A Model is Born 15 – Being a Whole Person

A Model is Born
15 – Being a Whole Person

By Jessica C

Teri is Hattie’s twin brother…
Jumped at an opportunity to model as a girl with sister…
Now Attie and Teri are caught up in being models…
The Slade Sisters caught in a mystique of their creation…

The beauty of Patti was often hard to see when I was at her home taking care of her after her accident. That was especially true on the afternoons when she was ungrateful I was there. I had been helping her at home for two weeks when I exploded, “You’re ungrateful for everything people do for you gets kind of old! I’m tired of it, even if you can’t be cheerful just be nice!” Those kinds of words usually knocked Patti back into reality but not today.

She fired back, “You’d be upset too if you were in this bed. I didn’t ask for your help. Take a break if you can’t handle it.”

We threw remarks back and forth, then her younger sister came in and yell at me. “Stop being mean to my sister!” Under her breath I could hear her mutter, “It’s partly your fault.”

“What does that remark mean? I wasn’t even here.”

Madison knows she’s said too much, recovers saying, “She never stopped loving you.”

I look to Patti, mouthing, ‘What?’

Patti says, “Nothing to say now. Some time but not now.”

“I’m sorry if I hurt you, Patti.” I’m not sure why, but my not understanding seems to hurt her as well. But I am also upset and angry. The understanding should be two ways. I walk out of the room saying I’m going to the bathroom. I sit and do what is needed and take time. Once back together I quietly sit with her, few words are spoken. Once her parents are home, I leave without talking to them.


I visit with my sister and then with my mother after dinner. Mom asks, “What does your intuition say it might be?”

“Just that something happened, but I can’t see how I could be responsible.”

Saturday, Hattie and I went shopping for clothes. With all the clothes and jewelry we primp ourselves with; getting clothes for school has its own special place. I constantly look around and have the reminder Patti’s not there. We’ve kind of made up or moved on. I’m going to be with the Drapers part of tomorrow and Monday. School starts on Wednesday. I bought some nice tops for Patti that she likes. She can wear them after I return from school to study with her.

Four weeks pass and I go with Patti to her appointment with her surgeon. Special transportation is needed to unhook her from the bed and all the contraptions. It is very uncomfortable for Patti, but not as bad as when she came home. I am uncomfortable waiting out in the waiting area. I’m worried when a nurse comes out to get me, but doesn’t say anything, but “The Doctor wants to visit with you.”


I meet Dr. Langley in her office not the exam room with Patti and her mother. Dr. Langley smiles at me. She gently tells me, “Patti is improving, but not as fast as we expected. Do you know anything that is upsetting her?”

“Yes and no. The second week or whenever I was with her, we were kind of arguing.” I said, “I kind of lost my cool with her because she was being hard to help and moody. I know some of that was to be expected. But that day was too much and I finally told her I was fed up with how she was acting. She said, "I didn’t understand which I admit. But she was being a royal pain in the butt no matter what I did. I thought she needed me to throw it back at her. And the argument happened. Her sister had to tell us to calm down. I left the room and things became cool.”

I put it behind me, and I kind of thought she did also. There have been some good days, but it’s still cool between us. Did I do something that I don’t know about?”

She asks me, “What bad happened to her in her accident?” The answers are obvious, but since she’s asking it means I don’t fully get it.

“Her injuries, including the loss of her baby,” I said.

Dr. Langley asks, “How old was the baby?”

“She said she had sex with her boyfriend around graduation. That made it two months old.”

Dr. Langley takes a hold of my hand. She’s seeking to be supportive and let me know she cares. I’m afraid of what she’s going to say, I’m worried about Patti. It also awakens other feelings in me. Finally, she says, “What if I told you that the fetus; she was just over three months old.”

“That would have made it May not June when she had sex. But why didn’t she tell me?” The office is filled with silence. I’m thinking and then it hits me. “No,” I cry out and begin to sob. “No, no…” I can’t quite remember things except Dr. Langley being there for me. She called for my Mom to come in. Seemingly my mother had come to be with me.

I’m calming down and Dr. Langley asks, “Do you know who she was with at that time?”

“But it couldn’t have been me. My testosterone level was down low. We made love but I bailed out when I started to burst. I even wiped it off of her.” I was now ashamed, doubly so as I was saying this with my mother there.

Dr. Langley asks, “Patti started to take the pill again around the end of school. Do you know when she had stopped taking her pills?”

I knew because we had talked. After all, I was still her best friend at least one of them. “She only stopped a few days before. But that wouldn’t matter because I bailed out. It couldn’t have been me.”

Dr. Langley asks, “How low was your testosterone level? Had they stopped taking sperm from you?” Now I’m terribly embarrassed.

I didn’t know how low the level was. I was excited that my estrogen shot was increased. I was committing to being Teri. I could barely get hard enough to be with her. I wasn’t to be able to get her pregnant. I knew my doctor said I should still practice safe sex. That’s why I pulled myself out. It wasn’t romantic but I even threw my undershirt between us.

I finally looked up to my mother as well as the doctor. “Does Patti think, I’m responsible? Does she hate me?”

Dr. Langley has a warm but faint smile, “No, she still loves you. She’s sad she didn’t tell you. Because she didn’t know. But she said there was no boy other than you before later in June.”

“She knows, you want to be Teri as she does. She also knows you want to be a model and that you can be a big one. Better than you already are.”

I’m fighting tears, sure I can get them stopped. “Can… can …is she willing to see me?” I know I can, I ask as I’m up and leaving. “Which exam room is she in?”

“The family conference room.”

Patti was awaiting me and with open arms and tears in her eyes. I’m hugging her, saying I’m sorry. When she whispers, “She was our girl. I hope you can…” Right then I burst into new tears as I’m feeling much more than I’ve ever embraced before. This is one of those times I can look deep into her eyes, we’re looking at each other. We both want to talk but no words are adequate. Holding each other and sometimes our mothers are embracing us.

I didn’t know who said it, “You again have each other.” It didn’t diminish our pain nor make things alright.

Patti says, “Thanks to whoever said that.” I agreed with Patti. No one acknowledges saying it, though we both heard it.


It was another two weeks that Dr. Langley had taken another scan that showed good healing. Pattie was off traction and getting therapy first to her leg in bed and then standing with support for the leg not bearing much weight.

Patti was anxious while Attie and Teri Slade were at the fashion fundraiser we were invited to in Boston. We were visiting at one gathering when an aesthetician named Allie says, “Someone very good has worked with you to get your skin looking so close to your sister’s.”

We found a seat and we sat down to visit. Allie was probably in her thirties. She said she had children. But I’m thinking she can’t be. I love her complexion.

Attie and I had each received a women's cloth satchel as attendees. Allie asks if she can show me something in mine. Then asks permission for her to try it on me. “Here I’ll use my own but you see and have what I’m using. When you’re under lights for the day this is especially helpful.”

She uses a drop on my two fingers anointing my face with it. I am not knowledgeable to know what I’m feeling but I love her touch, the faint fragrance, and how it disappears on my skin. She tells me there is a nutrient that the skin of models generally loses and doesn’t replace. Ready to go our separate ways, she asks, “How does it feel to be arriving at this level?”

Lisa from Belk checks with me. “You are getting noticed and tomorrow they will be enjoying you as a model on a big stage. Gi is doing you a great honor in being the first to greet your sister and you.”

The time is 75% social and all the guests feel pampered. If not it is their fault. Gi our host makes the rounds but has others handling announcements or sharing information about tomorrow. There is also a brunch is scheduled for Sunday before finishing the fundraiser.

Once I step out to check on Patti and a woman notices me. She refers to my checking with Patti as quaint. It only serves to remind me what’s really important. I find Attie and share what happened. Attie hugs me, “What’s important for us is what matters.” She hooks my hand on her arm and guides me back into the room and crowd.

Several pictures are taken of us some with flashes, many without. We meet Anita and Liya again and are invited to breakfast with them. We’re told it’s a special gathering not to be missed. Anita asks, “Is it alright if we receive some credit for you being here? It helps with some if others know who invited you into the club.”

Attie and I neither presume, Attie asking, “Does our modeling tomorrow help us to get closer to arriving.”

Liya and Anita both smile, “Wow, you aren’t sure of yourselves, are you? Your friend Lisa said, she hasn’t heard back from you on your last offer. You ladies, you’re not close, you’re in. This for you is a coming-out party.”

I’m anxious to hear about what Lisa said about an offer. Anita says, “I heard you’re giving your own show in Washington DC with both of you being paid in five figures. That has to be really exciting. How do you feel about them extending your contract to indicate your upward movement? …I told Lisa I’d suggest that you show your appreciation for those who gave you this opportunity and be with them at least the next year or two. …She does have some choices of other products you can do commercials and promotions for.”

Champaign is offered to us and Liya points to Lisa holding a glass up, as to toast us some fifteen feet away. We lift our glasses and acknowledge her and see others acknowledging us.

It is not long and I need to scoot to the women’s room because I’ve become too excited. Hattie soon joins me and before I fix my makeup, we hug one another. Attie says, she didn’t know either but Leah and Mom had congratulated her in the morning for what was coming. She was told to be surprised and to let me be totally astonished.


We were at breakfast with Liya and Anita in the morning at one of three tables of notable models and designers. Everyone was in sweats and casual wear. Attie and I were taken to the gowns we would be modeling. Neither of us had worn anything quite this exquisite. The price of the gowns and jewelry to be worn was beyond my ability to conceive for me to be in. Though the gowns are very mature, they’re being promoted for rich and famous young women being introduced to society. The bidding for our gowns will begin modestly at $10,000. None would sell for less than two and a half times that.

Three of the young women whom they were purchased for were there. One asked me while I was modeling and walking around the room if I thought it would look good on her. “Even before makeup and hair, you will look prettier than I, afterward you’ll be remembered by everyone.”

We were surprised that someone kept bidding against her. It was when her dad said, “$37,500.” Then the bidding was over. I do not know if the person bidding against her was the same person who had bid high on the other of my gowns. But I did meet her. This young woman was graduating from an Ivy League college in December as a Finance and Securities Major. She was already accepted into a lucrative practice. Seemingly she’s a woman with brains, looks, and personality.

I overheard Gi say her biggest challenge would be adjusting to the society and her own money that she would be stepping into.

Hattie heard the same statement and turned to me, “That could be true for us as well. If that needed to be punctuated, Lisa Harper from Belk came to us during the evening dinner, saying, “Your Mother and sister said they’d be here in the morning. We’ll be announcing that you will be receiving a half-million-dollar bonus from us and that will be matched by Goldfarb announcement for their corporation.”

Hattie asks the obvious thought to me, “How does Belk and Maurice’s come up with such funds to do that?”

Lisa smiles, “You’re not the only ones to be in the right place at the right time. Each of our companies backed the right models at a great time. …We’ll have the time and opportunity to encourage you to become our spokesperson and remain with us in the future.”

I look to Hattie acknowledging Lisa, “Our two friends Anita and Liya have already encouraged us to remain with you for the foreseeable future. Neither of us has anything but great experiences with you. If our fame helps you, I think we’d be tickled if we can grow together.”


Sitting around with the other models is great, but we’re doing a lot of listening. They’re generally talking about shared experiences over the past five years or so. Some reflect for us stories of their own rising in the business. Pitfalls along the way and many surprises once having arrived.

There are a few critics and people whose egos or feelings are hurt, but by and large, the reactions of others to us continue to be surprisingly warm. Mom and Leah arrive at the beginning of the morning brunch.

There is a media spot with a red carpet in front of a wall with the logo of Gi’s Fashion Bonanza plus sponsor logos and this year’s event theme One by Land, Two by Sea. The theme reflects the vast width of Gi’s benevolence and how wide it reaches.

Hattie and I had heard of a medical and children’s ministry only weeks before. Actually, we’ve heard of it before, but again weeks ago at our church. If and once our bonus is announced, we announce, “We’d each be giving $25,000 to it for international giving and another $25,000 to hospital programs serving young people in northeast Indiana.”

No sooner do we know what we’ve decided to do and Belk and Maurice’s are inviting us for a Red Carpet announcement. I wasn’t going to be there, but when we’re before the lights we’re happy to see Gi in the audience. George and Lisa announce our bonus for becoming famous representatives of their brands. There are two big surprises. We thought the $500,000 bonus was for the two of us but is announced to be for each of us, Attie and Teri Slade.

The second surprise is a new Dodge Barracuda for Attie and a Ford F-250 for me. I am amused they thought of the pickup truck for me. But I had once named it as a sports vehicle I like. With all the Chrome, gadgets, and extras it’s by far worth more than the Barracuda.

There is a pause after the presentation of the vehicles. We’re not sure if we should quietly walk off or respond to the news and announce our gifts for Gi’s fundraiser.

I’m being called over to the podium, and not Attie. I’m about there but there’s a commotion with those who have gathered as they see something I cannot. Gi comes forward, “I know you wished this was a month from now so someone important to you could be here. Sadly that could not be arranged. But we do have a visual hook-up so you can see Patti.”

I’m staring at a large monitor. I can see Patti being wheeled into a red carpet area much like our own. It takes me a while to understand that Patti is in a wheelchair some twenty feet away from me. I am tearful as her chair is stopped and I see her trying to stand.

I had been frustrated the three days before I left that Patti was scared and refused to take any steps… Now, slowly but with no hesitation, Patti begins to walk to me and she has a great big smile. When we meet and hug. I hesitate. ‘Do I dare do what I want? That would be to give her a big hug and kiss in front of everyone.’

Anita approaches me, “What’s causing you to be shy, this is a women’s event in the 21st Century.” Without any more hesitation, I give Patti a big kiss and hug, befitting two teenage girls.”

Attie takes a microphone and says. “I’m sure some may wish our time stopped here, but that is not why Gi has this weekend. I will speak for my sister as well as myself. We expected the bonus to be for the two of us and not all that it is… We’d like to invite Gi or her representative to come so we can announce our gift for which we’re all gathered.”

It was nice that Gi herself came to be with us. Attie asked me and I approved the new gift in light of the bonuses. “We have a gift of $50,000 for our Land gift to go to Fort Wayne area hospitals for medical needs of teenagers and our by Air gift $50,000 to a medical and children’s ministry in Zambia and Malawi. This is along with whatever we were to receive for coming here.”

We were surprised that Lisa and George and their backers announced the matching of our giving. Gi announced our combined gifts would put her gathering at her goal as we neared the final part of the weekend.

I nudged Gi to ask if I could speak once. She smiled and handed me a mic, “I am the luckiest gu…” I started over, “I am the luckiest woman here. I could have lost Patti in many ways. I want to give another $50,000 in celebrating her


There’re so many nice things said; I myself was amazed to see how well Patti walked. Why did I hear so clearly that voice say, “She’s nothing but a naïve country girl? There’s no way they’ll stay together.”

Feelings well up inside and I find myself saying. “Patti, I love you and I always will.”

A woman with a microphone sticking in my face asks, “Is that a proposal?”

Patti looks to me and while I love Patti; I know I recently failed her. I say, “We’re in high school and I for one need to grow up more before I propose to her.” I turn to Patti, “I truly love you. But I can’t ask you to marry me yet.”

Patti begins to speak, “Will you…” and she stops as she looks around us and to our moms. I quickly wondered, ‘what she might have said and my answer. Was she going to propose to me, will you marry me; was she asking will I propose sometime; or was she wondering will you stand by me the next time?’ I knew enough not to question her love of that I was certain.

There were two more presentations to others yet, so we moved to a side room. Paula Draper helped Patti move with the least amount of pain possible. Once in the room with the doors closed, Paula said, “I for one am happy there were no wedding proposals today!”

Patti and I look around, to my sisters and then to my mother. My mom says, “Yes, I think it would be too early.” Instead of me, it is Patti that my mom seeks to comfort. She whispers, “You know if you two so decide, I’d love you as another daughter.”

Our room at the hotel has been changed to a larger suite. It was to be a great night until I learn about Patti’s medical flight here. Even with specialists helping it was a difficult flight for Patti and fatigued her greatly.

Dr. Langley had made arrangements for Patti to be seen there in eighteen days if she waited to return when she’d be given the green light to travel. Attie and I agreed to cover the cost. Mr. Draper and their other daughters would join them and enjoy some days of vacation in Boston.

The event formally ended with over two million and four hundred thousand being raised. Gi had assured us that our benevolence requests were being accepted and some twenty thousand additional funds would be going to each.

It was comical to me that my participant’s purse/satchel had one unique item from all the rest. No one would take credit for its addition, but there was a cream for growing breasts budding. Patti had fun applying it. Liya and Anita enjoyed inquiring whether it was appropriate. But they all swore not to have been part of my receiving it.

The facial skin treatment of Aesthetician Allie Roberts was already proving itself as Hattie and I was both using it. We’re already ordering more from her for when we’re back in Indiana. We had a gift of it and several other items are sent to Jan Coffman our mentor.


Hattie and I are astounded by the number of people communicating with us. That evening Lisa and George and a few others bring us together to plan a special event. “We’d like to schedule an event to celebrate your achievement and give you recognition for continuing to be celebrities sponsoring our merchandise… We’re thinking of the third weekend of March. We would also be advertising our first world-class show and Maurice’s is open to being in North Carolina and we’re open to the possibility of it being in Indianapolis a year from then.”

Hattie says, “A year from then; why a year?”

Lisa’s reply, “It would be better in planning if we took two years. You seemingly do not understand the complexity of such events, if we’re wanting to succeed. It would be difficult for one of your super-model friends and difficult for the other. They are both willing to work hard to make it possible.”

“The Washington DC event is someone else’s doing, utilizing you two to give it more pizazz to increase their audience. Your hosting an event comes at a cost to all of us. It will take enough that we’ll want some assurance we can gain back at least two-thirds of our investment. Hopefully, you will want to do that as well.”

George is up-front, “Teri I want to consider what the likelihood of you proposing to your childhood sweetheart? More importantly, and I do not seek to be mean. But we don’t want the likelihood of any divorce, separation, or ugly incidents during the first year of marriage?”

It surprises me that someone with us would make such a question. Our modeling and personal lives have become a serious part of our conversations. This hits me harder and more personally than anything up to this point.

It is such things that robs from what mom has ironically called our ‘honeymoon’ experience. It was true the past half-year, modeling has become more work. The more we learn what works for us, photographers, design people, and others; it all seems to become demanding. Somedays we were more exhausted by the frustration and demands than the pictures or show.

The following evening or the morning after that, Hattie and I need to fly home for school. Tomorrow even our sightseeing was planned around two casual photoshoots to make use of various locations as backdrops. The increased compensation was coming with more demands and events on us and our schedules. Most of which would thankfully in start new year.


Tonight started with a relaxing time with Patti, but I, had a request from my mother for me to meet with her come 9:30?
“Okay, Mom, what do you want to talk about and why doesn’t Hattie have to be here,” I query?

Mom has me sit across from her and we’re holding hands as she asks. “Teri, do you think you might be proposing to Patti or her shortly?”

I try to deflect her question, “Are you asking that because of the question of the reporter?”

Mom says, “More than that was the look in both of your eyes. Then your roving eyes when we went into different jewelry stores. None of the rest of us were looking at engagement rings?”

“I just wanted to do it while Patti wasn’t with us. Who knows, maybe tomorrow she’ll feel like doing something.”

“Teri, you’re both young and you heard what George said about sponsoring a fashion show. That’s a big thing and it will tie up a lot of what you and Hattie have saved.”

“I’d like to share an idea with you. It’s an old idea and I don’t know if anyone practices it anymore. It used to be during the engagement that the woman would go live with the man’s family for a time until they married.”

“That’s funny Mom; would I be living with the Drapers?” I asked, “Say if I proposed to Patti. What do you think Mrs. Draper would think about Patti living with us?”

Mom has a serious look in her eyes and she quietly looks at me. “Her mother and I have actually talked. It would give you two, time to think. Each of you would get to see how the others live day to day. It’s often the simple things that we assume that gnaw at a relationship.”

With a little attitude, I say, “You better talk to her father because I’m not on his best list.”

Mom says, “That’s one of the things both of you would need to live with. What’s she going to do if she loses her father’s love or if gaining you she loses them? You’ve lost close friends, but she hasn’t and family would be harder.”

I ask, “How long were you and Mrs. Draper thinking about, a month?”

“We thought about six months with each family?”

I’m alarmed, “That would be a year, no way! …How about three months?”

Mom says, “A minimum of four months, to give it a good chance that you know enough to stay married. Planning a wedding after that. What’s a year when you’re so young?”

“Mom, but I was thinking about after I graduate in December. Maybe for Christmas. It’s the 21st Century not back when.”

Mom hugs me, “But what if it doesn’t work and your divorce. I doubt you’d remain best friends. I’m sure you’d both want children, but is she going to college before you have children?”

“Mom, I’m going to be making enough money that she wouldn’t need to go to college.”

“Sweetie, you need college both for modeling and after modeling. What if in three years Hattie and you quit modeling or are no longer top models. It is the exception for top models to stay up there more than 3-5 years. If your sister has children she risks her career in doing so. When you transition, your appearance hopefully won’t change too much but it could in the next year.”

“I thought we were going to talk a half hour. I’d like to get back to Patti before she falls asleep.”

Mom knows I heard her and have had enough for tonight. “Go ahead, you should be enjoying now and especially Patti being here. Congratulations Sweetie.”


‘Sweetie’ when did Mom start calling me Sweetie. It was nice coming out of our talk, Hattie and Leah found me, asking, “You okay?” Hattie hugs me and walks me to see Patti.

Mrs. Draper says, “She anxious to see you, but she’s also terribly tired. Please don’t keep her awake too long.” Mrs. Draper stayed there only two minutes and then left us alone. Hattie and I were telling Patti about the event.

Patti asked me to get close and we hug. “You’re as much a girl and model as your sister.” It took me a moment to realize the significance of what Patti’s saying.

I pause, then ask Patti holding her hand, “Is it okay that I’m this much of a girl? I guess there’s not much of Terrance left.”

Patti hugs and gives me a passionate kiss. “Wasn’t much of Terrance after Colorado? I worried if there would ever be room for me or I’d want it.”

There was a moment and then, “Then there was my accident and you came home from Europe. You’ve been so warm and loving. I’m just afraid it’s just for my recovery.”

I tear up, emotions are like waves crashing over me. “You’re my best friend and my love. I am not letting go of you. I think we’re soulmates, you?” I’m hugging and kissing her passionately until I hear a groan from her being hurt. I let go and take her hand.

Her mother knocks and interrupts us, “It’s time for Patti to rest.” I try to ask for a few minutes. Patti says, “I’m tired. We have tomorrow.”

The next day is fun and we do enjoy each other and go window shopping. Hattie, Patti, and I found some beautiful English tweeds in a quaint woman’s clothing shoppe. We’re taken with the fact that the customers are young professional women. Torrie and Jessa introduce themselves, having recognized us as Attie and Teri from Saturday. We enjoy talking with them.

Torrie says, “We’ve developed a following for our tweeds and other Brit and Scottish fashions. There’s the Brit tradition with just enough new threads to allow them to make the clothes more comfortable and attractive.”

Attie says, “This is your shop, but I thought you were shoppers.”

Jessa says, “I spent yesterday putting out new stock and rearranging some things. Today it was Torrie’s turn to come in and be the shopper. We think it helps the shop to remain fresh and welcoming to our guests.”

I speak up. “‘Guests’, you mean shoppers.”

Jessa says, “You’re the one becoming one of us. Women relax when they come into a good shop, sometimes they’re just amusing themselves. They’re guests and might not be customers today, if ever. Those looking today are likely to be getting ready for a New England winter. Instead of just remaining warm they also want to look fashionable.”

I had already bought the outfit I wanted. Now Torrie invites me to be a guest with her as we look some more. I didn’t see it but she has pulled out one I said was beautiful. “Teri please go and enjoy trying this one on as well as another of your choosing.” Patti speaks up, “I’d like to see her in this one.”

Patti gets her way first, but Torrie also had an outfit for Patti and another for Attie. Our time extends into early afternoon and then with our clothes purchased and much more enjoyed. We invite Torrie and Jessa to share a late lunch with us.

Torrie comes while Jessa stays there, more guests coming this afternoon. After lunch we head back to the hotel we’re all tired.

Hattie and I pack for returning home. We’re due to fly into Indianapolis and to go home from there. But this trip home has something new: a media event. Leah had actually flown home today to finish the arrangements on our side of things.

Press meeting aside, we get home and back into our routines. There is pressure to focus on wrapping up our studies. Both a packed high school schedule and each having a college class with papers and exams.

With some advertisements and retake photos, it was hard to concentrate on getting our schooling done so we could graduate. Hattie and I are both sensitive about dispersions on the intelligence of models. Out grades are important in getting the school work done.

Most of our teachers were proud of us, as were the school and the surrounding community. Our grades did suffer some as Hattie didn’t get all A’s. I had two A’s, 5 B’s, and a C in chorus because I missed one of our holiday concerts because of work. I did earn a B+ in my Business Accounting class at the college.


Patti was finally recovered from her accident and able to walk and move around fine. She needs time to regain her strength and stamina. She had already been planning on graduating in the spring, but because of missed school time, she would now have a full class load. She also had the problem of no earned money for her holiday shopping.

She and I knew her folks would give her some money, but she wanted to treat her folks extra nice for all they had done. She wasn’t going to take the money I offer her. Instead, I had to put it in her top drawer and message her where it is. I threatened I was not coming until I received a copy of a receipt that some of it was used.

Neither Hattie nor I knew what to do with our bonus money nor the holiday. Our parents and Leah insisted we invest the lion’s share. My parents agreed with Hattie and me that Leah deserved much more than she was expecting. Leah accepted a gift of $5,000 that we openly gave her. She agreed to a ten thousand vacation trip we were giving our parents. Halley Roberts had used her office to make sure everything we were doing was properly accounted for.


Christmas for me was to hold a big surprise but it ended up being on me. It was supposed to be at our Christmas on Christmas Day. Christmas Eve was with the Drapers and for once Mr. Draper was totally on good behavior. I guess that should have given something away.

They exchanged some gifts before going to their church for the Christmas Eve Service. It was different for me as I always went with my own family. I hoped to be home in time to greet my folks coming back from our church. Patti protested until I gave in to stay awhile after church.

She had one more gift to give me. She had gone into her bedroom to get it but came out with nothing. Nothing that is until she bent down and then surprised me with a little box as she asked, “Teri Carsten, will you make me the happiest woman and marry me?”

She knew she surprised me and that there was no way I too could propose and give her a ring at that time. How could I delay it so I could do it, at least in kind? Patti said, “I even asked your parents and have their blessing. You can call them after you give me your answer young lady…”

Only the Epilogue remains…

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