
Scarlet Ribbons

Scarlet Ribbons

by Anam Chara

When a father and husband is left alone as a widower with two children, he can deal with his son well enough, but he knows nothing about raising a daughter—not even where to find those special things that little girls pray for…

A Friend in Need is a Friend in Deed -- Chp. 8 Mom's Birthday

I got to know Doug so quickly in fact that it felt like I knew him my whole life. Nothing seemed out of bounds, except my dark secret. And even there Doug got to know me better than I know myself. The real me.

A Friend in Need is a Friend in Deed


Copyright © 2017 by AuP reviner

A Friend in Need is a Friend in Deed -- Chp. 7 My Girlhood Sylibis

I got to know Doug so quickly in fact that it felt like I knew him my whole life. Nothing seemed out of bounds, except my dark secret. And even there Doug got to know me better than I know myself. The real me.

A Friend in Need is a Friend in Deed


Copyright © 2017 by AuP reviner

A Friend in Need is a Friend in Deed -- Chp. 6 Serendipity II

I got to know Doug so quickly in fact that it felt like I knew him my whole life. Nothing seemed out of bounds, except my dark secret. And even there Doug got to know me better than I know myself. The real me.

A Friend in Need is a Friend in Deed


A Friend in Need is a Friend in Deed -- Chp. 5 Serendipity

I got to know Doug so quickly in fact that it felt like I knew him my whole life. Nothing seemed out of bounds, except my dark secret. And even there Doug got to know me better than I know myself. The real me.

A Friend in Need is a Friend in Deed


Copyright © 2017 by AuP reviner

A Friend in Need is a Friend in Deed -- Chp. 4 Much to do about Something

I got to know Doug so quickly in fact that it felt like I knew him my whole life. Nothing seemed out of bounds, except my dark secret. And even there Doug got to know me better than I know myself. The real me.

A Friend in Need is a Friend in Deed


Journeys West - Chapter 2 - The Saga is Set in Motion

This is a story that is set in the Old West and in the present day. It starts out slowly, but it speaks to the fact that transgenderism is not something new but has existed for a long time.

- Marina Kelly and Monica Rose
Proof-read by Qmodo

Chapter 2 - The Saga is Set in Motion

Trying to figure out what was going on was going to give her a headache. She had not thought that she believed in ghosts, but that might be the only way to explain where the girl had gone. There was no way she could have run away without being seen.

A Turn On The Pathway To Citizenship


Audience Rating: 


I remember well that summer day when my whole life changed for the second time. I came home from playing video games with my friends and no one was home. I went through the house, looking for my grandparents, but they were nowhere to be found. Then I saw two tiny spots of blood on a shower curtain and smeared on the upstairs bathroom floor.

A Turn On The Pathway To Citizenship
Warm Hearted

Magic of the Kingdom Book 2: Chapter 1

MotK 2.png

A month has passed, and Sarah's been enjoying life as Silvermist in the park, but can she handle life as a celebrity TV actress? She still gets nervous meeting "real" celebrities! And how will HRT affect her ability to play the role?

Left at Eden - Chapter 15

Left at Eden

Rebecca had pulled Candy out of the lab area and gathered her team, “I know you’re all worried about the new Furren, but we have a mission to get back to, if you think you’re ready?”

“The new shipboard lab is ready, with more than enough samples to keep me busy for a month at least,” Wendy nodded. She was excited, like a kid in a candy store. Even the school’s state-of-the-art lab had nothing on what the Science guild had given her and Brie to work with “As a bonus I can help Brie with her analyses as well.”

A Friend in Need is a Friend in Deed


Audience Rating: 


I got to know Doug so quickly in fact that it felt like I knew him my whole life. Nothing seemed out of bounds, except my dark secret. And even there Doug got to know me better than I know myself. The real me.

A Friend in Need is a Friend in Deed


Copyright © 2017 by AuP reviner

A Friend in Need is a Friend in Deed


Audience Rating: 


Other Keywords: 

Sam thinks he is all alone in the world. Being the youngest means being forgotten and you are told what to do.

His life changes dramatically when Doug moves in across the street. And Doug takes Sam on a journey to find out who Sam really is.

Copyright © 2017 by AuP reviner

A Friend in Need is a Friend in Deed -- Chp. 2 Beginning with the end in mind

Sam thinks he is all alone in the world. Being the youngest means being forgotten and you are told what to do.

His life changes dramatically when Doug moves in across the street. And Doug takes Sam on a journey to find out who Sam really is.

Copyright © 2017 by AuP reviner

Stephanie’s Chance - 6 Turn Back, Foolish Boy

Stephanie’s Chance - 6
Turn Back, Foolish Boy

By Jessica C

Brad's a friend that brings out the girl in Steven…
Steve’s bad mouth catches up to him…
Unknowingly his mother helps him to embrace Stephanie

A Friend in Need is a Friend in Deed -- Chp. 1 Becoming Best Friends

Sam thinks he is all alone in the world. Being the youngest means being forgotten and you are told what to do.

His life changes dramatically when Doug moves in across the street. And Doug takes Sam on a journey to find out who Sam really is.

Copyright © 2017 by AuP reviner

Road Phantoms - Chapter 02


  At anytime over a million trucks are professionally driven on the highways and by-ways of America. Carrying everything from acid to yachts. Not all loads are so innocuous. Some are precious and some are out-right lethal. For loads that are deemed dangerous or valuable to be referred to as High-Security, special trucks are used. Trucks that look so normal, one would never guess it from any other. Trucks that run in secret, apart from their company, called Ghost Fleets. Others have no markings at all, and are specially modified. One such company that specializes in High-Security Loads; Phantom Lines....


A Turn On The Pathway To Citizenship: Part 3 The Conclusion

A Turn On The Pathway To Citizenship: Part 3 The Conclusion
By Warm Hearted
Edited By Commentator

Synopsis: Mara discovers how to use her powers and her relationship with Rob moves to the next level. Rob, Mara, Rene, and Kat become closer and start becoming a real family As they their plan to bring down the crime lord Babic unfolds.

We went out to their court garden very similar to ours and Rene opened a bottle of wine, that had "La Blanc" on the label and poured me a glass saying, "this is our family's label. The grapes came from 400-year-old vines."

Journeys West - Chapter 1 - Prologue

Author's note: I do not believe that there is a need for any cautions. If you find something that bothers you, do not hesitate to let me know.

This is a story that is set in the Old West and in the present day. It starts out slowly, but it speaks to the fact that transgenderism is not something new but has existed for a long time.

- Marina Kelly and Monica Rose
Proof-read by Qmodo

Chapter 1 - Prologue

Nebraska, summer 1897

Art Project – 21 Jenny and Angie

Art Project - 21 Jenny and Angie

Andrew’s problems started with
Designing a prom gown instead of a suit,
Andrew’s problem turned into an opportunity…
Andrea is now in focus…

A Turn On The Pathway To Citizenship Part 1

A Turn On The Pathway To Citizenship
Part One Of Three

Warm Hearted

Edited By Commentator

Synopsis: The tale of Mark Cedric's unique and unexpected turn on his pathway to becoming an American citizen, but Mark will discover that being a new citizen is very pleasurable.

As always comments and constructive criticism is much appreciated.


Miss Identified

This began as a very short story – then grew after ‘I’m going to go for it’!

It's been not years but decades that I have hidden inside my shell. Layers and layers of ever-hardening never-cracking tough and rough shell. And deep inside was real-me. So very different from what people saw of my outside.

Signed, Sealed and Delivered An Edited Re-post Part 2 of 2

I desperately wanted away from there and I was half afraid he would kiss me again and half afraid he wouldn't! Somewhere in the back of my mind, though I could hear Jim yelling at me and I realized that it had to be the programming that was making me act like this! Ginny had been in charge for the past several minutes and Jim wanted back at the reins of this runaway stagecoach! I made an effort to push the Ginny part of me into the background and I was

Becoming Monica


Audience Rating: 


I stood in front of the double storage closet, nervous with excitement. Although I had looked through the clothes before me on a number of occasions, and even tried some of them on, this was the first time that I would be able to take them out and wear them for an extended period of time without discovery.

Becoming Monica


Signed, Sealed and Delivered An Edited Re-post Part 1

Signed, Sealed, and Delivered

By Cathy_t_

This was my very first attempt at writing anything for others to read. The idea for the story is mine but the inspiration for doing it at all comes from two wonderful angels I met on the net one dark night in my life. They stopped me from doing something very stupid that night and I would like to dedicate this story to them. To Prue and Neri. Without their help and encouragement this story would not exist. Nor would I.


Lady in Waiting


Audience Rating: 


This is a story set in the 1800’s about a family that has lost every family member except the youngest son and his twin sister. Then his sister dies of smallpox and he manages to persuade his mother to let him become his deceased sister.

Lady in Waiting part 1.jpg

Lady in Waiting

By Christina H

Roomies - Part 5

Tina chatted animatedly on the phone for a few minutes, then put it back in her purse and turned to me.

“My friends want to meet up. Any chance I could catch a ride?”

I smiled. “Sure. I want to check into my B&B, but I can drop you on the way” I smiled.

Tina gave a little pout. “Oh. I was hoping you could meet my friends. And that they could meet you.” she said with a slight trace of dejection.

I shrugged. “Well, sure.... but it really will have to be a quick 'Hi' and 'Bye'... I really have to check into my room.

Alexa Chapter 13: Lawyers and Love

Even though it was a Holiday for most people, I still had to work. This was going to be the first day back to work since last Friday. When I had left here three days ago, I had just been presented a release form that the owners of the coffee shop wanted me to sign releasing them from any liability if I was harassed. I don’t think I had ever been as mad as I had been that day. Luckily Jenny had a calmer head then I did. She immediately called her Grandmother who had lined up an attorney for us from the firm she uses.

Roomies - Part 4

Tina's mom reheated some manicotti and fixed a fresh garden salad.

Tina's dad handled the grilling.

“So how long have you two known each other?” He stared at me.

“It feels like a lot longer that it's actually been” Tina laughed. “It's really just been over a month, but it's like we've known each other forever. Sometimes someone comes along and you really click.... you know?”

Tina's mom nodded smiling. Her father almost hid his grimace.

“You met at work.” He said dryly.

Secondhand Life - Part 49

All I wanted to do on the plane back was sleep. But Dennis was well rested and over-curious, so my exhaustion would have to wait.

'Well? How was it?'

I shot him a weary stare. “Can I tell you tomorrow?”

“No. You most certainly cannot! Dish girl. Was it really the steaming mess we thought? How was Will Forte? Did you meet Brian Doyle Murray? Was there anyone else famous there? How was the director? ...Who did they get to replace Adam McKay?”

Unlikely Quarterback – 20 Elaine to Get on with Her Life

Unlikely Quarterback – 20
Elaine to Get on with Her Life

Bryce Royce learning he’s androgynous, says I’m Elaine…
Being Elaine not the boy Bryce, should be okay,
Except Bryce is Mr. Royce’s boy and a football player!
…Bryce/Elaine became an unlikely Quarterback;
…now insists she’s Elaine.

Roomies - Part 3

I always gave all the credit to Tina. It was her world, her story and her imagination. I just put a tiny little Prince-like glyph which was a convoluted graphic jumble of my last name. I remained blissfully anonymous, but eventually Tina mentioned to some fan that she didn't do the art.

The buzz over the 'mystery artist' snowballed the more I tried to protect my privacy. I enjoyed being an enigma. Who I was in people's imaginations seemed much more interesting than my rather mundane real life.

Secondhand Life - Part 48

Michael and I were just unpacking when my phone rang.

I was not surprised that it was Dennis. “Katherine needs a favor.”

“So what else is new?” I laughed. “Does it involve being auctioned off? Parading half naked in front of an auditorium full of people – and network TV cameras? Recording an album under her name?” I was joking, but Dennis' demeanor became even more shy and uncertain.

“Uh. This is kind of a lot more.”

The Black Ring II

Jack has dual multiple personality disorder where he hears and sees his feminine alter ego, Jill. The two generally work well together but soon have differing romantic priorities in college. Jack wants to date fellow classmate, Maria while Jill wants to cross dress as a woman in public. Their two interests collide resulting in a fight for mental dominance over their gender and romantic partner.

Secondhand Life - Part 47

I saw Matt again the next morning as he and Nancy saw us all off at the plane. We kept it light and civil. We had already had our private moment. This was just the public scene we both had to play, and we got through it.

Nancy however was a different story.

Keep the Dreams Alive

All that we see or seem/ is but a dream within a dream...

WINTER comes in upstate New York whether you like it or not. It does not discriminate. It buries the rich and poor and middle-class folks like us in snow like you would not believe. It drives many out of town quickly. Those who stay are True Believers in the power of the area.

My parents were True Believers, unfortunately. Good people, simple people. Their ancestors had settled upstate and never really left.

Roomies - Part 2

We quickly settled into our new routine. Tina had classes and study groups and hanging with her friends and working at the coffee shop. I had my two jobs and otherwise raced home to get back into Chloe mode. I had hoped to find the time to get back to my artistic ambitions, but household chores seemed to take more time than I expected. It's not as if my housemates didn't share the workload. Well, at least Tina did. And even Zoe was a substantial improvement over Colin and Dale.


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