So. Bobbie was still at work. It was August 26 already - just a few minutes after midnight. Back home in the States, it would be just past noon of August 25. Great. Just enough time.
Bobbie had hurried to wrap her once-a-month Sunday morning videoconference with the company's higher-ups scheduled for the last Sunday of the month (so no employees would be around), but since Bobbie was on the other side of the world, that meant it was Monday evening for her, and since they usually extended these meetings to just before noon, for them that is, then...
Normally, she wouldn't have minded, and her wife of over six years was understanding and knew these once-a-month meetings get extended all the time, but this was a special Monday for Bobbie - it was her tenth-year anniversary as a member in her favorite site, BigCloset Topshelf, and she wanted to post something on the site to commemorate this "momentous" occasion (she giggled at her use of the word), but she hadn't written it yet. That was why she was antsy, and was waiting impatiently for the meeting to end, so she could start writing it.