You Are a Meany Chapter 7

Luke and Lori were feeling anxious when coming home from dinner with Pappi and Memaw. The twins felt uneasy for different reasons. Luke was distressed because he knew his parents were fighting. He felt like the reason was because of him. Everything his mom was saying just to get peace weighed down on him. Words have meaning and those words were taken to heart. Because she never took his side, Luke started feeling he caused whatever went wrong. If Alice would stop trying to recreate her childhood she would have seen the damage she was doing to her son’s ego, but sadly nostalgia has a tendency of blinding people from reality.

Lori was fretting for another reason. She knew her latest offensive in the War of the Twins was uncovered by her dad. He might make her move her party. Not having her party on her birthday would not be fair. Her Queen always had her birthday celebration on her special day so the princess should also. Even if she was not the Brat Princess Lori should have her party on her birthday. She was way more important and special than Luke.

The twins walked into their home. Their mom and dad were sitting in the living room waiting for them. A sitcom rerun was on the television. Their parents were not paying attention to the show. The sound was just background noise. Luke and Lori greeted their parents and their mom was the first to greet them back. Fred waited because he wanted to get past this manufactured drama. After asking how was time with Pappi and Memaw, Fred told his children the compromise. They will both have their party on the same day. Lori’s would be as it was planned and Luke would get to take his friends bowling and then out for a pizza.

This solution should have made everyone in the room happy. Only two people were, Fred and his son. Only one of the frameworkers of the Birthday Concord thought of the agreement and knew it was the best possible solution. Lori got what she wanted and Luke got something extra in return. Luke loved the deal. Going bowling was fun and being around Renee and Matt was also. Having pizza was a treat and sharing it with his friends would make the pie taste better. People said hunger might be the best spice, but people forget sharing a meal with people you care about was better. It was true, needing substance made people expand what they would eat; however, having close friends around made people savor any experience. Eating more did not mean the food was better. The expanded appetite only meant a need needed to be fulfilled. Spices enhanced an experience, made it better.

The concord was reluctantly accepted by Alice and Lori. Alice was happy her daughter got the birthday she deserved, but thought that the price was too high. Luke should have just had to move his celebration. What she wanted for the negotiations was simple. Plus, Lori would not have felt left out. Luke getting more was unfair. Birthdays were more important to the youngest so theirs should be the most spectacular.

Lori only agreed to the agreement because she knew the decision was final. No objection would overturn the plans. Lori agreed with her mom about her brother getting more was unfair. Unlike Alice, Lori was going to work on rectifying the situation. Her birthday was going to be the talk of the playground two Mondays from now. The center of attention would be where it rightfully belonged.


The week started the same as any other but the results were different. Lori and her court were still teasing Luke, but now their classmates were doing more than just ignoring them. Most of which started to stay away from them. Tom Downey started hanging out with them. He did not join them in piling on Luke. Tom was going to keep his word. He took Matt’s warning as serious as the look on Matt’s face when he gave it. Hearing them put down Luke somehow smoothed his hurt ego and that was enough.

Tuesday became worse for Lori. A couple of kids were now giving her looks of disapproval when she said Luka. There were mutterings around the playground that she got her invites out first because her party was going to be lame compared to Luke. A home party could not compare to going bowling and then pizza. She knew that a couple of kids wanted to back out of hers and go to Luke’s. Lori knew she had to do something to make her party better than Luke’s or else they would. A party according to her for someone in her supporting cast, should not outdo her own and draw away party goers. That party should not even be on the same day, let alone compete with Lori’s.

Then it came to Lori, she was going to tell her loyal subjects about how her party was going to have a bouncy castle. That she did not mentioned it until now because she wanted to surprise her guests. She knew that Tracy, Blake, and Mike would spread the lie to the other kids. Then Lori saw that she gained another ally when Tom started to go around telling everyone what she said. Lori was pleased to have a loyal courier. The talk of Luke’s party being better quickly stopped.

Now having the guests pleased came the easy part for Lori, making her lie become true. All she had to do was cry a little and ask her mom. As she got home Lori’s tear ducts opened as Luke was opening the door. She might not like Luke, but The Brat Princess was not going to stoop down to opening the door when a commoner was in front of her. Plus, having her brother hold the door made the entrance to their home right, her first then him.

“Mom can I have a bouncy castle at my party.”

Lori was going to find out there was a flaw in Lori’s plan, The Birthday Concord. Alice was not just about to give in to her daughter. She and her husband just had a fight. They got a compromise and changing it would reopen the fight.

“Sorry Lori, no. We already agreed to what your party was going to be.”

Lori try to play to how good and just her mom was. “That is not fair. Luke gets to go bowling.”

Even with agreeing with her daughter Alice was going to still deny what she found to be a reasonable request. “Yes, but you get to have your birthday party at the house. Luke doesn’t.”

Lori knew she was going to have to lie more to make her original lie become true. “I need it. Luke is trying to get the kids to go to his party again.”

Alice was not concerned if Lori was telling the truth or not. Lori’s words fit the narrative Alice wanted. They also helped her find a way to give her daughter what both wanted, Lori to have a better party.

Even with knowing his sister, Luke was shocked at hearing those words. The shock became stronger when his mom believed Lori. This made no sense. The lie was the exact opposite than their sibling’s relationship. Lori was the one who always did whatever to get one over on Luke. He said “I did not.”

Not wanting to face that she was wrong Alice said, “Don’t lie to me. Boys don’t lie.”

Lori knew she got her way so her tears dried up as quick as they came on. Laughing to gloat Lori said “Yeah boys don’t lie.”

Luke was not going to take his sister getting on him right then. “Girls do. I did not try to get anyone to go to my party today.”

Alice made the same mistake she had been making to bring peace to her home. She took Lori’s side. She only wanted Luke not to make a fuss over nothing. Alice also did not want to think about if Luke was telling the truth. If the lady who was playing favorites thought about Lori’s accusation she would have quickly come to the conclusion that her daughter was lying. Uncovering the lie would destroy Alice’s plan. She only wanted Luke to stop disagreeing with her. To get her son’s silence Alice said “Then you should be in a dress.”

Luke started to cry as soon as he ran out of the room. Lori could not help but gloat some more. In a loud voice, to ensure her brother heard her Lori said “Luka is a crybaby.”

Lori repeated those words again. The chant needed to stop. Those words were wrong. Alice should have never made the vague threat of putting Luke in a dress once again. Those words were hypocritical. Lori was just crying to get her way. Those words went against a direct order Lori received from her dad. Those words were causing a crack to form in Alice’s narrative. Alice said “Stop that right now Lori or else no bouncy castle.”

The brat princess started to cry again. This time the tear following from Lori’s eyes were real. The pain came because her queen was about to take away that which was rightfully hers. Lori knew she had to stop but could not. The birthday party being only fit for a peasant was just appalling. Turning 8 was a once in a lifetime event and should be memorable. Lori defended herself “But he is mom. Luka is a crybaby. He was crying.”

Alice “Don’t call your brother Luka and he is not a crybaby.”

“Why not?”

Not wanting to say she made her son feel anxious Alice just said “He is not, trust me.”

Lori knew she had her mom where she wanted her. Instead of talking about taking away the bouncy castle she was defending Luke. Lori was going to change that also. The crying got louder. “Luka is what the kids call Luke at school. He is a crybaby.”

“Lori you will have your bouncy castle. Please quit crying.”

“No Luka is a crybaby. Say it Mom.”

Just wanting peace Alice capitulated saying “Luka is a crybaby.” Little did she know that Luke came back to the kitchen. He was going to get a banana to eat. Alice’s son was not crying anymore but being so upset made him hungry. Those words coming out of Alice’s mouth soothed Lori and her crying stopped. There was peace in Alice’s home for a moment.

The calm was fleeting. A shrieking sound came from the entrance of the kitchen. Those words caused so much distress to Luke. Lori started her chant again. Luke ran to his room, his safe place. The stomping of his feet up the stairs then the slamming of his door were becoming very familiar sounds in the home.

Alice went upstairs to try to calm her son. Her mind was set not to try to appease Luke. She was going to use force. She was an in one good cop/bad cop when it came to her children. She was the good cop to Lori and the bad cop to Luke. This bias was starting to erode the closeness between Luke and his mom.

“Luke, stop crying. I did not meant what I said.”

“No, you are meany. You are going to put me in a dress again.”

“No. I will never do that again.”

“You meany. You did and you will. You said boys don’t cry or lie. You think I lied and I am crying. I didn’t lie and you made me cry, you meany. You want to put me in a dress”

Instead of paying attention to Luke pointing out her making those threats, being called a meany by her son was all that Alice could think of. Alice was too worried about defending her actions instead of their effects on Luke. Instead of thinking of how hurt her son was, the hurt mother thought about why Luke thought so low of her. Her son had to know that, If she had known Luke could hear her she would never have agreed with Lori. Those words were only said to get Lori to stop crying. She would never put Luke in a dress again. Those words were also only said to get her son to stop crying.

As the stymied mother left she made another mistake. She showed her exasperation by saying. “Fine, Luke go on crying. I don’t care; but, you will see how much of a meany I am if your dad finds out.”


May 28th was the last Saturday of the month and the school year. The air was buzzing from the bees and also the excitement coming from Luke and Lori. Today was the day both of them were going to celebrate their birthday. Today was the last Saturday which they knew school would be school waiting for them on Monday for the next 3 months. This ending of the school year was just going to add to everyone’s celebratory mood. The clear sky was an indication the local meteorologist was wrong about their forecast. The weather should cooperate for Lori’s party.

Even with being happy about having the weather be worthy for her big day and getting the birthday party she deserved, Lori was jealous of her brother. Today should only be joyous for her. Lori was beyond Goldilocks with Luke. Him just being, made it so nothing could ever really be just right. She wanted her cake and to eat his to. Yet when denying Luke his slice of cake, Lori would have been upset that he even got one to begin with. If her brother did not get a slice of cake then Lori would have been mad at the chance of her taking his treat away was taken away from her.

Lori’s jealousy of her brother was in full force when Renee and Matt both showed up at their house in the morning. As the front door was open those two yelled “Happy Birthday, Luke!” How dare those two not have the common decency to wish her a happy birthday right then also. Lori felt like she was being kind because she would not have held them liable for using Luke’s name first instead of hers.

The Saturday Morning Bike Club incorporated their weekly meeting into Luke’s birthday celebration. Matt was holding a small box from Blue Bonnet Bakery. Inside the cardboard container was a half dozen cupcakes. One for each of the members of the club and Luke’s family. Three of the cupcakes were chocolate with vanilla icing and the other three were vanilla with chocolate icing.

Once in the house Matt and Renee finally wished Lori a happy birthday. The celebratory salutation was too little too late to make amends with Lori. The well wishes was not said in unison and as loud as Luke’s. This half-hearted attempt to make up for the faux pas did not have the same emotions in it as Luke’s.

Before going to the Lincoln Way Bike Park, Renee and Matt suggested they had the cupcakes together. Matt opened up the box and offered to Luke and Lori first choice. To Lori, this was yet another social blunder on his part. She should have been given first choice on her own. In fact, Matt should not have brought a cupcake for Luke. He was not going to be there for her party. The fact that she did not give him an invitation did not matter. That boy should have asked for one when he was passed over by her.

Then when Luke took a vanilla cupcake Lori was so mad. She wanted hers to be chocolate, but now could not get one. There was no way Lori was going to take the chance that Luke got a better cupcake than her. Today was her day and she deserved the best, not her brother. After the first bite Lori knew she chose wrong. Vanilla was too plain for someone like her. She should had gone with the richness of chocolate.

After Fred took the bike club to the park was when the party rental truck arrived with the bouncy castle. It was the Sweet Princess Jumping Castle. Once inflated the pink and purple castle stood 11 feet. There were two jumping chambers in it. The bigger one was set up as a courtyard so it had only walls and no roof. The smaller one was the castle itself so it was enclosed. Looking at the centerpiece of her party Lori thought the division was perfect. The kids in her inner circle would be allowed in the castle part as the rest would be treated like the commoners they were and be relegated to the courtyard.

Alice was admiring where Lori would be ruling over her guests at the party when Fred opened up the sun room door to join his wife on the deck. Fred paused for a moment from seeing the sight in the backyard. The bouncy castle was dominating the landscape. Luke and Lori’s father took his time before asking his wife about the plastic castle. He did not want to start a fight with his wife. Once Fred was sure, he would wisely word his questioning about why Alice got the castle without informing him. “My love, when did you decide to get the bouncy house for Lori’s party.”

Alice got a little defensive. She knew that the reason she went with the bouncy castle was wrong. They agreed to the parties and she changed them so Lori could try to outshine Luke. and said “Sweetie, right after you decided on what to do with Luke’s party. My Love, I don’t need your permission to do something special for my daughter.”

“Hold on. The reason why we are doing this for Luke is because we could not have two parties at our house at the same time. Lori moved her party to the same date as his, so he deserved what we are doing for him.”

“Come on that was a mistake. Lori was just so excited getting her own party that she wrote the wrong date. “

“Dear, you know that is not true. She did not give Renee and Matt their invites. Heck she did not even invite Luke.”

“She didn’t want those two at the party. Luke did not need an invite he lives here. Also, our daughter does not have to invite our son to her party if she did not want him there.”

“If she didn’t want them at the party then why did she make invites for them.”

“Don’t make a big deal about this little extra I am giving Lori. She is turning 8 today and that is so special.”

“Honey, I’m not making a big deal. I want to make sure Luke gets treated the same as Lori.”

“Lori is our youngest so she gets a little more than Luke.”

The fight about Lori’s shenanigans between Fred and Alice just ended a couple of days ago. The bouncy castle was not worth reopening the fight to Fred. He wanted peace and thought he found a way; he would just amend the Birthday Accord like his wife did. “I understand. Next weekend I will take Luke and his friends to Kennywood.”

“Kennywood, that place is expensive. You will not do so. They are not even big enough to ride all the rides there.”

Fred figured the best way of getting out of reentering the same fight as his wife was to just follow her lead. As he walked back into the sun room Fred said “I am going to. It is not as expensive as that bouncy castle. Plus, I do not need to get your permission to do something special for our son.”


Dino and Maria Tribalinni loved driving down to see their youngest daughter and her family. The drive was in style and comfort. They were in their 1979 Cadillac Seville. Even with it being 20 years old the car was in pristine shape. The engine purred like a contented cat. The paint job was as shiny as the day the car rolled off the assembly line and if the interior was a restaurant it would have a 5 stars cleanliness rating.

The journey might have been great, but the final destination would have made the drive enjoyable even if they were in a beat up 1986 Yugo. For those two lovers, seeing their youngest child Alice was an unplanned and unexpected surprise. Maria was supposed to be beyond childbearing age when she got pregnant with her youngest. This additional blessing along with them actually being a generation older than her friend’s parents made those two dot over Alice. Dino and Maria felt like they had to make up for not being able to fit in as good with the other parents.

Once they arrived, and from the start of their visit, Luke and Lori’s grandparents felt an uneasiness coming from Alice’s family. Alice was not happy with Fred’s plans for next weekend. Fred was frustrated that his wife had once again given Lori more than she gave Luke. Luke was getting anxious because he was not able to start getting ready. Lori was hogging the bathroom. His sister was supposed to get ready when he was riding his bike. She waited until she heard the family’s van pull in to start. Lori would do anything to hamper Luke in enjoying what should only be her special day. Lastly Lori was upset that she had to share anything with her brother.

Lori finally came down from getting ready. She was wearing the dress. The blue and white striped dress which Alice made Luke wear. Her brother running upstairs showed her choice in wardrobe served one of it’s purposes, to get rid of Luke right away. She should not have to share her time with Nanno and Nanna with him. They liked her better and also, they came down for her birthday party, not his.

She hugged both of them and thanked them for coming down to see her on her birthday. Nanno laughed, Lori making the day all about her reminded him of Alice at his granddaughter’s age. He quickly corrected her by saying the visit was for both of the twins.

Lori could not handle the truth. Even with it being delivered gently hearing that her Nanno wanted to also spend time with Luke hurt. To her, surely he was joking to get a rise out of her granddaughter. She wanted the perceived teasing to stop. “Don’t you mean my birthday?”

Dino laughed even louder. Lori’s reaction was the same as Alice’s would have been. To play along with his granddaughter as he winked he said “Yes, we came down to see you and only you.”

Fred loved his in-laws, but was not going to help them enable Lori’s self-centered attitude. The fact Dino was joking did not matter to him and Fred was going to end it right then. “Dino you mean you are here to see both Luke and Lori.”

“Lighten up Fred, I was joking.”

Alice backed her dad. Instead of making Fred just drop the subject, his wife trying to let this go made Fred stand his ground. “Dino, I know. The thing is Lori is not. She has been going out of her way to exclude Luke from having any kind of celebration for his birthday. She deliberately wrote the wrong date on her invites to have her party on the same day as Luke’s.”

One way a lie would be uncovered was by sunlight. The lie being out to people who knew different cover up showed the inconsistency with the story and the truth. The uncovering of Lori’s deception was about to occur when Alice defended her daughter. “Fred for the last time she wrote the wrong date on the invites. She did not plan the parties to be on the same day.”

The joy on Nanno and Nanna’s face quickly disappeared. They both realized why Fred wanted them to stop the playful banter. Lori told them something different than what her mom just said. Nanna joined the conversation to correct her daughter. “Alice, Lori told me you gave us the wrong date when we asked her about the day being different on the invite than the one you told us.”

Dino was not going to reward Lori being deceitful. He understood why Lori would want her own party. People need to be their own person. Having to share everything with the same person could make a person not feel unique. Lori needed to feel like she was an individual, not part of a group. Still Lori did not have to ruin her brother’s day. He had the same need of being his own person as Lori did. Addressing his wife, Dino said “Bambina, want to go bowling today?”

Maria said “Caro, I would love to, then pizza at Mineo’s.”

Nanno then said “Lori, you should not have lied to us.”

Lori looked at her Queen Mother for help. She knew that Nanno and Nanna would not listen to her. Maybe her mom would be able to talk sense to those two and stop them from being a no show to her party. Her Nanno and Nanna gave their word about going to her party. Backing out at the last moment was not fair. Going to Luke’s was added to the degree of how unjust their decision was.

Alice saw how upset Lori was and came to her daughter’s defense. Lori’s advocate tried to change her parents' minds. “Come on Mom and Dad, Lori was just embarrassed she wrote the wrong day. My daughter wanted to help and she messed up. Don’t do this.”

Maria standing firm with their decision said “Lili, no she did not mess up. She knew what she was doing. We wanted to be at both of their parties and Lori made it so that was not possible. We are going to spend the day with Luke.”

Lori knew that verdict was final. There was no changing her Nanna and Nanno’s mind. The unjust punishment for the so called crime of rightfully having her birthday party on the day of her birth would stand. At least she was still going to get Nanno and Nanna’s gift. Lori got another defeat when the gift was handed to her. Before even opening it she knew it was a game for her Gameboy. The size and weight of the wrapped present told her so. With her dad still keeping the gaming system from her, the gift was at best nothing more than an expensive paper weight. At worse the present was a reminder of everything she could not have.

Alice was not going to be denied her daughter’s party being as special as hers. She asked her husband if he could wait to take Luke and his friends bowling until after Lori cut her cake. Fred was as diplomatic as Benjamin Franklin when he said it was up to Luke. He did not want to say no and add more fuel to the fire of discontent in his relationship with his wife. At the same time, he did not want to say yes and make Luke feel more marginalized on his birthday.

Another reason for not answering was that Fred did not know what Luke wanted. Maybe he would like to stay and see some of his classmates. Luke has not been hanging out with his best friend Blake. This could be a chance for those two to spend some time together. Lastly Luke was an eight year old kid. The party had a bouncy castle. What 8 year old kid did not like a bouncy castle.

Luke came down and was greeted by everyone saying Happy Birthday. Even his sister said it with meaning. Hearing the joy in Lori’s voice made him as cautious as a bomb disposal expert snipping the last wire. Luke being weary was shown to be right when his mom said “Luke change of plans. You and your friends will be staying at Lori’s party until she cuts her cake. Then Nanno and Nanna will join you bowling.”

Luke was not happy with having to stay at his sister’s party, but if that meant spending more time with Nanno and Nanna he was fine with his mother’s orders. Fred was not fine with Alice stating Luke had to stay. Their son had a choice and she knew that fact. Fred spoke up. “Luke that is only if you want to. If you want to go bowling now, then we will. Nanno and Nanna will be joining us either way.”

Luke said “Let’s go bowling now.”

Lori got even more upset at hearing Luke staying with the original plans. The Brat Princess had even feigned niceness to him and this was how her no good brother repaid her. If she was going to have a bad day then Luke’s was going to be worse. “Luka, before you go, tell Nanno and Nanna how much you like my dress.”

“I hate it and don’t call me Luka.”

If Lori was not so proud of dragging Luke to her level she would have seen the look her mom gave her. It was the royal we are not amused. Lori should have known better than to bring that up in front of her grandparents. Alice did not want her parents to know about the petticoat punishment and if she did not act quickly her secret would in the open.

“If you hate this dress, then why did you wear it?”

Alice found an out of having the truth come out. “Lori, you know Luke was just playing dress up. Right Luke.”

Dino and Maria started to laugh. Hearing them laugh at what happen to him made the young boy feel so small. Lately too many people have been laughing at his expense and Luke’s self-esteem was taking damage. Nanno and Nanna’s reaction was worse than the kids at school. Those two should be lifting him, helping Luke become a man. Instead they found what happened to him as something to get enjoyment from.

To Alice the story was nothing more than a little white lie. Everyone has stories about growing up which could be a little embarrassing. This story would get her out of hearing why she was wrong once again and have the added bonus of bringing laughter for years to come. The results of her parents snickering was proof her story did no harm.

Fred was liberal and would not have cared if his son played dress up in a dress. Being open minded came from Fred having apathy towards what other people did if their actions did not hurt him. To Fred the world would be a better place if people did not care about what was not important. There was a perfect example in his life. He enjoyed Nickleback and his friends gave him grief over his musical taste. They did not have to listen to it when he did, so why did they care so much?

Now Fred did care about his wife trying to cover up messing up with their son by lying about it. He saw how Alice’s cover story affected Luke. His son quickly became withdrawn. His son going into a shell and his in-laws laughing was proof his wife lying did too much harm. Fred was not going to have his in-laws think differently of Luke and quickly spoke up before the lie became their truth. “Alice, you put him in a dress to punish him.“

For once Lori’s champion, her Queen Mother needed her help. This was the time the little girl could repay her mom and went to do so. “Dad, quit lying. Luka likes to wear dresses.”

Alice then saw her actions in the right light. She had to make her transgression against her son right. One question was if this action was too little, too late. Another was if the lesson would stick with Alice or if she would revert back to going with what was easy and what she wanted to bring peace into her home. “Lori, no, don’t do that. Don’t lie. Your dad is telling the truth. Young lady after the party today you are grounded for two weeks.”

The truth coming out was such a betrayal to Lori. Lori started to cry. Her world came crashing down. In her mind she would not be seen as a princess to her Nanno and Nanna ever again. The Brat Princess only did what she was taught by the Nostalgia Queen. As she was bawling her eyes out she gave a royal decree. “Luka, don’t you dare call me a crybaby.”

To Lori, her crying was so different than when Luke did. This situation was serious. When Luke cried it was over something less than a glass of spilt milk. He just did not like where the natural order of life should be her way. Tears should not be shed because of how life was.

Luke was not going to call his sister a crybaby. Right then he felt no need to defend himself. In fact, before she ordered him around Luke felt bad for Lori. His sister was upset and even with them not getting along Luke wanted to be there for her. That was what family did.

Luke stance on Lori changed a little. He wanted her not to feel any pain. After all, today should be a happy day for her. At the same time, he wanted to make sure she knew not to order him around or he would act as selfish as her. “I would never. I am not like you.”

Those words, I am not like you, caused Lori to run upstairs. Those words upset her even more than any other of the events so far today. Lori would tell everyone the same exact words her brother had used. The way he meant those words was wrong. Somehow the hired hand in her life thought he was better than her. The faulty reason behind those words proved why the natural order was how it was. If Luke could not see she deserved more than him, then of course that was reason enough for her to get more. The circular logic was perfectly fine for Lori.

Luke having the wrong assumption was not what got to the birthday girl the most. Her brother was not that smart. Her being able to tell most of the people in the room agreed with Luke’s assertion did. Somehow, people believed what was not true. How could anyone think that her brother was better than her? Look at how many people were coming to her party compared to his. Her party was also better. She had a bouncy castle and he was going bowling. All eight year olds knew that a bouncy castle was better than bowling.


After Luke was taken bowling, an all too common scene was happening again at the Zahn’s household. Alice went upstairs to comfort her daughter. Knowing her daughter’s special day was ruined was already making the lesson of playing favorites fade from Alice’s memory. Luke saying he was not like Lori also helped the wisdom Alice gained to wane away. That attack on the clone childhood of Alice’s got the mom mad. The truth of it was, truth did not matter.

By the time she made the journey up the stairs Alice was back to being the Nostalgia Queen. Anything within her power was going to be done to make Lori happy. With wanting her daughter to be a clone of herself today, it had to be filled with the best memories.

“That crybaby Luka is selfish. He should have said yes to staying for my party.”

Alice had no time to correct Lori. Plus she understood her daughter was so upset. “My princess, I understand. Come on your guests will be arriving in an hour. You need to be cheerful greeting them.”

“You don’t understand. You grounded me for nothing.”

“I only did that so your dad did not. He would have had it longer. You will only be grounded when he is around.”

“Luka is going to tell everyone I am a crybaby. He is a crybaby.”

“Luke will not.”

The tears amped up. “His name is Luka.”

“Luka will not.”

Appeasement was how the situation would be deescalated. Alice saw no harm in agreeing with Lori. Luke would never know she called him Luka and it would make Lori’s crying stop. The harm in using appeasement was it simply encouraged Lori to believe that she would get anything she wanted from her mom. This flaw was quickly shown when Lori requested to have her Gameboy back.

The request was denied. Lori started to cry louder. She wanted to play the new game her Nanno and Nanna gave her. Alice caved by letting her daughter play using Luke’s Gameboy. She was taking advantage of a loophole in her husband taking away Lori’s gaming system. He never said she was not allowed to play Gameboy.


The dining room, sunroom and patio all had pink and purple streamers and balloons. In front of the chair of honor was a birthday cake and hanging on the wall behind it was a banner. The banner read “Happy Birthday Lori.” The patio had a plastic table with small paper plates, napkins, potato chips, pretzels and nacho corn chips. For drinks there were cans of soda and pouches of juice drinks in a cooler on the patio. The best part of the party was what was missing. There was no Luke in sight. This was the perfect party for Lori.

The kids were running around the yard, having a good time either on the playset or in the bouncy castle. During the height of this playtime before the cutting of the cake and presenting of the presents Lori used the enclosed section of the bouncy castle to have a meeting with her high court. The meeting had one agenda, talking down on Luke.

At this gathering of the people who were anti-Luke, Tom found an opening to gain the trust of those who held the same low opinion of Lori’s brother. He did so by lying. The Brat Princess called Luke a crybaby and for the first time Tom added something to the conversation. He did his normal agreeing with the disparaging words then he added his own. He said that Luke cried so hard when he beat that no good brother of Lori in two races.

This lie was the best gift Lori could have gotten on her birthday. She was going to make sure everyone knew about Luke being a sore loser. The spread of this lie was also a gift to Tom. He might have still lost the race, but his classmates and friends thinking he won was almost as good as winning. He was seen as better than Luke. Perception helped make reality. Tom was not faster than Luke, but people would treat him like he was.

By the end of the party all the party goers thought a little less about Luke. They saw him as a crybaby who was not as fast on his bike as he said he was. Luke’s classmates did not question the stories about Luke being sensitive and lying because they heard them from different sources. Thinking the best of others made them just assume the truth was told to them.


Trafford Lanes was a bowling alley built underneath a strip mall. The Saturday before Memorial day the only bowlers were people who were serious about the game. One of them was Earl Weber. He was in his late 50’s and loved seeing three kids come to his lanes. Earl watched as Luke and his friends started to bowl. The novices were throwing more gutter bowls than hitting any pins.

Earl knew the kids were there to have a good time, but thought to himself that the best way to ensure a good time was to become better at what one was doing. Earl wanted to give the kids some pointers. The best bowler in the Mon Valley walked over to Fred, Dino and Maria and introduced himself. Then Earl asked them if could give the kids some pointers. They all said yes to his request.

Earl’s love for the game was shown by how he took his time showing good bowling technique to Luke and his friends. His enthusiasm for them having a good time made the lessons he was giving fun. Earl just wanted these kids to have a good time so maybe they would come back and bowl more often. The game needed an influx of youth. Last year Trafford Lanes had only one youth bowling league and if the numbers continue to dwindle that league had the same chance of staying around as someone hitting the 7-10 split.

The best part of Earl’s lesson was when he joined in on giving Luke a high five after he bowled the first strike him and his friends got. His excitement over Luke’s accomplishment made the moment memorable for all. Fred, Nanno and Nanna all smiled. They knew this little celebration added to the enjoyment for Luke and his friends. Renee and Matt both commented on the curve on Luke throw. Earl knew the kids had the basics so after the celebration he left to go back to his practice.

After playing three games of bowling Luke’s party went to Mineo’s. Dino was good friends with Angelo, the owner. When they walked in Dino and Angelo greeted each other. Nanno only said he was there for his nipote’s birthday. The use of italian for grandson was all the owner of Mineo’s needed to hear. The customers were going to get the best treatment.

Angelo escorted the birthday party to the best booth. Angelo only allowed the booth to be used if his pizzeria was full or someone close to him was there. After serving the pizza, Angelo came with cannolis for all. The one he gave Luke was bigger than the rest. He stayed there and led the singing of Happy Birthday. To Fred, Luke glowing from how he was treated today was sweeter than the Italian pastries in front of them.


Luke got home and Lori was about to rub in his face how she had the best birthday party today. Everyone at her party had a great time and Luke only went bowling. There was no way going out with your two friends could be better than her party. She had a bouncy castle. Her day had to be a strike compared to the gutter ball of Luke’s.

Hearing Luke laughing with her dad, Nanno, and Nanna had to be wrong. Lori swore that Nanno was lying when he said how good Luke bowled. There was no way her good for nothing brother was good at anything. Then hearing that Luke got a birthday cannoli hurt her. Her party only had a birthday cake. If her brother got something special she should have also.

Lori was perplexed at the good vibes coming from everyone. She did not understand the simple fact, for most things in life it does not matter what you do, it is who you do the activity with which makes it memorable and enjoyable. A simple hamburger with the people you love would be a better meal than a steak at a three star Michelin Restaurant with total strangers.

The girl was not going to get to put the icing of putting her brother down on her birthday cake tonight. Lori feigned a stomach ache so she could excuse herself. Her dad offered to take her upstairs and she declined. To her he was just trying to look nice, and make up for the fact that she was not his favorite child. She needed time alone to figure out how to get rid of the heartache she had from once again her brother having something go his way.


Monday at school was a little strange for Luke. Most of the kids stayed a little bit away from him. When he did join a group before the start of school, the discussion stopped. They were talking about how Luke was a crybaby and did not want to take the chance to trigger him crying again. Some of his classmates also would leave the group right away. They did not want to be around someone like him.

The treatment of Luke being persona non-grata was just starting. This was the last week of school and Luke was looking forward to the summer so he did not care about being kept at a distance by his classmates. The upcoming days were going to be filled with riding his bike and hanging out with Renee and Matt. He just assumed that once they were back to school the kids would start treating him normal again. Little did Luke know that this summer Lori and her allies were going to keep on the negative press campaign on him.

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