrooms.
“You are coming, right?”
I sort of shrugged my shoulders and nodded in reply and then walked to the dining area.
“Where’s dad?” I asked as Mom stacked several pieces of bacon and a biscuit onto a plate for me.

Living a life less ordinary Chapter 2

Chapter 2

While I waited for my father to work out who else he wanted me to work on, I tried to work out how to make myself taller. I had been born in the 3rd percentile for length and I never really caught up. My younger brother was both taller and more heavily set compared to me. I had been a sickly child and Mum was always telling me that she didn't think I would survive to reach 5. At one point, I was examined by a paediatric doctor who did some measurements and told me that my eventual height would probably be just under five feet.

"A Few Good Panties" Parody

A Few Good Panties Parody

(Apologies to Tom Cruise and the A Few Good Men movie)

Kaffee: Did you order the red panties, Colonel?

Jessup: Son, we live in a world that has lingerie, and that lingerie needs to be worn by men. Who's gonna do it? You, Lieutenant Weinberg? I have a greater supply of panties than you can’t possibly fathom. You secretly yearn to wear panties and yet you curse crossdressers. You have that luxury.

Broken Promises

Your mum is the archetypal Yiddishe Momme, poor, the only survivor of her family from the holocaust, genuinely caring and loving, incapable of guile, immensely respected by all who know her, Jew and gentile alike. She’s the epitome of an eastern European Jewess. She could have have come straight out of Fiddler on the Roof. When my mum and dad are at outs he accuses her of only marrying him because the obliteration of his family at Auschwitz makes her feel respectable, and he provokes her by saying she would eat a bacon sandwich if a Rabbi told her it were kosher.

Living a life less ordinary Prologue and Chapter 1


I watched a film the other day and it really resonated with me and my life. The film was 'A life less ordinary' and the main character (MC) began with an ordinary life that was dull and uninteresting. An event happened that in the big scheme of things was nothing serious, but it was the straw that broke the camel's back and resulted in the MC taking unexpected action. Fate then intervened and led the MC on a crazy journey.

Possession at The Old Vicarage

Most of my mates still can’t believe that I’d managed to pull a drop dead gorgeous, university educated girl from an upper middle class family who spoke with a veritable bag full of plums in her oh so entirely kissable mouth and she actually married me. I get on with her family though her parents don’t totally understand the way their daughter chooses to live, permanently pregnant and surrounded by kids, even if she is living in more affluence than they are. Hey don’t look at me. I just do what I’m told and earn the money.

Kelsey pt 24 *** A kymmie verse story*****

Kelsey Part 24

Kelsey listened intently. Being in the business for 3 years she knew.

“ So what can I get you ladies?”

Brook told her what she wanted, Sara wrote it all down.
The same with Kelsey.

“ Well, it'll take about an hour to get them all put together.” Sara said as she went into the back.

Cynthia and the Wonderful Corrections - Chapter 1

Cynthia and the Wonderful Corrections - Chapter 1

By Portia Bennett

Introduction: This story is the fourth and final story in a series within a series. The overall series is the “Cynthia Chronicles”. This story is directly connected to “Simoné and the Second Time Around”, “Marti and the Doppelganger”, and Marti and the Doppelganger – a Follow Up”. Several of the stories in the Cynthia Chronicles left some unanswered questions. In “Bobbie and the Glass Ceiling” two of the antagonists are regressed to childhood. Now we will learn what happened to them. In “Randi and the College Professor” Randi and Frank Deere adopt Betty, a bit of a rogue witch. Betty was regressed to early childhood, but she kept her powers. As it turns out, Betty was a real blessing. We also learn a bit more about Cindy’s first born who is the first new wizard in probably close to a thousand years. Then there is a question that has been floated about. What about death?

Bobbie’s professional golf career is over and now she has a four-year old daughter and a newborn. Cindy and Don are not only raising their firs born, but have also officially adopted Martin and Joann who are only a few months older than their first born. Things are getting interesting.

Forsythe Saga - Yet another new job

Maxine is on the phone to her boss Sally on the Bank Holiday Monday evening. The events described in this part run in a parallel timeframe to those described in ‘Doing Business’.

“I want to do things right Sally. To me, that includes working out my notice. I don’t want to suddenly up and disappear. What if at some time in the future, I need to use your research team? I don’t want to burn my bridges and all that.”

There was silence down the phone.


“No, I’m not some monster that you created. I’m trying to be reasonable and behave like an adult.”

A Grumpy Old Man’s Tale 03 The Constabulary

Yeah, yeah! I know Alf. Your granddaughter rides a motor cycle for plod down Devon way, and I’m sure she’s a wonderful girl. She probably gives pennies to the poor too, but I’m talking generalisations here. I’m not having a go at Sylvia. Get him another pint to settle his nerves, Stan.


The girls came round later that afternoon, it was my turn to have them. Now don’t get me wrong I love my daughters, and I really enjoy our Sunday activities, but I do find the three hour Saturday afternoon Monopoly sessions rather dull. This week was different. The girls had a new set. New to them anyway.

I'd like to think about it

The CD aand T1G elements only come in halfway through the story please stick with it through the preliminaries. I apologise in advance for any medical inaccuracies, and hope any do not spoil your enjoyment.

I'd like to think about itI'

Cynthia and the Wonderful Corrections - Prologue

Cynthia and the Wonderful Corrections - Prologue

By Portia Bennett

Introduction: This story is the fourth and final story in a series within a series. The overall series is the “Cynthia Chronicles”. This story is directly connected to “Simoné and the Second Time Around”, “Marti and the Doppelganger”, and Marti and the Doppelganger – a Follow Up”. Several of the stories in the Cynthia Chronicles left some unanswered questions. In “Bobbie and the Glass Ceiling” two of the antagonists are regressed to childhood. Now we will learn what happened to them. In “Randi and the College Professor” Randi and Frank Deere adopt Betty, a bit of a rogue witch. Betty was regressed to early childhood, but she kept her powers. As it turns out, Betty was a real blessing. We also learn a bit more about Cindy’s first born who is the first new wizard in probably close to a thousand years. Then there is a question that has been floated about. What about death?

We will briefly go back to the day Bobbie Anderson won the Master’s. This episode was extracted from “Bobbie and the Glass Ceiling.” The main story will pick up from that point.

the band

“Sit down, Teri. It’s good to see you.”

I straightened my skirt, making sure I smoothed it before I sat. I wondered just how wrinkled it would be when I stood up.

“How are you doing?”

“Fine, sir. Just fine.”

“How’s Juliet?”

I frowned. “Juliet, sir? The last time I saw her was at the lawyer’s office. That was seven months ago. I see the kids once a week, but I have to pick them up at her mother’s house.”

My boss frowned. “I’m sorry. I just saw the ring and, well, thought the two of you were trying to work things out.”


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